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        검색결과 15,781

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study presents a rapid and sequential radiochemical separation method for Pu and Am isotopes in radioactive waste samples from the nuclear power plant with anion exchange resin and TRU resin. After radionuclides were leached from the radioactive waste samples with concentrated HCl and HNO3, the sample was allowed to evaporate to dryness after filtering the leaching solution with 0.45 micron filter. The Pu isotopes were separated in HNO3 medium with anion exchange resin. For leaching solution passed through anion exchange column, the Am isotopes were separated with TRU resin. The purified Pu and Am isotopes were measured by alpha spectrometer, respectively, after micro-precipitation of neodymium. The sequential radiochemical separation of Pu and Am isotopes in radioactive waste samples using anion exchange resin and TRU resin was validated with ICP-MS system.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The potentiostatic titration method is one of the effective methods for determining the total uranium assay in high-concentration uranium samples. A notable approach is the Devies-Grey titration method, which was first reported in 1964. In the U sample treatment process of this method, the reduction of U(VI) by Fe(II) is initially a non-spontaneous reaction based on the reduction potentials of the two half-reactions. However, in a high-concentration phosphoric acid medium, the reduction potential of Fe(II) is enhanced, simultaneously increasing the reduction potential of U(VI). As a result, the redox reaction becomes spontaneous due to these dual effects. On the other hand, the reaction kinetics can elucidate why nitric acid does not oxidize U(IV) during the oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III). Furthermore, the role of Mo(VI)/Mo(V) as a redox enhancer, employed alongside nitric acid, can be comprehended through electrochemical means. Similarly, the function of V(IV) as an electrochemical enhancer, aiding the action of the Cr(VI) titrant, becomes understandable. Grasping the various phenomena that manifest during the titration process is imperative for refining existing titration methods and pioneering new ones.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chelating agents, such as EDTA, NTA, and citric acid, possess the capacity to establish complexes with radionuclides, potentially enhancing the migration of such radionuclides from the disposal sites. Hence, quantification of these chelating agents in radioactive wastes is required to ensure secure disposal protocols. The determination of chelating agents in radioactive wastes is mainly composed of two steps, e.g. extraction and detection. However, there are little information on the extraction of the chelators in various radioactive wastes. We endeavored to optimize the extraction conditions for citric acid (CA) found within concrete, a prevalent component in the context of dismantled waste materials. Given the inherent high solubility of CA in water, we applied an aliquot of deionized water to the concrete and conducted a one-hour ultrasonic leaching procedure to facilitate chelate extraction. Subsequently, following the preparation of the concrete leachate via vacuum filtration and centrifugation to yield a clarified solution, we quantified the concentration of CA within the solution using Ion Chromatography (IC). To enhance leaching efficiency, we examined the % recovery variation with respect to the pH of the leaching solution. The optimized extraction method will be applied to diverse chelating agents and radioactive waste categories.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Owing to the rapid rise of global energy demands, the operation of nuclear power plants is still indispensable. However, following the nuclear accident at Fukushima-Daiichi in 2011, the secure sequestration of radioactive waste has become critical for ensuring safe operations. Among various forms of nuclear wastes, capturing radioactive organic iodide (ROIs, e.g., methyl iodide, ethyl iodide, and propyl iodide) as one of the important species in gas phase waste has been challenged owing to the insufficient sorbent materials. The environmental release of ROIs with high volatility can give rise to adverse effects, including the accumulation of these substances in the thyroid and the development of conditions such as hypothyroidism and thyroid cancer. Compared to an iodine molecule, ROIs exhibit low affinity for conventional sorbents such as Ag@mordenite zeolite and triethylenediamine-impregnated activated carbon (TED@AC), resulting in lower sorption rates and capacities. Furthermore, in conditions resembling practical adsorption environments with high humidity, the presence of H2O significantly impedes the adsorption process, leading to a nearly complete cessation of adsorption. To address these issues, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) can be effective alternative sorbents owing to their high surface area and designable and tailorable pore properties. In addition, the wellfined crystalline structures of MOFs render in-depth study on the structure-properties relationship. However, there has been limited research on the adsorption of ROIs using MOFs, with the majority of adsorption processes relying on highly reversible physisorption. This type of ROIs adsorption not only exists in a precarious state that is susceptible to volatilization but also exhibits significantly reduced adsorption capabilities in humid environments. Thus, for the secure adsorption of the volatile ROIs, the development of sorbents capable of chemisorption is highly desirable. In this study, we focused on ROIs adsorption by electrophilic aromatic substitution with the electron-rich m-DOBDC4− (m-DOBDC4− = 4,6-dioxo-1,3-benzenedicarboxylate) present in Co2(m -DOBDC). The chemisorption of ROIs via electrophilic aromatic substitution not only leads to the formation of C-C bonds, ensuring stability but also triggers color changes in the crystal by interacting with open-metal sites and iodide ions. Leveraging these advantages, we developed an infrared radiation-based sensing method that demonstrates superior performance, exhibiting high adsorption capacities and rates, even under the challenging conditions of high-humidity practical environments.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study explores the impact of metal doping on the surface structure of spent nuclear fuels (SNFs), particularly uranium dioxide (UO2). SNFs undergo significant microstructural changes during irradiation, affecting their physical and chemical properties. Certain elements, including actinides and lanthanides, can integrate into the UO2 lattice, leading to non-stoichiometry based on their oxidation state and environmental conditions. These modifications are closely linked to phenomena like corrosion and oxidation of UO2, making it essential to thoroughly characterize SNFs influenced by specific element doping for disposal or interim storage decisions. The research employs X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Raman spectroscopy to investigate the surface structure of UO2 samples doped with elements such as Nd3+, Gd3+, Zr4+, Th4+, and ε-particles (Mo, Ru, Pd). To manufacture these samples, UO2 powders are mixed and pelletized with the respective dopant oxide powders. The resulting pellet samples are sintered under specific conditions. The XRD analysis reveals that the lattice parameters of (U,Nd)O2, (U,Gd)O2, (U,Zr)O2, and (U,Th)O2 linearly vary with increasing doping levels, suggesting the formation of solid solutions. SEM images show that the grain size decreases with higher doping levels in (U,Gd)O2, (U,Nd)O2, and (U,Zr)O2, while the change is less pronounced in (U,Th)O2. Raman spectroscopy uncovers that U0.9Gd0.1O2-x and U0.9Nd0.1O2-x exhibit defect structures related to oxygen vacancies, induced by trivalent elements replacing U4+, distorting the UO2 lattice. In contrast, U0.9Zr0.1O2 shows no oxygen vacancy-related defects but features a distinct peak, likely indicating the formation of a ZrO8-type complex within the UO2 lattice. ε-Particle doped uranium dioxide shows minimal deviations in surface properties compared to pure UO2. This structural characterization of metal-doped and ε-particle-doped UO2 enhances our understanding of spent nuclear fuel behavior, with implications for the characterization of radioactive materials. This research provides valuable insights into how specific element doping affects the properties of SNFs, which is crucial for managing and disposing of these materials safely.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Within the air purification system of a nuclear power plant, specific radioactive isotopes are extracted from gases through adsorption onto activated carbon. To properly dispose of used activated carbon, it is essential to determine the concentration of radioactive nuclides within it. This study discusses the application of the pyrolysis method for analyzing the concentrations of 3H and 14C in spent activated carbon. The pyrolysis was conducted using Raddec’s Pyrolyser, with adjustments made to parameters such as temperature profiles, airflow rates, sample quantities, and trapping solution volumes. The evaluation method for the pyrolysis of activated carbon to analyze 3H and 14C involved adding 3H and 14C sources to the activated carbon before use and subsequently assessing the recovery rates of the added sources in comparison to the analysis results.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The need for the development of sustainable, efficient, and green radioactive waste disposal methods is emerging with the saturation of spent nuclear waste storage facilities in the Republic of Korea. Conventional radioactive waste management methods like using cement or glass have drawbacks such as high porosity, less chemical stability, high energy consumption, carbon dioxide production, and the generation of secondary wastes, etc. To address this gigantic issue of the planet, we have designed a study to explore the potential of alternative materials having easy processability, low carbon emissions and more chemical stability such as ceramic (hydroxyapatite, HAP) and alkali-activated materials (geopolymers, GP) to capture the simulated radioactive cobalt ions from the contaminated water and directly solidify them at low temperatures. Physical and mechanical properties of HAP alone and 15wt% GP incorporated HAP (HAP-GP- 15) composite were studied and compared. The surface of both materials was fully sorbed with an excess amount of Co(II) ions in the aqueous system. Co(II) sorbed powders were separated from aqueous media using a centrifuge machine operating at 5,000 RPM for 10 minutes and dried at 100°C for 8 hours. The dried powders were then placed in stainless steel molds, and shaped into cylindrical pellets using a uniaxial press at a pressure of 1 metric ton for 1 minute. The pellets were sintered at 1,100°C for 2 hours at a heating rate of 10°C/min. Following this, the water absorption, density, porosity, and compressive strength of the polished pellets were measured using standard methods. Results showed that HAP has a greater potential for decontamination and solidification of Co(II) due to its higher density (2.65 g/cm3 > 1.90 g/cm3), less open porosity (16.2±2.9% < 42.4 ±0.9%) and high compressive strength (82.1±10.2 MPa > 6.9±0.8 MPa) values at 1,100°C compared to that of HAP-GP-15. Nevertheless, further study with different constituent ratio of HAP and GP at various temperatures is required to fully optimize the HAP-GP matrix for waste solidifications.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most of the C-14 produced is in the organic form, generated as methane (14CH4), methanol (14CH3OH), formaldehyde (14CH2O), and formic acid (14CO2H2). When analyzing C-14, it is transformed into the form of 14CO2, and its concentration is determined using LSC. Typical examples include the wet oxidation method, the combustion or Pyrolysis. The wet oxidation method uses strong acids and involves repeated operations, which generates large amounts of acid waste and secondary radioactive waste. The combustion method uses high temperatures, which requires an oxygen device. Pyrolysis also requires high temperature in a vacuum and catalysts. Catalysts are expensive because they are platinum-based. To compensate for these shortcomings, a C-14 analysis method using UV irradiation was developed. In this study, 100 mL of distilled water mixed with formic acid (CO2H2), potassium persulfate (K2S2O8), and silver nitrate (AgNO3) was irradiated with a 320-390 nm UV lamp to conduct a CO2 production reaction experiment. The UV range was measured using a photometer (UV Power puck II). The beaker was made of quartz in 150 mL size with three inlets : a temperature measurement, a sample inlet, and a collection tube connector. We changed the UV lamp used from a 450 W halogen lamp to a 100 W LED, which has a lower temperature and is safer. As a result of the experiment, CO2 bubbles were generated in the collection tube, due to the UV irradiation react, which uses oxidizer and catalysts. The maximum temperature of the solution irradiated with the LED UV lamp was less than 56°C. It confirmed the rate of bubble generation changed depending on the lamp distance, the amount of sample, oxidizer, and catalyst. In an experiment to confirm the reaction caused by heat, it was found that although a reaction occurred due to heat, the reaction was significantly lower than when using a UV lamp. The reproducibility experiment was conducted three times in total under the same conditions. It showed the same pattern. In the future, we plan to select mock samples, collect 14CO2 in Carbo- Sorb, and analyze them using LSC. The results of this research will be used as a technology to recover C-14 more safely and efficiently and will also be used to expand its application to the treatment of other wastes such as waste liquid and waste resin through simulated samples.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, we introduce the validation of the analysis guidelines through preliminary experiments of the draft analysis guidelines before analyzing waste materials (non-combustible). This validation data was applied the accuracy and efficiency of the separation and analysis for the waste such as steel generated from NPP. Steel (non-flammable) was leached the mixed acid and the leaching solution was separated by using the separation guidelines. Steel was corroded with radioactive RM (Co-60, Cs-137) and mixed acid. After drying, the corroded steel was measured the initial radioactivity by a HPGe detector (10,000 seconds). The sample was inserted in a beaker and leached with mixed acid (10 M HNO3 + 4 M HCl) for 2 hours. In this solution, it added 2 ml of H2O2 to increase the leaching effect. The ultrasonic device was adjusted so that the temperature does not exceed 60°C. After elution, the surface of the sample was washed with pure water. The weight of the sample was measured accurately, and recorded the weight loss rate after infiltration. The leaching sample was measured radioactivity by a HPGe detector (10,000 seconds). It was calculated the recovery rate based on the difference in total radioactivity before and after leaching. Before the test, radioactive RM (Co-60, Cs-137) was radioactive deposited by corrosion, but Cs- 137 was not detected in the initial gamma measurement and only Co-60 nuclides were deposited. The recovery rate test results were confirmed to be about 100%.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the decommissioning process of nuclear power plants, Ni-59, Ni-63 and Fe-55 present in radioactive waste are crucial radionuclides used as fundamental indicators in determining waste treatment methods. However, due to their low-energy emissions, the chemical separation of these two radionuclides is essential compared to others. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the suitability of various pre-treatment methods for decommissioning waste materials by conducting characteristic assessments at each chemical separation stage. The goal is to find the most optimized pre-treatment method for the analysis of Ni-59, Ni-63 and Fe-55 in decommissioning waste. The comparative evaluation results confirm that the chemical separation procedures for Fe and Ni are very stable in terms of stepwise recovery rates and the removal of interfering radionuclides. However, decommissioning waste materials, which mainly consist of concrete, metals, etc., possess unique properties, and a significant portion may be low-radioactivity waste suitable for on-site disposal. Considering that the chemical behavior and reaction characteristics may vary at each chemical separation stage depending on the matrix properties of the materials, it is considered necessary to apply cascading chemical separation or develop and apply individual chemical separation methods. This should be done by verifying and validating their effectiveness on actual decommissioning waste materials.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As existing nuclear power plants reach the end of their lifespan, 22 nuclear power plants in korea are scheduled to be permanently shut down and decommissioned by 2050. Chelates are used as decontamination agents during nuclear power plant operation and decommissioning, and as a result, decommissioning waste contains chelates. Chelates contained in radioactive waste are complexed with radionuclides and increases their mobility. So, qualitative and quantitative analysis of chelates contained in radioactive waste is necessary. However, the spectroscopic method (UVVis), previously used for chelate analysis in Korea takes too much time for analysis and cannot analyze two or more chemically similar chelates at the same time. Due to these problems, new methods for analyzing chelate must be developed. Overseas, many cases of chelate analysis using advanced analysis equipment have been reported. CEA in France has developed a chelate analysis method for application to radioactive waste using HPLC-MS (J. Chromatogram. A, 1276, 20-25, 2013). In this method, the existing method of measuring EDTA using a complex of Fe and EDTA was improved to measuring a complex of Ni and EDTA. Based on such overseas cases, we would like to develop an analysis method for chelates in radioactive waste. For this purpose, we will verify similar overseas papers and develop pretreatment methods for mixtures of chelates (EDTA, DTPA, NTA) and metals (Fe, Ni, Cu, etc.) in various media. Finally, we will develop a separation analysis technology for multi-component chelates in nuclear decommissioning waste based on LCMS.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bis (2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (HDEHP) is a renowned extractant, favored for its affinity to selectively remove uranium via its P=O groups. We previously synthesized HDEHP-functionalized mesoporous silica microspheres for solid-phase uranium adsorption. Herein, we investigated the kinetic and isothermal behavior of uranyl ion adsorption in mesoporous silica microspheres functionalized with phosphate groups. Adsorption experiments were conducted by equilibrating 20 mg of silica samples with 50 mL of uranium solutions, with concentrations ranging from 10 to 100 mgU L−1 for isotherms and 100 mgU L−1 for kinetics. Three distinct samples were prepared with varying HDEHP to TEOS molar ratios (x = 0.16 and 0.24) and underwent hydrothermal treatment at different temperatures, resulting in distinct textural properties. Contact times spanned from 1 to 120 hours. For x = 0.16 samples, it took around 50 and 11 hours to reach equilibrium for the hydrothermally treated samples at 343 K and 373 K, respectively. Adsorbed quantities were similar (99 and 101 mg g-1, respectively), indicating consistent functional group content. This suggests that the key factor influencing uranium adsorption kinetics is pore size of the silica. The sample treated at 373 K, with a larger pore size (22.7 nm) compared to 343 K (11.5 nm), experienced less steric hindrance, allowing uranium species to diffuse more easily through the mesopores. The data confirmed the excellent fit of pseudo-second-order kinetic model (R2 > 0.999) and closely matched the experimental value, suggesting that chemisorption governs the rate-controlling step. To gain further insights into uranium adsorption behavior, we conducted an adsorption isotherm analysis at various initial concentrations under a constant pH of 4. Both the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were applied, with the Langmuir model providing a superior fit. The relatively high R2 value indicated its effectiveness in describing the adsorption process, suggesting homogenous sorbate adsorption on an energetically uniform adsorbent surface via a monolayer adsorption and constant adsorption site density, without any interaction between adsorbates on adjacent sites. Remarkably, differences in surface area did not significantly impact uranium removal efficiency. This observation strongly suggests that the adsorption capacity is primarily governed by the loading amount of HDEHP and the inner-sphere complexation with the phosphoryl group (O=P). Our silica composite exhibited an impressive adsorption capacity of 133 mg g-1, surpassing the results reported in the majority of other silica literature.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The ultimate objective of deep geological repositories is to achieve complete segregation of hazardous radioactive waste from the biosphere. Thus, given the possibility of leaks in the distant future, it is crucial to evaluate the capability of clay minerals to fulfill their promising role as both engineered and natural barriers. Selenium-79, a long-lived fission product originating from uranium- 235, holds significant importance due to its high mobility resulting from the predominant anionic form of selenium. To investigate the retardation behaviors of Se(IV) in clay media by sorption, a series of batch sorption experiments were conducted. The batch samples consisted of Se(IV) ions dissolved in 0.1 M NaCl solutions, along with clay minerals including kaolinite, montmorillonite, and illite-smectite mixed layers. The pH of the samples was also varied, reflecting the shift in the predominant selenium species from selenious acid to selenite ion as the environment can shift from slightly acidic to alkaline conditions. This alteration in pH concurrently promotes the competition of hydroxide ions for Se(IV) sorption on the mineral surface as the pH increases and impedes the selective attachment of selenium. The acquired experimental data were fitted through Langmuir and Freundlich sorption isotherms. From the Freundlich fit data, the distribution coefficient values of Se(IV) for kaolinite, montmorillonite, and illite-smectite mixed layer were derived, which exhibited a clear decrease from 91, 110, 62 L/kg at a pH of 3.2 to 16, 6.3, 12 L/kg at a pH of 7.5, respectively. These values derived over the pH range provide quantitative guidance essential for the safety assessment of clay mineral barriers, contributing to a more informed site selection process for deep geological repositories.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to establish disposal plans for sludge, which is one of the untreated waste materials from domestic nuclear power plants, it is necessary to determine the radioactivity concentration of radioactive isotopes. In this study, we aim to evaluate the gross alpha radioactivity of sludge containing radioactive contaminants after pre-treatment, in order to assess the level of sludge waste and obtain analytical data for discussing disposal methods. Samples of sludge generated from nuclear power plants were pre-treated, solutionized, and prepared as analysis samples for evaluating the gross alpha radioactivity.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Typically, the bottom of the effluent treatment facility at a nuclear power plant contains sediment, which is low-contamination waste consisting of sludge, gravel, sand, and other materials from which radioactive contaminants have been removed. Among these sediments, sludge is an irregular solid form consisting of small particles that are coagulated together, with radioactive isotopes containing cobalt attached. Currently, there is a record of disposing of dry active waste from domestic nuclear power plants, and efforts are underway to gather basic data for the disposal of untreated waste such as sludge, spent filter, and spent resin. In particular, the classification and disposal methods of waste will be determined based on the radioactivity concentration. Therefore, plans are being made to determine the radioactivity concentration of radioactive isotopes and establish disposal plans for sludge samples. In this study, pre-treatment and solutionization were carried out for the analysis of radioactive isotopes in sludge sampels from nuclear power plants. The deviation of the gamma radioisotope analysis results was derived to obtain an optimal sample quantity that represents the sludge.