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        검색결과 530

        1997.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this thesis is a searching out the characteristics of Japanese dwellings implanted into Korea in the time of the rule of Japanese imperialism and its influences on Korean modern dwellings especially in the time of 1930's. At the early stage of the colonial time(1905~1919), the central corridor type Japanese dwellings were implanted into Korea for the Japanese official residences. The central corridor type Japanese dwelling was an urban modern dwelling compromised between Japanese style and western style and distinguished by an outer-court type plan, Japanese entrance hall, central corridor and western style reception room. After the 1920's the central corridor type Japanese dwellings have spreaded itself and became a prototype of a modern dwelling in Korea. The characteristics of the central corridor type Japanese dwellings have influenced on the Korean high class dwellings and Korean architects' proposals for modern dwelling in the time of 1930's. By the implantation and spread of the central corridor type Japanese dwellings, Korean modern dwellings at the same time have affected and undergone transformation. The aspects of transformation were ; The outbreaking of the Japanese style entrance and central corridor, the transformation of MaDang from the inner court with a function of circulation into the outer court garden with plants and the transformation of Korean dwellings from the rural inner court type into the urban outer court type. The central corridor type Japanese dwellings implanted into Korea in the time of the rule of Japanese imperialism makes function as a precedent of a modern urban dwelling to Korean and makes Korean dwellings transform from the rural inner court type into the urban outer court type.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A 230 GHz SIS tunnel junction receiver has been being developed for radio astronomy in Nagoya University. In this heterodyne receiver, we use a $\~$ 수식 이미지1/3 reduced hight rectangular waveguide SIS mixer with two tuning elements as front end. The mixer block with SIS junction was cooled to 4K with a closed cycle He-gas refrigerator. So far, a double sideband receiver noise temperature lower than l00K in 222-237 GHz is obtained. The receiver exhibits a best DSB noise temperature of 69K at 236 GHz as well as 228 GHz.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Here we report the results from spectroscopic observations of soloar active regions in the HeI 10830 Å line at the German Vacuum Tower Telescope(VTT) in Tenerife during the August 199:3 International EFR(Emerging Flux Region) Campaign. Four active regions in various stages of their evolution, i.e., NOAA7558, 7560, 7561, and 7562, were ovserved on 10 August 1993. From the observed HeI 10830 Å spectra in these active regions, spectroscopic quantities such as equivalent width(EW), doppler shift, doppler width, etc., were derived(see Figure l(a)) and the correlation between them were studied(see Figure l(b)). Our main results are as follows: (I)In NOAA7562, which is a young and evolving EFR, the EW is large, while it is small around a simple and roundish spot of NOAA7558. (2)In these active regions, redshift in the 10830 line is dominant when the EW is larger. (3)As the doppler width increases, the line tends to shift redward. (4)When the EW is smaller, it seems to exist another component which have dynamic characteristics different from the redshifting component. In NOAA7560 and NOAA7561, regions which have several small spots, the values of the EW are intermediate. Results (2) and (3) may suggest the possible existence of downflow above active regions, if the HeI 10830 Å line is formed in the upper chromopshere, and it is consistent with the earlyer result from the SMM extreme-ultraviolet observation by Klimchuk(1987, Astrophys. J., 323, 368) (to be submitted. to Astronomy and Astrophysics; an extended abstract)
        1996.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper reports on the outline and the status of the TAMA-300 project, the 300 meter laser interferometer gravitational wave detector developed by a team of scientists of several research institutes and universities in Japan. In fact the project has been funded and its construction started at the National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, in spring 1995. And the constructions of the tunnels for the east-west and north-south arms and of the central building are completed and a half of pipes for laser beams were brought in. Very stable laser oscillator has been almost completed and mew techniques such as vibration isolations, recycling of laser power, and suspension of mirrors by double pendulums have been developed. In fact the purposes of the project are to establish techniques necessary for future km-class detectors and to operate the detector to catch possible gravitational wave events in nearby galaxies such as Andromeda, the target sensitivity being 3 × 10-21 at 300Hz.
        1996.12 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1995.12 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recent discovery of an Io-related feature in Jupiter's auroral regions prompted us to search for an or multiplet at 1304Å in IUE aurora spectra. In three independent IUE spectra taken on January 18, 1981, we found an emission structure at 1304Å , with a signal-to-noise of about three. If the structure is due to the OI emission, then it is a direct evidence of oxygen ion precipitation, which may originate from Io and Io torus. The emission rates of the H2 H2 band systems and the or multiplet are about 50 kR and 150 R, respectively. We have constructed high resolution model spectra with the estimated emission rates of H2 H2 , OI and SI for the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. The model spectra clearly show the or and SI mulitplets separated from crowded H2 H2 Lyman and Werner band lines, and therefore it is promising to detect the OI and SI multiplets with the GHRS. Given the possibility that the lo-related feature may be caused by ion precipitations from the Io flux tube, it is likely that the OI emission may be detected in the footprint area of the IO flux tube.
        1995.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was done to determine a new qualitative base for educating and evaluating patients by comparing a 60 or over age group with a 20-30 age group when rising from supine to erect stance. Sixty normal adults were devided into 60 or over and 20-30 aged groups. Each persons was asked to standing from the supine position. This process was recorded by two video cameras. The results was classified into the three existing movement categories. And then they were analyzed by percent rate. The results showed that each group had its own different and special characteristics. This means that physical therapists need to select the best motor patterns according to age in teaching functional tasks such as rising from supine to erect stance.
        1994.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1993.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        첨가원소를 달리한 두 종류의 삽입금속 Cu-10tw% Ti합금과 Cu-7.5wt% Zr 합금을 사용하여 알루미나와 304 스테인레스강을 활성브레이징법으로 접합하였을 때 두 접합체 계면의 반응층생성구조를 비교조사하여 다으모가 같은 결과를 얻었다. Cu-10tw% Ti삽입금속을 사용한 접합체의 알루미나쪽 반응층은 단층구조를 이루고 있었으나 Cu-7.5wt% Zr삽입금속을 사용한 경우 반응층은 이중구조를 이루고 있었다. 이는 두 종류의 서로 다른 삽입금속이 용융상태에서 알루미나 표면에 갖는 젖음성(wettability)차이에 기인하는 것으로 사료되며 이러한 반응층의 생성구조는 접합강도에 지대한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. Cu-10wt% Ti 삽입금속을 사용한 경우 모든 접합조건에서 열응력에 의한 모서리 균열(dege crack)이 관찰되었으나 Cu-7.5wt% Zr 삽입금속을 사용한 경우 적정 접합조건을 선정하면 반응층의 이중구조를 통애 열응력을 완화시킴으로써 균열발생을 억제하여 1323K × 0.6Ks의 접합조건에서 비교적 높은 약 86MPa의 전단강도값을 얻을 수 있었다.