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        검색결과 487

        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Osteoclasts originated from hematopoietic stem cells are multi-nucleated cells that can resorb the bone matrix. Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B (RANK)/RANK ligand (RANKL) signaling pathway is crucial for the differentiation and activation of osteoclasts. In this study, we investigated for the first time whether or not RANKL induced mitogen- and stress-activated kinase 1 (MSK1) phosphorylation at Ser 376. Activation of MSK1 was detected as soon as 5 min after RANKL stimulation and sparsely detected at 30 min after stimulation. RANKL-induced MSK1 phosphorylation occurred in a dose-dependent manner. MSK1 is known as a downstream signaling molecule of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Treatment with the PKA inhibitor H89 significantly suppressed c-Fos and nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 1 (NFATc1) induction upon RANKL stimulation. In addition, cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation was extremely inhibited by H89 treatment. Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) have been investigated for induction of MSK1 phosphorylation. Specific signaling pathway inhibitors for p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) significantly blocked RANKL-induced MSK1 activation. Finally, as a downstream effector of the p38-MSK1 pathway, c-Fos transcriptional activity was determined. RANKL-mediated elevation of c-Fos transcriptional activity was significantly suppressed by p38 inhibitor. Moreover, a dominant negative form of CREB suppressed activation of NFATc1. In conclusion, RANKL-stimulated MSK1 phosphorylation could play a role in induction of NFATc1 through CREB and c-Fos activation as a downstream molecule of p38, ERK MAPKs, and PKA. Our results support basic information for the development of osteoclast specific inhibitors.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Activated carbons (ACs) were prepared by activation of coal tar pitch (CTP) in the range of 700°C-1000°C for 1-4 h using potassium hydroxide (KOH) powder as the activation agent. The optimal activation conditions were determined to be a CTP/KOH ratio of 1:4, activation temperature of 900°C, and activation time of 3 h. The obtained ACs showed increased pore size distribution in the range of 1 to 2 nm and the highest specific capacitance of 122 F/g in a two-electrode system with an organic electrolyte, as measured by a charge-discharge method in the voltage range of 0-2.7 V. In order to improve the performance of the electric double-layer capacitor electrode, various mixtures of CTP and petroleum pitch (PP) were activated at the optimal activation conditions previously determined for CTP. Although the specific capacitance of AC electrodes prepared from CTP only and the mixtures of CTP and PP was not significantly different at a current density of 1 A/g, the AC electrodes from CTP and PP mixtures showed outstanding specific capacitance at higher current rates. In particular, CTP-PP61 (6:1 mixture) had the highest specific capacitance of 132 F/g, and the specific capacitance remained above 90% at a high current density of 3 A/g. It was found that the high specific capacitance could be attributed to the increased micro-pore volume of ACs with pore sizes from 1 to 2 nm, and the high power density could be attributed to the increased meso-pore volume.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        An assessment was made of the fumigant toxicity of 20 constituents from catnip oil and another additional five previously identified compounds of the oils and control efficacy of three experimental spray formulations containing catnip oil (1, 0.5 and 0.1% sprays) to females from B- and neonicotinoid-resistant Q-biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Spathulenol (LC50, 0.39 μg/cm3) and thymol (0.45 μg/cm3) were the most toxic compounds, followed by carvacrol, α-terpineol, nerol, linalool, menthol and eugenol toward Q-biotype females (0.85–1.24 μg/cm3). The toxicity of these compounds was virtually identical toward both biotype females, indicating that the terpenoids and the insecticides (neonicotinoids and dichlorvos) do not share a common mode of action or elicit cross-resistance. The 0.5% spray of oil formulation resulted in > 80% mortality toward both biotype females. Global efforts to reduce the level of toxic synthetic insecticides in the agricultural environment justify further studies on catnip oil-derived materials as potential contact-action fumigants for the control of B. tabaci populations.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was aimed at assessing the fumigant toxicity to adult Thrips palmi and Orius strigicollis of basil (Ocimum basilicum) essential oil compounds and structurally related compounds using vapour-phase toxicity bioassays. Results were compared with those for dichlorvos. Against adult T. palmi, linalool (LD50, 0.0055 mg cm–3) was the most toxic fumigant and was 15.2–fold more effective than dichlorvos (0.0837 mg cm–3). Strong fumigant toxicity was also observed in pulegone (0.0095 mg cm–3), (±)-camphor (0.0097 mg cm–3) and 1,8-cineole (0.0167 mg cm–3). Moderate toxicity was produced by camphene, 3-carene, (–)-menthone, (+)-α-pinene, (+)-β-pinene, α-terpineol and (–)-α-thujone (0.0215–0.0388 mg cm–3). Against adult O. strigicollis, dichlorvos (LD50, 9.0 ×10–10 mg cm–3) was the most toxic fumigant, whereas the LD50 values of these compounds ranged from 0.0127 to >0.23 mg cm–3. Based upon selective toxicity ratio (STR, O. strigicollis LD50/T. palmi LD50), the compounds described (STR, 0.7–>10.7) are more selective than dichlorvos (STR, 10.8×10–9 mg cm–3). Basil oil compounds described merit further study as potential insecticides for control of T. palmi in greenhouses because of their generally lower toxicity to O. strigicollis and their greater activity as a fumigant than dichlorvos.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently an outbreaked pest belongs to Hemiptera: Recaniidae, Ricanula sp. is greatly concerned about the outspreading throughout the South of Korea by wide range of host, including Cornelian cherry, Jujube, and peach trees. In Chungbuk province, this pest was first occurred at Jincheon and Okcheon in 2012, Cheongju in 2013 and now found out at Eumseong and Goesan in 2015. Ricanula sp. was oviposited directly into one-year twig, did damages on fruit-bearing formation and finally withered the host. This study was performed to understand the ovipositional characteristics and to develop the standardized forecasting method. Oviposition by Ricanula sp. was abundant in tree than in bush, adult laid eggs on new inner twigs and then covered with wax compound. Total no. of oviposited egg-mass was 10 to 318, and that of on new twig was 5 to 185 per tree, with different to host trees. Thickness of oviposited twigs were done within 2 ~ 5.5 mm and the height was mostly founded with range of 1 to 2 m, founded with highest height over 3 m. Oviposited no. of egg-mass within 30 cm twig was appeared differently from 2 to 7 every host. From based on this investigated result, we provide this for standardized forecasting method. This pest will need to control when egg-mass will occur over 2 at new twig, within 30 cm from the tip, set as total 25 point/ 5 plants (5 point per plant).
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect pests on cruciferous crops and their natural enemies were surveyed during 2009~2011 in Daegwallyeong highland region which has been famous for summer Kimchi cabbage production in Korea since 1970s. Totally 15 insect pests have been reported in cabbage field in Daegwallyeong. Diamondback moth (DBM, Plutella xylostella) imported cabbage worm (Artogeia rapae L.), cabbage armyworm (CAW, Mamestra brassicae L.), cabbage looper (CL, Trichoplusia ni), cabbage sawfly (Athalia rosae ruficornis Jakovlev), and turnip aphid (Liphapis pseudobrassicae (Davis)) were the dominant pest species among the 15 species. For monitoring as well as controlling insects with weak flight, yellow sticky cards (10×15㎝) were used in cabbage fields. The sticky cards were hanged on plastic stick and placed at a 2-5 m distance within cabbage field (1,000㎡). Sex pheromone traps were employed for monitoring and controlling insects with strong flight. The survey result showed that there was significantly reduced pest occurrences in treated, compared to untreated condition. Similarly, The results from the sex pheromone traps were coincident with those of sticky trap. DBM, CAW and CL were found less in the treated than untreated fields; by 67.5%, 70.6% and 44.0%, respectively. Although the control efficacy of such traps was less than that of chemical spray, the use of sticky card trap combined with sex pheromone trap could be useful management tools for controlling insect pests in cabbage fields.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study compared the development, reproduction, and DNA damage in insecticide (acequinocyl, bifenazate, and etoxazole)-resistant (AR, BR, and ER) and -susceptible (S) strains of Tetranychus urticae by electron beam irradiation. When eggs were irradiated with 150 Gy, the egg hatching was completely inhibited in all strains. When nymphs were irradiated, their emergence rate was decreased with increasing doses of electron beam irradiation. When adults were irradiated, the longevity and the number of eggs was not affected at all target dose in all strains. However, hatchability of F1 generation was perfectly inhibited at 400 Gy in all strains. The DNA damage caused by electron beam irradiation was evaluated by an alkaline comet assay. These results suggest that electron beam irradiation induced abnormal development and reproduction in S, AR, BR, and ER strains of T. urticae.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the present study, we report two lepidopteran pests on the cones of Abies koreana E. H. Wilson; Cydia sp. of Tortricidae and Dioryctria abietella Denis et Schiffermüller of Pyralidae. Larvae of these species bored tunnels inside the immature cones of the host plant. Damaged cones are easy to spot by reddish brown excretion from the pest entry holes, and the cones severly damaged by the larvae becomes crooked. Damage rate on the cones reached up tp 71% from the collection site. Regarding the two pests, some basic information such as collection records, morphological characters, and ecology were provided.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As a result of investigation on the larvae attacking leaves of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. and causing serious damage on the plant in Seoul, Chungnam and Jeonbuk Province in Korea during summer in 2013, Protegira songi Chen & Zhang of the family Noctuidae was identified. In this study, we report the host plants of it for the first time from Korea, with larval damage and taxonomic information by illustrating the characteristics of male and female genitalia. Also we will conduct to extract and analyse the DNA barcode for correct identification in forest pest monitoring in near future.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect pollinators of the endanger orchid Cypripedium japonicum were surveyed and identified during two years, as a part of a conservation project of the orchid at Jukyeup-san and Hwaak-san (Mt.), South Korea. In total 40 individuals of 16 species in 4 families were identified. The dominant family was Halictidae, and Lasioglossum exiliceps Vachal visited the most frequently C. japonicum during the surveys. The average visiting frequency was 2.5 individuals per hour and the highest 4.3, from 12:00 – 13:00 in a day. After 15:00 insects did not visit the flowers at all. However, all of the visiting insects were found to not carry a pollinium or pollens of the orchard on their bodies; pollen carryover by any of the visiting insects did not occur at all. The orchid seems to require certain pollinators in particular body thickness due to its unique pollination mechanism. The orchid has two exit route openings, around 1 cm in diametre, where the entrapped insects can exit and an anther is situated just in front of each opening. It was inferred that a pollen carrier should be around 1 cm in body thickness. Therefore, the candidate species as the proper pollen carriers can be Tetralonia nipponensis Perez, Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans Smith and Bombus consobrinus Dahlbom among the surveyed visitors.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Diadegma is a well known parasitoid group and some are known to have symbiotic virus, PDV. A novel IV was discovered from the calyx of D. fenestrale female. This virus was named as D. fenestrale Ichnovirus (DfIV). The encapsidated DfIV genome contains 65 circular DNA segments with an aggregate size of 247,191 bp. Based on BLAST analysis, a total of 120 ORFs were predicted as follows: rep; 48, cys-motif; 11, vinnexin; 10, vankyrin; 9, PRRP; 3 and other unassigned genes (39). These viral genes were expressed in lepidopteran hosts (Phthorimaea operculella and Plutella xylostella) after parasitization which means DfIV genome segments were integrated into lepidopteran hosts. This study was focused on this result. Based on gene expression profile, candidate promoter and integration motifs were selected and then, fused with eGFP as a reporter gene. Modified DfIV genome segment was ligated to a commercial containing f1 ori and Ampr gene to propagate in E. coli. We have named this fusion vector as pIN. The construction methodology of pIN and its application would be further discussed in detail.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The larvicidal and repellent activities of 33 plant extracts against two mosquitoes as Culex pipiens and Aedes albopictus were examined using direct contact application for larva and a patch test for adult. Chrysanthemum zawadskii var. alpinum, Cnidium officinale, Ginkgo biloba, Magnolia kobus, and Magnolia denudate at 1,000 ppm caused 100% mortality to Cx. pipiens larva within 24 hr. Ailanthus altissima, Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Houttuynia cordata, Mentha arvensis, Phyllostachys nigra, and Parthenocissus tricuspidata showed over 90% mortality to Cx. pipiens. C. zawadskii var. alpinum, C. officinale, G. biloba, M. kobus, M. denudate, and P. nigra gave 100% mortality at 1,000 ppm to Ae. albopictus. Acorus gramineus, Campanula takesimana, and D. crassirhizoma, showed 97.8%, 94.5%, and 94.4% mortality to Ae. albopictus at 24 hr, respectively. Five plant extracts (C. zawadskii var. alpinum, C. officinale, G. biloba, M. kobus, and M. denudate) showed 100% mortality both Cx. pipiens and Ae. albopictus. However, A. altissima gave 90% larvicidal activity to Cx. pipiens, whereas 7.8% mortality to Ae. albopictus. Several plant extracts which have highly larvicidal activities, were determined repellency against two mosquitoes species.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The insecticidal activities of materials derived from the rhizomes of turmeric, Curcuma longa L., against third instar larva of Culex pipiens and Aedes albopictus were evaluated using a direct contact mortality bioassay. Curcuma longa L. hexane extraction showed 100% larvicidal activity both two mosquitoes species at 1,000 ppm after treated 24 h. Purification of the biologically active constituents from the hexane extraction with larvicidal activity was done using silica gel column chromatography. H1 fraction gave 100% mortality to C. pipiens and A. albopictus at 100 ppm. H12 fraction was determined 100% and 87.8% larvicidal activity to C. pipiens and A. albopictus at 50 ppm, respectively. H12 fraction was analyzed as the sesquiterpene, ar-turmerone (C15H20O) and turmerone(C15H22O) by GC and GC-MS.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The fumigant activity of phosphine (PH3) and ethyl formate (EF) was determined to all stage of Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) under high oxygen concentration (50% and 80%). Oxygenated PH3 and EF were tested at two different temperatures (20°C and 4°C) during 7 days. Two oxygenated fumigants were treated with LC10, 30 and 50 values of single fumigant against each stage of P. operculella. At 10% inhibition of hatchability concentration value, inhibition of hatchability of P. operculella eggs was shown 20.3% and 9.2% with 50% and 80% oxygenated PH3 at 20°C at 1 day after treatment, respectively. The fumigant activity of oxygenated PH3 was increased at all stage of P. operculella except eggs both 20°C and 4°C. However, oxygenated EF was determined low fumigant efficacy to hatchability of eggs and emergence rate of pupae. The insecticidal activities of P. operculella larvae and adults were slightly increased mortality rather than single EF. In this result suggests that oxygenated phosphine is effective method for managing P. operculella. But, oxygenated EF is not effective.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, we investigated the effects of X-ray irradiation to control six important insect pests of floriculture crops: Liriomyza trifolii, Spodoptera litura, Myzus persicae, Tetranychus urticae, Bemisia tabaci, and Frankliniella intonsa. We irradiated on six insect pests that were placed in different positions (top, middle, and bottom) of export flower boxes after filling the boxes with roses and chrysanthemums, respectively. When irradiated with X-ray of 150 Gy, the eggs of T. urticae, B. tabaci, F. intonsa, L. trifolii, and S. litura were prevented from hatching at every position in the boxes. The pupation and emergence of L. trifolii larvae and S. litura larvae and B. tabaci nymphs and F. intonsa nymphs were inhibited at every position in the boxes. However, the emergence of T. urticae and M. persicae nymphs was not inhibited, even at the top position in the boxes. When pupae were irradiated, the emergence of L. trifolii was inhibited at every position in the boxes, while S. litura was not inhibited completely, even at the top position in the boxes. When adult T. urticae, S. litura, and L. trifolii were irradiated, the hatching rate of the F1 generation was not completely inhibited at every position. The insect pests that were not inhibited completely at the dose of 150 Gy showed much higher inhibitory effects at the dose of 250 Gy. Therefore, the dose of X-ray irradiation required to inhibit may vary according to the types of flowers and insect pests and according to their positions within the boxes.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Three insect pest, Myzus persicae, Tetranychus urticae, and Liriomyza trifolii were irradiated with electron beam (50-250 Gy) or X-ray (10-150 Gy). Longevity, egg hatching, emergence and fecundity of the test insects were measured. When irradiated to the M. persicae, emergence of nymphs did not show any differences, but fecundity was inhibited at 100 Gy (electron beam) or 30 Gy (X-ray). When irradiated to the T. urticae, egg hatching was completely inhibited at 150 Gy (electron beam) or 50 Gy (X-ray) and egg hatching of F1 generation was decreased at 150 Gy of electron beam or 50 Gy of X-ray. When irradiated to the L. trifolii, egg hatching was completely inhibited at 30 Gy of X-ray, however, electron beam irradiation was not inhibited even at 200 Gy. Egg hatching from irradiated adults was completely inhibited at 150 Gy of electron beam and X-ray. These results indicate that electron beam and X-ray irradiation induced abnormal development and reproduction, however, the dose of irradiation required to inhibit may vary according to the types of insect pests.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effects of X-ray irradiation on development and reproduction of Spodoptera litura were examined. Eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults were irradiated at target doses of 10 - 250 Gy. When eggs were irradiated with 30 Gy, egg hatching was completely inhibited. When irradiated to the larvae, pupation was inhibited at 100 Gy and larval period was delayed. When irradiated to the pupae, emergence was inhibited at over 100 Gy. When irradiated to the adults, longevity and fecundity did not show any differences. However, egg hatching was significantly decreased at 70 Gy and above. Also, X-ray irradiation was not induced the rapid death of S. litura. Reciprocal crosses between irradiated and unirradiated moths demonstrated that males were more radiotolerant than females. The levels of DNA damage in S. litura adults were evaluated using the alkaline comet assay. Our results indicate that X-ray irradiation increased levels of DNA damage. The recovery of DNA damage in S. litura adults increased as time passed. But DNA damage hasn't recovered fully. These results indicate that X-ray irradiation induced abnormal development and reproduction by DNA damage in S. litura.