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        검색결과 680

        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Members of the order Psocoptera are known as psocids (commonly called booklice or bark lice). There are more than 5,500 species in 41 familes in three suborders. The suborder Psocomorpha is the largest suborder in Psocoptera, containing 25 of the 41 psocopteran families. Psocomorphan familes are classified into four groups: Epipsocetae, Caeciliusetae, Homilopsocidea and Psocetae. Families Caeciliusidae and Stenopsocidae belong to the group Caeciliusetae. The family Caeciliusidae is the largest family of Psocomorpha, and is widely distributed in all zoogeographical regions. Monophyly was not supported by any autapomorphy (Yoshizawa, 2002). The Stenopsocidae is distributed in the Afrotropical, Palearctic, Oriental, and Australian regions. Monophyly is well supported by the presence of the R1-R2+3 crossvein, M-CuA1 crossvein, and lateral pouch of the spermathecal sac (Yoshizawa, 2002). These families, Caeciliusidae and Stenopsocidae consist of about 676 described species in 32 genera and about 188 described species in 4 genera, respectively. In Asia, there were reported 337 species belonging to 11 genera and 154 species belonging to 4 genera from China (Li, 2000) and 22 species belonging to 6 genera and 7 species belonging to 2 genera from Japan (Yoshizawa, 2004), respectively, but there have not been known from Korea until now. This study is the first work to make the checklist of the Korean Psocoptera. Through this study, I have reported 2 species of families Caeciliusidae and Stenopsocidae new to Korea, respectively. Family Caeciliusidae Valenzuela oyamai (Enderlein, 1906) Paracaecilius japonicus (Enderlein, 1906) Family Stenopsocidae Cubipilis aphidiformis (Enderlein, 1906) Stenopsocus immaculatus (Stephens, 1836)
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Generally, Cerambycidae inhabites in tropical and subtropical zones, and they are large family among Coleoptera and distributed over 20,000 species worldwide. They typically characterized by extremely long antennae, which are often as long as or longer than the beetle's body. Order Cerambycidae are divided into 11 subfamilies in the world, among them, there are 304 species of the 159 genera in 7 subfamilies from Korea up to date. The genus Anoplophora is belonging to the tribe Agniini in the subfamily Lamiinae. Most species of Anoplophora are showed their beautiful colors on the elytra, pronotum, antennae and ventral parts etc. These colors superficially seems like mere patterns of the integument. Usually, colored pubescent patches of the elytra in Anoplophora are arranged in round spots, in others they are arranged in transverse bands. And also, the species of this genus have very long antennae (about 1.3-1.6 times the body length in males, 1.0-1.5 times the body length in females of most species) then others and mostly body size are large, some species is over 50mm. In this paper Anoplophora freyi is newly recorded in Korea. Consequently, a total of three species of the genus Anoplophora are recorded in Korea.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We report Conilepia nigricosta (Leech, 1988) in Korea for the first time. The female of C. nigricosta is nearly identical to the female of Lithosia quadra, and it has caused confusion in the generic classification. Therefore, we reexamined their morphology and also performed to analyze DNA barcode region compared with species of other related genera. As the results, the significant diagnoses between the two species were reconfirmed and provided in the adult appearances, wing venations, and genital structures in both sexes. The DNA barcoding results also showed a large genetic distance ranging from 6.21% to 7.16% between the two species. In phylogenetic relationship for these two species as well as 28 related species of Lithosiina, C. nigricosta was clustered as a sister to L. quadra and they formed a strong monophyletic group. It supports a possibility that these two genera may be a single genus, but more detailed molecular analysis using additional genetic markers and samples is needed to resolve reliable phylogenetic relationships between the taxa examined in this study.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Caloptilia Hübner, 1825 is one of the largest group in Gracillariidae. 314 species have been known around the world. To date, 15 species were known from Korea. In the present study, four species of Caloptilia are newly recognized from Korean insect fauna: C. fidella (Reutti), C. hidakensis Kumata, C. illicii Kumata, and C. pulverea Kumata. All of 19 Korean species, including four newly recognized species, are redescribed with illustrations of adults and genitalic structures.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A tineid moth, Gaphara conspersa (Matsumura, 1931) is newly reported in Korea. Gaphara conspersa is myrmecophilous, associated with some species of ants such as Lasius (Lasius) japonicus, L. (Dendrolasius) spp., Polyrhachis spp., Camponotus spp., Pristomyrmex punctatus was known in Japan. The larva lives in a 8-shaped or gourd-shaped flat case are made of soil and sand. Larva scavenges food, dead ants and shed skins of ant larvae that are carried out by ants. Females lays eggs around the nests (Maruyama et al., 2013). In this study, Gaphara conspersa (Matsumura, 1931) was found for the first time from Korea. The larvae were collected in the ant nests at Mt. Cheonggye, Geumto-dong, Seongnam City, in 22. May 2013 and 16. June 2013. The larval cases have three level sizes (small, middle and large) were found at the same time. Figures of the adults, larvae and pupae, are given in this study.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The role of the dictionary of the “Kojiki” is investigated thoroughly, and this paper classifies it, and clarifies the whole aspect. I would like to study the origin of these dictionary technical terms in the following paper with the relation of space.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This is the first record of endoparasitic Hymenoptera Apanteles galleriae recorded from Apis cerana colonies in Korea. A simple rearing protocol was established to allow the morphology, mating behavior and infestation rate of A galleriae. In total, 55 lesser wax moth fresh cocoons were kept in the tissue culture test plate at room temperature (25.6 ± 1.5˚C, RH 21 ± 3.7%). The females were 3.4 ± 0.3 longer than male 3.3 ± 0.2. The male antenna was longer than females. The copulation lasts 24.4 ± 2.4 seconds. The larvae of A. galleriae were pupated inside the cocoons of lesser wax moth. Ninety percent of adults A. galleriae was successfully emerged from the lesser wax moth cocoons. A. galleriae can be used as bio-logical control in store and in live colonies to control lesser wax moth.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Social parasitism was occasionally found some Polistes species as well as Vespa species like Vespa dybowskii. In this summer, we newly discovered interspecific facultative parasitic relationship between two closely Polistes species, Polistes djakonovi and Polistes mandarinus, in a rural area of Machi-ri (N35°47′35.05″ E127°15′30.48″), Wanju-gun of Jeonbuk, South Korea. Individuals of P. djakonovi closely resemble individuals of P. mandarinus in their color pattern. Accordingly, the morphological similarity between two species should motivate the parasitism for the invader species. We obviously recognized case of typical social parasitism as follows. 1) P. mandarinus dwelling together in a nest of P. djakonovi, 2) A discovered yellow cocoon cap of P. mandarinus in the nest (cf. color of cocoon cap of P. djakonovi is white). Wecollected 2 females of P. mandarinus among all 30 individuals (14 females and 16 males) in the nest. However, we could not comprehend their ecological characteristics because this phenomenon was discovered after removing of this nest.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It was first recorded that Elasmus japonicus Ashmead had occurred from three Polistes nests in Busan city, Wanju-gun, and Pyeongchang-gun of South Korea. The 2 females and 14 males were collected from the nest of Polistes rothneyi koreanus in Busan city (N35°17′57.71″ E129°06′33.24″), 12 females and 2 males from P. djakonovi in Wanju-gun (N35°47′35.05″ E127°15′30.48″), 18 females and 3 males from P. snelleni in Pyeongchang-gun (N37°39′7.84″ E128°35′15.81″). P. rothneyi koreanus and P. djakonovi were first recorded as new hosts. To date, two Elasmus species, E. nephantidis and E. viridiceps, have been reported from South Korea. In this study, we provide diagnosis, description, and photos of female and photos of male of E. japonicus.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Thomsonina is a small group of Proctotrupidae, with two described species in Palaearctic region: T. boops from Europe; T. scymni from Japan. These species are parasitoids of Scymnus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Genus Nothoserphus was erected on the single species N. mirabilis Brues (1940) from Taiwan (Oriental). Since then two genera, Thomsonina Hellén (1941) from Europe (Western-Palaearctic) and Watanabeia Masner (1958) from Japan (Eastern-Palaearctic), proposed and the taxonomy was revised by Townes (1981) who synonymized Thomsonina and Watanabeia, including three species groups (boops- group, afissae-group and mirabilis-group). At present one genus classification Nothoserphus, is universally accepted. But, Masner (1958) suggested that Thomsonina and Watanabeia should be separated in two distinct genera from the Nothoserphus. This is supported by the different characters and biological data. In this study, the Authors are also agree to the Masner’s proposal and first report the genus Thomsonina from South Korea based on T. scymni. Also, we provide comparison of main different characters and host data for three genera.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The superfamily Proctotrupoidea is cosmopolitan and diverse group comprising 11 extant families: Austroniidae, Diapriidae, Heloridae, Maamingidae, Monomachidae, Pelecinidae, Peradeniidae, Proctorenyxidae, Proctotrupidae, Roproniidae, Vanhorniidae. But, Recently a separate superfamily Diaprioidea was recognized to include Diapriidae, Monomachidae and Maamingidae (Sharkey, 2007; Sharkey et al., 2012). Among them, three families are found in South Korea: Heloridae (Choi et al., 2012), Diapriidae (Notton, 1994), Proctotrupidae (Choi et al, 2012; Lee et al., 1988; Lee et al., 2008). Proctorenyxidae Lelej & Kozlov, a very small family of Proctotrupoidea, contains only 2 genera with 2 species in the world: Hsiufuropronia chaoi Yang, 1997 from China; Proctorenyxa incredibilis (Kozlov) from Russian Far East. These are morphologically distinguished from other families of Proctotrupoidea families by the following combination of characteristics: antennal scape very short; vein Rs of fore wing not bifurcated apically; fore wing with pterostigma; gaster with narrow petiole; tergite 8 with two spiracles. And, the biology of this family is completely unknown. Here we report one unrecorded species, Proctorenyxa incredibilis (Kozlov, 1994), for the first time in Korea and provide photographs for the diagnostic characters.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Subfamily Ismarinae traditionally has been belong to the superfamily Proctotrupoidea, family Diapriidae. But recently, Sharkey (2007) has been placed family diapriidae in a separate superfamily of the infraorder Proctrupomorpha, the Diaprioidea, together with the New Zealand endemic Maamingidae and the cosmopolitan and speciose Diapriidae. After, subfamily Ismarinae is raised to family status Ismaridae stat. nov., also included the family Ismaridae within Diaprioidea (sharkey et al. 2011). The superfamily Diaprioidea Haliday, 1833 is a moderate large group of parasitoid wasps. Diaprioidea comprise five families (four extant family: Diapriidae Haliday 1833, Ismaridae Thomson 1858, Maamingidae Early, Masner, Naumann & Austin 2001 and Monomachidae Ashmead 1902; one fossile family Spathiopterygidae Engel & Ortega-Blanco 2013) of generally fairly small wasps, with a total of 2,109 species in the world. Family Ismaridae is a small family contains a single genus and 32 described species in the world and previously unrecorded in Korea. Ismaridae is morphologically distinguished from other families of Diaprioidea by the following combination of characteristics: antennae inserted close to the clypeus; position of toruli that are opening forward (not upward); notauli absent, with mesocutum broadly arched in lateral view; antennal formula 15-14. Also, the biology of this family is very poorly studied, only a few species known as hyperparasitoids of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) through dryinids (Hymenoptera). In this study, A new species, Ismarussp. nov. and one unrecorded species, Ismarus halidayi Foerster 1850, are reported from South Korea. Photographs of diagnostic characters are provided herein.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Earlier, Ceraphronoids group has been belong to the superfamily Proctotrupoidea sensu lato, as polyphyletic group. But, Masner and Dessart (1967) proposed this group as a separate superfamily, Ceraphronoidea to include Ceraphronidae and Megaspilidae. At present Ceraphronoidea comprised of two families with 27 genera and 603 species described worldwide (except fossil family Stigmaphronidae), though a great many species are still undescribed. This group is morphologically distinguished from other Hymenoptera superfamilies by the following combination of characteristics: two protibial spurs present; forewing C+Sc fused, Rs vein upcurved; metasomal segment II large; metasomal spiracles absent. Ceraphronoids are small group of Parasitic Apocrita of Hymenoptera. They majority are endoparasitoids of a wide range of insects under Diptera, Homoptera (superfamily Coccoidea), Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Neuroptera and Thysanoptera. However, Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenopera, Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Heteroptera, spider eggs, and ticks are also attacked. And some species are hyperparasitoids of aphidiinae braconids. Ceraphronoidea has been studied in South Korea mainly by Paik (1994). He recognized the presence of only four species in Megaspilidae as follows: Dendrocerus carpenteri (Curtis, 1826), D. longispinus (Yasumatus & Moritsu, 1947), D. pupparum (De geer, 1776) and D. remicornis (Boheman, 1832). As a result of this study, 2 families and 2 genera of Ceraphronoidea, Ceraphron in Ceraphronidae, Conostigmus in Megaspilidae are recognized in South Korea. Also, above one family Ceraphronidae and all genera are newly recorded for the first time. We provide comparison of important diagnostic characters with two families and color photographs.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus of Stomaphis (Aphididae: Lachninae) is stem or root feeding aphid on trees and can be easily distinguished in having the very long rostrum which extends beyond the length of body. Most of species are monoecious holocyclic without host alternation and attended by ants. Based on body appearance and COI gene sequence, we report a Stomaphis betulidahuricae Zhang and Qio, 1999 (Aphididae: Lachninae) for the first time in Korea, on Carpinus cordata Bl., C. laxiflora Bl., and Acer palmatum Thunb.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study deals with first traffic violations occurred by novice drivers, which may be associated with traffic accidents. The objective of this study is to identify what kinds of drivers' characteristics influence on duration till the first traffic violation. METHODS : For the study, Survival Analysis and Cox proportional hazard model, that are usually used in the medical field, were employed. Survival Analysis was conducted to investigate whether there exist differences in survival duration by each covariate, whereas Cox proportional hazard model was used to identify significant factors that affect survival duration till novice drivers violate traffic regulations for the first time after getting a driver license. RESULTS : The results of Survival Analysis indicate that female, age (less than 21), low-frequency examinee of written exam, and non-crash involved drivers have longer duration till the first violation compared to male, greater than 21 years old, high-frequency examinee of written exam, and crash involved drivers, respectively. For the Cox proportional hazard model, license class 1 acquisitor was found to increase the survival duration till the first traffic violation was made, while male, age of 21-24, age of 25-34, age of 45-54, and crash involved drivers were more likely to reduce the survival duration. CONCLUSIONS : Absolutely, traffic violation is closely related to traffic accidents and all of the drivers should keep the traffic regulations to enhance highway safety. The results of this study might provide some insights to construct safe road environments by controlling the factors that reduce the traffic violation duration of novice drivers.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 거저리과 르위스거저리아과에 속한 미기록종 Ades masidai Nakane (딱정벌레목: 거저리과) 보고하고자 한다. 이 종에 대한, 재기재문, 진단형질 그림과 성충사진을 표시하였다.