The experiment was performed for establishing the best condition of experiment and defining the issue of GC/FID methods based on HS-SPME-capillary column when TMA is measured in the air. Also the experiments are performed based on odor process test method alternately. At first, The result that KOH and NaOH were compared for eluting the TMA among the preprocessing processes, showed that NaOH is 2.2 times higher figure of area, 0.9972 of curve linearity(R2), and 1.96% of relative standard deviation. As a result using the ultrasonic cleaner and 30℃ constant temperature water bath, constant temperature water bath showed stabilized curve linearity (R2 0.9972) and relative standard deviation (RSD 2%). In advance of experiment conditions, the result performed acid filter paper method and acidic solution absorption among TMA sampling methods, is that acidic solution absorption detected 5 times better sensitivity than Acid filter paper method. Acidic solution absorption showed to provide excellent analysis sensitivity in this experiment restrictively. Therefore, in case of experiment by GC/FID method based on HS-SPME-capillary column, selection of sampling method expects that acidic solution absorption better effect and in case of disassemble reagent, NaOH and 30℃ constant temperature water bath is better effect in the experiment conditions.