We investigated to analyze the ecological changes of plants in the Wolyoung wetland conservation area from August 2014 to September 2015. The vascular plants investigated in the 2011 literature are 153 taxa(50 families, 110 genera, 136 species, 16 varieties, 1 form). Field survey in 2015 was 208 taxa(66 families, 145 genera, 182 species, 1 subspecies, 23 varieties, 2forms). In the 2015 survey, most vascular plants were composed of dicotyledons. Also, naturalized plants of vascular plants were investigated as 8 taxa(3.85%). Gramineae was the most abundant in 21 taxa, Rosaceae and Compositae were found in 15 taxa. In 2015, the number of vascular plant increased in 55 taxa, and the naturalization plant was increased in 5 taxa than 2011. The reason why number of vascular and naturalization plant increased is disturbance for increase of visitors, wetland succession, landization, etc. The Wolyoung wetland consists of four small wetlands. The vascular plants of Wolyoung wetland were investigated as follows: 1 wetland 152 taxa, 2 wetland 102 taxa, 3 wetland 89 taxa, and 4 wetland 99 taxa. Among the life forms of vascular plants, the Dormancy form showed a high distribution of G(Geophyte) in 2011 and a high distribution of H(Hemicryptophytes) in 2015. Among the Propagation form, Radicoid form showed the type of R5(taxa without lateral spreading) > R3(taxa with the smallest lateral spread rhizome) > R2,3 in both 2011 and 2015. Among the Propagation forms of vascular plants, the Disseminule form was investigated in order of D4(plants disseminated by gravity) > D1(plants disseminated by wind and water) > D2(plants disseminated by animals and human) in both 2011 and 2015. Growth form of vascular plants was surveyed in order of e(erect form) > t(crowding form) > ps(rosette-erect form) in both 2011 and 2015. Especially, the increase of crowding form(t) and branching form(b) reflects the characteristics of Gramineae and Cyperaceae that are major dominant Family of wetland vegetation, and gradually shows the typicality of wetland vegetation.
The Shinbulsan wetland, located in Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea, was designated as a conservation area in 2004. The area was monitored from 2015 to 2019 to investigate the community characteristics and changes of benthic macroinvertebrates. Between 2015 and 2016, several insects of the orders Ephemeroptera, Odonata, and Hemiptera were identified, but their numbers decreased significantly in 2017 and 2018 following the loss and recovery of the moor owing to drought. During this period, there were relatively more insects of the order Diptera. Within this order, three functional feeding groups, gathering-collectors, plant-piercers, and predators were investigated. Predator species were the most abundant (83.3%), whereas gathering-collectors accounted for the largest proportion of individual insects (50.5%). Between 2015 and 2016, when the moors were stable, groups I and III had the highest community stability. After 2017, when the moors had dried up, group III effectively disappeared because of its lower relative resistance and resilience, and only taxa belonging to group I remained. The results of this study indicate that benthic macroinvertebrates that adapt early during moor formation inhabit the Shinbulsan wetland.
Wetlands are damaged or destroyed by natural processes or artificial interferences. In order to restore their function, it is desirable to establish conservation, restoration and management measures on the basis of comprehensively collected and analyzed data of natural ecosystem characteristics and damage conditions. The purpose is to provide an evaluation index that can reflect the biological and physical characteristics such as the inhabited wildlife, degree of terrestrialization, land use change, etc. Due to the evaluation index should be simplicity of measurement, applicability, and cost efficiency as well as useful for improving the new information is obtained, so we consider the physical and biological characteristics. In order to reflect the ecological integrity and qualitative aspects such as disturbance levels, suitability as biological habitats, etc., biodiversity (landscape units, wildlife inhabit), naturalness (biotope, basin ecosystem), rarity (major plant species emergence, major animal species inhabit), and potential for damage (distribution of pollutant by distance, degree of internal damage) was selected as an evaluation index. The conservation value of Hwapo (23 points) and Samrangjin wetland (21 points), which had low number of species and populations, was low due to high potential for damage like green house, bare land etc. On the other hand, Daepyeong (34 points) and Bacsil wetland (32 points), which have worthy biodiversity, showed high conservation value, while their own area was narrow, but the endangered wildlife (Cygnus cygnus, Anser fabalis, and Euryale ferox) was appeared. Habitat disturbances, such as reduced area or internal damage, can drastic changes at population, ecosystem, and community levels. Hwapo and Samrangjin wetland, which have high damaged potential, are included. The recoverability of wetland ecosystem functions depend on the resistance and regenerative power of the system itself, so maintaining integrity of biodiversity-rich wetlands will have priority over restoration.
The pond wetlands in agricultural landscape are important natural resources that carry out the function of bio-diversity conservation. However, recently, those have been gradually embedded as their utility value were disappeared. And, the assessment methods used for pond wetlands are insufficient. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the conservation value of pond wetlands by using the modified RAM, and present the improvement of assesment methods. The study sites, a total of 32 pond of 4 types by land use, were selected on the basis of Ramsar Convention. Through the analysis of precedent studies, the weighted 8 functions were adjusted. According to the assessment results, pond wetlands made the largest contribution to Fishery and Herpetile Habitat function. In addition, it also made large contribution to Floral Diversity, Wildlife Habitat, and Water Quality Protection function. On the other hand, it made a small contribution to Aesthetics and Recreation, Runoff Attenuation, Shoreline /Stream Bank Protection, and Flood/Storm Water Storage function due to the characteristics of small-scale pond wetlands. In the assessment of 8 functions, house type showed the worst assessment result, and mountain type showed the best assessment result. It is thought that those are due to land use type in terms of vicinity. 10 items among 52 of the modified RAM showed the same assessment results in all land use types. Accordingly, it is required to be deleted and modified the assessment method. On the other hand, it is required to add age, interference, and water use to the assessment method. It is thought that these results can be utilized for the development and modification of assessment methods focused on pond wetlands in rural area.