
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study addresses the development of a soy hamburger patty containing enzyme-treated textured soy protein (TSP) as a meat analogue. In order to reduce the beany flavor and enhance the texture, TSP was treated with 0.3% Flavourzyme for 5, 10, 20, or 30 min. The degree of hydrolysis and the water holding capacity of the TSP increased with increasing hydrolysis time. The oil binding capacity of the TSP also increased with increasing hydrolysis time, approaching the maximal value, 175.82%, at 30 min, whereas that of pork scored with the lowest value of 128.67%. The volume of pork was reduced to 81.5% as the result of heat treatment, whereas that of the TSP increased to 140.57%. The values of 'L', 'b', and 'δE' differed significantly (p〈0.001) with heat treatment, but the 'a' values did not differ significantly. With regard to texture, the hardness values were highest in the pork hamburger patty (PHP), and were lowest in the soy hamburger patty (SHP) containing untreated TSP. The hardness of the SHP containing TSP treated for 20 min did not differ significantly from that of the PHP. The cohesiveness and gumminess of the SHP treated for 20 min were highest, whereas those treated for 10 min were the lowest. The gumminess of the SHP treated for 20 min did not differ significantly from that of pork. The chewiness of the PHP was the highest, whereas that of the SHP treated for 5 min was the lowest. In our sensory evaluation, PHP evidenced the highest scores, followed by the SHP treated for 30 min, as color, texture, beany flavor, and overall quality all improved as the consequence of increasing enzyme treatment duration. In conclusion, it is believed that SHP has great potential as a substitute for meat, in that the flavor, texture, and beany flavor of SHP did not differ significantly from those of PHP.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The development of soy cutlets containing textured soy protein (TSP) as a meat analog was studied. In order to decrease the beany flavor and to increase the texture, TSP was treated with 0.3% Flavourzyme or 0.1% Protamex for 10 or 20 min, respectively. The degree of hydrolysis for TSP treated with Protamex was higher than that treated with Flavourzyme. Hydrolysis was observed to increase as the reaction time was increased for both Flavourzyme and Protamex. The water holding capacity of TSP treated with Protamex for 10 min was the highest, and that treated with Flavourzyme for 20 min was similar to that of Protamex treatment for 20 min. The oil binding capacity of TSP treated with Protamex for 20 min was the highest. The hardness of the soy cutlets using TSP treated with Flavourzyme for 10 min was higher than that treated for 20 min, while that of Protamex treated for 20 min was higher than that treated for 10 min. The cohesiveness of the soy cutlets using TSP treated with Flavourzyme or Protamex for 10 min was higher than those treated for 20 min. The chewiness of the soy cutlets treated with Flavourzyme for 10 min was higher than for those treated for 20 min, while those treated with Protamex for 20 min was higher than those treated for 10 min. The springiness of TSP treated with Flavourzyme for 20 min was higher than those treated for 10 min, and higher than those treated with Protamex for 10 or 20 min. For sensory evaluation, the beany flavor of the soy cutlets treated with Protamex for 20 min was the weakest. The flavor and chewiness of both a pork cutlet and a soy cutlet treated with Protamex for 20 min were the best. In the overall quality, soy cutlets treated with Protamex for 20 min was the most desirable. In conclusion, soy cutlets treated with 0.1% Protamex for 20 min could be a reasonable substitute of pork cutlets.