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        검색결과 9,512

        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 예이츠 시 “어린 학생들 속에서”에 나타난 춤과 춤추는 자의 합일성을 시인의 마음의 변화성으로 해석한다. 그 시 의식을 인지론적으로 접근하며, 그 합일성의 정도를 가능세계로 재음미해본다. 예이츠의 시심은 인지적 마음과 감성적 마음, 실행적 마음 중에서 시적 지성과 감성의 조화성만을 드러낸다.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For successful embryo implantation, the communication of the maternal endometrium with the conceptus trophec-toderm is required essentially. In pigs, conceptuses undergo morphological change in length to enlarge the physical contact area with the maternal endometrium and secrete estrogen to induce the maternal recognition of pregnancy during the peri-implantation period. Conceptus-derived estrogen prevents luteolysis by conversion in direction of PGF2α secretion from the uterine vasculature to the uterine lumen as well as it affects on expression of the uterine endo-metrial genes. In addition to estrogen, conceptuses release various signaling molecules, including cytokines, growth factors, and proteases, and, in response to these signaling molecules, the maternal uterine endometrium also syn-thesizes many signaling molecules, including hormones, cytokines, growth factors, lipid molecules, and utilizes ions such as calcium ion by calcium regulatory molecules. These reciprocal interactions of the conceptus trophectoderm with the maternal uterine endometrium make development and successful implantation of embryos possible. Thus, signaling molecules at the maternal-conceptus interface may play an important role in the implantation process. This review summarized syntheses and functions of signaling molecules at the maternal-conceptus interface to further understand mechanisms of the embryo implantation process in pigs.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Aphids are common pests frequently found in imported and exported fruits and vegetables. Methyl bromide(MB), a Quarantine and Pre Shipment(QPS) fumigant, could offer eradication of aphids within short period. However, MB is limited in use because of poor gas evaporation at low temperature(<5℃) and there is phytotoxic effect or damage on quality in post-harvest vegetables and fruits even at >5℃. Two candidates of MB alternative, ethyl formate(EF) and phosphine(PH3), are used and being investig at edonvarious fruits and vegetables fumigation to replace MB. Aphids are known as quarantine pest that are hard to control when conduct short period fumigation with PH3 and low dosage of EF. In this paper, dose response assessment of EF and PH3 are presented for three different aphid pecies : cotton aphid(Aphisgossypii), green peach aphid(Myzuspersicae) and turnip aphid (Lipaphiserysimi). The LCt99% values of EF at room temp. and low temp. (5℃) were 4.42 and 4.45 g·h·m-3 for cotton aphid, 3.23 and 5.58 g·h·m-3 for turnip aphid, 3.23 and 5.58 g·h·m-3 for green peach aphid when 2-hours fumigation. PH3 showed 0% efficacy on all species when 2-hours fumigation.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Methyl bromide (MB), as a fumigant for Quarantine and Pre-Shipment(QPS) could offer eradication of target pests within shorter fumigation period and without phytotoxicity. Therefore, unlike MB alternatives for soil fumigation, there is no ideally MB alternative fumigant for QPS purpose, particularly for perishable commodities. It is critically important that within shorter fumigation time requires killing all target insect pests and without effect of quality and deliver treated fruit and vegetables to the final consumer. The citrus mealybug(Planococcuscitri), problem quarantine pest, was tested with different exposure times(2 and 4-hours) and concentrations(EF(0-200 g/m3) and PH3(10-50 g/m3)) in small desiccators for mixture tests. On sensitivity test with small desiccator, the egg stage showed 100% mortality with 200/25(EF/PH3) g/m3 and the nymph and adult stage showed 100% mortality with 10/10(EF/PH3) g/m3 on 2h. Also, the egg stage showed 100% mortality with 150/25(EF/PH3) g/m3on 4h.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Leptotrombidium pallidum and Leptotrombidium scutellare are the major vector mites for Orientia tsutsugamushi, the causative agent of scrub typhus. Before these organisms can be subjected to whole-genome sequencing, the genome sizes of L. pallidum and L. scutellare were estimated by a method based on quantitative real-time PCR. In addition, k-mer analysis of the genome sequences obtained from Illumina sequencing was conducted to verify the mutual compatibility and reliability of results. The genome sizes estimated by qPCR were 191.3±7 Mb for L. pallidum and 262.1±13 Mb for L. scutellare. The estimated genome sizes based on k-mer analysis were 175.5 Mb for L. pallidum and 286.6 Mb for L. scutellare. The estimates from two independent methods were mutually complementary and in a similar range to those of other Acariform mites. The relatively small genome size would facilitate genome analysis, which could contribute to understanding Arachnida genome evolution and mite vector competence and provide key information for scrub typhus prevention.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to review the Korean Psychidae. In the present study, a total of 10 species belonging to seven genera were recognized from Korea. Among them, three species, Eumeta tamraensis sp. nov., Proutia unhongae sp. nov., and Psyche yeongwolensis sp. nov. are described as new to sciences. All known species were described with illustrations of external and genital characters including ecological characteristics, distributional ranges, and host plants.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to provide accurate identification of Noctuidae, using the DNA barcode. In total, 2,040 adult specimens of 443 species were collected from 13 forest areas in Korea. In this study, we conducted the correct identification using external morphology and genitalic characters. In addition, we observed and compared the voucher specimens, preserved in the major entomological collections in Korea, including Hannam university Natural History Museum (102 species), Korea Forest Research Institute (8 species) and the National Science Museum (27 species) for correct identification. For extracting DNA sequences of the mitochondrial gene COI, the hind legs were detached and sampled with tweezers, providing about 25 mg of tissue sample. We amplified and sequenced the standard DNA barcode fragment of 648 basepairs. As a result, we have complete DNA barcodes for all 331 species. These results will be presented in Forest Pests Information Data Sheets for Noctuidae, containing DNA Barcode information, external morphology, ecological characteristics and phenology.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The nutritional quality of host plant is critically important for insect herbivores to maximize their fitness, but it is relatively unexplored whether the ingestion of a specific host plant will have the same effects on insects under different thermal conditions. We have used a multi-factorial experimental design to investigate how the nutritional quality of host plant and temperature interact to affect life-history traits in a generalist caterpillar Hyphantria cunea (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) feeding on five different host plants. Caterpillars raised on Platanus occidentalis, Sophora japonica and Prunus x yedoensis exhibited substantially higher survival, faster growth and heavier mass at pupation than those on Cornus kousa and Betula platyphylla. Caterpillars developed more quickly and attained a smaller final body mass at higher temperatures, but the way that these traits responded to temperature differed by host plant. Caterpillars on P.occidentalis displayed a monotonic decrease in development time with increasing temperature, but the development time of those on P. x yedoensis declined with temperature in a biphasic manner. Furthermore, the rate at which pupal mass increased with decreasing temperature was much greater for caterpillars on P.occidentalis than those on P. x yedoensis.