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근대 적벽돌(赤甓乭) 생산사에 관한 연구 KCI 등재

A Study on the Formation of the 'Jeokbyeokdol (Red brick)' in Modern Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/424692
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,800원
건축역사연구 (Journal of Architectural History)
한국건축역사학회 (Korean Association of Architectural History)

According to it, a final goal of this study sets up ‘Renovation of the Red brick architecture’ and development of theoretical foundation and substantial conservation about Red brick architecture through historical records must be settled without delay. Firstly, it analyzes related terminology and adjusts brick architecture's history and features for architectural authenticity about Red brick architecture. It would study production and construction process of brick in korea. From analysis of records, brick of traditional meaning is ‘Jeondol’ and western brick of modern meaning is ‘Red brick’. ‘Brick’ defines a common designation. This study shows definition of words based on documents published until 19th century and a korean language and architecture terms dictionary. In view of this results, the meaning of brick which combines different types extensively uses ‘Chu(甃)’, ‘Jeon(塼, 磚, 甎)’, ‘Byeok(甓)’ according to the purpose of use and the current of the times. In case of ‘Jeon’, it uses jointly different types such as ‘塼’, ‘磚’, ‘甎’. but ‘塼’ is frequently used. Even though these words like ‘byeok(甓)’ used individual or combination types until the late 19th century, there is no use because of japanese terms in japanese colonial. After liberation, it was the term of the traditional brick. Brick is generally used through modern times. In an unabridged Korean language dictionary, it defines this term as orthodox korean ‘壁乭’ and ‘甓乭’. At that time of japanese colonial, ‘Yeonwa(煉瓦)’ used in combination with brick. Due to influence it, it partly uses until now but it is not in common use. Also, a Korean language dictionary contains transcription of ‘Yeonwa’ with same definition as ‘Byeokdol(甓乭)’. In the other side, it results from translating japanese into Korean. It would make exact definition of ‘Yeonwa’.

1. 서론
    1-1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
    1-2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 용어(用語)의 정의
    2-1. 벽돌의 정의 및 구분
    2-2. 용어의 형성과정
3. 근대적 벽돌생산의 모색(18C~1910)
    3-1. 실학파에 의한 전돌의 근대화
    3-2. 개항과 적벽돌 건축의 등장
    3-3. 관영 건축조직 및 생산기술의 변화
    3-4. 민영 벽돌공장의 설립
4. 일제주도의 벽돌생산(1910~1945)
    4-1. 일제강점 전반기
    4-2. 일제강점 후반기
5. 해방과 벽돌 현대화(1945~현재)
    5-1. 해방격동기의 벽돌생산
    5-2. 벽돌생산의 현대화
6. 결론
참고 문헌
  • 조홍석(목원대학교 건축학과 박사) | Cho Hong-Seok (Doctor, Mokwon University) Corresponding author
  • 김정동(목원대학교 건축학과 교수) | Kim Chung-Dong (Professor, Mokwon University)