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대립 내도복 다수성 된장·두부용 콩 품종 ‘선풍’ KCI 등재

Large seed, Lodging resistant and High yield Soybean Cultivar ‘Seonpung’ for Soy-paste and Tofu

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/325446
서비스가 종료되어 열람이 제한될 수 있습니다.
한국육종학회지 (Korea Journal of Breeding Science)
한국육종학회 (The Korean Breeding Society)

Soybean cultivar ‘Seonpung’ was developed for soy-paste and tofu. Suwon 224 and YS1325-3S-2 were crossed in 2003 and selected from F3 to F5 by pedigree method. The preliminary yield trial (PYT) and advanced yield trial (AYT) were conducted from 2009 to 2010, and regional yield trial (RYT) in twelve regions was conducted from 2011 to 2013. In RYT, ‘Seonpung’ was stable in variable environments and a high yield cultivar. ‘Seonpung’ is determinate, white flower, yellow spherical seed and yellow hilum. Flowering date and maturity date were Aug. 5 and Oct. 19, respectively. Plant height was similar to ‘Daewonkong (standard cultivar)’. However ‘Seonpung’ has higher node number (16) and seed weight (25.9g/100-seed weight) than ‘Daewonkong’ (14 and 24.2g/100-seed weight). ‘Seonpung’ is resistant to root rot, and it also has high level of resistance to bacterial pustule and soybean mosaic virus. The yield of tofu of ‘Seonpung’ was 241%, and noticeably lighter, and solidity was higher than ‘Daewonkong’. Soybean malt scent, fermented soybean yield and γ-polyglutamic acid (γ-PGA) of ‘Seonpung’ were 4, 181% and 31.7㎎/g. The yield in adaptable regions was 340kg/10a (21% increase compared to ‘Daewonkong’). ‘Seonpung’ is expected to be cultivated and used widely for soy-paste and tofu. (Registration number: 5931)

서 언
 재료 및 방법
  육성 과정
  내도복성 및 내탈립성
  두부·청국장 및 메주가공적성 평가
 결과 및 고찰
  고유특성 및 생육특성
  내도복·내탈립 및 내병충성
  종실품질 및 가공적성
  재배상의 유의점
 적 요
 사 사
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