I. Korean master gardeners
1. The quickening of master gardeners
A Junior Master Gardener program was introduced prior to 2010, but firstly it was promoted in 2010 through the policy of the Rural Development Administration. A total of 39 people completed this professional training program for the government employees of the Rural Development Administration but because of the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease across the nation, there was a restriction on people’s travel for almost an entire year. As a result, the Master Gardener program failed to spread widely but the data relating to them was collected and could be made as a manual for the future. This was distributed to local counties, municipal centers and colleges.
2. Research and international exchange
Research on master gardeners was launched by the Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Technology Institute in 2011. Since then, there has been an official approach by American master gardeners, which afforded us to participate in the Master Gardener Symposium and promote joint research with Kentucky State University.
3. Master gardeners’academic activities
The experts who had studied or completed a master gardener program in the U.S.A in 2012, held a Korean‐tailored Master Gardener Incubation Workshop at Jeju Agricultural Technology Center. Afterward, the Korea Master Gardener Association was organized. The Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Technology Institute held a symposium for the development of master gardeners and discussed it more in detail how to enhance the program. In 2013, an international master gardener event was held by the Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Technology Institute, for the first time American master gardeners were introduced in Korea.
4. Incubation of 2014 master gardeners
A master gardener program was operated by the Jeju Agricultural Technology Center in 2011, the Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Technology Institute in 2012, the Yangju.
Agricultural Technology Center in 2013 and the Goyang Agricultural Technology Center in 2014. In present, Korea has 207 master gardeners in total. Among them, 26 people have earned a Certificate of Master Gardener. In other agencies, there are operating related programs or volunteering activities.
II. Korean master gardeners’future
1. Direction
While the ‘4-H Movement’ played a key role in developing Korea, the Master Gardener Movement will help volunteers find happiness in their lives, lead an advanced culture in the local environment and proudly hand over a sustainable environment to future generations.
2. Master Gardener Conference
As of 2014, there are about 200 master gardeners in four areas in Korea. Furthermore, it is expected that almost 50,000 members will gather to celebrate the Master Gardener Conference with a congratulatory remark from the President of the Republic of Korea within the next decade.
3. Incubation of master gardener coordinator
The Korea Master Gardener Association has suggested instructions containing overall flow and direction and has operated actual projects. Similar to Extension Master Gardener Program in U.S.A, the government needs to discover periodically and develop coordinators, focusing on those who have skills and knowhow in horticulture.
4. Korean-style master gardener program
In U.S.A, most citizens have their own gardens. In Korea, on the contrary, most of residents live in apartments. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a master gardener program tailored to the Korean living environment, with adjustment and improvement.
5. System development
It is necessary to develop a logo, an emblem, a slogan, a motto or a song that can best describe the symbolism and goal of being a ‘master gardener’ and facilitate international exchange and academic activities, accommodating master gardeners to build and strengthen their self-esteem.