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        검색결과 1,884

        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The key features of maritime accidents are the change of their attributes by new risks from time to time. To prevent maritime accidents in Korea, the impacts by new risks on domestic safety environments should be identified or predicted. The purpose of this paper is to find the hazard factors by new risks on maritime safety in Korea. The meaning of new risks is the elements of accident hazard which is compiled from new or rare or unprecedented events in the worldwide maritime transportations. The problems of new risks are the lacks of optimum countermeasures to mitigate accident risks. Using the questionnaires with 152 event scenarios classified by 20 accident causes, the hazard identification and risk analysis of new risks was performed based on the Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) by IMO. A total of 22 Influence Diagrams, which is to depict the transit flows between accident causes to consequences, is used in the construction of 152 event scenarios. A total of 20 accidents causes is the same contents as the causation factors represented in Statistical Year Book for Maritime Accidents of Korean Maritime Safety Tribunals. After defining the evaluation equations to the response results of questionnaires by 46 experts, the work for risk analysis is carried out. As results from the analysis of 152 scenarios, it is known that the root cause to affect on maritime safety in Korea is the pressure of business competition and it led to the lacks of well experienced crews, the overload of vessel operations and crew's fatigue. In addition, as results from the analysis of 20 accident causes, the three accident causes are to be candidate as main issues in Korea such as the inadequate preparedness of departure, the neglecting of watch keeping in bridge and the inadequate management of ship operations. All of the results are thought to be as basic hazard factors to safety impediments. It is thus found that the optimum Risk Control Options to remove the hazard factors and to mitigate consequences required are the following two factors: business competition and crewing problems.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Strengthening the supraspinatus is an important aspect of a rehabilitation program for subacromial impingement and tendinopathy. Many authors recommended empty-can (EC), full-can (FC), and prone full-can (PFC) exercises to strengthen the supraspinatus. However, no ultrasonography study has yet investigated supraspinatus muscle architecture (muscle thickness; MT, pennation angle; PA, fiber bundle length; FBL) in relation to supraspinatus strengthening exercises. Objects: The purpose of this study was to compare the architecture (MT, PA, and FBL) of the supraspinatus muscle during three different types of exercises (EC, FC, and PFC) using diagnostic ultrasound. Methods: Participants performed three different exercises: (A) EC; the arm was maintained at 60° abduction with full internal rotation in the sitting position, (B) FC; the arm was maintained at 60° abduction with full external rotation in the sitting position, and (C) PFC; the arm was maintained at 60° abduction with full external rotation in the prone position. Ultrasonography was used to measure the MT, PA and FBL of the supraspinatus. One-way repeated analysis of variance with Bonferroni’s post-hoc test was used to compare between the three exercises and the initial position of each exercise. Results: Compared with each initial position, the FC exercise showed the greatest mean difference in muscle architecture properties and the PFC exercise showed the least mean difference. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the FC exercise position may have an advantage in increasing the amount of contractile tissue or producing muscle power and the PFC exercise position may be useful in a rehabilitation program because it offers the advantage of maintaining the muscle architecture properties.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recent rise in applications of thermoelectric materials has attracted interest in studies toward the fabrication of thermoelectric materials using mass production techniques. In this study, we successfully fabricate n-type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 material by a combination of mass production powder metallurgy techniques, gas atomization, and spark plasma sintering. In addition, to examine the effects of hydrogen reduction in the microstructure, the thermoelectric and mechanical properties are measured and analyzed. Here, almost 60% of the oxygen content of the powder are eliminated after hydrogen reduction for 4 h at 360°C. Micrographs of the powder show that the reduced powder had a comparatively clean surface and larger grain sizes than unreduced powder. The density of the consolidated bulk using as-atomized powder and reduced atomized powder exceeds 99%. The thermoelectric power factor of the sample prepared by reduction of powder is 20% better than that of the sample prepared using unreduced powder.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The subfamily Allantinae is one of the large subfamilies within the family Tenthredinidae with about 900 described species in the world. All of the species are worldwide distributed and 322 of them are from Eastern Palaearctic region. Also, in the neighboring countries, it has been recorded that 275 species in China, 90 species in Japan and 131 species in Russia. But only 15 species have been reported in South Korea. Generally subfamily Allantinae can be easily recognized from other subfamilies by the following characters in fore wing: Veins M and Rs+M meeting Sc+R at or very near the same point; vein 2A+3A complete, always separated from 1A by an anal crossvein; veins M and 1m-cu parallel; vein 2r present. Moreover, all larvae of Allantinae are phytophagous and external feeders on the foliage of the host. In this study, we report eight species belonging to the five genera (Allantus, Ametastegia, Apethymus, Asiemphytus and Taxonus) from South Korea for the first time. As a total of 11 genera and 24 species in Allantinae were identified to occur in South Korea. A key, diagnoses and photographs of the diagnostic characters are provided.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A cDNA (814 bp) encoding ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) antizyme (Az) was cloned from the Tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura. The open reading frame (ORF) showed an internal stop codon (TGA) on bases 223-224-225, encoding 270 amino acids except for the 223-T. A modified ODC Az cDNA (Slit ODC AzM) by point mutation for removal of the 223-T was introduced into a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) strain expressing a cloned ODC from the Tobacco cutworm. The transformed strain with ODC AzM exhibited a remarkable inhibition on ODC action, showing 56 % lowered cellular proliferation rate and the decreased cellular polyamine levels by 40.1 % (putrescine), 64.1 % (spermidine) and 58.6 % (spermine) at 48 hrs of cultivation in comparison with the original ODC Az cDNA. These results suggest that the modified ODC Az is expressed regardless of the frame-shifting and the expressed functional protein effectively inhibits the ODC activity.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Investigating loci compositions by conventional methods is limited in fully addressing complex gene information. We applied self-organizing map (SOM) to characterize Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) of aquatic insects in six streams in Japan in responding to environmental variables. Locus band presence patterns were clustered by the trained SOM. Presence and absence data of loci were altered and cluster change through recognition was Subsequently expressed to indicate sensitivity to environmental variables. The outlier loci were determined based on the 90th percentile. Subsequently environmental responsiveness was obtained for each outlier in different species. Outlier loci were overall sensitive to pollutants and feeding material. Poly-loci like responsiveness was detected in adapting to environmental constraints. SOM training combined with recognition could be an efficient means of characterizing loci information without knowledge on population genetics a prior.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A nematode, which showed entomopathogenicity, was isolated from Exomala orientalis in Korea, and then identified as Rhabditis blumi. Pathogenicity of R. blumi was evaluated against major cruciferous insect pests, including Artogeia rapae, Mamestra brassicae, and Plutella xylostella. In Petri-dish tests, insect mortality was dose and time dependent, which increased with dose (0–80 dauer juveniles/larva) and time increments. In greenhouse tests, P. xylostella larvae were most susceptible to nematodes, with insect reduction rate of 88.0 %. The rate varied with vegetable species and persistence time of live nematodes on vegetable leaves after spraying. The aeration rate was an important parameter for cultivation of the nematode R. blumi. A sufficient DOT level in the culture using an air-lift bioreactor should be maintained. The nematode growth rate increased with an increasing DOT level and/or bacteria uptake rate. The maximum nematode yield of 1.75 x 105 per ml was obtained under an aeration rate of 6 vvm.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of Maitland orthopedic manipulative physiotherapy and stretching on pain, cervical range of motion, and muscle tone of adults with forward neck posture. A total 40 subjects were divided into a Maitland OMPT group(n=20) and a stretching group(n=20), performing joint mobilization exercise and stretching three times per week for six weeks. As for changes in pain, statistically significant decrease were found before and after the exercise within group comparison( p<.01), while no statistically significant difference was observed between-group comparison. In changes in cervical range of motion before and after the exercise, the Maitland OMPT group showed statistically significant increase(p<.01) in flexion, (left lateral flexion(p<.05), extension, left rotation, right rotation, and right lateral flexion, while the stretching group showed statistically significant increase(p<.05) in extension(p<.01), left rotation, left lateral flexion, right rotation, and right lateral flexion. However, no significant differences in between group comparison in flexion, extension, right rotation, left rotation, right lateral flexion and left lateral flexion. The results of measuring muscle tone changes showed that the Maitland OMPT group and the stretching group did not show significance in within and between group comparison(p<.05). In conclusion, the Maitland OMPT and stretching were effective on improving pain and range of motion.
        2016.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In 1999, Professor Philip Nichols argued that FCPA-style home country laws are efficient in combating transnational bribery, unlike host country regulation and corporate selfregulation. Observing feeble results obtained in 15 years of OECD Anti-bribery Convention, we find arguments for amending this assertion; home countries, aside from enforcing their own laws banning foreign bribery, should reconsider the classical ways of fighting transnational corruption, by helping host governments in their anti-corruption efforts and by encouraging their own corporations to join international dialogic webs. After presenting an original analysis of the reasons behind the limited impact of FCPA-style action, we would then further argue for the two alternative solutions backed by home states, looking respectively at the spectacular results of the anti-corruption campaign in Romania with US support, and at China’s recent position that her corporations should adhere to international private standards on foreign bribery.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to examine whether overall English proficiency influences the relative predictive power of reading fluency and listening comprehension abilities in explaining the reading comprehension of Korean EFL learners within the simple view of reading framework, when the age factor is controlled for. One hundred sixteen eleventh-grade Korean high school students consisting of two highly distinct groups in general English proficiency―55 Most Highly Capable Students (MHCS) and 61 Capable Students (CS)―were tested on measures of reading fluency, vocabulary knowledge, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension. The findings indicated that reading fluency and listening comprehension abilities were significantly related to the reading comprehension of both MHCS and CS groups. However, the results from a series of hierarchical regression analyses revealed that while listening comprehension was a stronger predictor of reading comprehension of the MHCS group, it was reading fluency that explained more variance in comprehension of the CS group. Implications for reading instructions are discussed.
        2016.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        OSCC is currently the most common malignancy of the head and neck, affecting tens of thousands of patients per year worldwide. Natural flavonoids from plants are potential sources for novel anti-cancer drugs. Icariin is the active ingredient of flavonol glycoside, which is derived from the medical plant Herba Epimedii. A metabolite of icariin, icariside II exhibits a variety of pharmacological actions, including anti-rheumatic, anti-depressant, cardiovascular protective, and immunomodulatory functions. However, the exact mechanism causing the apoptosis-inducing effect of icariside II in OSCC is still not fully understood. In the present study, we assessed the anti-cancer effect of icariside II in OSCC cell lines by measuring its effect on cell viability, cell proliferation, and mitochondria membrane potential (MMP). Icariside II treatment of OSCC cells resulted in a dose- and time-dependent decrease in cell viability. Hoechst staining indicated apoptosis in icariside II-treated HSC cells. Icariside II inhibited cell proliferation and induced apoptosis in HSC cells, with significant increases in all present parameters in HSC-4 cells. The results clearly suggested that icariside II induced apoptosis via activation of intrinsic pathways and caspase cascades in HSC-4 cell lines. The collective findings of the study suggested that Icariside II is a potential treatment for OSCC; in addition, the data could provide a basis for the development of a novel anti-cancer strategy.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of various mulching materials on growth and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench). Three kinds of polyethylene (PE) mulching materials were used which are: black (Black), green (Green), and white and black on both sides (White), black non-woven fabric (Fabric), and barley straw (Straw) and the control plot (Control) were also used in this study. The change of soil temperature was observed in various mulching materials with Green showing the highest average temperature of 24.4o, followed by Black > Fabric > Control > White > Straw. The variation of plant length,, aboveground weight, and root weight were constant in the order of Green > Black > White > Fabric > Control > Straw. Total yield (number of fruits) were 281,000 in Green which was the highest yield, and the least was from Straw which was 62.3% of Green. Total weight of fruits in Green was 395 kg which was the heaviest, and in Straw was least with 226 kg Hence, the weight of fruits