
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,115

        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠는 그의 시에서 시적 효과를 극대화하기 위해 소리와 의미를 유 기적으로 조화를 이루게 하였다. 그는 현대의 복잡다단함을 나타내기 위해 다양한 운 율 형태를 사용하였다. 그는 의도적으로 다양한 두운, 자운, 모운, 운율 등을 사용하여 의미를 강조하였다. 특히 이런 운율의 대조와 유사는 예이츠의 시를 이해하는데 중요 한 역할을 한다. 예이츠는 변형 운율을 통해 전통의 부당성을 부각 시키는가 하면, 전 통적인 운율을 통해 전통적인 가치관을 묘사하기도 했다. 그러나 예이츠는 극단적으로 치우치지 않고 변형적인 운율과 전통적인 운율을 조화롭게 사용하여 인생의 조화로운 의미를 강조하였다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study describes how Korean college students perceive reviewing their peers’ drafts over the course of one semester and what variables might affect their review process. Twenty-six students enrolled in the teacher researcher’s two writing courses participated in this study. The data came from the students’ reflections on their peer reviews and the researcher’s observations/descriptions of the review process, and informal interviews with several students. The findings indicated that the students in this study valued peer reviews, but they were reluctant to write comments on peers’ drafts, especially at the beginning of the semester. However, toward the end of the semester, they felt more comfortable in providing written comments on peers’ drafts, particularly when they developed positive relationships with their peers. Suggestions for effective peer activity have also been provided.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The world Englishes framework gravitating around many recent models of English has initiated sharp interest in adopting intercultural awareness and its teaching/learning in English language instruction. This is because English has become ‘a heterogeneous language with multiple norms and grammars’ (Canagarajah, 2006) and no longer an international language but an ‘intercultural language’ (Sifakis, 2004). Intercultural English language teaching (IcELT) aims to create interculturally multidialectical English users among world Englishes by not only developing cultural tolerance and linguistic and cultural diversity but abating the so-called native-speakers’ linguistic and cultural dominances. For this, this article suggests eight workable IcELT guidelines which could facilitate users’ IcELT competence. This article, for its organization, first addresses why IcELT in relation to the world Englishes framework should be dealt in the contemporary ELT arena. Secondly, it suggests the eight IcELT guidelines along with some classroom techniques; thus, teachers of English language will benefit in his/her future lesson plans.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fatigue crack growth experiments were carried out on a 304 L stainless steel compact-tension(CT) specimen under load control mode. Neutron diffraction was employed to quantitatively measure the residual strains/stresses and the evolution of stress fields in the vicinity of a propagating fatigue-crack tip. Three principal stress components (i.e. crack growth, crack opening, and through-thickness direction stresses) were examined in-situ under loading as a function of distance from the crack tip along the crack-propagation path. The stress/strain fields, measured both at the mid-thickness and near the surface of the CT specimen, were compared. The results show that much higher compressive residual stress fields developed in front of the crack tip near the surface than developed at the mid-thickness area. The change of the stresses ahead of the crack tip under loading is more significant at the mid-thickness area than it is near the surface.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 폴 멀둔이 아일랜드와 북아일랜드를 체험, 인식하고 표현하는 데 있어서 어떠한 방식으로 자신의 시세계를 구축하였는가를 추적한다. W. B. 예이츠 와 셰이머스 히니는 시인으로서 폴 멀둔이 극복해야할 대상이었다. 멀둔은 자신의 작품 세계를 형상화하는 데 알레고리라는 방식으로 대처하였고, 이렇게 함으로써 자신만의 독특한 시적 세계를 성취하였다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이글은 예이츠의 비잔티움으로의 항해 를 인도경전인 우파니샤드에 적용해 보는 것이다. 무엇보다도 비잔티움으로의 항해 에서 시인은 변화무쌍한 이 세 계에서 벗어나서 모든 것이 조화롭고 통일되며 변화가 없는 비잔티움으로 가기를 갈 망한다. 그러데 이러한 모습은 우파니샤드에 나타난 브라만과의 소통의 경지와 유사 하다고 볼 수 있다. 영육간의 조화 및 지상계와 천상계 사이의 조화가 이루어지면 브 라만과 하나가 될 수 있다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠와 스티븐스는 자연과 실체와 상상을 사용한 시인이다. 그러나 두 시인은 서로 유사한 시상을 고유하기도 했지만, 그들은 주로 상반된 방법을 사용하 였다. 예이츠는 시를 신화와 혼합해서 승화시키려 하였으나, 스티븐스는 전통과 신화 를 해체하여 인간적인 상상으로 시화시켰다. 특히 두 시인은 상반된 종교관과 이성관 을 가지고 인간의 상상력을 극대화 시켰다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lee, Hye-min. 2015. “Talking about the Body Using the Body: Nonverbal Acts in Korean Medicine Clinics”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 23(3). 295~327. This paper attempts to explore how people communicate “using their body,” otherly put, by nonverbal acts. Through a linguistic anthropological analysis on medical encounters in Korean Medicine clinics, this paper aims to examine how participants perform nonverbal acts as communicative modalities and strategies. By extending previous scholarships that emphasized the significance of nonverbal acts, this paper argues that nonverbal acts are not mere bodily actions, but rather are meaningful acts that index communicative goals, social relationships, and participants’ identity practices. With analysis on conversational data collected through anthropological fieldwork, four salient types of nonverbal acts―eye-gaze, nodding, hand gestures, and distance adjustment― and six communicative functions―back-channel, attitude cue, frame shift, turn-taking, footing, and visual cue―are explored. Furthermore, this paper analyzes nonverbal acts as communicative strategy, which participants employ to achieve their communication goals, build a preferred social relationship, and perform positive identity practices.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lee Seung-hee. 2015. “Closings of Calls to an Airline Service”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 23(3). 177~204. In conversation analysis (CA), closings of a conversation are explicated as achievements by parties working through structural problems of coordinating a simultaneous exit from the conversation. This paper examines closings of calls to an airline service in Korea using the method of CA. As calls to the airline service are built with an orientation to an expectably single business, resolution of the business at hand-typically a flight reservation-occasions the relevance of closing. Closings of airline service calls are structured into pre-closing and terminal sequences. Agents' announcement of a completion of the reservation, thus of the business at hand, constitutes a pre-closing move. Customers align with the pre-closing move normally by producing an acknowledgement in response. Following pre-closing sequences, agents initiate a terminal sequence by producing a terminal component in a standard format required by the institution. Customers typically respond with an acknowledgement ‘yes’ token, collaboratively achieving a termination. In the achievement of closing sequences, parties orient not only to the particular trajectory of activities and pre-closings they have been engaged in, but also to the particular type of conversation as one of customer service.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine how reading motivation varies in its prediction of reading comprehension in Korean (L1) and English (L2) (with parental involvement being controlled for), and how reading motivation in each language is associated with language proficiency. Participants consisted of 289 EFL middle school students in South Korea. Three questionnaires and four language tests were employed to measure learners' reading motivation, parental involvement, language proficiency, and reading comprehension in their L1 and L2. Results indicated that L2 reading performance was positively predicted by both intrinsic motivation and grades/utility, whereas the only positive predictor of L1 reading comprehension was intrinsic motivation. Moreover, in both L1 and L2, the high-proficiency group was found to exhibit significantly stronger intrinsic and extrinsic motivation than the low group; the high group's intrinsic motivation was significantly stronger than the middle group; and the middle and low groups differed significantly in extrinsic motivation.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the determinants of new product diffusion. We seek to document and explain systematic features of product diffusion. In this essay, we examine the well-documented empirical regularity that the speed of diffusion has accelerated during the twentieth century. The empirical results show that the main source of acceleration are faster declines in prices. Faster price declines make the product affordable to more consumers within a given period of time. Based on theories of intertemporal price discrimination and learning-by-doing, the association between the speed of adoption and the speed of price decline was explained. Faster price declines are attributed to several product characteristics as well as changes in income distribution. Above all, the introduction of consumer electronic products in more recent years can be regarded as the most important factor in accelerating price declines. Consumer electronic products are technologically different from non-electronic goods, in that semiconductors are important components. As the price of semiconductors has dropped rapidly, the falling production costs can be rapidly incorporated to the price of consumer electronic goods. Furthermore, most of the recently introduced consumer electronic products have network externalities, and many products with network externalities require complementary products. A complementary product becomes more readily or cheaply available as more people have the main product. One major difference between previous studies and this study is that the former focuses only on the factors that operate directly on the speed of adoption, while this study incorporated factors that work through price changes as well as the factors that work directly on the speed of adoption.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to explore one bilingual person’s language development in relation to the changing environments in which she has lived. Bronfenbrenner's (1977, 1979, 1992) bioecological model provided insight as a theoretical framework in that the model emphasizes active interactions and strong interconnectedness between the individual and her surrounding environments, as well as interactions among environments (micro, meso, exo, and macrosystem). As a main data source, a two and half hour semi-structured interview was conducted with the participant, who is a Korean-English bilingual pursuing a graduate degree at an American university. The analysis of the interview data revealed that 1) the participant's developing characteristics (e.g., outgoing personality, age of language learning), 2) the changing environments (e.g., parents’ belief and philosophy, home residential location), and 3) the interactions between the participant and her environments (e.g., the participant’s intrinsic motivation and the mother’s philosophy) and interactions between inner and outer environments (e.g., school system and national educational policy) played out for the participant's reach on the current language development in Korean and English.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study investigates the effect of peer evaluation tasks on learners’ noticing and production of prominence. Attention is placed on the students’ noticing episodes during the task, and whether the student utilizes what is noticed into their re-recordings to achieve more intelligible speech. The results reveal that the students directed their attention to the features of prominence, with metalinguistic reflections evident in their transcriptions and exchanges of evaluative comments. The students’ first and second recordings were then assessed by four native speakers based on five criteria: comprehensibility, rhythm, stress, intonation, and perceived naturalness. The ratings indicated that the students’ second recordings were evaluated lower in intelligibility and were regarded as being unnatural, forced, and overly exaggerated in their production of prominence. Lastly, qualitative analyses of the audio revealed that the post-task recordings involved an increased frequency of stress production, but the exaggerated prosodic qualities in pitch, elongation, and volume may have been contributing factors leading to lower intelligibility.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정삼투와 압력지연삼투 공정에서 용매의 투과율은 용매와 막이 접촉하는 방식에 의존한다. 각각의 공정에서 막의 활성층이 고농도 용매와 접촉하는 경우를 압력지연삼투 방식이라 하고, 고농도 용매가 막의 다공성 지지하층과 직면해 있는 경우를 정삼투 방식이라고 한다. 압력지연삼투 방식과 정삼투 방식은 각각 희석형 그리고 농축형의 내부농도 분극 현상을 유발하는데, 동일한 조작 조건에서 정삼투 방식보다 압력지연삼투 방식이 높은 투과율을 나타내는 현상이 실험적으로 관측되었다. 본고에서는 정삼투방식과 압력지연삼투 방식에서 발생하는 본질적인 투과율 불균형을 수학적 귀류법을 이용하여 증명하고, 물리적인 원인을 규명한다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper attempts to bring Plato back into dramatic criticism. The dominant view of Plato as a trenchant critic of literature results from an oddly powerful mixture of transhistoricity, literary self-abnegation and political ideology. Using Iris Murdoch, Giorgio Agamben and Leo Strauss to defend Plato against the charge of his anti-poetics, this paper argues that memory and narrative (in place of action), diegesis (against mimesis), alienation and impasse (instead of identification and catharsis) emerge as central features in Platonic dramatic theory. These concepts are put to the test by using texts from a select group of modern Irish and American dramatists (Williams, Friel, Wilder, Beckett and Yeats), all of whom were compelled to dramatize personal and/or collective memory while grappling with the difficulties involving the enactment of it.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lee Jung-yull. 2015. “Asymmetrical Aspects of Totally and Completely as a Freestanding Form”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 23(2). 1~35. This study examines totally and completely in discourse, elaborating on their semantic preferences and freestanding form. They have been considered as virtually interchangeable without any significant differences in the meaning of utterances. Their lexical meanings and syntactic functions seem to be identical. However, their freestanding forms in spoken discourse do not tend to be equivalent. This study explicates the correlation between their semantic preferences and freestanding usage, in which totally combines with affirmative semantic preferences, while completely collocates with unaffirmative semantic preferences. The freestanding form of totally may be related with interactive pragmatics and it functions in various pragmatic roles such as a turn initiator which is utilized to respond to a previous speaker. A wide variety of pragmatic functions of the freestanding form can involve bridging device, agreement, enthusiasm, encouraging device, satisfaction, and solidarity device in spoken English. The aim of the current study is to describe how this linguistic phenomenon occurs and to achieve a better comprehension of their nature. (162)
        2015.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The feasibility of obtaining graphitic carbon films on targeted substrates without a catalyst and transfer step was explored through the pyrolysis of the botanical derivative camphor. In a horizontal quartz tube, camphor was subjected to a sequential process of evaporation and thermal decomposition; then, the decomposed product was deposited on a glass substrate. Analysis of the Raman spectra suggest that the deposited film is related to unintentionally doped graphitic carbon containing some sp-sp 2 linear carbon chains. The films were transparent in the visible range and electrically conductive, with a sheet resistance comparable to that of graphene. It was also demonstrated that graphitic films with similar properties can be reproduciblyobtained, while property control was readily achieved by varying the process temperature.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to illustrate a general collaborative model of team-teaching in a university general English program. While positive effects of team-teaching and some suggestions for teamteaching practices have been reported previously, there has been less attention paid to an instructional model where native teachers and Korean teachers collaborate with each other for the best classroom experience for students. A qualitative research guided the design. Twenty teachers’ team-teaching classes were observed and video-taped for analysis. The findings showed that the two teachers’ constant negotiations of meanings in any stage of the lessons and in classes with diverse linguistic goals was helpful to the students’ understanding. Also, in the stage of presenting particular language expressions (duringlesson), complimenting each other with native teachers’ intuition and Korean teachers’ analytic skills was suggested as an important instructional move. When activities were introduced, modeling by the two teachers and bridging roles by the Korean teachers were a tremendous contribution and recommended for model collaborations. An instructional model and educational implications have been suggested.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The modular assembly system can make it possible for the variety of products to be assembled in a short lead time. In this system, necessary components are assembled to optional components tailor to customers’ orders. Budget for inventory investments composed of inventory and purchasing costs are practically limited and the purchasing cost is often paid when an order is arrived. Service cost is assumed to be proportional to service level and it is included in budget constraint. We develop a heuristic procedure to find a good solution for a continuous review inventory system of the modular assembly system with a budget constraint. A regression analysis using a quadratic function based on the exponential function is applied to the cumulative density function of a normal distribution. With the regression result, an efficient heuristics is proposed by using an approximation for some complex functions that are composed of exponential functions only. A simple problem is introduced to illustrate the proposed heuristics.