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        검색결과 121

        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Comparative time-course expression analyses were carried out to analyze the expression levels of 60 soybean WRKY genes during abiotic stress in order to search for the stress-inducible WRKY genes. Five GmWRKY(Glycine max WKRY) genes having the significant differential expression in response to the drought stress and abscisic acid(ABA) hormone application were further investigated for their expression profiles with various stresses such as drought, high salinity, cold and with ABA treatments by the quantitative real-time PCR analyses. In this research, the full-length cDNAs of five GmWRKY were isolated for the further studies. Five GmWRKY proteins were tested for their transcription activation in the yeast assay system. GmWRKY3 proteins showed the very high transcriptional activities and the other two GmWRKY proteins displayed moderate levels of transactivation while the remaining two GmWRKY proteins lacked transactivation in yeast. Subcellular localization of five GmWRKY proteins was analyzed via the green fluorescent protein-GmWRKY fusion protein in tobacco plant cell and all of GmWRKY proteins were targeted to the nucleus. In order to analyze the function of GmWRKY genes in plant, 35S:GmWRKY overexpression(OE) transgenic Arabidopsis were generated. Root growth and germination rates in transgenic OE plants were investigated in the media supplemented with mannitol, NaCl or ABA compared with that of wild-type(WT) plants. The 35S:GmWRKY42 transgenic Arabidopsis displayed reduced tolerance to drought stress compared to the WT. The results of this systematic analysis of the GmWRKY family responsive to abiotic stress will provide novel tools and resources for the development of improved drought tolerant transgenic soybean cultivars
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The tight regulators of fruit set initiation, gibberellin (GA) and auxin, have been applied for decades to induce parthenocarpy, fruit set without fertilization. The integration of GA and auxin signaling mediated by either GA or auxin application during parthenocarpy has been actively reported in tomato, and recently we reported that GA application at pre-bloom also activating auxin signaling and down-regulated negative regulators of fruit set initiation in grapevines. However, the activation of auxin signaling upon GA application without up-regulation of auxin biosynthesis is still unclear. In this study, expression patterns of three auxin efflux transporter genes, VvPIN1a, VvPIN2 and VvPIN4, were monitored during inflorescence development in ‘Tamnara’ grapevines with or without GA application. Without GA application, transcription levels of VvPIN1a and VvPIN4 gradually increased from 14 days before full bloom (DBF) to 2 and 5 days after full bloom (DAF), respectively, except down-regulation of VvPIN1a during 5 DBF to full bloom. However, VvPIN2 expression declined steadily after peaking at 10 DBF. With GA application, VvPIN1a did not show significantly different expression patterns when compared to no GA application, with the exception of 4-fold up-regulation at full bloom, but transcription of VvPIN4 was reduced between 5 and 2 DBF. In addition, VvPIN2 was down-regulated between 12 and 10 DBF by more than 50% compared to levels in the absence of GA application. These reductions of both VvPIN2 and VvPIN4 with GA application prior to pollination suggest that GA application might regulate auxin distribution, instead of auxin biosynthesis, to activating auxin signaling during parthenocarpic fruit initiation.
        2013.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Neutropenic enterocolitis (NE), the most serious gastrointestinal complication, has been reported as a clinical syndrome that occurs in the setting of disease- or chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Complications of NE include bowel necrosis with perforation, fistula, stenosis, massive bleeding, abscess formation, and pneumatosis intestinalis (PI). Most physicians recommend initial conservative management with bowel rest, intravenous fluids, total parenteral nutrition, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and normalization of neutrophil counts. Surgical intervention is recommended in the event of obstruction, perforation, persistent gastrointestinal bleeding despite correction of thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy, or clinical deterioration. We experienced a patient whose abdominal computed tomography scan showed pneumoretroperitoneum, intramural gas in the colon, and inferior vena caval gas. Her condition improved after treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and broad-spectrum antibiotics. We report on this case along with a review of the literature.
        2013.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Use of nature-derived matrices of a part of body tissues has been used to repair damaged tissues in practical terms. Recently, the same idea has also been applied to regenerate whole organs including the heart, liver, lung, and pancreas etc. Thus, so-called bio-artificial organ technology becomes a promising way of overcoming the lack of donor organs and immune rejections in organ transplantation if we can obtain recipient stem cells. Although the regenerated heart in vitro so far may demonstrate some typical organ's responses in vitro and vivo, it is still far from a fully functional organ for transplantation. We initiated a study to look at changes occurring during the generation of bio-artificial organ using the mouse model. Adult hearts were dissected out and perfused for acellularization with SDS-containing buffer and washed several times. Enzymatic treatment also evaluated the acellular purity by isolating genomic DNA and total RNA before and after DNase and RNase treatments. For recellularization, differentiating H9C2 cell or cells derived from P19 EC cells along with mesenchymal stem cells were seeded on the finally obtained heart matrix several times before submerging culture for generating the heart. Histological analyses revealed that complete removal of cellular components. The intensive staining of alcian blue (pH 1.5 and 2.5) suggests that acid mucopolysaccharides, glycocomponents and sulfate-containing saccharides are widely spread within the heart matrix. There was little DNA and RNA in the heart matrix after the enzymatic treatments as judging by the DAPI or PI staining. Cell seeding and subsequent submerging culture showed substantial heart tissue development as evidenced by immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR in the recellularized and grown heart. From these results, we suggest that each procedure for bio-artificial organ has to be carefully examined to improve the entire process.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Gibberellic acid (GA) is a well-characterized plant hormone, which plays a critical role in various plant growth and development. including stem elongation, floral indcution and seed development. GA is known to cause enlargement of ripening fruits and, especially in grapevines, GA shows a unique function: the induction of seedlessness in seeded grape varieties. However, despite extensive previous studies about GA, there has been no clear verification of the mechanism that induces seedlessness in grapes. To understand how GA treatment results in artificial parthenocarpy of seeded grapes at molecular levels, we analyzed transcriptional changes in seeded grapes with and without GA application in various inflorescence developmental stages using RNA-seq. At 14 days before flowering (DBF), seeded grapes were treated with 100 ppm GA and clusters were collected at three developmental stages: 7 DBF, full bloom, and 5 days after flowering (DAF). Of a total of 28,974 genes that were mapped to grape genome reference sequences, 7,013 and 9,064 genes were up- and down-regulated, respectively, in the GA-treated grape as compared to the non-GA-treated control at 7 DBF, full bloom, and 5 DAF. Clustering analysis revealed that these genes could be grouped into 9 clusters with different expression patterns. We also carried out functional annotation based on gene ontology categories. There were significant differences in the expression of the GA and auxin-related gene families. These findings expand our understanding of the complex molecular and cellular mechanisms of GA-induced parthenocarpy of grapes and provide a foundation for future studies on seed development in grapevines.
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