To investigate the effect of soluble silicate zeolite dressing of the rice against bakanae disease, field trial in reclaimed land and in vitro were carried out. The coated rice seeds (SCS) which were dressed with the mixture of 25% silicic acids (binder), and the zeolite (coating powder). In wet direct seeding, uniform scattering of rice seeds on the soil surface and the better seedling establishment were shown in SCS treatment plots. The incidence of bakanae disease began from the mid tillering stage toward the heading stage. Around heading stage, the ratio of infected tillers reached its highest point by 9.9% in non-SCS treatment plots. While, in SCS treatment plots, the ratio of infected tillers was no more than 0.01%. The vitality of the pathogenic fungi of bakanae disease in the SCS and non-SCS samples were assessed. Samples were incubated for one week keeping proper humidity at 30°C after inoculated with panicles of infected rice plants from experimental field plots. In non-SCS treatment, pinkish colonies were formed on the grain surface of panicle of infected plants, and mycelium, macro-conidia and micro-conidia were developed actively inside part of infected grain inoculated. While in SCS treatment, micro-conidia and mycelium were not survived and the growth of macro-conidia, mycelia were greatly inhibited and withered. Based on the results, it is concluded that the environmental friendly control of bakanae disease by use of SCS is possible and soluble silicate can be applied as agents for replacement of seed disinfection.
국제미작연구소(IRRI)의 IRGC와 INGER유전자원에 대한 직파적성을 평가하기 위하여 다양한 직파조건으로 처리된 20개 시험에서 공통으로 공시된 대비품종군(8개 품종) 직파조건에 대한 입모반응을 검토하여 품종들의 유전적 특성으로 평가하고자 시험한 결과를 요약하면; 1. 직파조건에 따른 입모율의 품종, 파종시기, 이들의 상호작용 및 모든 처리간에 통계적인 유의성이 인정되었다. 2. 직파양식, 복토깊이, 파종기 등의 직파조건별 대비품종군의 품종간 입모반응은 거의 같은 경향으로 나타나서 품종의 특성으로 분류할 수 있었다. 3. 직파조건에 따른 평균 입모율의 품종간 차이는 ASD1 > IR50 > IR72 > Taothabi > Uplri5 > CO25 > Dula > Moroberakan순으로 높게 나타났다. 4. 건답직파(파종깊이 25mm, 50mm)에서 파종시기에 따른 입모율의 품종 간 차이는 ASD1과 Moroberakan 품종 간에는 모든 직파조건에서 유의한 차이를 보였으나 다른 품종들은 직파조건에 따라서 유의성 정도가 다소 상이하여 평균 입모율의 순서와 같은 경향이었다.
In spite water direct seeding cultivation of rice has advantages in terms of laborsaving and cost-down, it demonstrates uneven seedling establishment and difficult weed management. To select an applicable mat for mulching system of water seeded rice, weed occurrence, growth and yield performances of rice, and soil temperature were evaluated in several kinds of biodegradable mulching material. Field studies were conducted at the experimental farm of National Crop Experiment Station in 1999 and 2000. Among the mats tested in 1999, Safer-mat had the greatest effect on inhibiting weed occurrence and Lawn-mat demonstrated the least efficacy of weed control (EWC) value. In Safer-mat treatment, Ludwigia prostrata was the dominant weed species but Echinochloa crus-galli was not observed. Different kinds of mulching material from the mats studied in 1999 were tested in 2000. Biodegradable polyester (PES) coated on the recycled paper for newspaper press (RP) treatments showed similar or higher EWC values than non-mulched broadcast seed rice with 2 times of herbicide application (BC-herbicide) and Safer-mat that was the most effective mat on preventing weed appearance in 1999. Immediately after mat mulching on the surface of paddy soil, five pregerminated rice seeds were manually sown in each 3cm-hole formerly punctured at 30~times 14 cm spacing in 2000. All the 3 kinds of mulching material tested in 2000 had better seedling stand than BC-herbicide treatment. Rice yield in PES coated with 10 thickness on RP (PES10 ~mu~textrmm +RP) was a little higher than in BC-herbicide treatment but the former produced less panicles in unit land area than the latter. PES10 ~mu~textrmm +RP demonstrated a great effect on raising soil surface temperature than non-mulching treatment throughout the period of seedling establishment.
In spite of simple and cheap cultivation method, water broadcast-seeded rice demonstrates uneven and unstable seedling establishment per unit land area and requires more herbicide and labor-input for weed control. Three experiments were conducted in a phytotron at 18~circC to evaluate the adaptability of seed-mat mulching cultivation technologies in water seeded rice for the uniform seedling establishment and the inhibition of weed occurrence without herbicide application. Five different kinds of mat with different mesh sizes and fabric properties were tested. The emergence of rice was the highest in Lawn-mat treatment, being comparable with the control, in which seeds were sown without mat. The Lawn-mat also exhibited the lowest mat tension. Mat tension may influence the emergence of rice. And once it was soaked in water, it didn't maintain its original shape any more. The emergence rate of rice was the lowest in Safer-mat treatment. In Lawn-mat treatment, which was the most effective for rice emergence in the first study, the differences of emergence and seedling establishment of rice depending on the seeding position (upper, beneath, and between mats) treatments were negligible, while they were higher in dry seeds than in pre-germinated seeds treatment. The emergence as affected by the kinds of mat also showed the same trend when tested using barnyard grass. Depending on the kinds of mat, the inhibition effect of weeds was the greatest in Safer-mat and the poorest in Lawn-mat. These results strongly suggest the possibility that the uniform seedling establishment and weed management without chemical could be achieved simultaneously by seed-mat mulching through the combination of effective mat for the emergence of rice and another efficient mat for the inhibition of weed occurrence. This possibility was also tested in the field.
보리입모중 벼 파종에 있어서 보리짚 시용에 따른 경운방법과 질소시용량별 관개수중에 용출된 각 성분함량 변화를 검토하였던 바, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. pH는 무경운재배에서는 시비수준간 차리가 없었으나 경운재배에서는 컸으며, 10일까지는 시비수준이 높을수록 pH가 높았으나 그 이후는 비슷하였다. 2. EC는 무경운에 비해 경운재배에서 높았으며, 경운의 유 ㆍ무에 관계없이 시비수준이 높을수록 EC도 높았다. 시기별로 보면 10일에 최고수준에 도달하였다가 그 후 감소경향이나, 20일에는 초기와는 달리 시비수준이 높을수록 EC가 감소하였고, 그 감소폭은 경운재배에서 컸다. 3. 용존산소는 무경운에 비해 경운에서 높았으며, 시비량이 많을수록 낮은 경향을 보였다. 경운방법별로는 무경운에서는 시용후일수가 경과됨에 따라 다소 증가하는 경향이었으며, 무처리에 비해 매우 낮았으나, 경운재배에서는 초기에 매우 높고 10일에 급격히 감소하였으며 그 후 다시 증가하였다. 4. NH4 -N는 경운의 유 ㆍ무에 관계없이 시비수준이 높을수록 높았으나, 20일에는 시비량간 차이는 없었다. 경운방법간에는 무경운에서는 10일까지 높고 그 후 감소를 보였으나 경운에서는 초기(5일)에 매우 높았다가 급격히 감소하였고, 15일에 다시 감소하였으나 20일에는 거의 발현되지 않았다. NO3 -N는 무경운에서는 처리일수 및 시비수준간의 차이가 매우 컸으며, 10일에 최고수준을 보였고, 그 후 20일까지 급격히 감소하였다. 경운구에서는 처리일수가 경과함에 따라 감소경향을 보였으나, 시비수준간 차이는 보이지 않았다. 5. PO4 3- 은 경운재배에 비해 무경운재배에서 높았으며, 두처리 모두 시비수준이 높을수록 높았으나, 무경운재배에 비하여 경운재배에서는 시일의 경과에 따라서도 차이가 크지 않았고 함량도 낮았다. 6. 양이온함량은 모두 경운 유 ㆍ무에 관계없이 시비수준이 높을수록 높은 경향을 보였고, 10일에 최고수준을 보인 후 완만한 감소를 나타냈으며, K+, Ca2+에 비해 Mg2+이 보다 낮은 함량을 보였다.