In the majority of countries, the upper limit of buffer temperature in a repository is set to below 100℃ due to the possible illitization. This smectite-to-illite transformation is expected to be detrimental to the swelling functions of the buffer. However, if the upper limit is increased while preventing illitization, the disposal density and cost-effectiveness for the repository will dramatically increase. Thus, understanding the characteristics and creating a database related to the buffer under the elevated temperature conditions is crucial. In this study, a strategy to investigate the bentonite found in Korea under the elevated temperatures from a mineral transformation and radionuclides retardation perspective was proposed. Certain long-term hydrothermal reactions generated the bentonite samples that were utilized for the investigation of their mineral transformation and radionuclide retardation characteristics. The bentonite samples are expected to be studied using in-situ synchrotron-based X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) technique to determine the smectite-to-illite transformation. Simultaneously, the ‘high-temperature and high-pressure mineral alteration measurement system’ based on the Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC) will control and provide the elevated temperature and pressure conditions during the measurements. The kinetic models, including the Huang and Cuadros model, are expected to predict the time and manner in which the illitization will become detrimental to the performance and safety of the repository. The sorption reactions planned for the bentonite samples to evaluate the effects on retardation will provide the information required to expand the current knowledge of repository optimization.
This present study deals with the effect of micro-alloying elements and transformation temperature on the correlation of microstructure and tensile properties of low-carbon steels with ferrite-pearlite microstructure. Six kinds of lowcarbon steel specimens were fabricated by adding micro-alloying elements of Nb, Ti and V, and by varying isothermal transformation temperature. Ferrite grain size of the specimens containing mirco-alloying elements was smaller than that of the Base specimens because of pinning effect by the precipitates of carbonitrides at austenite grain boundaries. The pearlite interlamellar spacing and cementite thickness decreased with decreasing transformation temperature, while the pearlite volume fraction was hardly affected by micro-alloying elements and transformation temperature. The room-temperature tensile test results showed that the yield strength increased mostly with decreasing ferrite grain size and elongation was slightly improved as the ferrite grain size and pearlite interlamellar spacing decreased. All the specimens exhibited a discontinuous yielding behavior and the yield point elongation of the Nb4 and TiNbV specimens containing micro-alloying elements was larger than that of the Base specimens, presumably due to repetitive pinning and release of dislocation by the fine precipitates of carbonitrides.
In this study, six kinds of low-carbon steel specimens with different ferrite-pearlite microstructures were fabricated by varying the Nb content and the transformation temperature. The microstructural factors of ferrite grain size, pearlite fraction, interlamellar spacing, and cementite thickness were quantitatively measured based on optical and scanning electron micrographs; then, Charpy impact tests were conducted in order to investigate the correlation of the microstructural factors with the impact toughness and the ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT). The microstructural analysis results showed that the Nb4 specimens had ferrite grain size smaller than that of the Nb0 specimens due to the pinning effect resulting from the formation of carbonitrides. The pearlite interlamellar spacing and the cementite thickness also decreased as the transformation temperature decreased. The Charpy impact test results indicated that the impact-absorbed energy increased and the ductile-brittle transition temperature decreased with addition of Nb content and decreasing transformation temperature, although all specimens showed ductile-brittle transition behaviour.
To co-fire with commercial LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic) materials at , different contents of were added to the (BZN) ceramics. According to the test results, the cubic phase of BZN was transformed into orthorhombic in all the test materials. phase was formed in test materials with of addition. The phase transformation of cubic BZN was controlled during the synthesis process with excess ZnO content. The Cubic and orthorhombic phases of BZN could coexist and be sintered densely at .
Through the volume change of Sn in a low-temperature phase transformation, the Sn nanopowder with high, purity, was fabricated by an economic and eco-friendly process. The fine cracks were spontaneously generated. in, Sn ingot, which was reduced to powders in the repetition of phase transformation. The Sn nanopowder with 50 run in size was obtained by the 24th repetitions of phase transformation by low-temperature and ultrasonic treatments. Also, the powder was fabricated by the oxidation of the produced Sn powder to the ingot and milled by the ultrasonic milling method. The nanopowder of 20 nm in size was fabricated after the milling for 180 h
급냉온도에 따른 전기 저항 측정으로 Cu-17, 25Zn-15AI 및 Cu-17.25Zn-15AI-1Ag형상기억합금의 열처리에 의한 마르텐사이트 변태온도의 영향을 연구하였다. DSC 측정으로 고온 모상에서의 상전이 온도롸 종류를 구별하였고 XRD측정으로 구조 변화를 연구하였다. 그리고 열처리에 의한 온도 변화의 원인을 연구하였17.25Zn-15AI 합금에서 고온 모상의 규칙-불규칙 전이온도인 T2, TL21은 각각 809K와 610K였다. CuZnAI의 경우 T2근방에서의 급냉은 마르텐사이트 변태온도를 높이지만 TL21 근방에서의 급냉은 마르텐사이트 변태온도를 낮춘다. 실험결과 열처리에 따른 상전이온도 변화의 원인은 석출물의 형성이라기 보다는 급냉전의 모상의 구조에 가장 큰 영향을 받는다.받는다.
소량의 misch metal과 Zr을 함유한 CuZnAI형상기억 합금의 변태온도에 미치는 열사이클 및 기계적 성질 변화에 대하여 고찰하였다. 합금원소 첨가에 따라 결정립에 매우 미세화 되었으며 용체화 처리후 100~350˚C구간에서 경도값 변화를 조사하기 위하여 post quench aging과 step quench aging처리한 결과 200˚C와 250˚C에서 최고의 경도값을 나타냈다. Mf온도이하에서 인당시험한 결과 파단강도와 연실율은 결저립이 미세할수록 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 또한 파단강도는 as quenching처리한 경우보다 post quench aging처리한 경우에 보다더 증가하였다. β-상에서의 시효는 Ms온도를 강하시켰으며 마르텐사이트상에서의 시효는 As 온도를 증가시켰다. post quench aging 에 따른 As의 변화는 β에서의 회복율에 기여하였으며 변태온도 (As-Ms)히스테리시스는 열사이클에 의하여 증가하는 경향을 보였다.
Experiments of quenching were made with cylindrical specimens of carbon steel S45C of diameters from 12 to 30mm were performed. The specimens were heated by electric furnace and quenched by immersion method. In order to analyze the temperature profile(cooling curves) of carbon steel including the latent heat of phase transformation, nonlinear heat conduction problem was calculated by the numerical method of inverse heat conduction problem using the apparent heat capacity method. The difference between the calculated and the experimented cooling curves was caused by the latent heat of phase transformation, and the effects of the latent heat were especially manifest at the cooling curves of center of specimens. The temperature and the quantity of the latent heat of phase transformation depend on the cooling speed at A sub(1) transformation point, and the region for cooling speed to become zero was caused by the latent heat of phase transformation.
[ Mg2SiO4- ]스피넬에서 올리빈으로의 역상변이에 대한 고온 X-선 회절실험 결과, 진공상태에서 가열하였을 때 상변이가 일어나며, 일정한 온도에서 스피넬상으로부터 올리빈상이 시간이 경과하면서 성장하는 것으로 보아 상변이 메커니즘은 '핵생성 및 성장' 형태인 것으로 판단된다. 스피넬 상으로부터 올리빈 상으로 역상변이 할 때의 활성화 에너지를 구하기 위해 Mg2SiO4-스피넬 시료에 대한 상변이 실험을 진공 및 고온(1023∼1116 k)에서 시행하였다. 올리빈 상에 대해 '주어진 시간에 따른 비분율법'을 이용하여 활성화 에너지 값을 결정하였다. 아브라미 방정식을 이용하여 계산한 결과, n값은 대체로 온도가 증가함에 따라 매우 넓은 영역에서 동반 상승하는데, 이러한 현상은 '핵생성 및 성장' 메커니즘이 아마도 온도에 종속적이지 않느냐 하는 것을 제시해주고 있다. 상대적으로 낮은 온도에서는 Mg2SiO4-스피넬은 핵이 생성된 자리가 포화된 후, 새로운 결정상이 표면에서 성장을 시작하고 시간이 지남에 따라 내부 쪽으로 옮아가는 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 고온에서, 성장은 핵이 생성된 자리가 포화되고 난 후 표면뿐만 아니라, 내부에서도 동시에 시작되는 것으로 보인다.