
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 정신보건 서비스 실태와 제도를 조사하여 문제점을 파악하고 외국의 사례와 비교하여 개선방안을 모색하기 위해 시행되었다. 우리나라의 정신보건법은 정신질환의 예방과 정신질환자의 의료 및 사회복귀에 관하여 필요한 사항을 규정함으로써 국민의 정신건강증진에 이바지함을 목적으로 1995년 제정되었다. 이후 3차례의 개정을 거쳐 최근 정신질환자의 인권보호강화 및 작업요법에 대한 근거 신설(제46조의 2) 등을 주요내용으로 일부 개정되어‘작업요법’이 재활서비스의 중요한 부분으로 명기 되었다. 그러나 국가인권위원회가 2008년 10월부터 12월까지 국∙공립병원 3개소와 민간병원 4개소를 대상으로 정신보건시설 방문조사 결과 작업치료부재 또는 종류 부족, 작업 치료 계획과 평가, 작업치료일지 작성 미흡, 작업치료의 명목의 화장실∙병동 간호사실 청소 및 중증환자 간병 등의 인권 침해사례가 보고 된 바 있다. 이에 대한 근본적인 원인은 부적합한 용어(작업요법)의 사용으로 상위법(정신보건법)과 하위법(시행규칙) 간의 모순을 초래하여 작업치료서비스가 작업치료사가 아닌 비전문가에 의해 제공되고 있는데 기인한다. 따라서 정신보건법 개정 기본 취지인 정신질환자의 인권을 보호하고 양질의 정신보건서비스 제공을 보장하여 정신보건시설 내의 작업치료에 대한 신뢰를 회복하기 위해서는 제도 개선이 시급하다. 즉 정신보건법에 작업치료의 정의와 작업치료사의 업무범위를 명시하고 작업치료사가 정신과 필수인력으로서 종사할 수 있도록 관련 법률개정이 이루어져야 한다. 우선적으로 이러한 제도적 보완이 이루어 질 때 그에 따른 정신과 작업치료사의 전문성 확립도 기대할 수 있을 것이다.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study addresses the development of a soy hamburger patty containing enzyme-treated textured soy protein (TSP) as a meat analogue. In order to reduce the beany flavor and enhance the texture, TSP was treated with 0.3% Flavourzyme for 5, 10, 20, or 30 min. The degree of hydrolysis and the water holding capacity of the TSP increased with increasing hydrolysis time. The oil binding capacity of the TSP also increased with increasing hydrolysis time, approaching the maximal value, 175.82%, at 30 min, whereas that of pork scored with the lowest value of 128.67%. The volume of pork was reduced to 81.5% as the result of heat treatment, whereas that of the TSP increased to 140.57%. The values of 'L', 'b', and 'δE' differed significantly (p〈0.001) with heat treatment, but the 'a' values did not differ significantly. With regard to texture, the hardness values were highest in the pork hamburger patty (PHP), and were lowest in the soy hamburger patty (SHP) containing untreated TSP. The hardness of the SHP containing TSP treated for 20 min did not differ significantly from that of the PHP. The cohesiveness and gumminess of the SHP treated for 20 min were highest, whereas those treated for 10 min were the lowest. The gumminess of the SHP treated for 20 min did not differ significantly from that of pork. The chewiness of the PHP was the highest, whereas that of the SHP treated for 5 min was the lowest. In our sensory evaluation, PHP evidenced the highest scores, followed by the SHP treated for 30 min, as color, texture, beany flavor, and overall quality all improved as the consequence of increasing enzyme treatment duration. In conclusion, it is believed that SHP has great potential as a substitute for meat, in that the flavor, texture, and beany flavor of SHP did not differ significantly from those of PHP.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The development of soy cutlets containing textured soy protein (TSP) as a meat analog was studied. In order to decrease the beany flavor and to increase the texture, TSP was treated with 0.3% Flavourzyme or 0.1% Protamex for 10 or 20 min, respectively. The degree of hydrolysis for TSP treated with Protamex was higher than that treated with Flavourzyme. Hydrolysis was observed to increase as the reaction time was increased for both Flavourzyme and Protamex. The water holding capacity of TSP treated with Protamex for 10 min was the highest, and that treated with Flavourzyme for 20 min was similar to that of Protamex treatment for 20 min. The oil binding capacity of TSP treated with Protamex for 20 min was the highest. The hardness of the soy cutlets using TSP treated with Flavourzyme for 10 min was higher than that treated for 20 min, while that of Protamex treated for 20 min was higher than that treated for 10 min. The cohesiveness of the soy cutlets using TSP treated with Flavourzyme or Protamex for 10 min was higher than those treated for 20 min. The chewiness of the soy cutlets treated with Flavourzyme for 10 min was higher than for those treated for 20 min, while those treated with Protamex for 20 min was higher than those treated for 10 min. The springiness of TSP treated with Flavourzyme for 20 min was higher than those treated for 10 min, and higher than those treated with Protamex for 10 or 20 min. For sensory evaluation, the beany flavor of the soy cutlets treated with Protamex for 20 min was the weakest. The flavor and chewiness of both a pork cutlet and a soy cutlet treated with Protamex for 20 min were the best. In the overall quality, soy cutlets treated with Protamex for 20 min was the most desirable. In conclusion, soy cutlets treated with 0.1% Protamex for 20 min could be a reasonable substitute of pork cutlets.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 환자의 인지기능을 쉽고 간편하게 평가할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 현재 수준에 맞는 치료계획을 세우는데 도움을 주는 Allen Cognitive Level Screen(ACLS)과 정신분열병 환자의 심리사회적 특성, 인지적 특성, 증상과의 상관관계를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 30명의 정신분열병 환자를 선정하여 ACLS, 심리사회적 특성으로는 자아존중감척도, 대인관계변화척도, 사회적문제해결능력척도, Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), 인지적 특성은 전산화 신경인지기능 검사 V4.0 중 언어기억검사, 단어-색채 검사, 위스콘신 카드분류검사, 증상은 Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale(PANSS)를 사용하여 평가하였다. 결과 : 첫째, ACLS는 교육정도, 연령 및 유병기간에서 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. 둘째, ACLS는 사회적문제해결능력척도의 하위항목인 인지척도만 제외하고 그 외의 심리사회적 특성과는 유의한 상관관계를 보이지 않았다. 셋째, ACLS는 언어기억검사, 단어-색채검사(색단어 단어읽기를 제외), 위스콘신카드분류검사에서 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. 넷째, ACLS와 PANSS는 상관관계를 보이지 않았다. 결론 : 본 연구의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때, 정신분열병 환자에게 ACLS 실시 시 교육수준, 연령, 유병기간을 고려해야 할 것으로 보이며, ACLS는 정신분열병환자의 증상 및 심리사회적 특성과는 관계성이 없는 것으로 보인다. 또한, 신경인지검사 중 언어기억검사, 단어-색채 검사, 위스콘신 카드분류검사의 상관관계를 볼 때, 정신분열병 환자의 인지적 장애를 평가하는 유용한 도구로 여겨진다.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The medical mineral menas a single mineral or a complex of minerals. It is natural material. using the medical action of he major or the minor elements, and traditional medicine stuff which has been used since long time ago. Jusa, cinnabar as the mineral name, is the product of the hydrothermal process. It is used to relax the body and cure high blood pressure, apoplexy and cardiopathy. Jusais the major component of "An shin hwan" and "Woo hwang chung shim hwan" nowadays because it has such an excellent calm effect. In addition, it is used to cure cancers such as esophageal cancer and gastric cancer. Jusa composed of mercuric sulfide causes mercury poisoning such as Minamata disease. It is dealt with mineralogical property and chemical composition medical stuff in Korea and China, as well asmercury poisoning and medical action of Jusa in this study. In order to predct accumulation of the interior of the body of the major and minor elements in Jusa, leaching experiment of Jusa by artificial gastric juice was done as well as thermodynamic reaction modelling to know concentration of each species of body fluid. The minor elements of 24 species such as As, Pb, Cd, a and Fe by leaching reaction of Jusa and artificial gastric juice were leached. We can know the fact that as is less than 1 ppm, Hg is less than 25 ppm and Cd and m are not detected. In addition, mercury exists as species of Hg2+, HgCl+, HgCl2, HgCl3-, HgCl42-, HgClOH, HgS(H2S)2, Hg(HS)3-, HgS22-, HgOH and Hg(OH)2 by reaction modelling between Jusa and artificial gastric juice. The concentration of sulfide complexes is 24.2 ppm and that of others is less than 10 ppm. According to increasing pH, the concentration of HgS(H2S)2, Hg(HS)3+, HgS22- and Hg(OH)2 increases, whereas the concentration of HgCl+, HgCl2, HgCl3- and HgCl42- decreases. Therefore, Jusa is very useful for the development of new medicine because it is possible to predict formation of the body species and species accumulation on mercury known as a toxic element and concentration changes of toxicity and efficiency.city and efficiency.