
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Water cycle within the human civilization has become important with urbanization. To date, water cycle in the eco-system has been the focus in identifying the degree of water cycle in cities, but in practicality, water cycle within the human civilization system is taking on an increasing importance. While in recent years plans to reuse water have been implemented to restore water cycle in cities, the effect that such reuse has on the entire water cycle system has not been analyzed. The analysis on the effect that water reuse has on urban areas needs to be go beyond measuring the cost-savings and look at the changes brought about in the entire city’s water cycle system. This study uses a SWAT model and water balance analysis to review the effects that water reuse has on changes occurring in the urban water cycle system by linking the water cycle within the eco-system with that within the human civilization system. The SWAT model to calculate the components of water cycle in the human civilization system showed that similar to measured data, the daily changes and accumulative data can be simulated. When the amount of water reuse increases in urban areas, the surface outflow, amount of sewer discharge and the discharged amount from sewage treatment plants decrease, leading to a change in water cycle within our human civilization system. The determinant coefficients for reduced surface outflow amount and reduced sewer discharge were 0.9164 and 0.9892, respectively, while the determinant coefficient for reduced discharge of sewage treatment plants was 0.9988. This indicates that with an increase in water reuse, surface flow, sewage and discharge from sewage treatment plants all saw a linear reduction.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When designing Water Distribution System (WDS), determination of life cycle for WDS needs to be preceded. And designer should conduct comprehensive design including maintenance and management strategies based on the determined life cycle. However, there are only a few studies carried out until now, and criteria to determine life cycle of WDS are insufficient. Therefore, methodology to determine life cycle of WDS is introduced in this study by using Life Cycle Energy Analysis (LCEA). LCEA adapts energy as an environmental impact criterion and calculates all required energy through the whole life cycle. The model is build up based on the LCEA methodology and model itself can simulate the aging and breakage of pipes through the target life cycle. In addition the hydraulic analysis program EPANET2.0 is linked to developed model to analyze hydraulic factors. Developed model is applied to two WDSs which are A WDS and B WDS. Model runs for 1yr to maximum 100yr target life cycle for both WDSs to check the energy tendency as well as to determine optimal life cycle. Results show that 40yr and 54yr as optimal life cycle for each WDS, and tendency shows the effective energy is keep changing according to the target life cycle. Introduced methodology is expected to use as an alternative option for determining life cycle of WDS.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to analyze water cycle characteristics and evaluate water retention function in Jeju Gotjawal forest from 2013 to 2017. The average ratio of throughfall, stemflow, interception loss in Seonhul Gotjawal (SH) and Cheongsu Gotjawal (CS) was 43.1%, 15.8%, and 41.1%, respectively. Rainfall-throughfall, rainfall-stemflow, and rainfall-interception loss were expressed as linear regression equation (p<0.001). The comparison results showed that SH was higher than CS (p<0.05), indicating that the canopy area had an important effect on the difference in stand structure. The average water resources retention rate of the Gotjawal region was 41.9%, which is similar to the total water resources retention rate (40.6%) of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (JSSGP). Currently, the development of Gotjawal is in progress in JSSGP. The development of Gotjawal will lead to a decrease in the water resources retention rate due to changes in the surface environment such as an increase in impervious areas, which will affect the total groundwater content of JSSGP. Therefore, the conservation of the Gotjawal area is judged to be very important from the point of view of water conservation.
        2014.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 태화강을 비롯한 동천, 회야강 및 청량천 등 울산의 주요 하천유역을 대상으로 최근 한국건설기술연구원이 개발한 CAT모형을 이용하여 물순환 분석을 실시하였다. CAT모형의 적용을 위해 태화강은 25개, 동천은 11개, 회야강 은 17개 그리고 청량천은 5개의 소유역으로 분할하여 유출기여유역과 함양유역으로 구분하는 개념을 적용하였다. 대상 유역에서 1975년도와 2008년에 실측된 강우량과 토지이용도 변화 등의 수문자료를 이용하여 물순환 분석을 실시한 결 과, 4개 하천유역 모두에서 도시화에 따른 불투수 면적의 증가로 인해 표면유출은 중가하고 중간유출은 감소하는 것으 로 나타났다. 태화강과 태화강의 지천인 동천유역의 표면유출 증가는 1.7%와 2.4%로서 비교적 적고, 회야강과 청량천은 3.2%와 7.7%로 증가폭이 큰 것은 유역의 개발에 따른 도시화율 증가의 정도를 잘 반영하는 것으로 분석되었다