
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 가톨릭 민족주의와 프로테스탄트 합병주의라는 이분법적 환 원주의를 강화시키는 아일랜드의 기념 정치를 탐구하기 위해 마이클 롱리가 사용한 기억 시학을 분석한다. 첫째, 롱리의 기억 시학은 양귀비꽃 이미지를 사용하여 제1차 세계대전과 북아일랜드 분쟁을 상징적으로 연결시키며, 기념 정치의 이분법을 극복한 다. 둘째, 롱리는 포스트-1916세대의 노스탤지아를 통해 역사적 희생자들 간 연대의 비전을 제시한다. 그는 과거에 실현되지 않은 가능성들을 탐구하는데 있어 세계대전과 북아일랜드 분쟁의 희생자들을 병치시켜 당대 지배적인 기념 정치를 탈신화한다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates the relationship of voltage and current waveform between normal piezo injector and deterioration abnormal piezo injector. The experimental methods using Pico oscilloscope and GDS scan tool are employed to measure current and voltage waveform and fuel pressure of piezo injector. The experiment is carried out during no-load condition. A summary of the important results are as follows. 1) In case of normal injector, the fluctuation of duration time of piezo injector was linearly and regularly decreased with increasing engine speed, but the that of deterioration piezo injector was irregularly decreased with increasing engine speed. 2) In main injection, the peak value of the current waveform of abnormal injector was larger than that of normal injector, the duration time of deteriorated abnormal injector was less than that of normal injector at 800rpm and 1500rpm, but the duration time of deteriorated abnormal injector was larger than that of normal injector at 2000rpm and 3000rpm. This irregularity appears to be caused by the deterioration of the injector.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abstract1)This study aims to understand why public information systems in agricultural fields have shown lower performances than other industrialized fields and industries and how these problems would be fixed and overcame. To accomplish this research purpose, this study would overview the previous studies on developing agricultural information systems in public sectors and would find out meaningful and considerable factors. This study would accept the methodologies of literature review and systems thinking approaches to understand the relationships among the found factors and to suggest the conceptual research model. Agricultural information system should take care to reduce implement and maintenance costs to reduce the negative relationships between costs and expected service value and between expected service value to perceived service value. Also, it should be understood that impersonal response would reduce the eager to use the services, so the government sectors should consider positively to adopt the concept of CRM even though the government sectors traditionally have ignored its necessity. The failure of public information systems/services may be caused not only by lack of the contents but also by the failure of the persistent post management.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates the relationship between the waveform area and fuel injection quantity. It is on developing on analysis method of waveform the effect of waveform area on fuel injection quantity of CRDI Diesel engine. The experimental methods using Pico oscilloscope and fuel injection tester are employed to measure current and voltage waveform and fuel injection quantity of solenoid injector. The one normal and two abnormal solenoid injectors are used. The experiment is carried out during no-load condition. A summary of the important results are as follows. 1) The area of the voltage and current waveform of the abnormal injector becomes larger than the that of normal injector, and the area of the current and voltage waveform is inversely proportional to the fuel injection quantity. 2) The area of the current waveform can be obtained more accurate results than that of voltage waveform. 3) It is possible to infer the fuel injection quantity by measuring the current waveform and calculating the area.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is on developing the waveform analysis method in driving control of solenoid injector of CRDI diesel engine. The experimental methods using Pico oscilloscope and scan tool is employed to measure current and voltage waveform of solenoid injector. The solenoid injector are used 1 normal and 2 abnormal injectors. The experiment is carried out during no-load condition. The magnitude of pressure drop is largest main duration, pre and pilot duration in the order named in case of normal injector, whereas was largest pilot duration, pre and main duration in the order named in case of abnormal injectors.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        셰이머스 히니의 다섯 번째 시집인『밭일』은 정치 및 역사, 평화로운 전원생활 등 다양한 소재를 다루지만 북 아일랜드 사태 때 죽은 자들에 대한 애가와 사랑을 주제로 삼는 일련의 글랜모어 소네트를 담고 있는 것이 전 시집과 다른 점이다. 얼스터 분규 때 죽은 자들을 애도하는 시에서 전원애가라는 전통 장르까지 사용한 것은 그가 폭력사태를 비판하고 이상향으로서의 전원을 갈구했음을 증명하는 예이며 시인이 북아일랜드 사태를 피해 글랜모어에 정착해서 쓴 일련의 소네트는 사랑과 평화의 상징인 전원을 폭력의 치유책으로 제시한 것이라는 가설을 세울 수 있다. 이 논문에서는『밭일』에 쓰인 많은 시중에서 애가와 소네트를 주로 분석해 시인이 어떻게 북아일랜드 사태에 반응하고 있는지를 다룬다. 이 시집의 구조 역시 폭력을 고발하고 그 상처를 치유하려는 작가의 의도를 강화하고 있다. 결론적으로, 히니는 비록 북아일랜드 폭력에서 탈출하지만, 시에서 폭력을 직접 다루기보다는 장르, 시의 구조 등의 형식을 통해서 간접적으로 다루면서 폭력에 저항하고 있음을 알 수 있다.