
Reproductive & developmental biology

이 간행물 논문 검색


Volume 37 No 1 (2013년 3월) 8

2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In order to investigate genetic stability and gene expression profile after cloning procedure, two groups of cloned pigs were used for swine leukocyte antigen (SLA) gene nucleotide alteration and microarray analyses. Each group was consist of cloned pigs derived from same cell line (n=3 and 4, respectively). Six SLA loci were analyzed for cDNA sequences and protein translations. In total, 16 SLA alleles were identified and there were no evidence of SLA nucleotide alteration. All SLA sequences and protein translations were identical among the each pig in the same group. On the other hand, microarray assay was performed for profiling gene expression of the cloned pigs. In total, 43,603 genes were analyzed and 2,150~4,300 reliably hybridized spots on the each chip were selected for further analysis. Even though the cloned pigs in the same group had identical genetic background, 18.6~47.3% of analyzed genes were differentially expressed in between each cloned pigs. Furthermore, on gene clustering analysis, some cloned pigs showed abnormal physiological phenotypes such as inflammation, cancer or cardiomyopathy. We assumed that individual environmental adaption, sociality and rank in the pen might have induced these different phenotypes. In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that SLA locus genes appear to be stable following SCNT. However, gene expressions and phenotypes between cloned pigs derived from the same cell line were not identical even under the same rearing conditions.
2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Artificial insemination (AI) has been performed widely in swine industry using fresh liquid sperm instead of frozen type of sperm. However fresh sperm are not able to preserve more than three days with optimal motility and other sperm parameters for the successful fertilization, since in vitro stored sperm has an oxidative stress that resulted increase of abnormality and acrosome reation. To overcome these major problems, novel preservative formulation is needed to neutralize the oxidative stress and to provide suitable physiological environment for sperm in in vitro. In this study, naturally derived substances such as Poncirus trifoliate (Trifoliate orange), Garcinia mangostana (Mangosteen), pig placenta and testis extracts were tested as sperm preservative agents. Placenta extracts (PE), trifoliate orange extracts (TOE), testes extracts (TE) and mangosteen extracts (ME) were applied to analyze specific parameters for sperm motion characteristics individually and combinatorial. Each individual extract treatment can accelerate the sperm motility but noticeably TOE, TE and ME treatments exhibited the considerable and significant preservation of sperm motility. PE, TE and ME showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in ALH after one week. Further we evaluated the five different combinations of these extracts on sperm motility and its motion characteristics. Surprisingly even after one week ME, TOE and TE combination significantly preserved the sperm motility about 75%. It is noteworthy that unlike individual extract treatment, combination of ME, TOE and TE simultaneously protect the sperm motility and its motion characteristics. Taken together these data conclude that addition of ME, TOE and TE can be effective for preservation of pig sperm.
2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Although assisted reproductive technology is very useful to develop novel and therapeutic biomaterials for reproduction, research on molecular mechanism of folliculogenesis in pig is not clear. Therefore, the alteration of gene expression during follicular development in pigs was examined in this study. The expression of folliculogenesis-related genes was quantified in preantral (250~300 μm) and antral (>300 μm in diameter) follicles, and overall gene expression was evaluated by a genome-wide microarray. The microarray results showed that 219 genes were differentially expressed, and of those, 10 and 22 known genes showed higher and less expression at the preantral stage than at antral stages, respectively. Among them, the expression of NR0B1, PPARG, GATA4, and ANXA2 genes related to folliculogenesis was validated by quantitative real-time PCR analysis. The expression of PPARG and GATA4 genes were increased at antral stages, but a significantly stage-specific increase (p<0.05) was only detected in annexin A2 (ANXA2) in antral-stage follicles. The expression of NR0B1 genes was increased at preantral stage and these patterns of gene expression were comparable to the results obtained by microarray analysis. We propose that the systematical regulation of genes supporting specific follicle stage should be employed for improved in-vitro folliculognesis.
2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was carried out to investigate the influence of artificial insemination (AI) failure in 1,619 Korean native cows at Gangwon East area, Korea. The average AI failure rate was 37.02% in the cows and the highest rate was 40.85% in Yangyang-city. Based on the parity in the cows, the AI failure rate was 49.14% and 29.91% in the first and fifth parity cows, respectively. Whereas cows until fifth parity were decreased in AI failure, cows with sixth or more parity showed an upturning AI failure trends with the increasing of parity number. AI failure rate incidence according to the rump fat thickness measured by ultrasound was 28.9% and 33.4% at 5 mm to 10 mm and over than 15 mm, respectively. There was a positive correlation (0.2186) between AI failure rate of mother and that of their offspring cows. That is, offspring of dams with high AI failure rate showed also higher AI failure than those of dams having lower AI failure rate. In conclusion, these results indicate that the AI failure rate was closely related to the rump fat thickness, parity number, and conception rate of mother cows. In addition, these results might strengthen the basis to improve the reproductive performance in Korean native cows.
2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The objective of this work was to analyze the concentrations of progesterone (P4) and estrogen (E2) hormones changed during estrus synchronization in dairy heifers. Estrus synchronization was carried out with CIDRⓇ (Controlled Intravaginal Drug Release) devices. Corpus luteum (CL) was classified into three grades based on its size and palpable characteristics. The concentrations of P4 and E2 were measured by enzyme-amplified chemiluminescence. Serum P4 concentration was markedly low at the estrus stage (36 hrs after removal of CIDR) compared to other stages, while E2 concentration was kept high during estrus stage. The serum P4 concentration was highest in the CL classified into gradeⅠ. These results indicate that P4 concentration could be used as a criteria for determining recipients for artificial insemination or embryo transfer in dairy cattle.
2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of abnormal ovarian cycles after superovulation treatment of Holstein Donor Cows. CIDRs were inserted into the vaginas of twenty two head of Holstein cows, regardless of estrous cycle. Superovulation was induced using folliclar stimulating hormone (FSH). For artificial insemination, donor cows were injected with PGF2α and estrus was checked about 48 hours after the injection. Then they were treated with 4 straws of semen 3 times, with 12-hour intervals. Embryos were collected by a non-surgical method 7 days after the first artificial insemination. The cows were considered to have resumed ovarian cyclicity on the day of ovulation if followed by regular ovarian cycles. Seventy two point seven percentage of the cows(16/22) had normal resumption of ovarian cyclicity(resumption within 40 days after superovulation), and 27.3%(6/22) had delayed resumption(resumption did not occur until>40 days after superovulation). Delayed resumption Type Ⅱ(first ovulation did not occur until ≥40 days after superovulation, i.e. delayed first ovulation 13.6%) were the most common types of delayed resumptions. The mean numbers of total ova from < 10 and 10≤ of corpora lutea(CL) was 7.8±1.8 and 12.7±2.7, respectively. The number of transferable embryos differed between < 10 and 10≤ CL was 5.4±1.3 and 8.1±3.4, respectively. Four point five percentage of the cows(1/22) did not resumption their ovarian cyclicity until 60 days after superovulation treatment. Diverse researches on the superovulation treatment method that is suitable for high-producing Holstein donor cows would contribute to preventing ovarian cyclicity disorder, as well as to the early multiplication of cows with superior genes by increasing the utilization value of donor cows.
2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Ovarian cancer is the most lethal world-wide gynecological disease among women due to the lack of molecular biomarkers to diagnose the disease at an early stage. In addition, there are few well established relevant animal models for research on human ovarian cancer. For instance, rodent models have been established through highly specialized genetic manipulations, but they are not an excellent model for human ovarian cancer because histological features are not comparable to those of women, mice have a low incidence of tumorigenesis, and they experience a protracted period of tumor development. However, the laying hen is a unique and highly relevant animal model for research on human ovarian cancer because they spontaneously develop epithelial cell-derived ovarian cancer (EOC) as occurs in women. Our research group has identified common histological and physiological aspects of ovarian tumors from women and laying hens, and we have provided evidence for several potential biomarkers to detect, monitor and target for treatment of human ovarian cancers based on the use of both genetic and epigenetic factors. Therefore, this review focuses on ovarian cancer of laying hens and relevant regulatory mechanisms, based on genetic and epigenetic aspects of the disease in order to provide new information and to highlight the advantages of the laying hen model for research in ovarian carcinogenesis.
2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The present study was conducted to examine the effect of antioxidant treatment during parthenogenetic activation procedure on the reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and in vitro development of porcine parthenogenetic embryos. Porcine in vitro matured oocytes were activated by a combination of electric stimulus and 2 mM 6- dimethylaminopurine (6-DAMP) before in vitro culture. During the activation period, oocytes were treated with 50 μM β-mercaptoethanol (β-ME), 100 μM L-ascorbic acid (Vit. C) or 100 μM L-glutathione (GSH). To examine the ROS level, porcine parthenogenetic embryos were stained in 10 μM dichlorohydrofluorescein diacetate (H2DCFDA) dye 20 h after culture, examined under a fluorescence microscope, and the fluorescence intensity (pixels) were analyzed in each embryo. The parthenogenetic embryos were cultured for 6 days to evaluate the in vitro development. The apoptosis was measured by TUNEL assay. The H2O2 levels of parthenogenetic embryos were significantly lower in antioxidant treatment groups (26.9±1.6~29.1±1.3 pixels/embryo, p<0.05) compared to control (33.2±1.7 pixels/embryo). The development rate to the blastocyst stage was increased in antioxidant treatment groups (32.0~32.5%) compared to control (26.9%, p<0.05), although, there was no difference in apoptosis among groups. The result suggests that antioxidant treatment during parthenogenetic activation procedure can inhibit the ROS generation and enhance the in vitro development of porcine parthenogenetic embryos.