
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 50

        2003.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to test the cellulose digestibility using the transgenic pigs harboring cellulose degradation gene D (CelD). After delivered offsprings between normal pig and transgenic swine, DNA was isolated from piglets tail for PCR analysis. In first generation, five out of 65 piglets showed CelD positive. Unfortunately, four CelD-positive pigs were died during growing, but one survived pig was used as a transgenic founder to produce F₁ descendents. Among 3 F₁ transgenic pigs produced, one died and the remaining two pigs were used to test the fiber digest efficiency. An assorted feed was composite of 5% fiber with other ingredients. The feed of 3 kg per day was provided to the pigs including transgenic founders and littermate controls. The manure quantity was measured daily for a month, and all manures were dried for three days to analysis nitrogen, phosphate and fiber concentrations. The fiber digestion efficiencies of the transgenic F₁ pigs showed approximately 10% higher than those of control pigs. Fiber digestion was not greatly improved in transgenic pigs as it had been expected approximately 30%. Nitrogen concentration of transgenic pig′s manure was slowly decreased compare to the control pigs. Because there were only two transgenic pigs tested, a large number of transgenic pigs may be necessary to obtain more reliable data. Breeding of animals to obtain sufficient transgenic pigs subjected for a further study is on progress. Taken together, this study demonstrated successful production of transgenic pigs with increase of cellulose digestibility in the porcine feed.
        2003.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study were performed to analysis the hematocrit and the red blood cells content into the blood plasma of the transgenic pigs harboring recombinent human erythropoietin gene (rhEPO). Mouse whey acidic protein (mWAP) linked to rhEPO gene was microinjected into pronuclei of porcine one-cell zygotes. After delivered of offspring, PCR analyses identified one mWAP-rhEPO transgenic founder offspring(F/sub 0/). The first generation of transgenic pig (F/sub 0/) harboring mWAP-hEPO appeared to be a male, and the second generation (F₁) pigs were made by natural mating of F/sub 0/ with domestic swine, and male and female transgenic pigs (F₁) were identified by PCR. The blood samples from transgenic and normal pigs were collected for 50 days during lactation and were counted the red blood cell (RBC) numbers and Hematocrit (HCT) content into the blood. The transgenic pigs expressing rhEPO in their blood gave rise to higher RBC numbers and HCT contents than control animals. rhEPO was secreted both in the blood and milk of genetically engineered pigs harboring rhEPO gene. Therefore, this study provides a model regarding the production of transgenic pig carrying hEPO transgene for biomedical research.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        폴리설폰 한외여과막 분리막공정을 이용하여 투과유속 상에서의 오존의 효과를 고찰하였다. 처음에는 조제한 페놀용액을 이용해 오존의 농도 10-45 mg/l·min을 가한 후에 분리막내에 막오염 제거를 목적으로 시도하였으며 이후에는 오존과 분리막이 혼합된 연속공정에서 폐수처리를 위해 오존에 의한 통일효과를 고찰하기 위해 시도하였다. 전처리 방법으로는 펜톤 산화법을 이용하여 화학응집을 시도하였고 그 결과 폐수내 용존유기물 제거에 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 실험결과 오존을 이용하게 되면 투과유속이 10% 이상 증가한다는 사실이 조제수와 폐수에 공히 같게 나타났으며 오존과 과산화수소를 이용한 고도처리에서도 투과유속증가에 더욱 효과적이었다. 특히 오존을 이용한 처리수에서는 투과압력이 12% 이상 낮아지는 효과가 나타났으며 분리막 공정에 오존처리는 막오염을 거의 제거하기보다는 막오염을 제한적으로 막는 효과를 얻었다.
        2001.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lithium intercalated carbon (LIC) are basically employed as an anode for currently commercialized lithium secondary batteries. However, there are still strong interests in modifying carbon surface of active materials of the anode because the amount of irreversible capacity, charge-discharge capacity and high rate capability are largely determined by the surface conditions of the carbon. In this study, the carbonaceous materials were coated with tin oxide and copper by fluidized-bed chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method and their coating effects on electrochemical characteristics were investigated. The electrode which coated with tin oxides gave the higher capacity than that of raw material. Their capacity decreased with the progress of cycling possibly due to severe volume changes. However, the cyclability was improved by coating with copper on the surface of the tin oxides coated carbonaceous materials, which plays an important role as an inactive matrix buffering volume changes. An impedance on passivation film was decreased as tin oxides contents and it resulted in the higher capacity.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Scaeosopha속의 1종을 신종으로 기재, 발표한다. 이 속은 구북구지역에서 처음으로 기록된다. Scaeothyris Diakonoff은 Scaeosopha Meyrick의 synonym으로 정리한다.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        곤충계통분류연구센터와 러시아동물토양연구소에 소장된 표본을 중심으로 조사한 결과, 4종의 신종(Morophaga parabucephala sp. nov., Ceratuncus orientanus sp. nov., Gerontha ampliptera sp. nov., and G. namgaensis sp. nov.)을 발견, 기재발표한다. 또한 6종(Montescardia kurenzovi (Zagulajev), Morophagoides ussuriensis (Caradja), Gerontha borea Moriuti, Niditinea baryspilas (Meyrick), Monopis pavlovskii Zagulajev, and M. rusticella Hubner)이 한국 미기록종으로 보고되며, 4종은 극동러시아에서 처음 기록되는 종이다.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        긴덜이리응애와 dicofol 저항성 및 감수성 점박이응애에 대한 아바맥틴의 선택독성을 실험실 내에서 엽침지법으로 조사하였다. 아바멕틴은 긴털이리응애에 대해서는 독성이 낮은 반면, 점박이응애에 대해서는 살균효과가 높았다. 0.12 ppm과 0.6 ppm의 농도에서 점박이응애는 두 계통 모두 침지 후 48시간 0]내에 사망하였고, 0.06 ppm과 0.012 ppm의 낮은 농도에서 120시간 이후에는 77% 이상이 사망하였다. 그러나긴털이리응애의 암컷성충은 0.12ppm에서는 생존솔과 활동력이 영향을 받지 않았고, 0.6ppm과 6ppm의 높은 농도에서도 사망솔이 약 20~23%이었다. 아바맨틴은 산란후 l일 이내의 점박이응애의 난에 대해서는 패화솔에 영향을 미치지 않았으나 산란후 4일된 란에서는 패화솔이 멸소하였다. 반면에0.006-6ppm 용액에 긴털이리응애 난을 침지한경우 난의 패화솔과 그 난에서 부화한 약충의 발육에는 영향이 없었다. 긴털이리응애의 암컷 성충을 0.6 ppm과- 0.12ppm에 침지했을 때 산란수가 줄어들지 않았으나 잠박이응애의 산란수는0.006-0.6 ppm의 농도에서 현저히 감소하였다. 이상과 같이 아바맥틴은 점박이응애와 긴털이리응애에 대한 선택독성이 높은 약제로 점박이응애의 결합방제에 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것으로 생각되며, 점박이응애에 대한 아치사농도(0.012-0.06 ppm)는 긴털이리응애와 점박이응애의 밀도를 조사하는데 이용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2015.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to make the best biogas production in the anaerobic fermentation, it is important to be able to compare the raw input materials on the basis of their sustainability, which may include a variety of environmental indicators. This study examined the comparative sustainability of renewable technologies in terms of their life cycle CO2 emissions and embodied energy, using life cycle analysis. The comparative results showed that power generation of bioenergy was associated with 0.96 kWh/m³ biogas and the reduction of CO2 emission is 2.1kg of CO2/kg Biomass. Other environmental indicators should be applied to gain a complete picture of the technologies studied. The generation of electricity is 2.07 kWh/m³ biogas in comparison with theoretical results of 3.09 kWh/m³ (efficiency of generator is 30%) based on the assumption of the removal efficiency 95% of CO2, methane conversion 100%, efficiency of generator 30%. Final results are the production of methane: 250 m³/day, production of electricity: 770kWh/day when used 5 m³/day of waste.
        2014.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Biogas is a gaseous mixture produced from microbial digestion of organic materials in the absence of oxygen. Raw biogas, depending upon organic materials, digestion time and process conditions, contains about 45-75% methane, 30-50% carbon dioxide, 0.3% of hydrogen sulfide gas and fraction of water vapor. Pure methane has a caloric value of 34,400 kJ/m³, but the lower heating value of raw biogas changes between 13,720 and 27,440 kJ/m³. To achieve the standard composition of the biogas the treatment techniques like absorption must be applied. In this paper the experimental results of the methane purification in simulated biogas mixture consisted of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide were presented. The air-lift reactor is performed with MEA in order to increase the simultaneous purification for the gaseous mixtures of CO2 and H2S which are main components of the biogas. The effects of feed pressures and mixed gas on the separation of CO2-CH4 by membrane are investigated. It was shown that it was possible to achieve the purification of methane from the concentration of 55% up to 99%. The flow cell reactor was used to measure the reaction rate constant and to determine the optimal conditions of process for improving process efficiency.
        2014.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Several experiments have done to investigate the removal of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) synthetic gas from biogas streams by means of chemical absorption and chemical reaction with 0.1M - 1M Fe/EDTA solution. The hydrogen sulfide of biogas was bubbled through an gas-lift column with Fe/EDTA resulting in the formation of sulfur particles. Wide range of optimal operating conditions were tested for both Fe/EDTA solution and the biogas, and the optimal ratio of Fe/EDTA concentration for efficient removal of hydrogen sulfide was found. The roles of Fe/EDTA were studied to enhance the removal efficiency of hydrogen sulfide because of oxidizing by Fe+3/EDTA. The motivation of this investigation is first to explore the feasibility of enhancing the toxic gas treatment in the biogas facility. The biogas purification strategy affords many advantages. For instance, the process can be performed under mild environmental conditions and at low temperature, and it removes hydrogen sulfide selectively. The end product of separation is elemental sulfur, which is a stable material that can be easily disposed of with minor potential for further pollution. The process to address over 90% removal efficiency of hydrogen sulfide does offer considerable advantages unrealized.
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