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        검색결과 153

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In south Korea, most of uranium deposits are distributed in the Ogcheon belt, which is one of two late Precambrian to Paleozoic fold belts (the Imjingang and Ogcheon belts). A study site of the Ogcheon metamorphic belt (OMB) in Hoenam-myun, Boeun-gun was selected for the natural analogue study by preliminary site investigation for several candidate study sites. Three boreholes were drilled in the site and some rock cores and groundwater samples were taken from the boreholes. Various analytical studies for the samples are now being performed. Thus, in this study, various basic characteristics of the study site such as occurrence, geological, mineralogical, and chemical properties were investigated for a future study. Base rocks containing uranium in the OMB are usually black slate and coaly slate. Coaly slate usually shows a higher content of uranium and larger grain size of uranium than black slate. Uranium minerals found in the OMB are uraninite, uranothorite, brannerite, ekanite, coffinite, francevillite, uranophane, autunite, and torbernite depending on the base rock types. Uranothorite is abundant in black slate whereas uraninite is mostly abundant in coaly slate. Chemical compositions of the solid and groundwater samples from the study site were also analyzed by using ICP-MS/OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) and XRF (X-ray Fluorescence). This will contribute to determine uranium minerals in the solid samples and uranium speciation in the groundwater. The results of this study will contribute to performing future natural analogue studies in domestic uranium deposits and provide basic information and knowledge for understanding long-term geochemical behaviors of radionuclides in a high-level radioactive repository.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is the main source of high-level radioactive wastes (HLWs), which contains approximately 96% of uranium (U). For the safe disposal of the HLWs, the SNF is packed in canisters of cast iron and copper, and then is emplaced within 500 m of host rock surrounded by compacted bentonite clay buffer for at least 100,000 years. However, in case of the failure of the multi-barrier disposal system, U might be migrated through the rock fractures and groundwater, eventually, it could reach to the biosphere. Since the dissolved U interacts with indigenous bacteria under natural and engineered environments over the long storage periods of geologic disposal, it is important to understand the characteristics of U-microbe interactions under the geochemical conditions. In particular, a few of bacteria, i.e., sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), are able to reduce soluble U(VI) into insoluble U(IV) under anaerobic conditions by using their metabolisms, resulting in the immobilization of U. In this study, the aqueous U(VI) removal performance and change in bacterial community in response to the indigenous bacteria were investigated to understand the interactions of U-microbe under anaerobic conditions. Three different indigenous bacteria obtained from different depths of granitic groundwater (S1: 44–60 m, S2: 92–116 m, and S3: 234–244 m) were used for the reduction of U(VI)aq. After the anaerobic reaction of 24 weeks, the changes in bacterial community structure in response to the seeding indigenous bacteria were observed by high-throughput 16S rDNA gene sequencing analysis. The highest uranium removal efficiency of 57.8% was obtained in S3 sample, and followed by S2 (43.1%) and S1 (37.7%). Interestingly, SRB capable of reducing U(VI) greatly increased from 4.8% to 44.1% in S3 sample. Among the SRB identified, Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii played a key role on the removal of U(VI)aq. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis showed that the dspacing of precipitates observed in this study was identical with that of uraninite (UO2). This study presents the potential of U(VI)aq removal by indigenous bacteria under deep geological environment.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) and excitation-emission matrix (EEM) spectroscopy were used to study the interaction of U(VI) and natural organic matters (NOMs) in groundwater. Various types of groundwaters (DB-1, DB-3 from KURT site and OB-1, OB-3 from a U deposit in Ogcheon metamorphic belt) were used as samples. Pulsed Nd-YAG laser at 266 nm (Continuum Minilite) was used as the light source of TRLFS. The laser pulse energy of 1.0 mJ was fixed for all measurements. The luminescence spectrum was recorded using a gated intensified chargecoupled device (Andor, DH-720/18U03 iStar 720D) attached to the spectrograph (Andor, SR-303i). EEM spectra were measured using a spectrofluorometer (Horiba Scientific, Aqualog) equipped with a 150 W ozone-free xenon arc lamp. Excitation spectra were recorded by scanning the excitation wavelength from 200 to 500 nm. Emission spectra were measured using a CCD in the wavelength range of 242–823 nm. In the case of the recently collected DB-1 samples, it was observed that the U and NOM quantities decreased compared to the samples collected before 2016. For some DB-1 samples, the amount of dissolved organic carbon indicating the presence of NOM was significantly reduced, and changes consistent with this phenomenon were observed in the EEM spectrum. The time-resolved luminescence characteristics (peak wavelengths and lifetime) of U(VI) in the DB-1 samples agree well with those of Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq). This U(VI) species remains stable, even in samples taken five years ago. The estimated amounts of U and NOM from the spectroscopic data of DB-3, OB-1, and OB-3 samples are relatively low compared to DB-1 samples. When a known amount of U(VI) was mixed in each groundwater, the time-resolved luminescence spectrum exhibited a characteristic spectral shape different from the expected luminescence intensity. This phenomenon is presumed to be due to the interaction between U(VI) and NOM in groundwater. The results of this study suggest that the chemical speciation of NOM as well as U(VI) is required to understand U behavior in groundwater.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fundamental characteristics of groundwater colloids, such as composition, concentration, size, and stability, were analyzed using granitic groundwater samples taken from the KAERI Underground Research Tunnel (KURT) site by such analytical methods as inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, field emission-transmission electron microscopy, a liquid chromatography-organic carbon detector, and dynamic light scattering technique. The results show that the KURT groundwater colloids are mainly composed of clay minerals, calcite, metal (Fe) oxide, and organic matter. The size and concentration of the groundwater colloids were 10–250 nm and 33–64 μg·L−1, respectively. These values are similar to those from other studies performed in granitic groundwater. The groundwater colloids were found to be moderately stable under the groundwater conditions of the KURT site. Consequently, the groundwater colloids in the fractured granite system of the KURT site can form stable radiocolloids and increase the mobility of radionuclides if they associate with radionuclides released from a radioactive waste repository. The results provide basic data for evaluating the effects of groundwater colloids on radionuclide migration in fractured granite rock, which is necessary for the safety assessment of a high-level radioactive waste repository.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) and Raman spectra of KJ-II bentonite provided by Clariant Korea were compared with those of MX-80 bentonite. The FTIR spectra were obtained using a Nicolet 5 FTIR spectrometer (Fisher Scientific) equipped with a diamond ATR (Attenuated Total Reflection) module. The spectra were collected for 64 scans with a resolution of 4 cm−1. Raman spectra were obtained using an optical microscope (Olympus, BX43) and a spectrometer (Andor, SR- 500). The laser beam was focused using an objective lens with a magnifying power of 50. The backscattered light from the sample was collected into an optical fiber with a core diameter of 0.4 mm. The Raman signals were recorded with CCDs (Andor, DV401A-BV for 532 nm laser wavelength and DV420A-OE for 638 and 785 nm laser wavelengths). Each pixel of CCD received the signal for 1 s and its 1000 times accumulated data were collected. The FTIR spectra of the two bentonite samples are very similar. The FTIR spectra of both bentonites showed absorption bands at 3623, 3399, 3231 cm−1 in the higher wavenumber region and at 1637, 1443, 1117, 997, 914, 887, 847, 797, 611, 515, 414 cm−1 in the lower wavenumber region. A sharp band at 3623 cm−1 and the strong band at 997 cm−1 correspond to the OH stretching of structural hydroxyl groups and the Si-O stretching vibration, respectively. In addition to these clear bands, several absorption bands observed in this experiment are well matched with the results reported in various literatures. Unlike the FTIR spectrum, it is not easy to observe the Raman bands of bentonite. The reason is that strong fluorescence interferes with the Raman spectrum. The two bentonite samples showed different fluorescence intensities. In the case of MX-80 bentonite, no clear Raman band was observed due to the influence of very strong fluorescence. KJ-II bentonite showed a relatively weak fluorescence intensity and Raman bands were partially visible at around 147, 260, 397, 709, and 1279 cm−1. In particular, the band at 1279 cm−1 is wide and sturdy. It was observed that the non-powder samples showed a better quality spectra. The Raman characteristics of KJ-II bentonite, which depend on the incident laser wavelength and the sample pretreatment, are discussed in detail.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is an increasing need for complex and large projects to be carried out quickly. As the duration, size, and cost of the project increase, concerns about project failure are also rising. Finding factors that hinder the performance of an effective project and eliminating them in advance or controlling and managing them more effectively can be a more direct way to secure the success of the project. Previous studies have identified compositional dimensions that are classified according to attributes, covering the various obstacles that affect the success of the project through existing literature. It is a follow-up to previous research. Using DEMATEL techniques, we would like to propose to explore the appropriate measures that an entity and organization can take by identifying the causality between factors through cross-impact analysis of project disabilities and even presenting factors that may arise when they are identified. As a result of the analysis, according to the indicators to evaluate the importance, 8 factors were found to be relatively important factors, excluding the factors that Failure of project feasibility analysis and Technical environment change. In addition, 5 factors were found to be causative factors; Technical environment change, Unclarity project plan, Strategic consistency error, Inaccuracy of requirement definition, and Failure of project feasibility analysis. In contrast, the remaining 5 factors were found to be the result factors; Lack of benefits realization, Negative attitude of top management, Stakeholder conflict, Difficulty of process management, and Disturbance of communication.
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