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        검색결과 1,115

        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        All machines deteriorate in performance over time. The phenomenon that causes such performance degradation is called deterioration. Due to the deterioration, the process mean of the machine shifts, process variance increases due to the expansion of separate interval, and the failure rate of the machine increases. The maintenance model is a matter of determining the timing of preventive maintenance that minimizes the total cost per wear between the relation to the increasing production cost and the decreasing maintenance cost. The essential requirement of this model is that the preventive maintenance cost is less than the failure maintenance cost. In the process mean shift model, determining the resetting timing due to increasing production costs is the same as the maintenance model. In determining the timing of machine adjustments, there are two differences between the models. First, the process mean shift model excludes failure from the model. This model is limited to the period during the operation of the machine. Second, in the maintenance model, the production cost is set as a general function of the operating time. But in the process mean shift model, the production cost is set as a probability functions associated with the product. In the production system, the maintenance cost of the equipment and the production cost due to the non-confirming items and the quality loss cost are always occurring simultaneously. So it is reasonable that the failure and process mean shift should be dealt with at the same time in determining the maintenance time. This study proposes a model that integrates both of them. In order to reflect the actual production system more accurately, this integrated model includes the items of process variance function and the loss function according to wear level.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠를 단순히 반기독교를 주장한 시인이라고 보기는 어렵다. 그동안 예이츠를 주로 불교, 힌두교, 동양사상 등의 관점으로 살펴보았지만 이 연구는 예이츠 의 기독교(성)에 중심을 두고 연구했다. 본 연구를 통하여 예이츠를 단순히 기독교와 는 대립 되는 시인으로 단정한다면 모순이 될 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 그의 몇몇 작품에서는 예이츠가 기독교 『성경』의 내용을 차용했음을 알 수 있다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The South Korean government is actively assisting the supply of the smart factory solutions to SMEs (Small & Medium-sized Enterprises) according to its manufacturing innovation 3.0 policy for the smart manufacturing as the 4th industrial revolution era unfolds. This study analyzed the impacts of the smart factory solutions, which have been supplied by the government, on the companies performances. The effects of the level of smart factory and the operation capabilities for the smart factory solutions on company performances, and the mediating effects of manufacturing capabilities have been analyzed using SPSS and AMOS. The data for this survey-based study were collected from the SMEs which implemented the smart factory solutions since 2015. The results show that the level of smart factory solutions adopted and operation capabilities for the smart factories do not have direct effects on the company performances, but their mediating effects on the manufacturing capabilities matter and the manufacturing capabilities effect directly on the company performances. In addition significant factors boosting the operation capability for the smart factory and the levels of the smart factory solutions are identified. Finally, the policy direction for enhancing the smart factory effects is presented, and the future research directions along with the limitations are suggested.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 인간의 운명으로서 존재의 소멸에 관한 폴 비릴리오의 관점에 따라 존재의 소멸의 의미를 예이츠의 시작품에 적용한다. 「가이어」 에서 생성의 소멸의 과정을 살펴보았으며, 화자는 일시적인 만물 혹은 가치의 유전을 원치 않고 비극적 환희의 이중구속의 상황 속에서 지상에서의 영원한 소멸을 동경한다. 또 「1919 」에서 화자는 소멸의 운명에 대해 불평하지만, 사물이 소멸하지 않으면 그것도 재앙이 될 것이 다. 그럼에도 니체의 후예들은 소멸의 운명에 저항하며 영겁회귀를 꿈꾼다. 「벤 벌번 아래서」에서, 성 시스틴 성당의 벽화는 성스러운 아우라가 넘치지만 실상 반신 반수의 속물적인 인간의 작품이기에 신성의 소멸의 사례로 볼 수 있다. 이에 미켈란젤로가 추구하는 것은 [세속의 완전성]을 추구한 것이다. 결론적으로, 그렇다면 소멸의 운명을 맞이하는 인간의 대안은 무엇인가? 그것은 인간이 시간의 보편성 혹은 통시성에 함몰 되지 말고 매순간 시간의 동시성 혹은 공시성을 향유하는 것이다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently the concentration of fine dust and ultra fine dust becomes so bad, which seriously threatens the health and even the life of people. So, government started to investigate several ways to reduce the amount of fine dust and ultra fine dust. From a few years ago it has been known that ships anchored at port emit a lot of pollution and seriously affect air quality of neighboring cities. To reduce the pollution emitted by ship AMP (Alternative Maritime Power Supply) has been proposed, which uses the electricity instead of bunker C oil or diesel. Many developed countries already installed AMP to improve air quality in port area. Korea is in the stage of planning to install AMP at port. However, there are many complicated problems to be handled before AMP installation. Due to huge initial cost and long period of construction ship owner and habour operating company are reluctant to AMP installation. And there are serious technological difficulties in constructing AMP in existing harbour. Lack of AMP core technology and operational difficulties of AMP are also big challenges to be conquered. In this study SWOT/AHP method is used to find strategic and efficient ways to handle above complicated challenges and then to vitalize the AMP installation.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study sought to investigate factors affecting the English writing performance of 30 Korean ESL students overseas. Also, examined were the relationship between L1 and L2 education levels and L2 writing performance, the relationship between English language proficiency and L2 writing performance and between length of residence and L2 writing performance. The participants were asked to write essays in their L1 and L2 along with a questionnaire. To analyze the data, two-way ANOVA and correlation were performed. The results showed there was no significant relation between L1 educational level and L2 writing performance, but there was a significant relation between L2 educational level and L2 writing performance. Also, English language proficiency and L2 writing performance were highly correlated. The length of residence of the participants in the U.S. and their L2 writing performance showed a weak correlation. Similarly, their L1 writing performance was not related to their L2 writing performance. These imply that students need to have adequate proficiency of English to write in their L2, and they need to receive a considerate number of years of formal education in their L2 for the success of L2 writing.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper considers the Prisoner’s Dilemma Game in which there exists a dilemma that the best response is that both players are to confess, but doing not confess can give a higher gain to the both players in a social perspective. To resolve such a dilemma in the game, an incentive model to encourage to confess and a penalty model for being imposed when not confessing are introduced, respectively. Then, the conditions are characterized under which incentive or penalty involved in the game’s payoffs can make the game rational without a dilemma on both the personal and social perspectives, by taking the payoff values as variables with the incentive and penalty factors. Furthermore, it turns out that the resulting values of incentive and penalty are inversely proportional to each other, and thus, obtaining one of these amounts can provide the other. Simple examples are shown to interpret the theoretical verifications of our models, and randomly generated data based simulation results investigate the tendency of incentive and penalty and the resulting game values for a variety of instances. These results can provide a framework on resolving the dilemma by artificially putting incentive or penalty, although it is careful to apply more generalized real world games.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Automobiles are largely divided into passenger cars with less than five passengers and commercial vehicles such as construction machines, trucks, mixers, special lorries, and large buses. Automobile maintenance companies are also divided into passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Because commercial vehicles are the livelihood vehicles of individual carriers engaged in cargo transportation, passenger transportation, and construction, fast and accurate maintenance is important. Access to the expressway is also important because the car is large and uses highways. In addition, the time required for troubleshooting is long, so sufficient space must be secured for parking the vehicle, and ease of entry and exit of the vehicle in the maintenance shop should be fully considered. For this reason, commercial vehicle maintenance companies have higher initial investment costs than car maintenance companies, and it is difficult to supply and maintain maintenance personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine and analyze various related factors for successful commercial vehicle maintenance company selection. However, most existing commercial vehicle maintenance companies often choose their location based on the empirical judgment of the founder, the customs and the case, without a clear analysis. In this study, we show how to derive the location selection factors to be considered when establishing professional maintenance company for commercial vehicles and to select the optimal location by using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In a teaching environment where all instructors have to teach the same class materials within limited time, from which they have to create the same test items, it is very difficult to create some space that could foster learner autonomy (LA). The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of LA on college students’ academic achievements, task perceptions, and classroom engagement at a Korean university. The study was undertaken in four sections of the same beginner level college English course over the course of a semester. A total of 84 students enrolled in the college English class participated in the study, of which 41 students were assigned to the control group and 43 students to the experimental group. The students’ learning outcomes between the control and experimental groups, their responses to the LA task, and the instructor’s observations of the students’ learning process were analyzed. The study revealed that the students in the experimental group produced significantly higher scores in their exams than those in the control group. Also, compared to its counterpart, the experimental group appeared to engage in the learning process more actively. Educational implications for promoting LA in EFL college classes are discussed.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The customer of massage chair is expanding day by day from middle age to all ages. In 2018, the market size was 700 billion KRW, an increase of 30 times over 10 years. However, most related SMEs suffer from excessive competition by the market monopoly of some major companies. In this situation, in order for a related company to survive, it is necessary to steadily research and develop new products. Founded in 2009, company L produces massage chairs for health and relaxation of customers. L’s products use a sound wave vibration module that is favorable for human body, unlike other products that use vibration motor type. However, frequent breakdowns of massage chair due to the vulnerability of plate (leaf) springs, which play an important role in sound wave vibration modules, made sap its competitiveness. In this paper, we propose a method to design desirable plate spring structure by sequentially experimenting with five different plate springs. The results of this study are expected to contribute to improve the quality of plate spring and the reliability of sound wave vibration module. In the future, it is necessary to find a way to use it in the development of foot massage or scalp management device as well as continuous research to find optimal plate spring structure through various analysis.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper first claims that the Avatamsaka (Sanskrit) Sutra, or the Flower Ornament Sutra (大方廣佛華嚴經) is the best writing among the innumerable Sutras and other books that describe Truth. The Chinese characters in the Avatamsaka Sutra shows infinity, innumerable Bodhisattvas and the infinite Dharma body (無限法身) of Vairocana (毘盧遮那佛). Yet this dimension of the ultimate reality is not simply that of the nihilistic (虛無主義的) nothingness or void. Emptiness is the perfect emptiness with wondrous movement, and it is the most profound source (根源) of all animate existences and inanimate things. I claim that literary reading and watching films have the innate purpose (目的) of having this meditative mind, of which the most profound spiritual vision is presented as Ocean Samadhi in the Avatamsaka Sutra. In the first place, the innate (內在的) guide us to clearly see the binary structure (二元對立構造) of ego (自我). The ego is unstable between good and evil, right and wrong, decency and destitute. In order to let the audience feel free from the ego, we should take a profoundly different way than thematic approach (主題的接近). This way of understanding literary works and films is not to find the author’s intention and the main message implied in the work. Literature, film, and other arts are special areas that lead audiences outside the local, petty ego that is, into the dimension of the true self or the Transmiddle zone (領域) with special power of sensibility (感覺). As a literary text or film constructs the plot, story, and mood, it deconstructs itself (in terms of postmodernism). Ethical deconstruction would lead the audience beyond the limits of time and space into the spiritual dimension. A serious (深奧) literary text or film Great works (傑作) of literature and film direct our attention to break the shell (外觀) of our ego and encounter (直面) the source of life outside the ordinary habit of the ego. The exterior of the ego is the dimension of the pure consciousness. The unveiling process is the way in which it unlocks our spiritual sight (靈的視視) and presents with us a story of the protagonist’s failure (失敗) to flourish (繁榮) in the society (社會). The primal reality of the ego is that it is split into two, and thus fundamentally unstable. The ocean Samadhi (海印三昧) as portrayed in the Avatamsaka Sutra presents us with the vision that the whole cosmos (宇宙) and uncountable atoms are one. In this spiritual light, all phenomena in the whole universe are dependent co-arising or interdependent arising (同時發生); it is possible because everything is empty and has no stable substance. The Avatamsaka Sutra presents that the Buddha-body comprises, and thus it is truly “Emptiness (眞空) as Fullness (充滿).” Phenomena as the variances of Emptiness go through the processes of birth and death, not the Emptiness itself. It is like “empty space.” In the Hua-yen marvelous cosmos of Emptiness as fullness, one and all are interconnected with one another, and it is beyond our intellectual understanding (知的理解). In this way, Chinese characters (漢字) in the Avatamsaka Sutra (華嚴經, 大方廣佛華嚴經) describe (描寫) the infinite Dharma body (無限法身) of Vairocana (毘盧遮那佛). The ultimate truth is nondual (不二), and thus nonphenomenal (非現象的). The truth (眞理) of every existence (存在) is actually the spiritual dimension of not one, not two (不一, 不二). “Not one, not two” is the characteristic nature of the dimension beyond time and space, for it indicates the most fundamental realm (根本領域) of transcendence, where all phenomena are both separate and one.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated EFL college students’ culture-related templates of written texts along the possibility of inter-cultural transfer. We designed a case study to explore how certain cultural assumptions contribute to EFL students’ rhetorical decisions while writing an argumentative writing. The participants were four EFL college students. Multiple data sources include background questionnaires, argumentative essays, and in-depth retrospective interviews. To analyze rhetorical choices in the participants’ writing, we identified choices of argumentation subtypes, and introduction and conclusion components. We also categorized the location of the writer’s main claim and thesis statement. The interview data were qualitatively analyzed to see what rhetorical resources participants draw from the cultural/educational contexts, and which factors had influenced the participants’ rhetorical strategy. Data analyses indicate that each participant manipulated different rhetorical structures to strengthen the rhetorical impact of their writing. Indeed, the complex constellation of individual participants’ cultural resources was at play in their L2 writing. This study contributes to our understanding of the rhetorical templates of L2 texts as constructs that are always in process, and therefore adaptable and negotiable.