
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,579

        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The spotted-wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), originally distributed across a few Asian countries, including South Korea, has invaded North America and Europe, but is absent from Australia. In order to export the South Korean grape cultivar Campbell Early to Australia, its potential to serve as oviposition and development medium for SWD must first be determined. In this study, we determined the oviposition and development potential of SWD on Campbell Early, after elucidating the SWD life cycle and establishing an artificial diet-based mass-culturing system. An investigation of the life cycle under five temperature regimes (16, 19, 22, 25, and 28°C) showed that the durations of the egg, larval, and adult stages were shorten when temperature was increased from 16, 19, 22, 25, and 28°C, but pupal duration was shortest at 25°C and extended again at 28°C. A test of oviposition and development potential of SWD on Campbell Early grape clusters showed oviposition of 30.8 ± 6.8 eggs per cluster of injured grapes and 157.7 ± 16.2 eggs on a culture dish of artificial diet. However, in a similar experiment using uninjured grape clusters, only a single egg was deposited on the grape skin, which soon dried. In light of these results, newly harvested grapes left at vineyards during daily harvests are unlikely to serve as an oviposition and development medium for SWD, as long as the grapes remain uninjured.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Kentrochrysalis streckeri Staudinger, 1880 is distributed in Russia, Mongolia, China, and North Korea, whereas K. consimilis Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 has been known to occur South Korea and Japan. In the present study we found that the specimens from South Korea were K. streckeri, rather than K. consimilis based on morphology, DNA barcode, and nuclear elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1α) sequences. The major morphological differences between K. streckeri and K. consimilis include the shape of wing pattern elements of fore- and hindwings and male and female genitalia. A DNA barcode analysis of the South Korean specimens and K. streckeri originated from Russia showed a maximum sequence divergence of only 0.659% (four bp), whereas the barcoding sequence of K. consimilis sequenced in this study and GenBank-registered sequence (JN678086), both of which originated from Japan showed the minimum sequence divergence of 2.965% (18 bp), indicating that the Korean specimens are, in fact, K. streckeri, instead of wrongly known K. consimilis. Phylogenetic analyses both by Bayesian Inference and maximum likelihood methods well supported the monophyly of South Korean specimens and Russian K. streckeri, excluding K. consimilis. The EF-1α-based sequence and phylogenetic analyses of the two species also supported the data from DNA barcode, indicating distribution of K. streckeri in South Korea, instead of K. consimilis.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Miaenia Pascoe, 1864 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) in Korea is taxonomically reviewed in this study. Miaenia was erected by Pascoe (1864) based on the type species M. marmore. Miaenia has been accepted as a subgenus of Sciades for a long time, howerer, Roguet (2012) considered Sciades as a synonym of the genus Miaenia. Previously, two species, M. fasciata fasciata (Matsushita, 1943) and M. maritima Tsherepanov, 1979, of the genus have been reported in South Korea. In this paper, M. tonsa (Bates) is recorded in Korea for the first time. A key to the Korean Miaenia species, diagnoses, illustrations of diagnostic including male genitalia are provided.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A predatory genus Cryptalaus Ôhira, 1967 (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in Korea is taxonomically reviewed in this study. Up to date, two species of the genus Cryptalaus, C. berus Candèze, 1865 and C. larvatus pini Lewis, 1894, have been reported from Korea. From the present study, C. yamato Nakane, 1957 which has been regarded as an endemic to Japan, is reported from the Korean peninsula for the first time. A key to the Korean species of the genus Cryptalaus, diagnosis, illustrations of diagnostic characteristics are provided.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the present study, Cydia kamijoi Oku is newly recognized in korean insect fauna. This tortricid moth was first found damaging the cones of Abies koreana in Jeju Island 2014. The moth can be a serious insect pest on A. koreana because of high damage rate on the cones, up to 71% average. The genus Cydia now was 11 korean species including C. kamijoi. Regarding this species, some basic information such as collection records, morphological characters, and ecology were provided
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to investigate insect community structure from different habitats. We performed day and night collection at three different habitats (mountain, coast and rural area) of island Deokjeok, island Soya and island Mungap from May to September in 2014. A total of 3,482 individuals of 725 species, 119 families belonging to 10 orders were collected and identified. A dominant species was Corymbia rubra (Cerambycidae) despite a very low percentage of the species among the catches. Results of ANOVA test showed a significant effect of habitats typeon species diversity. Also, combination of seasons and habitats types were significantly influential with species abundance and species diversity. Indicator species analysis (ISA) result identified 121 significant (p < 0.05) indicator species; one species for the habitats cluster, 93 species for the season cluster and 27species for combination of habitats with seasons.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Varroa destructor and Tropilaelaps mercedesae mites are ectoparasitic to honey bee having similar life cycle and damage symptoms. Both invade into the last instar larval cell and reproduce during capped brood period of honey bee development. Female adult mites escape from the comb cell on the back of the emerging adult bee (phoretic period) and invade another cell for reproduction. Objective of this study was to study the effect of competitive interaction on each parasitic mite species population. We assessed population monitoring of host and parasitic mites. Honey bee population was monitored by approximating sealed brood and adult bees based on the coverage of the combs. Parasitic mites were monitored by detection technique like sugar shake, stick board, and sealed brood. This monitoring continued at weekly interval during 2008, 2014, and 2015. Additionally Invasion distribution of each species was checked. We calculated carrying capacity, population growth rate, and competition parameter from population monitoring data. Single parasitic mite, Varroa occurred and infestation increased continuously throughout the year in 2008. Co-occurrence of Varroa and Tropilaelaps in honey bee colonies was studied in 2014 and 2015. Carrying capacity was higher in single parasite infesting honeybee than parasites in co-occurrence. While using sugar method, carrying capacity of Varroa alone was found higher than in its co-occurrence with Tropilaelaps. Population growth rate of Varroa when tested alone was higher than its co-occurrence with Tropilaelaps in sugar method. Population growth rate of Varroa and Tropilaepas was higher in sticky method than sugar methods when they were tested in co-occurrence. Population growth rate is higher in Tropilaelaps (0.09) than Varroa (0.05) when both are tested in co-occurrence. We calculated competition parameter of Varroa and Tropilaelaps which was 1.9 and 0.53, respectively. Negative effect on regulation of carrying capacity and population growth rate is due to interspecies competition. Varroa population was higher than Tropilaelaps because there was high intraspecies competition among Tropilaelaps. Single Varroa or its co-occurrence with Tropilaelaps both can destroy honeybee colonies.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The bdelloids collected from various terrestrial habitats such as mosses, lichens, mushrooms on tree trunks, leaf litter and soil at four different locations in Korea were investigated. Five bdelloids new to Korea were identified: Macrotrachella inermis Donner, 1965, Macrotrachela magna Schulte, 1954, Macrotrachela oblita Donner, 1949, Habrotrocha eremita (Bryce, 1894) and Habrotrocha schultei Donner, 1965. All these rotifers except M. inermis are new to Asia as well. Remarkably, these five Korean new records included four rare species with poorly known distributions. M. magna and H. schultei are recorded outside their type localities for the first time. M. oblita has been reported only from five European countries, and M. inermis has been known from three European countries and Eastern Turkey before the present study. The taxonomy and distribution of each rare bdelloid are discussed here.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted from October 2014 to May 2015 to explore forage production and feed values of Italian ryegrass, Rye and whole crop barley as winter forage crops in the Southern region of Korea. The experimental location was over 10 points for each species and each sampling point area was 1 m² (Width: 1 m × Length: 1 m). Air mean temperature and rainfall in the Southern region of Korea during the experimental period was 6.95 ± 5.75℃ and 70.45 ± 54.68 mm, respectively. Fresh forage yield of Italian ryegrass, the most cultivated forage in the Southern region of Korea, was 44.4 ± 7.0 ton/ha. The percentage of dry matter for whole crop barley was 28.9 ± 7.0%. Crude protein (CP) was higher in Italian ryegrass (10.7 ± 5.3%) while total digestible nutrient (TDN) had the highest value in whole crop barley. Crude protein was not significantly different by location. However, the neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and total digestible nutrient value of forage from Jeonbuk province were higher than in forage from Gyeongnam province.
        2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        진안의 대표적 관광지인 마이산 북부는 여러 개발 사업이 이루어지고 있으나, 종합적 개발계획이 필 요하고, 특히 기존 주차장부지와 상가지구를 대상으로 새로운 계획을 수립해야 할 시점이다. 본 연구에서는, 먼저, 마이산 북부지구를 대상으로 개발 관련 문헌조사와 현장조사를 통하여 현황 분석을 하였고, 개발 잠재력 및 장단점분석을 하였다. 이를 바탕으로, 마이산 북부지구의 전체적인 공간구성 개선방향에 대하여 제시하였고, 세부적으로 마이산 북부지구 중 이전 계획이 수립된 북부주차장 및 상가지구에 대 한 계획안으로 생태복원공원계획과 생활사전시관 및 명인명품전시관을 제시하였다.
        2015.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        진안의 대표적 관광지인 마이산 북부는 여러 개발 사업이 이루어지고 있으나, 종합적 개발계획이 필 요하고, 특히 기존 주차장부지와 상가지구를 대상으로 새로운 계획을 수립해야 할 시점이다. 본 연구에서는, 먼저, 마이산 북부지구를 대상으로 개발 관련 문헌조사와 현장조사를 통하여 현황 분석을 하였고, 개발 잠재력 및 장단점분석을 하였다. 이를 바탕으로, 마이산 북부지구의 전체적인 공간구성 개선방향에 대하여 제시하였고, 세부적으로 마이산 북부지구 중 이전 계획이 수립된 북부주차장 및 상가지구에 대 한 계획안으로 생태복원공원계획과 생활사전시관 및 명인명품전시관을 제시하였다.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The notion of brand mimicry is not a new one. Drawing its roots from Darwin’s theory of evolution, Bate (1862, 502) described mimicry as a visible “resemblance in external appearance, shapes and colours between members of widely distinct families”. Further development of the theory led it to the concept of natural selection and the survival of the fittest. In order to survive, many organisms in nature employ mimicry (Vane-Wright, 1976). This strategy is similarly reflected in marketing (Kapfarer, 1995; Shenkar, 2010; 2012) and has been deemed as a form of “imitative innovation” (Levitt, 1966). Based on the accounts of the rampant copying in the industry, there is evidence that there are observed parallels between the types of mimicry identified in the discipline of biological and natural sciences and mimicry in marketing. However, there is still very little that is known within this area at present. In addition, based on the review of the key classification studies within the discipline of biological and natural sciences (Vane-wright, 1976; 1980; Pasteur, 1982), Vavilovian mimicry was identified. Vavilovian mimicry was found to convey a close resemblance to mimicry in marketing. Therefore, the development of a scale serves as a foundation to conceptualize the theory of mimicry further into the luxury-branding context within marketing. Mimicryis defined as the visible “resemblance in external appearance, shapes and colours between members of widely distinct families” (Bates, 1865, 502). There are three key roles in the system of mimicry, which are namely the model, the mimic and the signal receiver (dupe/operator) (Pasteur, 1982; Vane-Wright, 1976). The mimic, is the imitating organism that can be any species of organism produces a mimetic signal; the model, is the entity that is being imitated; and the signal receiver or operator (Vane-Wright, 1976), or sometimes termed as the dupe is the organism that is duped to believe similarities between the mimic and the model. Vavilovian mimicry in nature Vavilovian mimicry is classified as a form of crop mimicry (Pasteur, 1982; Barrett, 1983) that involves weeds, such as rye (Secale) that mimicked the first crops of man (dupe) through their evolution in the wheat (model) fields (Williamson, 1982). Subjected to the methods of man to gather and separate weed from wheat, rye have developed seeds and seed dispersal mechanisms that mimicked those of wheat (Williamson, 1982). Through such means, rye has forcefully made its way into being accepted by man and to compete with wheat in the fields. Based on Vavilov’s (1951) explanation, he calls the cereals (e.g. rye, domestic oats, rye, etc.) that originated from mimetic weeds as secondary crops. This form of mimicry is the result of unintentional selection by human beings due to the close similarities between the mimic and the model (Barrett, 1983). Therefore the mimic can evade eradication as a result (Vane-Wright, 1976). Vavilovian mimicry in marketing There are a number of parallels found within marketing that can serve to explain Vavilovian mimicry. One of the brands that employed the Vavilovian mimicry strategy lies within the beverage sector and is none other than Nudie Juice. Nudie Juice (mimic) started in 2002 by employing similar strategies to that of Innocent Juice (model) from the UK (Diagram 2). Nudie Juice has drawn many similarities from Innocent Juice such as the brand character (a small child like character), the packaging, and the concept of offering “premium fruit juice”. While many critics and consumers have suggested high level of similarities between the two brands (Ho, 2005), the founder Tim Pethick argued that they are not the same. It was suggested he initially drew inspiration from Innocent Juice but has evolved the brand from being similar to “something different” (Ho, 2005). After more than a decade in the Australian market, the Nudie brand has evolved from juice to beyond just another juice brand to differentiate from Innocent Juice. Therefore, based on the above examples, Vavilovian brand mimicry is when the mimic deceives or possibly confuses the signal receiver through symbolic and functional similarities, but as a result evades prosecution. Subsequently, it evolves, innovates and establishes itself away from the model brand over time and becomes an independent brand. They are often moderately similar mimics or so called imitative innovations. Method and Results Two studies were designed to develop the Vavilovian mimicry scale. All the studies were based on an experimental approach and were conducted in a classroom style setting using a homogenous sample aged between 18 to 35. Study One The purpose of Study One was to explore the concept of Vavilovian mimicry. In line with the scale development outlined by DeVellis (2003), it is important that existing theory should be reviewed and consulted prior to developing the scale. This study will closely follow the procedures set out by DeVellis (2003), Churchill (1979) and Li, Edwards and Lee (2002) using three methods to generate potential scale items which are 1) a thorough literature review, 2) thesaurus searches, and 3) expert surveys. Through the three techniques, an initial pool of 55 items was identified. The pool of items that was initially generated for Vavilovian mimicry scale was tested using a series of stimuli of real life brands befitting the concept of Vavilovian mimicry within the luxury branding industry (e.g. Lacoste vs. Crocodile, Rolls Royce vs, Geely). The product stimuli were pre-tested on a group of judges to ensure that the concept of Vavilovian mimicry is accurately measured. The stimuli were kept constant in the number of pairs of brands, and the duration to the stimuli that the subjects are exposed was all controlled for in the experiments. The first set of scales developed for Vavilovian mimicry was administered to a sample size of 195 respondents. Students were used as it has been indicated in past studies that students are appropriate subjects for scale development as they serve as surrogate consumers (Yavas, 1994). The data is checked for missing values and responses that are either incomplete or inappropriately completed are removed. Hence, only 177 useable responses were retained. Results of EFA As the study intended to develop scales to measure Vavilovian mimicry, the initial pool of items were cleaned to reveal five factors that seem to qualify as potential items for use. Items with double or triple loadings and that show factor loadings below .3 were eliminated. The items in the other unexpected factors were examined and items that were found to have little relevance to the study were removed. From the 55 items that were factor analyzed, 23 items remained within that is used to measure Vavilovian mimicry (α = .947; KMO and Bartlett’s test =.000; .808). From the factor analysis, the inconsistent items were also removed based on the co-efficient alphas (Nunnally, 1978). The initial Cronbach’s alphas for the factors were above .7, suggesting that the initial scales are still considerably long. As such, the next stage will be to optimize the scale length and to purify the data. Study Two This stage was performed to examine the dimensions of the scales in Study One, and to further purify the items. Churchill (1979) suggested that the scale purification step is to examine the dimensionality of the items. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) has been used to reduce scales by identifying the items that needs to be trimmed from the scale, which assists by confirming the scale in its final form (Netemeyer, Bearden & Sharma, 2003) using AMOS 19. A new survey instrument is produced consisting of the 23-item Vavilovian mimicry items, as well as the demographics collected in Study One. Respondents were exposed to only stimulus (pair of brands) that is tested to show Vavilovian mimicry and asked to respond to a self-administered survey. The respondents are students who fall between 18 to 35 years of age. Useable responses for this study was 206. Results of CFA Prior to completing the measurement model, the congeneric model for each of the factors within the Vavilovian mimicry scale is tested to ensure model fit before testing it as a measurement model. CFA further refined the scales resulting in three dimensions, which are namely symbolic characteristics, physical characteristics and beneficial characteristics. Symbolic (Chi-Square =9.390, Degrees of Freedom = 8, Probability level = .310, RMSEA = .029, RMR = .033, AGFI = .956, CFI = .998) and physical characteristics (Chi-Square =12.571, Degrees of Freedom = 11, Probability level = .322, RMSEA = .026, RMR = .029, AGFI = .954, CFI = .998) dimensions resulted in seven items each and beneficial characteristics (Chi-Square =3.203, Degrees of Freedom = 2, Probability level = .202, RMSEA = .054, RMR = .018, AGFI = .954, CFI = .997) resulted in five items. According Raubenheimer (2004), multi-dimensional scales should have a minimum of three items to load significantly on each factor in order to be successfully identified. Based on the congeneric models for the three dimensions of Vavilovian mimicry, it is shown by the results to achieve acceptable measures (Hu and Bentler, 1999). These three factors are then being used in the measurement model to ensure that the three dimensions of the scale are of acceptable measures. In the next step of the measurement procedure, the three-factor structure was tested using CFA (Kelloway, 1998). Based on the measurement model (Figure 1), model identification was achieved with the 15 items and the model fit statistics are found to be of acceptable range and can be used for further analysis (Hu and Bentler, 1999) Chi-Square =104.183, Degrees of Freedom = 83, Probability level = .058, RMSEA = .035, RMR = .063, AGFI = .914, CFI = .989).These 15 items have indicated a good model fit within three dimensions. The scale items were validated using predictive, nomological, convergent and discriminant validity tests. The paper is one of the first (at the time of the study) to develop a scale to measure Vavilovian mimicry. The final 15 items for the scale fills an important gap in the literature as it conceptualizes and measures a specific type of mimicry that is abundant in the marketplace. At present, studies have yet to extend the established theory of mimicry from the discipline of biology and natural sciences. In addition, the scale allows the model brand managers, mimic brand managers and policy makers to better identify the type of mimicry that are in question. In addition, rather than only addressing mimicry from the luxury brand owners’ perspective, the Vavilovian mimicry scale allows mimic brand managers to understand if Vavilovian mimicry is an effective innovation strategy to deploy. Typically, policy makers have often struggled in copyright laws and identifying different types of infringement in the marketplace, especially when understanding consumer confusion in relation to brand “copycats”. This Vavilovian mimicry scale can be used to measure and identify mimics more effectively and therefore to have better strategies in either educating consumers or to formulate policies and strategies. This study provides insights into means to address competition from mimic brands especially in countries such as China. However, at present the scale is currently still under development and requires further validation and generalization. Future studies will need to measure construct, criterion, discriminant and convergent validity. Furthermore, the scale warrants generalizability across specific product luxury product categories such as cars, jewellery, clothing and so on. In addition, the scale will need to be tested in relation to other constructs such as brand familiarity, consumer perceptions and evaluations in order to understand the true extend and influence of brand mimicry. Lastly, this study attempts to bridge the gap in the literature and pave the foundation to better understanding of brand mimicry.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Osteonecrosis is defined as non-vital bone tissue as a result of abnormal process of osseous healing, and is caused by several reasons such as infection, radiation, and medication. Osteomyelitis, osteoradionecrosis, and medication related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) which have necrotic bone in common are confused clinically due to similar symptoms and radiographic findings, and are difficult to diagnose definitively. Because each disease represents a separate clinical progress and requires a different treatment approach, it is very important to distinguish each disease. The aim of this study was to analyze the histopathologic features of osteomyelitis, osteoradionecrosis, MRONJ and to understand their different pathogenesis.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We verified three ciliates - Dysteria brasiliensis Faria et al., 1922, Dysteria lanceolata Claparède and Lachmann, 1859, and Dysteria ovalis (Gourret and Roeser, 1886) Kahl, 1931 - as previously unrecorded species in Korea. These three ciliates were collected from Incheon Harbor and Geojin Harbor in Korea. We describe the three species based on live observations, protargolimpregnated specimens, and silver nitrate-impregnated specimens.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Three marine isopods, Symmius yamaguchiensis Shimomura, 2008, Colanthura pigmentata Kensley, 1980 and Synidotea nipponensis Nunomura, 1985 are reported for the first time in South Korea. The family Chaetiliidae, and genera Symmius and Colanthura are new to South Korea. We provide descriptions of the diagnostic characteristics, illustrations of three species and their partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) for molecular characteristics.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Two marine isopods, Pentias hayi Richardson, 1904 and P. thompsoni Collinge, 1916 were verified as unrecorded species in South Korea. The genus Pentias is reported for the first time in South Korea. These two isopods were collected from Heuksan-do Island and Ulleung-do Island from South Korea, respectively. We provide descriptions of the diagnostic characteristics, illustrations of two species and their partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) for molecular characteristics.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The rotifers collected from various terrestrial habitats such as mosses, lichens and mushrooms on tree trunks at four different locations in Korea were investigated. Five species and one subspecies belonging to four genera in three families of monogonont and bdelloid rotifers were identified: Adineta cuneata Milne, 1916, Macrotrachela insolita De Koning, 1947, Macrotrachela musculosa Milne, 1886, Macrotrachela nana nana (Bryce, 1912), Mniobia bredensis De Koning, 1947 and Bryceella stylata (Milne, 1886). All these rotifers are new to Korea, and A. cuneata, M. bredensis and B. stylata are new to Asia as well. Here diagnostic characteristics and illustrations are provided for each Korean new record.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료