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        검색결과 9,512

        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Entomopathogenic fungi have been studied to develop for biological control agents as an alternative to chemical control agents in insect pest management. Two Lepidopteran insects, Spodoptera exigua and Plutella xylostella, are serious insect pests infest various crops, but not effectively controlled by commercial chemical pesticides due to its high insecticide resistance. A fungal isolate was isolated from S. exigua larvae collected from green onion field in Andong, Korea. To identify the fungal isolate, 18srRNA sequence for internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and β-tubulin regions were sequenced. The ITS and β-tubulin sequence were highly matched to Beauveria bassiana and morphological characteristics also was fit to known B. bassiana. Finally, isolated fungus has identified as B. bassiana and named B. bassiana ANU1. The result of bioassay, median lethal concentrations were 2.7×103 and 0.9×103 conidia/ml and medial lethal times were 65.6 and 60.8 h to S. exigua and P. xylostella, respectively. B. bassiana ANU1 showed high pathogenicity to two insect pests from 20℃ to 30℃ at 50% relative humidity (RH) and more than 40% RH at 25℃ with 107 conidia/ml of concentration.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), has been considered as a major thrips species after its invasion in 1993 in Korea although recently F. intonsa (Trybom) was found as a dominant species locally. To explain their asymmetrical abundance in the field, we hypothesized differential insecticide susceptibility of both thrips species as an underlying mechanism. Laboratory assays were conducted to know their susceptibility to different pesticides including chlorfenapyr, chlorpyrifos, thiamethoxam, spinosad, s-metolachlor, and metalaxyl by direct spray, residue, and oral ingestion. Results showed that both thrips species were highly susceptible to chlorfenapyr and mortality reached 100% within 12 hours in F. occidentalis in all the assays while 9 hours in F. intonsa in direct spray and residual assays. The LT50[h] values of tested insecticides were significantly lower than that of herbicide or fungicide regardless of exposure methods except metalaxyl from direct spray. The insecticides tested here differed considerably in species specific toxicity, and F. intonsa is generally more susceptible to the insecticides irrespective of exposure methods.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) is an anthophilus pest of many greenhouse and field crops worldwide. We compared the influence of constant (27.3ºC) and fluctuating temperatures (23.8 to 31.5ºC, with an average of 27.3ºC) on the life table characteristics of F. occidentalis held at a 16:8 h L:D photoperiod and 45 ± 5% RH. The development times from egg to adult of F. occidentalis were significantly affected by temperature fluctuation and sex. Survival of immature life stages was higher under fluctuating than constant temperature. Total first instar larvae/female was not significantly different (58.7 at constant and 60.5 at fluctuating temperatures) but daily production of first instars was higher in constant temperature than fluctuating temperatures (3.3 at constant temperature and 3.1 at fluctuating temperatures). The off-spring sex ratio was not significantly different between constant and fluctuating temperatures. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm), net reproductive rate (R0), finite rate of increase (λ), mean generation time (tG), and doubling time (tD) were affected significantly by fluctuation of temperature. The intrinsic rate of natural increase of F. occidentalis was higher in constant temperature (0.1808) than did in fluctuation of temperatures (0.1733). Thus, this study show that variable temperatures influence population growth rates of F. occidentalis.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii, is one of the most harmful pests causing serious damages to blueberries in Northern America and Europe. It is essential to seek alternatives to methyl bromide to ensure dis-infestation of this pest from agricultural products. We investigated the effect of X-ray irradiation (0, 50, 100, 200 and 300 Gy) on development and reproduction of SWD to meet this standard. When eggs were irradiated with the doses, some portion of the eggs hatched even at 300 Gy. The larvae hatched from the irradiated eggs did not pupate at 300 Gy, and they could not develop to adults even at 50 Gy. When larvae were irradiated, they developed up to pupa in some proportion. However above 100 Gy, there was no adult emergence. When pupae were irradiated, some of them emerged to adults. However, the adults could not produce eggs at all above 100 Gy. When adults were irradiated, oviposition occurred normally, but fecundity and hatchability were decreased as irradiation dose went up.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, the damage on the leaves of Liriope spicata (Thunb.) Lour. by a psychid species, Mahasena aurea (Butler), is reported for the first time from Korea. Adult of both sexes and larva were redescribed with illustration of the external characteristics, including the genitalia of male, adults, larvae, pupae and all the available information.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Vespa crabro is a cosmopolitan social wasp species whereas Vespa analis is commonly found in Asia. Both species are widely distributed in Korea and known to be aggressive when disturbed, resulting in frequent sting accidents. Although major venom components of well known Vespa wasps have been reported, no comparative transcriptomic analysis of venom gland between V. crabro and V. analis has been conducted to date. To investigate the differences in venom properties between these two wasps, total RNA was extracted from each venom gland and used for RNA-sequencing. A total of 31 venom-specific genes were identified in both venom gland transcriptomes but their expression profiles were different between V. crabro and V. analis. Venom allergen 5, premastoparan A and phospholipase A were the top three genes that were most prevalently transcribed in the venom gland of V. crabro, and their transcription rates were 902-, 112- and 4164-fold higher compared with V. analis, respectively, as judged by FPKM values. Their differential transcription profiles were confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR. In the venom gland of V. analis, however, premastoparan A was most abundantly transcribed gene, followed by calponin and tropomysin. In general, most venom-specific genes were more abundantly expressed in V. crabro but some genes exhibited higher transcription rates in V. analis, including muscle LIM protein, troponin, paramyosin, calponin, etc. Our findings suggest that V. crabro produce venom with much more enriched venom components, thereby with higher toxicity compared with V. analis.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Species diversity of ant fauna inhabiting the university campus in the Seoul Metropolitan city, Hanyang University is documented in this investigation. Totally, 14 species of 8 genera belong to 3 subfamilies discovered in study area. Our results are compared with the previous works on ant fauna in the forest and urban habitats based on species number difference. In study area, site 12 and 13 contain wide forest area and diverse environmental elements such as rotten wood, leaf mold and group of living tree. Site 7 has small forest area, but show wide variety of environments like site 12 and 13. Urbanized region like site 8, 10 or area in construction like site 1 show the most lowest diversity. Aside from diversity, Four ant species, Paratrechina flavipes, Lasius spp., Camponotus japonicas, Tetramorium caespitum, appear at almost all habitat, seems to have strong tolerance to environmental change.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Distribution and abundance of species are influenced by their environmental condition. Among various environmental factors, a vegetation is one of the most influential factors, because it is used as habitats as well as food resources. Arthropods including insects play a important role in forest ecosystems as grazers, scavenger, predators, etc. Deciduous and coniferous forests have different plant community composition, resulting in different environmental condition. In this study, we collected arthropod communities at two different deciduous and coniferous forest stands in the Mountain Gariwang. At each stand, three different sampling methods were used: soil core for soil macroinvertebrate, pitfall trap for wandering insects, and sweeping net for insects in the shrups. Therefore, sampling was conducted at vertical habitats in the forest. The results showed that there were no difference in the number of orders from soil at both coniferous and deciduous stands. However, the abundance was higher at coniferous stand than at deciduous stand. Collembola was the dominant taxa in soil. Meanwhile, there were no statistically significant differences of community composition between coniferous stand and deciduous stands. Multivariate analyses was conducted to characterize differences of communities at different stands as well as vertical distribution in forest.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Genus Tautoneura Anufriev, 1969 (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Typlocybinae) were recorded 59 species in the world. Among them, only 1 species: Tautoneura mori has been recorded so far in the Korean Peninsula. Tautoneura mori is known as a major pest of Mulberry in China and Japan, and we also confirmed that it appears on Mulberry in Korea. In this talk, we confirmed two new records: Tautoneura japonica, Tautoneura tricolor to the Korean typhlocybinae fauna, and we also discovered one new species to science. Additionally, we provide biological information such as host plants and distributional records, with a key to the Korean Tautoneura species. We also discuss potential status of each species as an agricultural pest concerning its biological traits.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Vollenhovia emeryi (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae) is dimorphic in its wing morphology of alate females: the long-winged and the short-winged. In our previous study, we found that the long-winged is ancestral and the short-winged is derived. Intriguingly, the former is infected with the intracellular symbiotic Wolbachia bacterium and the derived is void of the bacterium indicating that the latter somehow evolved resistance to the bacterium. This may be one of few cases in which transition from susceptibility to the bacterium can be traceable via the divergence estimation. As a consequence, we inferred that the two morphs diverged approximately quarter million years ago; a remarkably recent event in evolutionary perspective. In this presentation, we will further discuss genetic orchestration in the host insect and future research directions.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, native to eastern and southeastern Asia, has become one of the most harmful pests causing serious damage to fruits such as blueberry, cherry, and others in Northern America and Europe. For quarantine sanitary purpose, methyl bromide (MeBr) has been used for a long time. However, it is under regulation because of its adverse effect of ozone layer depletion. Thus, alternative strategies to MeBr are needed to meet the quarantine requirement. In this study, we investigated effects of gamma ray irradiation (0, 50, 100, 200 and 300 Gy) on the development and reproduction of D. suzukii to offer a guideline in using gamma ray for dis-infestation of this pest. The higher doses of gamma ray caused more adverse effects on development and hatchability of D. suzukii. Development and oviposition of D. suzukii was significantly depressed at above certain doses, respective to each developmental stage. When eggs were treated with the doses of gamma ray, eggs hatched in some ratios at all doses. Even though some larvae developed to pupae under 100 Gy irradiation, all these pupae did not emerge to adults at all doses. When larvae were treated with gamma ray, some of them pupated at each doses. However these pupae did not emerge to adults at all under all doses. When pupae were irradiated, the emerged adults did not oviposit eggs above 100 Gy. When adults were irradiated, oviposition occurred normally, but fecundity and hatchability of the eggs were reciprocal to the doses.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The longhorn beetle (Coleoptera: Cucujiformia: Chrysomeloidea: Cerambycidae) is one of the major family of coleoptera which contains more than 30,000 species worldwide. Because of their species-diversity, morphological attraction and ecological status, the family has received a massive global attention. However, in Korea, no thorough study on this family has been conducted within last twenty eight years. Here we update the latest knowledge of Korean longhorn beetle fauna. First, we give an historical overview of the longhorn beetle studies in Korea and correct some common species misidentifications. Then we provide the information of updated cerambycidae fauna with 4 new species and 9 species newly reported to Korea. Lastly, we discuss the importance of studying immature stage of cerambycidae and provide brief morphological, ecological information of two recently described species.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Aedes albopicuts, known as asian tiger mosquito or forest mosquito, is characterized by its black and white strips on legs and body. Ae. albopictus is an important vector mosquito for the transmission of many viral pathogens such as dengue fever and chikungunya fever. Unlike other mosquito, Ae. albopictus attacks people mainly during the daytime in the forest. To evaluate the diel activity of Ae. albopictus, three times mosquito collecting were conducted using BG Sentinel trap with dry ice in bamboo forest in Damyang-gun, Jeoullanam-do, in South Korea from August to September, 2009. Captured mosquitoes were counted and released every one hour during 25 hours experiment time. The result showed that Ae. albopictus activity began with sun rising at approximately 09:00, with peak in the early evening between 16:00 to 19:00, and ended with sunset at 21:00. Among the several factors affecting on the mosquito activity, light intensity seems to be a main factor. Especially, if the light intensity is over some threshold, it negatively effects on the activity of Ae. albopictus.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Sphingidae are a family of moths (Lepidoptera, Bombycoidae), commonly known as hawk moths. The hawk moths form a family of over 1500 species of small to very large moths (40-150mm) occurring on all continents except Antarctica. The most conspicuous aspect of sphingid biology is the capacity of the moths for fast, long distance, and often migratory flight. Sphingidae adult are appropriately shaped with narrow wings and a fusiform abdomen. Sphingidae is very popular group with both amateur and professional naturalists, but the taxonomic study of the Sphingidae in Cambodia has been done by a few foreign entomologists. In the present study, we were collected 12 times from Cambodia in 10 area for 6 province. As the results of this study, about 455 species of 289 genera of 18 families belong to Lepidoptera (NIBR, 2009-2014). Of which, about 60 species of 30 genera of family Sphingidae were identified from Cambodia. Most of them are recorded for the first time in Cambodia.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the increasing trend of global trades and protection of agro-ecosystem in importing and exporting countries, quarantine and pre-shipment(QPS) fumigation for perishable commodities are critical in terms of quality maintenance of fumigated commodities as well as eradicating quarantine pest. There are limited use of methyl bromide(MB) fumigation on fruits and vegetables due to not only worker safety issue at low temperature condition but phytotoxic damage to valuable commodities. We are here presented that commercial development of methyl bromide (MB) alternatives such as ethyl formate and phosphine gas formulated with carbon dioxide, that are increasing consumer and worker safety and avoiding phytotoxic damage in routine MB fumigation.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the present study is to provide exercises, together with music, that are helpful for elderly people’s balancing ability, and to determine their effects in order to provide data for the promotion of elderly persons’health. Thirty elderly persons were randomly assigned to a balance training group(BTG) of 15 subjects, or a music and balance training group (music therapy + balance training [MTBTG]) of 15 subjects; intervention was implemented three times per week for six weeks. To measure the changes in their balancing ability before and after the experiment, the limit of stability, the“Timed Up and Go”(TUG) test, and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) were measured. Changes in the limit of stability before and after the experiment were shown to be significant in both the BTG and the MTBTG. Changes in the limit of stability of the right side before and after the experiment showed statistically significant differences between the BTG and the MTBTG. Changes in the TUG test and the BBS before and after the experiment were shown to be statistically significant in both the BTG and the MTBTG. The application of music during balance training thus is considered to have a positive effect on elderly persons’balancing ability.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to verify a correlation between flexi-bar exercise and improvement of trunk strength and body composition in juvenile soccer players. The subjects were 11 teenager juvenile soccer players who conducted flexi-bar exercise half an hour daily three times a week for eight weeks. They were tested for trunk muscles strength, body composition and correlation. The result showed that trunk muscles strength improved significantly( p<.01) and weight, Rt. arm muscle mass, Rt. leg muscle mass, and Lt. leg muscle mass(p<.05), Lt. arm muscle mass, trunk muscle mass, and body muscle mass(p<.01) improved significantly as well while Lt. arm fat mass, Rt. leg fat mass, and Lt. leg fat mass decreased significantly(p<.05). In the correlation analysis, the more trunk muscle mass and trunk muscles strength increased, the more muscle mass of body regions increased, which was a positive correlation whereas fat mass of body regions decreased, which was a negative correlation. It was verified that there was a correlation between flexi-bar exercise and improvement of trunk muscles strength and body composition for juvenile soccer players.
        2015.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Shikonin, a major ingredient in the traditional Chinese herb Lithospermumerythrorhizon, exhibits multiple biological functions including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor effects. It has recently been reported that shikonin displays antitumor properties in many cancers. This study was aimed to investigate whether shikonin could inhibit oral squamous carcinoma cell (OSCC) growth via mechanisms of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. The effects of shikonin on the viability and growth of OSCC cell line, SCC25 cells were assessed by MTT assay and clonogenic assays, respectively. Hoechst staining and DNA electrophoresis indicated that the shikonin-treated SCC25 cells were undergoing apoptosis. Western blotting, immunocytochemistry, confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, MMP activity, and proteasome activity also supported the finding that shikonin induces apoptosis. Shikonin treatment of SCC25 cells resulted in a time- and dose-dependent decrease in cell viability, inhibition of cell growth, and increase in apoptotic cell death. The treated SCC25 cells showed several lines of apoptotic manifestation as follows: nuclear condensation; DNA fragmentation; reduced MMP and proteasome activity; decrease in DNA contents; release of cytochrome c into cytosol; translocation of AIF and DFF40 (CAD) onto the nuclei; a significant shift in Bax/Bcl-2 ratio; and activation of caspase-9, -7, -6, and -3, as well as PARP, lamin A/C, and DFF45 (ICAD). Shikonin treatment also resulted in down-regulation of the G1 cell cycle-related proteins and up-regulation of p27KIP1. Taken together, our present findings demonstrate that shikonin strongly inhibits cell proliferation by modulating the expression of the G1 cell cycle-related proteins, and that it induces apoptosis via the proteasome, mitochondria, and caspase cascades in SCC25 cells.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        「청구남승도」를 대상으로 조선시대 명승유람놀이의 내용 및 특성을 살핀 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 「청구남승도」에 나타는 명승지의 도별(道別) 분포 결과 전국 팔도 명승을 고르게 안배하고자 했던 흔적이 잘 드러나 있다. 특히 조선시대 5악으로 알려진 삼각산을 비롯하여 금강산, 지리산, 묘향산 그리고 백두산이 모두 포함되고 있으며 천제단이 있는 마나산과 태백산이 포함되어 있는 것을 볼 때 강토에 대한 애착과 역사의식이 강하게 부각되고 있다. 또한 조선의 대표적 승경으로 회자되는 관동팔경 10개소가 모두 집경에 포함되고 있으며 평양, 공주, 부여, 경주, 개성 그리고 한양 등 우리나라의 고도(古都)의 명승지가 비중 있게 표시되고 있는 것으로 보아 명승고적을 모두 망라하고자 했던 의지가 잘 드러나고 있다. 「청구남승도」에 표기된 명승 중 2015년 3월 현재 국가지정문화재 ‘명승’으로 지정된 곳은 총 21개소로 확인되었다. 「청구남승도」에 표기된 명승지의 유형 분석 결과, 자연명승이 58(48.3%), 역사문화명승 62개소(51.7%)의 고른 비율을 보였으며 자연명승은 명산(名山)이 21(17.5%), 못이 7개소(5.8%), 대(대)가 6개소(5.0%), 강이 4개소(3.4%) 등의 순이었으며 역사문화명승은 누정 33개소(27.5%), 사찰 10개소(8.3%), 읍성과 관아 7개소(5.9%) 의 순위를 보였다. 남승도놀이는 전국의 명승을 익히고 팔도의 풍토⋅산물⋅인물 등을 이해할 수 있는 유람놀이로 자연 경승지와 고도(古都) 등 명승고적을 와유(臥遊)하면서 자연 및 문화경승지를 간접적으로 체험할 수 있는 놀이였다. 이 놀이는 한민족의 역사의식을 강조하면서 국토의 지리적 위치와 명승지에 대한 지식과 관심을 높이는 교육적 효과를 발휘했을 것으로 현 명승 활용에 시사점을 제시하고 있다.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        새싹은 영양분이 풍부한 식품이다. 하지만 생산 과정에서 종피에 있는 미생물에 의한 오염 가능성이 존재한다. 이 실험의 목적은 음이온 처리가 새싹의 생장과 살균에 미치는 효과를 구명하는 것이다. 음이온 처리는 4종류의 새싹의 생장과 살균효과에 긍정적인 효과를 보였다. 대조구에 비해 음이온 처리한 적양배추와 케일 새싹의 배축길이는 약 1.26배 증가하였으며, 상추, 적양배추, 케일 유근의 길이는 1.4~1.6배 증가하였다. 모든 새싹의 생체중은 음이온 처리했을 때 대조구에 비해 16.0~38.5% 유의적으로 증가하였다. 유근의 활력 또한 음이온 처리가 대조구에 비해 유의적으로 높은 수치를 보였다. 음이온 처리된 상추, 적양배추, 다채 새싹의 일반 세균 수는 대조구에 비해 각각 41%, 66%, 19% 감소하였으며, 배수되는 물의 세균 수 또한 감소되었다. 결국 음이온처리는 새싹의 생장을 향상시켰으며, 동시에 살균하는데도 효과적이었다.