
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 65

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop a seed propagation protocol of Hemerocallis taxa native to the Korean Peninsula. In this study, the seed dormancy types were classified. The germination traits of H. thunbergii, H. dumortieri, H. hakuunensis, and H. hongdoensis were also characterized. The initial embryo to seed length ratio (E:S ratio) in seeds of the four Hemerocallis species was between 0.80 and 0.90 at harvest, however, the E:S ratio did not increase until just before germination. Thus, seeds of the four Hemerocallis species had no morphological dormancy (MD), and at least 84% of seeds of all tested species germinated at 25/15℃ under light within 30 days. The lower the incubation temperature, the lower the germination rate of seeds of the four Hemerocallis species. However, the temperature range for germination was expanded due to old stratification. Gibberellin treatment increased the germination rate or germination speed at a relatively low temperature of 15/6℃. However, this treatment did not improve the germination rate as much as the temperature at 25/15℃. Under 15/5℃ of incubation, cold stratification increased the final germination percentage and rate/speed and expanded the temperature range for germination from high to low (25/15℃ → 15/6℃). This indicates that the seeds have a conditional dormancy (CD) that germinates in a narrow temperature range. In conclusions, the four Hemerocallis seeds exhibited nondeep physiological dormancy.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Republic of Korea (ROK), as a member state of the IAEA, is operating the State’s System of Accounting for and Control (SSAC) and conducting independent national inspections. Furthermore, an evaluation methodology for the material unaccounted for (MUF) is being developed in ROK to enhance capabilities of national inspection. Generally, physical and chemical changes of nuclear material are unavoidable due to the operating system and structure of facilities, an accumulation of material unaccounted for (MUF) has been issued. IAEA developed statistical MUF evaluation method that can be applied to all facilities around the world and it mainly focuses on the diversion detection of nuclear materials in facilities. However, in terms of the national safeguard inspection, an evaluation of accountancy in facilities is additionally needed. Therefore, in this research, a new approach to MUF evaluation is suggested, based on the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) that an evaluation of measurement uncertainty factors is straightforward. A hypothetical list of inventory items (LII) which has 6,118 items at the beginning and end of the material balance period, along with 360 inflow and outflow nuclear material items at a virtual fuel fabrication plant was employed for both the conventional IAEA MUF evaluation method and the proposed GUM-based method. To calculate the measurement uncertainty, it was assumed that an electronic balance, gravimetry, and a thermal ionization mass spectrometer were used for a measurement of the mass, concentration, and enrichment of 235U, respectively. Additionally, it was considered that independent and correlated uncertainty factors were defined as random factors and systematic factors for the ease of uncertainty propagation by the GUM. The total MUF uncertainties of IAEA (σMUF) and GUM (uMUF) method were 37.951 and 36.692 kg, respectively, under the aforementioned assumptions. The difference is low, it was demonstrated that the GUM method is applicable to the MUF evaluation. The IAEA method demonstrated its applicability to all nuclear facilities, but its calculated errors exhibited low traceability due to its simplification. In contrast, the calculated uncertainty based on the GUM method exhibited high reliability and traceability, as it allows for individual management of measurement uncertainty based on the facility’s accounting information. Consequently, the application of the GUM approach could offer more benefits than the conventional IAEA method in cases of national safeguard inspections where factor analysis is required for MUF assessment.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The air transport industry is experiencing unprecedented fluctuations in aviation demand through the Covid-19 pandemic, and is more focused than ever on maintaining and generating business profitability. During the pandemic, demand for air cargo has soared, and the conversion business from passenger aircrafts to freighters(P2F) is drawing attention as a new business in the aviation maintenance industry. This study derives important factors to be considered in order to successfully carry out the P2F project through a wide range of cases and related literature, and analyzes the relative importance of each factor using the analytic hierarchy process. Through a survey of 33 aviation maintenance experts with more than 20 years of field experience, the importance of main factors and their sub factors was determined and implications were drawn. As a primary result, in order to succeed in the P2F project, the main factors were identified in the order of skill, finance, and location. The most important sub factors for each main factors were identified in order of securing airframe modification skill, securing infrastructure construction cost, and creating P2F business complex and district. The quantified success factors suggested the critical direction for the successful development of Korea's P2F business, and presented viable and specific business strategies and implementation plans for each factors.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aster 속에 속하는 자생식물로는 눈갯쑥부쟁이, 개쑥부쟁이, 쑥부쟁이, 벌개미취, 참취 등이 있는데, 대부분 식용 또는 관상용 으로 많이 활용되고 있다. 특히 눈갯쑥부쟁이는 제주 한라산(표 고 1,200~1500m근처)에서 자생하는 한반도 특산식물로써, 다른 Aster 속과 다르게 포복성을 가지고 있고 개체당 소화의 수가 많아 관상가치가 매우 뛰어나다. 또한 파종 당해년에도 개화가 가능하기 때문에 유망한 관상식물 자원이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구 에서는, 한반도 특산 눈갯쑥부쟁이의 유전자원 보존 및 대량번 식을 위한 기초자료를 확보하고자 종자의 발아특성 및 휴면유형 을 분류하였다. 눈갯쑥부쟁이 종자는 형태적으로 완전하게 발달 된 배를 가지고 있고, 배양 72시간 내에 145%의 수분을 흡수하 였다. 4가지 온도조건(4°C, 15/6°C, 20/10°C, 25/15°C)에 배양한 결과, 광조건에서는 각각 67.0%, 58.9%, 62.2%, 71.6% 발아하였 고, 암조건에서는 각각 79.4%, 65.9%, 65.9%, 49.1% 발아하였 다. 저온층적처리(4°C) 실험 결과, 최종 발아율에는 큰 차이가 없었으나, 층적처리 기간 동안에도 발아하는 특성을 관찰하였 다. GA3처리 후 25/15°C에 배양한 결과, 0, 10, 100, 1000mg·L-1 처리에서 각각 57.9%, 68.3%, 74.9%, 63.9%의 발아율을 보였 다. 15/6°C에 배양한 경우에는 각각 78.3%, 62.8%, 72.2%, 55.9% 발아하였다. 본 연구에서는 위 실험들을 통하여, 약 80% 정도는 non-dormant 종자로, 나머지 약 20%는 생리적 휴면 (physiological dormancy)을 가지고 있는 것으로 판단되었다.
        2022.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연구는 참외 재배 지에서 흰가루병, 담배가루이 및 두점박이응애가 동시에 발생하였을 때 45, 40, 35°C (대조구)의 온도에서 측창으로 환기 처리 시, 온실 내 온 ․ 습도의 변화, 병충해 발생과 잎말림, 그리고 개화조절에 미 치는 효과를 검토하였다. 3월 3일 ‘히든파워’ 대목에 접붙여진 ‘알찬꿀’ 참외를 40cm 간격으로 격리상에 심었고, 위 에 언급한 병해충이 모든 처리구에서 발생한 6월 18일부터 7월 13일까지 처리하였다. 온실의 온도는 맑은 날에는 설정 온도 지점까지 증가되었고, 45°C 환기 처리에서 고온 고습이 약 9시간 동안 유지되었다. 주간 최고 기온과 최 저 상대습도 차이는 45°C 환기 처리에서 가장 높았다. 환기 처리 11일 후에는 흰가루병과 두점박이응애 피해가 45°C 환기 처리에서 거의 회복되었지만 40°C와 35°C에서는 그렇지 않았다. 처리 14일 후, 담배가루이와 두점박이 응애 밀도는 45°C에서 유의하게 감소하였으나 흰가루병 증상은 유의하게 감소하지는 않았다. 잎말림은 고온에서 유발되었으나 45°C에서도 심하지 않았다. 처리 26일 후, 새로 나온 줄기의 15 마디의 개화수를 조사한 결과, 45°C에 서 암꽃이 전혀 나오지 않았고 수꽃은 1.2개로 나타났다. 이상의 결과는, 고온기에 45°C의 고온에서 2-3주간 환기 처리는 온실 내부의 고온 고습을 유도하여 흰가루병, 담배가루이, 두점박이응애를 통제하고, 개화를 억제하여 참외 의 영양 생장을 회복할 수 있는 방법으로 사료되었다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a preclinical study, many researchers have been attempted to convert the porcine PSCs into several differentiated cells with transplantation of the differentiated cells into the pigs. Here, we attempted to derive neuronal progenitor cells from pig embryonic germ cells (EGCs). As a result, neuronal progenitor cells could be derived directly from pig embryonic germ cells through the serum-free floating culture of EB-like aggregates (SFEB) method. Treating retinoic acid was more efficient for inducing neuronal lineages from EGCs rather than inhibiting SMAD signaling. The differentiated cells expressed neuronal markers such as PAX6, NESTIN, and SOX1 as determined by qRT-PCR and immunostaining. These data indicated that pig EGCs could provide valid models for human therapy. Finally, it is suggested that developing transgenic pig for disease models as well as differentiation methods will provide basic preclinical data for human regenerative medicine and lead to the success of stem cell therapy.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Some of the deicer ingredients are the same as fertilizer ingredients from agricultural activities. The goal of this study is to distinguish the components of highway deicer from the components used for agriculture. Among the deicer ingredients, Ca and Cl are substances which can be supplied by fertilizer or livestock manure. However, fertilizer and livestock manure contain plenty of nitrogen, organic matter, phosphoric acid and magnesium, including deicer ingredients. The soil physico-chemical characteristics were analyzed according to the distance from the highway. The physico-chemical analysis items of the soil include electrical conductivity, total nitrogen (TN), available phosphate (Av.P), organic matter (OM), ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). In the case of effective phosphoric acid, leaching into the subsoil is very low due to various binding mechanisms in the soil. However, it is considered that the compost (fertilizer) applied to the topsoil is mixed with the soil by the tillage or flattening operation. In addition to the organic matter content of the subsoil appear to 10% or more is that in some cases exhibit a similar level as the topsoil. The average soil organic matter content of about 2.6%. This results shows that an excess of organic compost in the study area flows into subsoil and was mixed with the subsoil. The high EC value at the points outside the snow removal effect range level is not considered to be affected by the deicer. The results of the survey showed that the values were differently detected by agricultural activities, and that they should be approached in a complex way in their interpretation.
        2015.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In-situ neutron diffraction has been employed to examine the effect of strain path on lattice strain evolution during monotonic and cyclic tension in an extruded Mg-8.5wt.%Al alloy. In the cyclic tension test, the maximum applied stress increased with cycle number. Lattice strain data were acquired for three grain orientations, characterized by the plane normal to the stress axis. The lattice strain in the hard {10.0} orientation, which is unfavorably oriented for both basal slip and {10.2} extension twinning, evolved linearly throughout both tests during loading and unloading. The {00.2} orientation exhibited significant relaxation associated with {10.2} extension twinning. Coupled with a linear lattice strain unloading behavior, this relaxation led to increasingly compressive residual strains in the {00.2} orientation with increasing cycle number. The {10.1} orientation is favorably oriented for basal slip, and thus showed a soft grain behavior. Microyielding occurred in the monotonic tension test and in all cycles of the cyclic test at an applied stress of ~50 MPa, indicating that strain hardening in this orientation was not completely stable from one cycle to the next. The lattice strain unloading behavior was linear in the {10.1} orientation, leading to a compressive residual strain after every cycle, which, however, did not increase systematically from one cycle to the next as in the {00.2} orientation.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present study, to examine the effects of somatosensory stimulation of the hands on the hand functions and visuomotor coordination of children with developmental disabilities, a total of 24 sessions of experiments were conducted with three children with developmental disabilities for 60 minutes per session, three sessions per week from January 7, 2013 to March 11, 2013. To examine the effects of somatosensory stimulation of the hands on grasping and visuomotor coordination which are sub-areas of PDMS-2, the A-B study design was used which is a single case study method out of single-subject experimental research designs. Somatosensory stimulation of the hands was shown to be effective in improving the hand functions of children with developmental disabilities. Somatosensory stimulation of the hands showed positive effects on the raw scores and standardized scores of grasping and visuomotor coordination in all the three subject children. Visuomotor coordination functions showed higher scores in post-hoc tests in all three children. In particular, ring throws showed high scores at right 90°, right 45°, center, left 45°, and left 90°among visual directions. In the present study conducted with children with developmental disabilities, ring throws were performed to examine visuomotor coordination. In particular, the numbers of successes of ring throws on the front, left, and right were shown to be high. Therefore, somatosensory stimulation of the hands was effective on the hand functions and visuomotor coordination functions of children with developmental disabilities.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to clarify the response of butterfly communities on forest degradation in the Gwangneung Forest, Korea. We monitored butterfly communities with varying degrees of human activities by conducting line transect twice a month in 2011. A total of 70 species and 4,676 individuals butterflies were observed in four sites: natural forest, plantation forests, and Korean National Arboretum. Species richness increased with increasing open land. The result on niche breadth and habitat type of butterfly was consistent with our predictions; specialist species and forest interior species were abundant in natural forest, whereas generalist species and grassland species were abundant in Korea National Arboretum, the most modified area. Also, habitat breadth of butterflies clearly indicated the difference on the degree of forest degradation. Butterfly diversity associated with landscape patterns based on aerial photographs supported mosaic concept which indicates that species diversity increases as habitat heterogeneity and variability increase. Forest management plan that maintains various habitats and ensures grasslands is necessary to increase butterfly diversity in forest.
        2011.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study describes the development of a web-based system that collects all data generated in the research conducted to set pre-harvest residue limits (PHRLs) for agricultural product safety control. These data, including concentrations of pesticide residues, limit of detection, limit of quantitation, recoveries, weather charts, and growth rates, are incorporated into a database, a regression analysis of the data is performed using statistical techniques, and the PHRL for an agricultural product is automatically computed. The development and establishment of this system increased the efficiency and improved the reliability of the research in this area by standardizing the data and maintaining its accuracy without temporal or spatial limitations. The system permits automatic computation of the PHRL and a quick review of the goodness of fit of the regression model. By building and analyzing a database, it also allows data accumulated over the last 10 years to be utilized.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate and reveal the effects that the complex exercise training consisting of aerobic exercise and strength training(sit up, push up) that everyone can easily practice regardless of a time and a place in order to manage practically the physical strength of the aged affects the difference on their body composition and the change of physical fitness level. Looking into the change of body composition of an experimental group, the weight of 2.5kg was reduced after applying complex training for 12 weeks and the body fat mass of 2.65kg was reduced. Also, the abdominal fat of 0.13% was decreased and the muscle mass of 1.56kg was increased. For the change factors of physical fitness, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, balance and flexibility excluding agility showed significant improvement after applying complex exercise training. The improvement of health fitness of the aged under this study was significantly effective to improve specified body functions which had been lowered by aging and insufficient physical activities. So, it is regarded that their health fitness is the important factor to improve the activity competence required for daily life and to lead healthy living by the improved activity competence. Henceforth, it needs to study more the complex composition of several sports, exercise intensity and the frequency based on the previous researches and studies. In addition, it needs to develop the complex exercise training in accordance with various characteristics such as a sex of the aged, an age, a physical fitness level, environment, a disease and the program in consideration of the efficacy and safety during training.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Lentinus lepideus is an edible mushroom, belongs to the family Tricholomaceteae and order Agaricales. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activities, tyrosinase inhibitory effects on the fruiting bodies of L. lepideus extracted with acetone, methanol and hot water. The antioxidant activities were performed on β-carotene-linoleic acid, reducing power, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging, and ferrous chelating abilities. In addition to this, phenolic acid and flavonoids contents were also analyzed. Hot water extract of L. lepideus showed the strongest β-carotene-linoleic acid inhibition as compare to others extracts. At 8 mg/ml, methanolic extract showed a high reducing power of 1.21. The scavenging effects on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals, acetonic and methanolic extracts were effective than hot water extract. The strongest chelating effect (87.50%) was obtained from the methanolic extract at 1.0 mg/ml concentration. Antioxidant activities of the extracts from the fruiting bodies of L. lepideus were increased with the increasing concentration. After application of reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, coupled to a diode array detector and electrospray ionisation mass spectra, six phenolic compounds namely, chlorogenic acid, vanillin, naringin, naringenin, formononetin and biochanin were identified from acetonic extract. Tyrosinase inhibition of acetonic, methanolic, and hot water extracts of L. lepideus were increased with the increasing of concentration. Results revealed that acetonic and methanolic extract showed good, while hot water showed moderate activities of the tyrosinase inhibition at the concentration tested. This study suggests that fruiting bodies of L. lepideus can potentially be used as a readily accessible source of natural antioxidants.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The current status of insect pollinator use was surveyed. Honeybee was larger than mason bee and bumblebee in average use area per farm household at kinds of insect pollinator. Insect pollinator was used at 19 crops. Among them, tomato was the most used crop, which was 44.9%, and in order to apple 26.7%, strawberry 13.1%, red-pepper 7.7% and watermelon 3.7%. In the use of insect pollinators, bumblebee, which was 56.9%, was higher than honeybee (31.3%) and mason bee (11.8%). The most farmers were a positive intention except for 1.5% of farmer in the use of insect pollinator for crop pollination. The best advantage in insect pollinator use was improvement of seed setting percentage, which was 28.3% and the worst problem was low activity at bad weather, which was 25.8%. And also, 97% of farmers have an intention to use continuously insect pollinator.
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