In recent years, the construction of high-rise buildings are promoted. According to these, there are many needs about new technologies to strengthen the building performance and high-strength steel is regarded as one of these for promoting building performance. In Korea, high-strength steels which stress are over 600MPa are on market and in aborad, super high-strength steels over 1000MPa are developing and they expected to promote the building performance. But there are still doubts about applying high-strength steel members because of size effect and worry of brittle fracture. In this reports, we propose results of performance and analysis tests for use with general steel. We propose the characteristic of high-strength steels first and next the results of performance test to show they satisfy the performance that designers expect. And last, we compare the results of test and analysis for acquire the alanysis reliability in non-linear analysis with high-strength steels.
The purpose of the study was to improve of performance for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examination in the department of radiology. It was performed DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control). In the stage of definition, The fifth kinds of CTQ (critical to quality) by the kindness, the waiting time, the examination explanation, the waiting time and the waiting environment were selected by voice of customer. In the stage of measurement, the performed examinations and the reservation waiting time were measured each 1.77 and 1.69 sigma. In the stage of analysis, the potential key causes were determined the limited working hours and the difference of examination time of various entries. In the stage of improvement, MRI were performed with the operating system of 24 hours examination and the optimization of the difference of examination time by among of 30 minutes, 40 minutes, 50 minutes. Finally, the number of examinations and reserved waiting days were measured by each 3.17 and 1.71 sigma in the control stage.
한국산 자기컴퍼스 카아드의 안정성을 조사하기 위하여 인공자장발생장치에 의한 수평자장의 세기와 카아드의 크기 및 컴퍼스액의 점성계수별 제진특성을 측정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 실험에 사용한 컴퍼스 종류별 수평자장의 세기에 따른 제진특성은 A, B, C, D컴퍼스 모두 수평자장의 세기가 강할수록 주기와 감도는 짧고, 과행각은 크게 나타났으며, 극지와 같이 수평자장이 약한 0.03gauss에서는 진요회수와 마찰각등이 ISO의 허용범위 보다 미달되거나 크게 나타나, 컴퍼스 카아드의 지북단이 자북으로 복귀하지 않았다. 2. 한국근해의 표준자장인 0.30gauss에서 측정한 컴퍼스 종류별 성능제요소를 IMO NAV/ANNEX II 의 성능표준과 비교해 본 결과, 주기를 제외한 전 요소가 IMO NAV/ANNEX II의 성능표준의 허용범위 이내로 한국근해의 사용이 적합하나 지자기의 수평자장이 0.18gauss보다 약한 위도 60˚이상의 고위도 해역에서의 사용은 부적합하다고 생각된다. 3. 한국산 자기컴퍼스 카아드의 크기별 clearance에 대한 제진특성은 clearance가 클수록 감도는 예민하고 주기는 짧아져 방위지시부의 지북단이 자북으로 복귀하는 시간이 짧아진 반면 마찰각은 각각 1.5˚, 0˚, 0.5˚, 2.0˚가 되어 카아드의 크기가 170mm와 175mm로써 clearance가 10.0mm와 12.5mm일때가 마찰오차는 IMO NAV/ANNEX II의 성능표준의 허용범위 이내로 가장 적게 나타났다. 4. 카아드의 크기가 175mm, 자침의 자기능률이 1,925 C. G. S. E. M. U인 자침을 사용할 경우 한국근해의 수평자장 0.30gauss에서는 컴퍼스 액의 점성계수가 0.021poise로서 에칠알콜과 증류수의 혼합비율이 4 : 6일 때가 가장 적합하다고 생각된다.
한국산 자기컴퍼스의 성능을 조사하기 위하여 인공자장발생장치와 컴퍼스 회전태를 이용하여, 수평자장의 세기와 컴퍼스 보울의 선회각속도 및 컴퍼스액의 점성계수에 따른 수반각을 측정한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 수평자장의 세기를 한국근해의 표준자장인 0.30 gauss로 하고, 보울의 선회각속도를 (π/2×rda.)/min. 으로 하여 2회전(0~720˚ 시켰을 때의 컴퍼스 종류별 수반각의 과도특성은, 회전각도가 증가함에 따라 A, B 컴퍼스의 180˚를 주기로 편각의 최대, 최소치가 크게 나타났으며, C, D 컴퍼스는 90˚를 주기로 편각이 1~2˚ 범위내에서 일정하게 유지되었다. 2. 컴퍼스 종류별 수반각의 크기는 A, C, D 컴퍼스는 각각 0.7˚, 0.7˚, 0.5˚로써 IMO/ANEX-II의 성능표준이나 ISO의 허용범위 1.0˚보다 적어 한국근해에서의 사용이 적합하나, B 컴퍼스는 1.5˚로써 다소 크게 나타났다. 3. 수평자장의 세기에 따른 수반각은, 전자장내에서 C컴퍼스가 가장 적게 나타났으며, 다음 D, A, B컴퍼스 순으로, 수평자장이 약해짐에 따라 크게 증가하였으며, 지자기의 수평자장이 0.18 gauss 보다 약한 위도 50˚ 이상의 고위도해역에서의 사용은 부적합
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how much continuous investment in human capital contributes to increasing labor productivity at not only individual companies but also at the national level, and causes fundamental as well as increases for labormanagement conflicts. The current research aimed to empirically demonstrate the importance of human capital investment and furthermore, based on the effect of human resource investment on labor productivity, also re-examine the role of the Labor Commission as well. Research design, data, and methodology: This study was conducted by the Korea Information Service-Financial Accounting System (KIS-FAS) using representative panel data operated by countries to measure whether long-term investment in corporate human resources affects labor productivity. Results: Two distinctive summarized results of the analysis in the Korea Credit Ratings data showed that there was a high positive correlation between corporate human resource investment and economic performance for a tenyear period from 2009 to 2018. Conclusions: The present study concluded that the role of the labor committee should be effectively formed by the labor as a mediation agency and that the role of the mediation committee members should focus more on how to strengthen the human resources management of the union.
Pay-for-performance plans are some of widely used human resource practices in many firms, including shipbuilding, for productivity and motivational improvement purposes. Such plans play an important role in industries that are highly labor-intensive, and where effective management of human resources is critical to business operations, such as the shipbuilding industry. Those practices can have large impact on employee performance and ultimately company competitiveness. Research studies that show how such incentive plans improve productivity and reported pattern of adoption by firms have spurred the use and adoption in many firms. However, there are also researchers who point out that there are negative consequences to using incentive plans. Therefore it is important for companies to carefully consider the practices they use. In this paper, I discuss research findings that support the practices and critical viewpoints related to pay-for-performance plans. Research findings from Korean literature are, then, discussed. The shipbuilding industry is chosen because proper human resource management is critical in reducing turnover and increasing employee satisfaction. Through a shipbuilding company case, problems related to using pay-for-performance incentive plans and how they affect work-related issues of employee morale, cooperation, and teamwork will be discussed. While positive aspects have been emphasized to drive greater adoption among firms, the resulting consequences of the pay plans need to be seriously considered and improvements upon the plans made by firms. Improvement suggestions are discussed in the conclusions and implications.