혈관내큰B세포림프종은 악성 림프구의 혈관 내 성장을 보이는 드문 질환으로, 말초혈액 또는 혈관 외 종괴를 보이지 않는다. 이 림프종은 빠른 파종 및 공격적 성향 때문에 나쁜 예후를 가진다. 그러나 질병특유소견이 없어 진단이 어려운 실정이다. 저자들은 십이지장 위장관기질종양의 수술 검체 내에서 혈관내큰B세포림프종이 진단된 증례를 발견하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.
Matrix metalloproLeases(MMPs) a re a family of zinc dependent enzymes with the capacity to degrade extracellular matrix prote ins. MMPs express ion correlates with cancer cell invasiveness and metas taslS The purpose of our sωdy was t。 determine the role 0 1' stroma l fïbrob lasts in ca ncer cell invasi on by examining the expression and activity of MMP-2 and -9 We used a YD- lOB squalllous ca rcinoma cell line that was est a blished in Yonsei Univer s ity ‘ College 0 1' Dentistry. We then appli ed two types of s lrolllal fibroblastsdel‘ ived from normal gingival tissue and cancer supporting ti ss ue Morphologic examination of fïbroblas ls was carried out by rnicroscopy and doubling time was measured by MTI assay . YD-lOB cells were cultured by lh ree-d imensional culture using collagen gel with two types of flbroblasts To examine the stromal - mesenchyma l inleraclion. we used a direct co-cul tu re system between YD-IOB cells and fibroblasts. Gelatin zymography was performed to exa llline MMP-2 a ncl 9 activit ies. We found that cancer-derived fibroblasts di splay stel late-shaped cells wi th many cyLopl asmic processes. whereas normal gingi val fibroblasts were spindle shaped. The c1oubling time of bOLh lïbroblasLs was not statistically different. Three-dimensional co-culture 0 1' ca ncer cells with ca n cer- c1erived fïbroblasts induced the formation 0 1' multi - Iayered atypical cells, as compared to culturing with normal gin gival f lbrobl asts Both three-c1 imens ional culture ti ss ues inclucecl the invasive gro₩th of cancer cells into the dermal eq uival enLs . Gelatin zymography s howecl that gelatinolytic activity of MMP-2 was activaterl in both co-culture models. However , MMP-9 ac li vity was not a lterecl in YD-lOB carcinoma cells In conclusion. enhanced MMP-2 activity was inc1 uced by boLh cance r- c1eri vecl a ncl norlllal gingival fibroblasts. suggesting that the potential to invacle by stromal fibroblasts was noL l imilecl to ca ncer- c1 eri ved lïbroblasts
DGCR8 is a RNA-binding protein working with DROSHA involved in critical processes for microRNA production in the nucleus. To understand function of miRNAs in the uterus, we have produced uterus-specific Dgcr8 conditional knock-out mice using two well-known Cre mouse models, anti-Mullerian hormone receptor 2 (Amhr2)-Cre and progesterone receptor (PR)-Cre. Dgcr8flox/flox;PRcre/+ mice were mainly analyzed and considered as uDgcr8 KO in this study unless otherwise indicated as Dgcr8flox/flox;Amhr2cre/+ mice. Morphological and histological analyses, embryo cultures, genomic DNA PCR, realtime RT-PCR and Western blotting were performed. uDgcr8 KO females bred with fertile males did not produce any offspring, suggesting that these mice are infertile. Vaginal smear analyses showed that these mice do not undergo estrous cycle, whereas Dgcr8flox/flox;Amhr2cre/+ mice exhibited regular estrous cyclicity. In vitro culture of 2-cell stage embryos and histological analyses for CL in uDgcr8 KO demonstrated that they can respond to gonadotrophins to ovulate healthy oocytes with comparable fertilization potentials as compared to those in Dgcr8flox/flox mice (Control). Gross morphology, histology, and weight of uteri of uDgcr8 KO mice were similar to those of control at 3-week-old stage. However, uterus become extremely thinner and shorter from 4-week-old stage onward. Histological examination showed significant reduction in gland numbers and stromal area from 4-week-old stage. Interestingly, this phenotype is reflected by significant increase of PR expression in the uteri of 4-week-old mice. In addition, stromal cell proliferation of uDgcr8 KO is severely impaired. BrdU incorporation experiments showed that while epithelial cells undergo proliferation by E2 treatment, stromal cells do not incorporate BrdU under the uterine conditions provided with E2+P4. Collectively, these results conclude that microRNAs are essential for uterine stromal cell proliferation in mice.
During implantation, endometrial cells undergo functional and structural changes, and support the successful embryo development. This reaction is known as decidualization and is critical to placental formation and to prevent the uterine functions. This progress is achieved by complex communication of regulators such as hormones, cytokines and growth factors. Some of the TGF-b superfamily members such as inhibin, activin, TGF-β, and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) involve in uterine modulation during pregnancy. Müllerian inhibiting factor (MIF) is a member of TGF-β superfamily and regulate folliculogenesis, but its expression and roles in uterus are not clear. In this study, we investigated the expression of MIF and its receptor Ⅱ in decidualizing endometrium. Interestingly its expression was detected in the fully decidualized cells. Its receptor II was detected in undifferentiated stromal cells. MIF expression was increased by decidual maturation and MIF receptor II was decreased by decidual reaction. MIF expression was induced by estrogen and its receptor II was increased by only progesterone in the stroma cells primed with estrogen. In the uterus of delayed implantation model mice, MIF expression was peak after 6 hr of estrogen administration. MIF receptor II expression was not induced. It means that MIF and MIF receptor II are expressed in the stroma cells with the specificity on physiological status. Based on them, it is suggested that MIF may work as paracrine factors in uterus during decidualization.