본 연구에서는 염제거 특성을 가지는 나노여과, 역삼투 및 정삼투 폴리아마이드 TFC 삼투막의 자유부피(공극) 특성을 양전자 소멸분광법을 이용해 측정하여, 이 결과를 바탕으로 용질제거 특성을 해석해봄으로써 활성층 내 존재하는 공극 특성과 물질이동 기작과의 상관관계를 밝혀냈다. 양전자 소멸분광법으로 측정한 폴리아마이드 삼투막의 공극 크기는 약 0.48 ~ 0.62 nm (지름) 내외로, 분리막 활성층 공극의 크기와 보론 제거율은 반비례함을 확인하였다. 압력기반 여과장치에서 수투과도를 증가시켜 보론 제거 실험을 반복한 결과, 0.6 nm 내외의 상대적으로 큰 공극을 가지는 폴리아마이드 분리막에서 확산이 아닌 대류를 통한 물질이동이 주도적으로 일어남을 확인하였고, 이를 무차원수인 Peclet 수의 변화로 증명했다.
Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy is applied to BaSrFBr:Eu film which is used for the phosphore layer,and afterwards the reliability and self-consistency of source corrections in the positron lifetime spectroscopy is investigated usinga 22Na positron emitter covered by thin foils. The positron lifetime showed no significant change through the various protonirradiation energies. It is unusual that the measurements of the defects indicate that most of the defects were likely to have beengenerated by X-ray radiation. This may have resulted from the Bragg peaks of the proton characteristics. The Bragg peak doesnot affect the defect signals enough to distinguish the lifetimes and intensities in a material that is includes multi-grains. Thelifetime (τ1) associated with positron annihilations in the Ba, Br, and Eu of the sample was about 250ps, and due to theannihilations at F-centers or defects from the irradiated protons in sample, the lifetime (τ2) was about 500ps.
Recent X-ray observations of the accretion disks in stellar black hole candidates have revealed rather complex behavior, which cannot be fully described by the simple picture of the standard disk model. In this paper, therefore, we discuss the effects of e+e- pair creation on the structure and the stability of hot accretion disks, aiming at the thorough understanding of emission properties of X-ray binaries containing black holes.
The universe is well known to be consists of dark energy, dark matter and the standard model (SM) particles. The dark matter dominates the density of matter in the universe. The dark matter is thought to be linked with dark photon which are hypothetical hidden sector particles similar to photons in electromagnetism but potentially proposed as force carriers. Due to the extremely small cross-section of dark matter, a large amount of data is needed to be processed. Therefore, we need to optimize the central processing unit (CPU) time. In this work, using MadGraph5 as a simulation tool kit, we examined the CPU time, and cross-section of dark matter at the electron-positron collider considering three parameters including the center of mass energy, dark photon mass, and coupling constant. The signal process pertained to a dark photon, which couples only to heavy leptons. We only dealt with the case of dark photon decaying into two muons. We used the simplified model which covers dark matter particles and dark photon particles as well as the SM particles. To compare the CPU time of simulation, one or more cores of the KISTI-5 supercomputer of Nurion Knights Landing and Skylake and a local Linux machine were used. Our results can help optimize high-energy physics software through high-performance computing and enable the users to incorporate parallel processing.
This paper is a part of the series on positron annihilation spectroscopy of two-phase diffuse gas-and-dust aggregates, such as interstellar medium and the young remnants of type II supernovae. The results obtained from prior studies were applied here to detect the relationship between the processes of the annihilation of the K-shell electrons and incident positrons, and the effects of these processes on the optical spectra of their respective atoms. Particular attention was paid to the Doppler broadening of their optical lines. The relationship between the atomic mass of the elements and the Doppler broadening, ΔλD (Å), of their emission lines as produced in these processes was established. This relationship is also illustrated for isotope sets of light elements, namely 3 6 7 7 9 10 11 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 He, Li, Li, Be, Be, B, and B. A direct correlation between the γ-line luminosity ( Eγ =1.022 MeV) and D Δλ (Å) was proved virtually. Qualitative estimates of the structure of such lines depending on the positron velocity distribution function, f(E), were made. The results are presented in tabular form and can be used to set up the objectives of further studies on active galactic nuclei and young remnants of type II supernovae.
This paper focuses on the interpretation of radiation fluxes from active galactic nuclei. The advantage of positron annihilation spectroscopy over other methods of spectral diagnostics of active galactic nuclei (therefore AGN) is demonstrated. A relationship between regular and random components in both bolometric and spectral composition of fluxes of quanta and particles generated in AGN is found. We consider their diffuse component separately and also detect radiative feedback after the passage of high-velocity cosmic rays and hard quanta through gas-and-dust aggregates surrounding massive black holes in AGN. The motion of relativistic positrons and electrons in such complex systems produces secondary radiation throughout the whole investigated region of active galactic nuclei in form of cylinder with radius R= 400-1000 pc and height H=200-400 pc, thus causing their visible luminescence across all spectral bands. We obtain radiation and electron energy distribution functions depending on the spatial distribution of the investigated bulk of matter in AGN. Radiation luminescence of the noncentral part of AGN is a response to the effects of particles and quanta falling from its center created by atoms, molecules and dust of its diffuse component. The cross-sections for the single-photon annihilation of positrons of different energies with atoms in these active galactic nuclei are determined. For the first time we use the data on the change in chemical composition due to spallation reactions induced by high-energy particles. We establish or define more accurately how the energies of the incident positron, emitted γ-quantum and recoiling nucleus correlate with the atomic number and weight of the target nucleus. For light elements, we provide detailed tables of all indicated parameters. A new criterion is proposed, based on the use of the ratio of the fluxes of γ-quanta formed in one- and two-photon annihilation of positrons in a diffuse medium. It is concluded that, as is the case in young supernova remnants, the two-photon annihilation tends to occur in solid-state grains as a result of active loss of kinetic energy of positrons due to ionisation down to thermal energy of free electrons. The singlephoton annihilation of positrons manifests itself in the gas component of active galactic nuclei. Such annihilation occurs as interaction between positrons and K-shell electrons; hence, it is suitable for identification of the chemical state of substances comprising the gas component of the investigated media. Specific physical media producing high fluxes of positrons are discussed; it allowed a significant reduction in the number of reaction channels generating positrons. We estimate the brightness distribution in the γ-ray spectra of the gas-and-dust media through which positron fluxes travel with the energy range similar to that recorded by the Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA) research module. Based on the results of our calculations, we analyse the reasons for such a high power of positrons to penetrate through gas-and-dust aggregates.
The energy loss of positrons by ionisation is compared to the production of secondary positrons by high-energy cosmic rays in order to determine the depth of their penetration into gas-and-dust aggregations clustered in active galactic nuclei. The relationship between the energy of γ-quanta emitted upon the single-photon annihilation and the energy of incident electrons is established. The obtained cross sections for positron interactions with bound electrons of the diffuse component of the non-central, peripheral AGN regions allowed us to obtain new spectroscopic characteristics of the atoms involved in singlephoton annihilation.
A case of three primary malignancies in one patient is rare. We report on a case of three primary malignancies including myxofibrosarcoma, renal cell cancer, and prostate cancer in one 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/ computed tomography (PET/CT) evaluation of a 75-year-old man. PET/CT showed different FDG meabolism in each tumor.
We compared the results of early follow-up of F-18 FDG PET/CT and MRI performed within one month after radiation therapy for cervix cancer patients. We conducted a retrospective review of the clinical data of cervix cancer patients whose PET/CT and pelvic MRI performed at staging and within one month from the end of RTx. SUVmax on PET/CT and size on MRI of the primary tumor were analyzed. We compared %change of SUVmax and size between staging and follow-up. A total of 27 patients were enrolled. At staging, larger tumor showed high SUVmax. At follow-up, no significant correlation was observed between size and SUVmax. In 77.8% of patients, changes in SUVmax were well correlated with changes in size. No correlation was observed between % change and value at staging in both SUVmax and size. Except for six patients who showed significant FDG uptake without evidence of a mass on MRI, % changes of size and SUVmax were well correlated. Metabolic change can be accessible on early follow-up PET/CT at±1 month from the end of the RTx of cervix cancer. However, careful interpretation of PET/CT is needed due to possible radiation-induced hypermetabolism even without a definite mass on MRI.
양전자소멸법은 양전자와 전자가 만나 소멸하면서 발생하는 광자로부터 물질의 상태를 간접적으로 파악하는 실험 방법이다. 본 연구에서는 다양한 분야에서 널리 사용되고 있는 폴리머인 CR, EPDM, NBR에 대하여 양전자소멸법을 통해 양전자 소멸시간을 측정하였다. 한국원자력연구원의 Na-22 선원을 이용한 양전자소멸시간측정장치를 통해 양전자소멸시간의 세가지 수명과 세기를 측정하였다. 이중 세 번째 수명성분은 폴리머의 자유부피와 직접적으로관계된다. Tao-Eldrup 모델을 이용하여 3가지 폴리머에 대한 자유부피를 측정하였다. 그 결과 CR, EPDM, NBR의자유부피와 상대비율은 각각 0.1217 nm3 (1.910%), 0.1478 nm3(5.315%), 0.1216 nm3(2.638%)로 나타났다. 이를 통해 양전자소멸법의 폴리머에 대한 적용성을 확인할 수 있었으며 향후 비파괴적으로 폴리머의 특성변화를 분석하는 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
PET/CT는 생체내에 양전자를 방출하는 방사성동위원소로 표지된 방사성의약품을 투여한 후 체내의 기능이나 대사능 을 영상화하는 장비이다. 국내의료기관에 설치된 PET/CT가 최근에 급격하게 증가하고 있다. 이에 따른 종양진단과 치료 에 활용하기 위한 PET/CT 검사건수도 매년 증가함으로써 PET/CT 성능평가와 정도관리 방법의 개발의 필요성이 증대되 고 있다. 본 연구에서는 NU 2-2007에서 제시하는 PET/CT의 성능평가와 정도관리 검사항목인 공간분해능, 민감도, 산란분획, 계수손실, 우연계수측정, 계수손실과 우연동시계수 보정의 정확성, 감쇠 및 산란보정의 정확성 측정에 대하여 살펴보았다.