
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 116

        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The increasing competition in recent years made more and more firms regard strategic alliance as an important alternative and solution to respond to fierce competition. As a kind of system arrangement among firms, the concept of strategic alliance was first proposed by Hopland and Nigel in the early 1980s, who defined strategic alliance as the collaboration mode in which two or more firms, aiming at joint-owned both market and resources, formed the kind of cooperation to enhance advantages, share risk or cost, and also mutual flow of production factors via different kinds of contracts or agreement. However, even before this definition, many firms have already begun their alliance strategies practices. As a cooperative form, strategic alliance, no matter its specific types, becomes one key choice for firms to acquire, maintain and enhance their market shares and positions. Shrader (2001) found that collaboration to foreign firms become key methods for newly-founded firms and small firms to enter foreign markets, which can bring these firms with suitable knowledge and market information, making these firms expand even faster with lower costs and market risks. The enhancing pace of globalization and internationalization triggered firms’ attentions to external markets, Archibugi and Iammarino (2002) found that fierce changes in internal market forced firms to expand their market and product scopes, making more and more firms realize product and R&D internationalization by searching, choosing and collaborating with foreign firms. Dong and Glaister (2006) found Chinese firms cared more about market positions, international expansion and technology exchanges, while foreign firms tended to enter to Chinese market and learn how to operate in China via strategic alliances. Although, many scholars brought out managerial practices of firms’ strategic alliances, and had already formed theoretical foundations, researches related to market orientation, especially how alliance firms establish and realize their strategic goals and performance goals under market motivation is still lack of studies. In reality, the mechanism how firms’ alliance intention transformed into their strategic or performance goals is still in the black box. Taken alliance firms as research objectives, this paper tends to explore how firms constructed strategic alliance due to market-orientation realize their strategic or performance goals via choice of patent strategies. We introduced patent strategies to establish the matching model, to analyze how firms market orientation influence choices of patent strategies, and their mutual effects on firms innovative performance, in hope to provide to the future studies and managerial practice how firms can choose the reasonable and effective alliance partners according to their own strategic and performance goals. Based on differentiation of market access and market extension motivation, we pointed out that, in order to realize the transformation from alliance motivation to innovation performance, alliance firms had to choose and determine among a set of practical and operational plans. Patent strategies, as a kind of operational plan, were conducive to transformation from alliance motivation to innovation performance. With the framework of market motivation, patent strategy and firms innovative performance, we put forward the hypotheses on how market motivation affect firms’ choices of patent strategies, and also the joint effects of market motivation and patent strategies on firm innovative performance. We selected alliance firms in IT industry as samples, with data from Cooperative Agreements and Technology Indicators Database, USPTO and R&D Scoreboard released by Department for Business, Innovation & Skills of UK, we empirically tested effects of market motivation on choices of patent strategies, and also effects of market motivation and patent strategies on firms innovative performance. Results showed that: different market positions led to differentiated motivations and patent strategies in their strategic alliances, firms with relatively weak market positions tend to pursue strategic profile of patent defensive and leveraging strategies under market access motivation, while firms with strong positions would like to implement patent proprietary and leveraging strategies in market extension motivation. The implementation of patent defensive and leveraging strategies under market access motivation enhanced innovation efficiency of the firms with weak market positions. Since these firms focused more on market positions and opportunities, their market capitalization tended to improve, but the motivation and utilization of patent strategies had no effect on patent output. Similar to these firms, the ones with stronger market position were inclined to strengthen their market opportunities and improve their market capitalization. Results indicated that because of their stronger market positions, these firms showed lower awareness of innovation efficiency and their emphasis on patent output was not high either, which then led to the fact that both market extension motivation and patent strategies used had no effects on firms innovative performance measured by innovation efficiency or patent output.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was performed to investigate the content of carotenoid (α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, capxanthin, lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin) and physicochemical characteristics (size, color, dietary fiber, total tannin content) of unripen and ripen persimmons (Diospyros kaki) by seven cultivars. The length of the unripen and ripen persimmons ranged from 40.87-64.75 and 48.80-80.29 cm, the width were from 44.03 to 66.73 and 57.65 to 91.53 cm, respectively. Ripen persimmons were showed in the highest Hunter’s L, a and b values. Total tannin content were resulted of unripen- and ripen persimmons ranged from 7.58 to 19.80 and 2.36 to 5.85 mg/g. Total carotenoid content were from 1.09 to 6.45 and 7.46 to 29.46 μg/g, respectively. From the above results, unripen- and ripen persimmon fruit could be useful for the health functional food.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Biological control has been tried for integrated pest management. It is often comparable, safe, and environment-friendly, making itself an alternative for chemical agents. Filamentous microorganisms, i.e., fungi and streptomystes, produce many kinds of useful metabolites, and some of them have been developed as a biocontrol agent. However, they still have a long way because of the concern of manufacturing cost. Therefore, process development was intensively studied to meet cost-effectiveness. Operating conditions of bioreactor, e.g., agitation and aeration, had an effect on biological and physiological responses such as mycelial morphology, oxygen and nutrient transfer. Understanding relationship between operating parameters and microbial responses in terms of growth, substrate and oxygen consumption, and production yield was critical for process development. This study dedicated to build strategies for mass production of biological control agent using aerobic filamentous microorganisms.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present in vitro study was conducted to examine the effect of buffer solubility of eight protein feeds (coconut meal, distillers grain, sesame meal, perilla meal, soy source cake, rape seed meal, soybean meal and lupine) on the fermentation characteristics, degradability of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP), and methane (CH4) production by rumen microbes. Buffer extraction increased pH (P<0.05 ~ p<0.001) of the culture solution but tended to lower ammonia- N concentration for all protein feeds. Total volatile fatty acids(VFAs) and each VFAs concentrations in all incubation was decreased by buffer extraction (P<0.01 ~ P<0.001). Also, molar proportion of acetate in 1h (P<0.001), 3h (P<0.01) and 12h (P<0.05) incubations and molar proportion of propionate in 1h (P<0.001), 3h (P<0.01), 6h (P<0.05) and 12h (P<0.05) were decreased by buffer extraction. But molar proportion of butyrate in 1h (P<0.001), 3h (P<0.01) and 6h (P<0.05) were increased by buffer extraction. The in vitro effective degradability of dry matter (P<0.001) and CP (P<0.001) was decreased by buffer extraction. The methane production (P<0.01~P<0.001) in all incubation was decreased by buffer extraction. The results from in the current study might be useful for diet formulation to improve the feed efficiency of the ruminant animals without massive loss of major nutrients.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농촌사회의 소득수준 및 생활수준 향상과 더불어 농촌 공공공간 및 시설향상에 대한 요구는 지속적으로 제기되어 왔으며 이에따라 정부도 최근 다양한 방식의 농촌개발과 예산지원을 추진해오고 있다. 그러나 이러한 농촌 공공공간 및 시설의 지원 시 시설의 종류 및 입지 선정이 적절하지 않아 시설의 중복투자, 이용부족으로 인한 시설방치 등 다양한 문제점들이 제기되고 있다. 본 연구는 농촌마을에 분포하고 있는 다양한 공공공간 및 시설의 분포를 분석하고 이들에 대한 농촌마을의 유형별 중요도를 이해하는데 그 목적이 있다. 주요 연구방법으로는 100명을 대상으로 한 전문가 설문과 AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)를 이용하였으며 이를 통해 세 개의 농촌마을 유형 즉 거점면, 권역, 마을단위의 유형별로 주요 공공시설들간의 상대적 중요도를 분석하였다. 50개 마을을 분석한 결과 농촌마을에서 가장 일반적으로 발견되는 공공시설은 마을회관, 쉼터, 체험센터, 마을진입부, 안내시설로 나타났다. AHP는 세 단계의 비교로 이루어졌는데 첫 번째 마을유형별간의 쌍대비교에서는 거점면, 권역, 마을 순으로 중요도가 나타났다. 농촌 공공공간과 마을유형간의 쌍대비교에서는 모든 마을유형에서 기초생활시설, 문화 복지시설, 농촌관광시설, 소득시설의 순으로 중요도가 나타났다. 마을유형과 공공공간, 공공시설 등 각각의 가중치를 종 합한 중요도에서는 거점면의 경우 공동주차장의 중요성이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났고 다음으로 상수도시설, 공동화장실, 마을회관 순으로 나타났다. 권역에서는 공동주차장의 중요성이 가장 높았으며 다음으로 상수도시설, 체험센터, 마을회관 의 순으로 나타났다. 마을단위에서는 버스정류장이 가장 중요한 시설로 평가되었으며 다음으로 저수지, 하수처리장, 체 험센터의 순으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 비록 마을의 독특한 사회문화적 환경을 고려한 공공시설의 중요도 평가에는 한계를 안고 있으나 농촌마을에서의 공공시설 계획 시 마을유형의 특성을 고려한 시설의 상대적 중요도를 이해하고 이를 바탕으 로 적절한 시설을 선정하는데 도움을 줄 것으로 기대된다
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We present a color-magnitude (CM) diagram of M35, an open cluster. A DSLR camera was used for measuring the color index with the RGB channels. It is cost-effective and has relatively easy controls compared to astronomical CCDs for educational environments. The 8-inch refracting telescope was used at the Korea Science Academy of KAIST in Busan. The B-G color index was obtained from observations and the magnitudes from publications in order to draw CM diagram. The linear correlation of B-G to B-V is found. The RGB channel of the DSLR camera can be easily represented on the CM diagram for astronomical education with aid of easy controls.
        2015.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Benzene was oxidized by binary oxidants composed of nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide at 80℃. The product obtained was analyzed with gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Eight high value compounds, 2-nitrophenol, 2-chloro-6-nitrophenol, 4-chloro-2- nitrophenol, 2-chloro-4-nitrophenol, 2,4-dinitrophenol, 4-nitrophenol, 2,6-dinitrophenol and 2-chloro-4,6-dinitro-phenol were found, which they have high contents in the range from 4.28% to 32.52%. These compounds are very widely used in organic synthesis. e.g., synthesizing dye, medicines and chemical reagents, pesticide, explosive, polymer, etc.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Proteinaceous insecticidal proteins, Cry proteins, from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are insecticidal proteins that are highly active against several species of Lepidoptera. Thus, cry genes encoding these Cry proteins have been widely applied for construction of transgenic crops resistant to pest insects. In this study, through the 3D structure prediction and accompanying mutagenesis study for the Mod-Cry1Ac, 7 and 16 amino acid residues from domain I and II, respectively, responsible for its insecticidal activity against larvae of Spodoptera exigua and Ostrinia furnacalis were identified. We used site-directed mutagenesis to improve the insecticidal activity of Mod-Cry1Ac, resulted 31 mutant cry genes. These mutant cry genes encodes potent insecticidal proteins in the form of crystalline protoxins of 95 kDa. SDS-PAGE analysis of the recombinant polyhedra revealed that expressed Cry proteins was occluded into polyhedra and activated stably to 65 kDa by trypsin. When the insecticidal activities of these mutant Cry proteins against to larvae of P. xylostella, S. exigua and O. furnacalis were assayed, they showed higher or similar insecticidal activity compared to those of Cry1Ac and Cry1C. Especially, Mutant-N16 is considered to have the potential for the efficacious biological insecticide since it showed the highest insecticidal activity.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Crystals of proteinaceous insecticidal proteins, Cry proteins, produced by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) have been generally used to control insect pests. In this study, through the 3D structure prediction and accompanying mutagenesis study for the Mod-Cry1Ac, 7 and 16 amino acid residues from domain I and II, respectively, responsible for its insecticidal activity against larvae of Spodoptera exigua and Ostrinia furnacalis were identified. To construct novel cry genes with enhanced insecticidal activity, we randomly mutated these 23 amino acid sequences by in vitro muti site-directed mutagenesis, resulting in totally 24 mutant cry genes. For further characterization, these mutant cry genes were expressed as a fusion protein with polyhedrin using baculovirus expression system. SDS-PAGE analysis of the recombinant polyhedra revealed that expressed Cry proteins was occluded into polyhedra and activated stably to 65 kDa by trypsin. When the insecticidal activities of these mutant Cry proteins against to larvae of P. xylostella and S. exigua were assayed, they showed higher or similar insecticidal activity compared to those of Cry1Ac and Cry1C. Especially, among them Mutant-N16 showed the highest insecticidal activity against to both of P. xylostella and S. exigua. Therefore, Mutant-N16 is considered to have the potential for the efficacious biological insecticide.
        2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Artificial insemination (AI) has been performed widely in swine industry using fresh liquid sperm instead of frozen type of sperm. However fresh sperm are not able to preserve more than three days with optimal motility and other sperm parameters for the successful fertilization, since in vitro stored sperm has an oxidative stress that resulted increase of abnormality and acrosome reation. To overcome these major problems, novel preservative formulation is needed to neutralize the oxidative stress and to provide suitable physiological environment for sperm in in vitro. In this study, naturally derived substances such as Poncirus trifoliate (Trifoliate orange), Garcinia mangostana (Mangosteen), pig placenta and testis extracts were tested as sperm preservative agents. Placenta extracts (PE), trifoliate orange extracts (TOE), testes extracts (TE) and mangosteen extracts (ME) were applied to analyze specific parameters for sperm motion characteristics individually and combinatorial. Each individual extract treatment can accelerate the sperm motility but noticeably TOE, TE and ME treatments exhibited the considerable and significant preservation of sperm motility. PE, TE and ME showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in ALH after one week. Further we evaluated the five different combinations of these extracts on sperm motility and its motion characteristics. Surprisingly even after one week ME, TOE and TE combination significantly preserved the sperm motility about 75%. It is noteworthy that unlike individual extract treatment, combination of ME, TOE and TE simultaneously protect the sperm motility and its motion characteristics. Taken together these data conclude that addition of ME, TOE and TE can be effective for preservation of pig sperm.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Inter-granular Bright Points (igBPs) are small-scale objects in the Solar photosphere which can be seen within dark inter-granular lanes. We present a new algorithm to automatically detect and extract igBPs. Laplacian and Morphological Dilation (LMD) technique is employed by the algorithm. It involves three basic processing steps: (1) obtaining candidate "seed" regions by Laplacian; (2) determining the boundary and size of igBPs by morphological dilation; (3) discarding brighter granules by a probability criterion. For validating our algorithm, we used the observed samples of the Dutch Open Telescope (DOT), collected on April 12, 2007. They contain 180 high-resolution images, and each has a 85×68arcsec2 85×68arcsec2 field of view (FOV). Two important results are obtained: first, the identified rate of igBPs reaches 95% and is higher than previous results; second, the diameter distribution is 220±25km 220±25km , which is fully consistent with previously published data. We conclude that the presented algorithm can detect and extract igBPs automatically and effectively.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Varieties of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crystal proteins, Cry proteins, have so far been found as one of the most successful biological control agents which are safe to natural environments for a long time. Recently, cry genes encoding these Cry proteins have been widely applied for construction of transgenic crops resistant to pest insects. In this study, through the 3D structure prediction and accompanying mutagenesis study for the Mod-Cry1Ac, 7 and 16 amino acid residues from domain I and II, respectively, responsible for its insecticidal activity against larvae of Spodoptera exigua and Ostrinia furnacalis were identified. To construct novel cry genes with improved insecticidal activity, we randomly mutated these 23 amino acid sequences by in vitro muti site-directed mutagenesis, resulting in totally 24 mutant cry genes. For further characterization, these mutant cry genes were expressed as a fusion protein with polyhedrin using baculovirus expression system. SDS-PAGE analysis of the recombinant polyhedra revealed that expressed Cry proteins was occluded into polyhedra and activated stably to 65 kDa by trypsin. In the further study, we plan to investigate their insecticidal activity against Plutella xylostella, S. exigua and O. furnacalis larvae.
        2012.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Interferon induced transmembrane protein-1 (Ifitm-1) has been reported to have an important role in primordial germ cell formation, and it has expressed in female reproductive organ. In the present study, Ifitm-1 gene expression was identified in testes and all part of epididymis using western immunoblot and immunohistochemistry. Interestingly, Ifitm-1 expression was observed on the head of spermatozoa. To investigate the role of Ifitm-1 gene expression in behavior of spermatozoa after acrosome reaction, fresh sperm was incubated with calcium ionophore to induce acrosome reaction, whereas the expression of Ifitm-1 was not altered after the acrosome reaction. Then to identify the effect of Ifitm-1 in sperm motility and other seminal parameters, different concentration of Ifitm-1 antibody was incubated with spermatozoa, and seminal parameters were assessed using computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA). Interestingly, motility, progressive, and VAP were increased in the sperm with Ifitm-1 antibody treated compared to rabbit serum, however other parameters such as straightness were not changed. In order to identify the functional significance of Ifitm-1 in fertilization, capacitated spermatozoa were pre-incubated with anti- Ifitm-1 antibody and subsequently examined the ability to adhere to mouse oocytes. However, any defection or alteration in sperm-egg fusion was not found, Ifitm-1 antibody treated or non-treated spermatozoa showed a normal penetration. Although the precise role of Ifitm-1 in sperm motility and following fertilization need to be elucidated, this study suggests that the activation of Ifitm-1 on the sperm may enhance the motility of spermatozoa in mice.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        SERPINB3 (also known Squamous cell carcinoma antigen 1, SCCA1) is involved in apoptosis, immune response, cell migration and invasiveness of cells. It has been investigated in various types of squamous cell carcinoma. Therefore we investigated the functional role of SERPINB3 gene in human epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) using laying hens, the most relevant animal model. In 136 laying hens, EOC was found in 10 (7.4%). We compared the expression and localization of SERPINB3 using RT-PCR, quantitative RT-PCR, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, and SERPINB3 activation was detected in chicken and human ovarian cancer cell lines using immunofluorescence microscopy. Thereafter, we examined the prognostic value of SERPINB3 expression in patients with EOC by multivariate linear logistic regression and Cox’ proportional hazard analyses. In present study, SERPINB3 mRNA was induced in cancerous ovaries (p< 0.01), and it was only expressed in the glandular epithelium(GE) of cancerous ovaries of laying hens. SERPINB3 protein was localized predominantly to the nucleus of glandular epithelium in cancerous ovaries of laying hens, and it was abundant in the nucleus of both chicken and human ovarian cancer cell lines. In 109 human patients with EOC, 15 (13.8%), 66 (60.6%) and 28 (25.7%) of those patients showed weak, moderate and strong expression of SERPINB3 protein, respectively. Strong expression of SERPINB3 protein was a prognostic factor for platinum resistance (adjusted OR, 5.94; 95% Confidence Limits, 1.21-29.15). Therefore SERPINB3 may play an important role in ovarian carcinogenesis and be a novel biomarker for predicting platinum resistance and a poor prognosis for survival in patients with EOC. This research was funded by the World Class University (WCU) program (R31-10056), Basic Science Research Program (2010- 0013078) through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology and by the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No.PJ008142), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사용후핵연료 심지층처분장 부지선정과 최종 처분장부지의 처분적합성을 평가하는 업무는 시행-착오 를 줄이고 기술적 신뢰성 확보와 합리적이고 효율적인 업무수행을 추구하여야 한다. 이에 선행하여, 우리 나라에 적용 가능한 처분장부지의 지질환경 요건 설정을 위한 기본방향과 개별 인자의 처분적합성지표를 가능한 한 정량화하여 설정하고 업무에 적용하여야 한다. 사용후핵연료 처분장부지 선정과 최종처분장 부지의 안전성확보를 위한 처분요건과 관련하여 IAEA 및 OECD 회원국들과 처분연구 및 상용사업 수행 관련 선진국가들의 사례를 바탕으로 요건 별로 구분하여 현황을 분석하였다. 여기서는 사용후핵연료 처 분장 부지로서 암석·암반이 갖추어야 할 충분 혹은 선호요건에 대한 이해 제고와 관련 세부 기술지침을 도출하는데 기여하고자 하였다. 이를 토대로 어떠한 암석·암반이 상대적으로 보다 유리한 조건을 가지 는 선호요건으로 제시해야 하는지, 그리고 충분요건과 선호요건을 적용하여 후보부지 조사·선별평가 기 간 동안 부지선정업무에 반영하고 평가하고 결정하여야 하는 방법론을 도출할 수 있도록 기본 골격을 제 시하였다. 또한 처분안전성 확보를 위해 필요한 기본적인 사항을 검토하고 서술하였다. 본 논문에서 기술 한 항목들은 처분안전성 확보를 위한 처분요건의 기술지침 구성 체계, 처분안전성 확보개념, 다중방벽 기 능 조건, 천연방벽의 지질환경 기본요건, 그리고 우리나라에 적용 가능한 처분장부지 지질환경 기본요건 (안) 등으로 구성된다. 우리나라의 사용후핵연료 심지층처분장 부지의 위치에 관한 사업자 기술지침 요건 으로 제안하였다. 이와 관련하여 충분요건과 선호요건으로, 화산활동, 지진활동, 단층운동 융기·침강 운 동 및 기후·해수면변동 등 장기지질안정성 요건을 비롯한 15개 충분요건과 48개 선호요건을 제안하였 다. 이들 요건은 우리나라의 지질환경 특성을 충분히 반영하여 후속되는 각 부문별 특성에 적합한 정량적 인 기술 기준 및 지침으로 개발되어야 할 것이다. 정량적 기술지침의 도출은 상용 처분장부지 선별평가과 정 및 처분장 부지적합성평가 과정으로부터 확립될 수 있을 것이다. 또한 다양한 부문별 안전사례(safety case) 작성 혹은 연구용 지하처분연구시설 (underground research laboratory: URL)을 이용한 처분시스 템의 실증과정 등을 통하여 객관적이고 신뢰성있는 정량적인 지침들이 확립될 수 있을 것이다.
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