
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,884

        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effect of FES and ankle mobilization on the ankle motion and the quality of gait of chronic hemiplegic patients with limited ankle joint motions. As research subjects, 24 chronic hemiplegic patients who could walk independently, regardless of assistive aids, were selected. Then, 8 subjects received mobilization randomly and 8 subjects received FES and 8 subjects received mobilization and FES, at the same time. The dorsiflexion PROM significantly increased in the group of mobilization therapy, mobilization and FES all together(p<.01). There were statistically significant differences among the three groups(p<.01). The 10m walking test significantly decreased in the group of mobilization therapy, mobilization and FES all together(p<.05). There were statistically significant differences among the three groups(p<.01). The gait velocity significantly increased in the group of mobilization therapy, FES therapy, mobilization and FES all together(p<.05). There were statistically significant differences among the three groups(p<.01). The stride length significantly increased in the group of mobilization therapy, mobilization and FES all together(p<.05). There were statistically significant differences among the three groups(p<.05). In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that rather than only using one treatment technique, applying mobilization and FES together brings a more satisfactory result to hemiplegic patients with limited ankle joint motions.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        소나무재선충에 대하여 살선충 활성을 가지는 물질을 탐색하기 위하여 베트남 에서 구입한 90종의 한약재를 이용하여 메탄올 추출한 뒤 소나무재선충에 대한 살 선충 활성을 검정하였다. 10,000ppm 농도로 DMSO에 녹인 시료를 100ppm 농도 로 물에 희석한 후 소나무재선충 감염목에서 분리한 소나무재선충을 24시간 직접 노출시키고, 치사 여부를 조사하였다. 그 결과 대부분의 식물체 추출물 처리에서 낮은 살선충 활성을 보이거나 살선충 효과가 없었으나 한련초(Eclipta prostrata) 에서는 100%의 보정사충률을 보였다. 한련초 메탄올 추출물의 농도별 처리 시 25ppm농도까지 소나무재선충이 생존하지 못하였으며 12.5ppm과 6.25ppm에서 는 각각 28.8%와 85.3%의 생충율을 보였다. 한련초 추출물의 나무주사 효과의 검 토와 함께 한련초 추출물에서 항균 및 항세균 작용이 확인 된 바 있고, 살충작용도 보고되고 있어 소나무재선충에 대한 살선충 물질의 탐색에 관한 연구가 필요할 것 으로 생각된다.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The influence of three temperatures, 20℃, 25℃ and 35℃ and four relative humidities (RH), 30-35%, 50-55%, 70-75%, and 90-95% on oviposition and development of Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on azuki bean seeds was investigated. One day old five males and five females of C. chinensis were introduced to 30 gm azuki bean seeds for each combination of temperature and RH, and replicated ten times. The introduced adults were allowed to lay eggs for 72 hours. Temperature significantly influenced on oviposition with increased number of eggs at 30℃, relative humidity, however, had no effect on egg laying. Development time was affected by both temperature and relative humidity. Development time was shortest at 30℃ and 70-75% RH. Adult emergence success rate was affected by both temperature and RH; increased level of temperature and RH increased emergence rate of adults. The results suggest that C. chinensis is much likely to cause greater damage to azuki bean seeds stored at 30℃ and 70-75% RH.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 아크릴로 자체 제작한 사면체 및 육면체 실험장치와 특수 주문제작한 3종의 LED기판을 이용하여 375nm에서 630nm 사이의 다양한 LED광 파장에 대 한 콩 진딧물과 목화진딧물의 유인 및 기피 행동반응을 조사코자 수행하였다. 콩진 딧물의 유인반응은 육면체 실험장치 중앙에 진딧물 발생밀도가 높은 포트재배 콩 식물체를 놓고, 동심원상에 진딧물이 전혀 발생되지 않은 콩 식물체와 각 파장별 LED광을 배치하고 72시간 동안 전원을 켠 후에 각 파장대로 이동한 콩진딧물의 이 동수를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 530nm 파장에서 이동률이 74% (152마리)로 가장 높 았고, 550nm, 570nm, 610nm 순으로 파장이 길어질수록 이동률이 낮았다. 기피 행 동반응은 초기 콩진딧물 밀도가 포트재배 콩 식물체당 각각 113.7, 84.3, 76.7 마리 인 530nm, 570nm, 610nm 영역의 LED광을 동심원상에 배치하고 3일 동안 전원을 켠 후 각 파장별 식물체로 이동한 콩진딧물 수를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 530nm에서 콩진딧물이 135.3마리로 초기 밀도보다 19.8% 많았다. 570nm 및 610nm는 각각 1.7마리 및 20마리가 530nm로 이동하여 초기 밀도보다 감소하였다. 목화진딧물의 LED광 파장별 행동반응은 포트재배 배추에 발생된 진딧물을 이용하여 육면체 및 사면체 실험상치에서 수행하였다. 육면체 실험장치 중앙에 진딧물 밀도가 높은 배 추를 놓고, 각 파장별로 이동한 진딧물 수를 조사한 결과, 진딧물이 가장 많이 이동 한 파장은 530nm로 62.7% (104.5마리) 이동하였다, 자외선 영역인 375nm에도 24.7%가 이동되었으나 550nm 이상의 장파장에서는 대부분 5% 이하의 낮은 이동 률을 보였다. 375nm, 560nm, 590nm 및 630nm 4파장에 대한 배추진딧물의 유인수 는 560nm에 가장 많았으나 처리 후 기간에 따라 각 파장별 이동수에 차이가 많았 다. 530nm로 콩진딧물과 목화진딧물이 많이 이동한 것은 콩 및 배추 식물체의 색 깔과 관련이 많은 것으로 여겨진다.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Aphis gossypii was widely distributed throughout the tropical, subtropical and temperate zone. The chemical control of A. gossypii is becoming problem because it was rapidly appeared resistance expression to chemicals. We will attempt to resolve the this problem using RNAi technique. Besides, RNAi technology can be helpful to study the target genes of A. gossypii. In this study we produce cDNA library construction using gateway cloning system for selecting target gene in order to control of A. gossypii using RNAi. As a result, the 100-400bp of insert size, which is appropriate for RNAi was confirmed. Most of insert gene is associated with A. gossypii, after that insert sequence was compared with DNA databases and EST databases using NCBI blast search. Consequentially, A. gossypii of cDNA library with the titer of 3.15x105 clones were completed. And we will perform the LR recombination to transfer cDNA library into TRV2 (tobacco rattle virus) vector with att site. Then, after performing transformation using Agrobacterium tumefaciens (GV 2260), we inoculated to cucumber with A. tumefaciens. An insecticidal effect or a repellent activity against A. gossypii by changing behavior in transgenic cucumber plants were conformed. Also, the selecting target gene in order to control A. gossypii using RNAi may be provided.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As a result of investigation on the larvae attacking leaves of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. and causing serious damage on the plant in Seoul, Chungnam and Jeonbuk Province in Korea during summer in 2013, Protegira songi Chen & Zhang of the family Noctuidae was identified. In this study, we report the host plants of it for the first time from Korea, with larval damage and taxonomic information by illustrating the characteristics of male and female genitalia. Also we will conduct to extract and analyse the DNA barcode for correct identification in forest pest monitoring in near future.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A new set of basis functions was constructed using the Rossby-Haurwitz waves, which are the eigenfunctions of nondivergent barotropic vorticity equations on the sphere. The basis functions were designed to be non-separable, that is, not factored into functions of either the longitude or the latitude. Due to this property, the nodal lines of the functions are aligned neither along with the meridian nor the parallel. The basis functions can be categorized into groups of which members have the same degree or the total wavenumber-like index on the sphere. The orthonormality of the basis functions were found to be close to the machine roundoffs, giving the error of O(10-15) or O(10-16) for double-precision computation (64 bit arithmetic). It was demonstrated through time-stepping procedure that the basis functions were also the eigenfunctions of the non-divergent barotropic vorticity equations. The projection of the basis functions was carried out onto the low-resolution geopotential field of Gaussian bell, and compared with the theory. The same projections were performed for the observed atmospheric-geopotential height field of 500 hPa surface to demonstrate decomposition into the fields that contain disturbance of certain range of horizontal scales. The usefulness of the new basis functions was thus addressed for application to the eigenmode analysis of the atmospheric motions on the global domain.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A number of coated grains (spherical to elongated ones in shape) were collected from a small stream, Dijon, France. They were characterized by typical concentric lamination surrounding broken twigs, and were thus identified as concentric precipitation on plant twigs. Within carbonate coatings of the plant twigs, two morphological groups including, eukaryotic green algae (Vaucheria sp.) and cyanobacteria (Scytonema sp. and Rivularia sp.) were detected, which form carbonate crystals that are surrounding their filaments. The filaments could have triggered carbonate precipitation by photosynthetic removal of CO2 causing the increase of alkalinity of the water, and by supporting their sheaths as nucleation sites. Such encrusted twigs were found from 70 meters downstream, in which temperature and pH were measured as 11.1˚C and 8.18, respectively. These water chemistries (11.1˚C and pH 8.18), with the aid of microbial photosynthesis, were likely to provide a suitable condition for carbonate precipitation on the twigs.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research explore the complementarity effect of export-market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation on export performance of SMEs from a CEE developing economy. We found that the likelihood of this effect on export profitability is higher in dynamic export market environments if high level of resources are committed to export operations.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We propose a conceptual model of MO in emerging markets by drawing on industrial organization and economic sociology, and outline factors which can better explain the determinant-strategy-performance relationships in emerging markets. We provide two country examples (Russia and China), and propose future research directions for our conceptual model.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this paper, OTT (Over-The-Top) refers to voice, video and data services that arrive from a third party service provider (SP) and doesn’t require any business or technology affiliations with the network operator (Southwell 2011). Traditional telephone companies (telcos) are under big threat from OTT messaging applications which have been splitting flow of text message and voice from the former. Even though, mobile operators still enjoy some asymmetric advantages by controlling the basic telecommunications infrastructure, monitoring the network usage and distinguishing between different OTT actors (Bertin et al. 2011). From a market structure perspective, mobile telecoms industry with the entrance of OTT messaging applications is analogous to the traditional dual-channel structure. On one hand, mobile operators “sell” communication services such as SMS and voice directly to subscribers; on the other hand, they “wholesale” the network infrastructure to OTT SPs on which OTT applications distribute text, picture, video and voice for end users. Extant research has extensively examined the channel selection, channel competition and coordination in traditional sectors (Cai 2010; Cattani et al. 2006; Chiang et al. 2003; Dumrongsir et al. 2008). However, the explanation of dual channel might not be well applicable to the mobile operator and OTT issue considering some new features in the industry. 1) comparing with traditional product distribution, the mobile operators are selling “the right to use the network”, thus they could both charge the “access” and “usage” fee. 2) unlike the traditional retailing channel where consumers make payments to retailer, consumers using OTT would pay network usage fee (data fee) to the mobile operator. 3) traditional retailors earn their profits by selling products with a higher price than the wholesale price. However, OTT services aim to develop their own business after accumulation of sufficient quantities of users, such as revenues form ads, traffic guidance and so on. This paper is conducted to analyze the pricing strategy of mobile operators facing the challenge of OTT. For simplicity, we assume a monopoly market, namely one mobile operator provide network infrastructure for one OTT messaging service provider who provides communication service for consumers. Based on dynamic game theory, we show that: firstly, under non-cooperative strategy, a mobile operator should charge OTT a positive network access fee which is positively correlated to OTT platform’s future commercial value and direct communication service price, and negatively correlated to indirect communication service; secondly, under cooperative strategy, a mobile operator and OTT could create a more joint profit than that under non-cooperative strategy. The platform access fee that the joint venture charges end users is negatively correlated with OTT platform future commercial value; thirdly, despite the choice of cooperative or non-cooperative strategy, the price of direct communication products has a negative correlation with OTT platform future commercial value and a positive correlation with the platform quality; while the price of indirect communication products is positively correlated with platform future commercial value and is negatively correlated with OTT platform quality. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of the managerial implications for mobile operators and OTT SPs. With regard to policy makers, we suggest that a convenient cooperation environment should be provided, because both mobile operator and OTT SP would obtain a high profit under cooperative condition than that under non-cooperative condition and at the same time consumers could also enjoy a better welfare. This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71172011 and 71272160) and NCET-12-0772.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Empirical studies provide evidence that many consumers prefer a flat-rate, even though their billing rate would be lower on a pay-per-use tariff. When it comes to tariff choices, some consumers thus seem to be subject to a cognitive error, a so-called “flat-rate bias”. Based on survey data, we analyse causes and strategies to enhance the occurrence and intensity of flat-rate biases within 2 studies. The results of study 1 (n=104) point out to five important drivers of flat-rate biases, namely the taximeter, insurance, overestimation, convenience and smart-shopping effect. Within study 2 (n=416), we subsequently evaluate the effectiveness of advertisements using the identified causes for a flat-rate bias as setting levers to increase consumers' tariff-specific willingness-to-pay. Our findings show that the most effective way to enhance the return on flat-rate bias would be to enhance communication of the fact that consumers can protect themselves from fluctuations in the billing amount through a flat rate (insurance effect) and that consumers must not worry about costs when using a flat rate (taximeter effect).
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The concept of customer orientation (CO) has been studied for quite a long time at first as a major part of market orientation and then as a separate construct. For emerging market the role of CO became paramount with the shift from the planned to the market economy. However, after more than two decades of transition Russian companies are still demonstrating rather a claim of being customer orientation, instead of implementing a long-term orientation towards customer. This paper focuses on reconsidering applying the Narver and Slater (1990) approach to conceptualizing and measuring customer orientation, and its empirical test and validation in the context of Russian economy. This study is based on data from two empirical studies on Russian companies, conducted during the pre-crisis (2008) and post-crisis (2010) period. Our results reveal that existing theory on customer orientation is not fully confirmed by the evidence from Russian companies.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Emerging markets represent a significant part of the world economy and tend to expand their share, but they are still not well examined. Specifically, one of the BRIC economies, Russia seems to be avoided in the overall marketing strategy academic discussion. According to Sheth (2011, p. 7) market orientation and relationship marketing are marketing strategies that have become mainstream for empirical research in marketing. But existing research shows that these marketing strategies have hardly been investigated in–depth in Russian context for the last twenty years. The purpose of this paper is to test Contemporary Marketing Practices model in Russian market. Classification scheme of marketing practices is based on “Contemporary marketing practices – CMP” methodology: TM (Transactional marketing, DM (Database marketing), IM (Interactive marketing), NM (Network marketing) and RM (Relationship marketing) (Coviello et al, 2002). Thus, main research question is to reveal what types of marketing practices (transactional, data based, interactive, relational or network) are more often used by Russian companies. Paper is based on empirical data (quantitative study of 329 Russian companies). Cluster analysis was conducted to show that types of marketing practices are common for Russian market: transactional, relational or interactive.