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        검색결과 280

        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 azoxymethane (AOM)과 dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)로 유도된 대장 발암과정에 대한 셀레늄의 방어 효과를 조사하였다. 셀레늄 결핍(0.02 ppm Se), 정상(0.1 ppm Se), 과다(0.5 ppm Se)사료를 12주간 식이로 급여하여 혈액검사와 대장암 발생의 초기단계인 aberrant crypt foci (ACF)수를 측정했으며, 암 발생율을 조사하였다. ICP-AES 를 사용하여 간의 셀레늄 농도를 측정하였으며, 또한 셀레늄포함 항산화효소인 glutathione peroxidase (GPx) 활성을 알아보았다. 또한 TUNEL assay와 PCNA, β-catenin에 대한 면역조직 염색을 수행하였다. ACF 수 및 종양 발생률에 있어서, 셀레늄과다사료를 급여한 군이 정상셀레늄사료를 급여한 군보다 낮았으며, 셀레늄결핍사료를 급여한 군은 오히려 ACF 수 및 종양 발생률이 높았다. GPx 활성은 셀레늄의 섭취가 과다한 군에서 높게 나타났으며, 이 때, TUNEL 에서 apoptotic positive cell이 증가하는 것을 확인했다. 또 한 셀레늄의 섭취가 과다한 군에서 PCNA와 β-catenin의 발현이 감소됨을 볼 수 있었다. 본 마우스 모델실험에서 셀레늄은 여러 기전에 의해 대장암 발생을 억제할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Methanol and hot water extracts of Daedalea bien-nis were investigated for its antioxidant activity, poly- phenol content and tyrosinase inhibitory effect. The antioxidant activity was evaluated using 1, 1-diphenyl -2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assay. The antioxidant activities of hot water and 80% methanol extracts of Daedalea biennis fruiting body were 52.06%. and 92.62% at 1.5mg/ml concentration. Total polyphenol content of hot water and 80% methanol extracts were 12.26㎍ GAEs/mg and 13.69㎍ GAEs/mg. Tyrosinase inhibitory activity of water extract was 19.70% while 80% methanol extract was 15.75% at 1mg/ml concentration.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Methanol and hot water extracts of Suillus granulatus were investigated for its antioxidant activity, polyphenol content and tyrosinase inhibitory effect. The antioxidant activity was evaluated using 1, 1- dipheny l-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assay. The antioxidant activities of hot water and 80% methanol extracts of Suillus granulatus fruiting body were 51.49%. and 90.58% at 1.5mg/ml concentration. Total polyphenol content of hot water and 80% methanol extracts were 33.21㎍ GAEs/mg and 27.97㎍ GAEs/mg. Tyrosinase inhibitory activity of water extract was 7.8% while 80% methanol extract was 20.88% at 1mg/ml concentration.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The toxicity of methanol extract from 28 plants toward four agricultural insect pests were examined using contact toxicity bioassay with spray methods. At a concentration of 1,000 ppm Achyranthes japonica whole body was observed strong activity against Myzus persicae. Paeonia lactiflora root and Corydalis turtschaninovii rhizome methanol extract were observed strong activity toward Tetranychus urticae. Catalpa ovata leaf and Ginkgo biloba leaf and stem methanol extracts were revealed high activity toward Nilaparvata lugens. Actium lap root methanol extract was observed moderate activity against Plutella xylostella. High or moderate insecticidal activity of plant extracts were listed in Fig.1. These plant resource, particularly plant methanol extract or insecticidal constituents, merit further as potential insect pest control agents or leads because of their great activity as a insecticide.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Mental Image is designed and proposed for making a comfort and amenity in built environments using digital color analysis in the regional urban artificial environment. For a long time, it is crucial to relate visual environment with thermal environments. Especially, color makes an important role to making thermal comfort. In order to making this information, this paper describes how we can analyze the color information of the regional urban artificial environment using the color syntax program and transfer the data to form maker and create the mental image. Because of the rapid urbanization and the acceptance of mixed function, modern urban landscape is disordered and is not controlled. The Mental Image prepares our environmental color system corresponding to our mental image with perceiving regional urban environment color. This research aims to systematize the process making the Mental Image in the regional urban landscape’s color and suggest a theoretical basis to extract, embody and use the information of the regional main color from urban landscape color. Through these concepts, this research will suggest how to systematize, develop the Mental Image with emotional environmental color system. Finally, it is expected to offer a theoretical basis to embody the Mental Image and build up the emotional environments.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effects of Ganoderma lucidum on glucose uptake was studied in L6 rat skeletal muscle cells. Glucose uptake in muscle cell was increased about 6-fold compared to control by mushroom extract treatment. This increasing effect to the glucose uptake was observed in muscle cells cultured with or without insulin. The levels of phosphor-acetyl CoA carboxylase were upregulated by G. lucidum extract treatment in insulinstimulated and basal culture conditions. However, G. lucidum extract did not affect protein kinaseB/Akt(Akt) level. Furthermore, the expression of phosphor-AMPactivated protein kinase(AMPK) was also up-regulated. AMPK is another regulatory protein in the glucose uptake pathway and energy metabolism. Thus, the treatment of G. lucidum extract in skeletal muscle cells increased the phosphorylation levels of AMPK and acetyl-CoA carboxylase, showing that the increase of glucose uptake by G. lucidum extract might be mediated via the activation of AMPK signaling pathway
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The traditional use of insects as food continues to be widespread in tropical and subtropical countries and to provide significant nutritional, economic and ecological benefits for rural communities. Specially, Bee brood serves as a food source to humans in many countries although limited data exists concerning its nutrient composition. Bee brood (pupa and larvae) were analyzed for Carbohydrate, Saturated fatty acid, Cholesterol, protein, fat, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Bee brood was high in protein(46.4%~46.73%), fat(18.84%~ 20.75%),carbohydrate(24.66 %~35.79 %), Folic acid(222.30 ㎍/100g), and vitamins. Differentially, folic acid had been contained by high density in pupa of drone. While low in iron, bee brood was a good source of folic acid, and carbohydrate. The fat was composed mostly of saturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The present data suggest bee brood to be an excellent source of many valuable nutrients including energy, amino acids, many essential minerals, and B-vitamins. These data suggest bee brood could be a valuable source of nutrients to various populations.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The most effective methods against pine wilt disease (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, PWD), black pine bast scale (Matsucoccus thunbergianae), pine needle gall midge (Thecodiplosis japonensis) is the trunk injection of insecticides. The period of trunk injection that was considered with ecology and physiology of pests such as pine wilt disease, black pine bast scale and pine needle gall midge, was applied from Dec. to next Feb. and June, Dec. respectively. And there are differences in quantities of being injected chemicals to pine trees by the period of trunk injection. Thus, we investigated to prevent the effect of insecticides, to estimate the effect under the trunk injection of insecticides for pine trees against pests by the injecting period and time, boring site, opening and shutting of injection site. On Pinuns thunbergii, it was examined to figure out the effect of insecticides by the injecting period, twice a month on a sunny day around 10 AM from January to September. Injecting of insecticides was tested at a dose of 5ml per cm dbh of a pine tree after boring with hand drill at 50 cm high from the ground. As a result, abmectin 1.8% EC and phospamidon 50% SL were injected over 90% of mortalities from the end of January to the middle of March but as time goes by, injecting insecticides tended to decrease. To compare the volume of injecting insecticides in a day, between 10 AM and 2 PM on February 23rd, abamectin 1.8% EC was injected at a dose of 5ml per pine trees with micro pipette after boring with a drill machine at 50 cm high from the ground. As a result, injecting insecticide of a pine which was injected around 10 AM was completely injected and about 90% of the insecticide was injected in case of a pine that was injected around 2 PM. Trunk injection of insecticides was examined to figure out differences of the volume of injected insecticides before and after rain. There was no difference not only the rainfall but also the bored direction.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Trunk injection of nematicides is applied to prevent pine wilt disease(PWD). Although the trunk injection of nematicides is effective to PWD prevention, it is not effective to vector insects such as adults of M. alternatus and M. saltuarius. Thus, This study was investigated for the insecticidal activity and the effect of feeding deterrence by injecting to pine trees with acetamiprid. For screening effective nematicides, some insecticides were injected to pines on December 30th, 2008 and their insecticidal activities and feeding areas of M. alternatus and M. saltuarius were investigated in the insects breeding dishes (100× 40mm) where put on 1 to 2-year-old twig which was selected from injected pine trees in early June. As a result, insecticidal activity and feeding deterrence of acetamicprid were most effective. Feeding areas of M. alterantus adults, when tested with 1-year-old twig and 2-year-old twig of healthy pine trees, were 170.3±107.0 mm2 and 258.0±123.2 mm2 respectively. And Feeding areas of M. alterantus adults, when tested with 1-year-old twig and 2-year-old twig of pines injected at a dose of 0.3 ml per cm dbh of a pine tree with acetamiprid, were 57.7±72.3 mm2 and 65.7±51.2 mm2 respectively and their mortalities also were 0%, 28.6%. The feeding areas of M. alterantus adults tested with 1-year-old twig and 2-year-old twig of pine trees injected at a dose of 0.6 ml per cm dbh of a pine tree with acetamiprid, were not fed on it and the mortalities were 28.0%, 57.1% respectively. In case of the feeding areas of M. saltuarius adults, when tested with 1-year-old twig and 2-year-old twig of healthy pine trees, it was 112.±35.1 mm2 and 159.2±65.2 mm2 respectively. And the feeding areas of M. saltuarius adults, when tested with 1-year-old twig and 2-year-old twig of injected pine trees at a dose of 0.3 ml per cm dbh of a pine tree with acetamiprid were 0.61±0.0 mm2 and 8.1±12.4 mm2 and both mortalities were 23.1%. Although M. saltuarius adults, when tested with 1-year-old twig of a pine tree injected at a dose of 0.6 ml per cm dbh of a pine tree with acetamiprid, were not fed on it but M. saltuarius adults tested with 2-year-old twig of the same pine tree were 2.0±3.7 mm2 and their mortalities were 53.8%, 61.5% respectively. We investigated insecticidal activities, the effects of feeding deterrence of acetamiprid for vector insects where fed twigs of injected pines by stop up hole with a cork or not, and the trunk injection to pine trees at a dose of 0.5, 1 ㎖ per ㎝ dbh of a pine tree with acetamiprid on the early June. As a result, all of the vector insects were not fed and the feeding area was within 11 ㎟ and the mortality of M. alternatus was 70%.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the present study, we have developed a high-frequency plant regeneration system for Italian ryegrass via callus culture using mature seeds as explants. Optimal embryogenic callus induction was found to occur in MS medium containing 5 ㎎ 1?¹ 2,4-D, 0.5 ㎎ 1?¹ BA, 500 ㎎ 1?¹ L-proline, 1 g 1?¹ casein hydrolysate, 30 g 1?¹ sucrose, 7 ㎎ 1?¹ AgNO₃, 2 ㎎ 1?¹ CuSO₄ and solidified with 3 g 1?¹ Gelrite. The highest regeneration rate was obtained in MS medium containing 1 ㎎ 1?¹ 2,4-D, 5 ㎎ 1?¹ BA, 500 ㎎ 1?¹ L-proline, 1 g 1?¹ casein hydrolysate, 1 ㎎ 1?¹ thiamine-HCl, 30 g 1?¹ sucrose, 7 ㎎ 1?¹ AgNO₃, 2 ㎎ 1?¹ CuSO₄ and solidified with 3 g 1?¹ Gelrite. By using the most effective treatment determined for each parameter, the highest rates of embryogenic callus formation (48.9%) and regeneration (47.6%) were obtained with the Hwasan 101 cultivar. The overall plant regeneration rates of the examined cultivars ranged from 7.5% to 23.2%. Thus, optimization of regeneration frequency using mature seeds as explant material may offer a simple and efficient protocol for Italian ryegrass that may improve molecular breeding of this species.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the present study, genotypic variation of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Korean Italian ryegrass has been evaluated. Mature seed-derived calli of a total of seven cultivars were infected and co-cultured with Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying the binary vector pCAMBIA1301, which contains a reporter gene (gus) and a plant selectable marker gene conferring resistance to hygromycin (hpt) in the T-DNA region. The effects of several factors such as callus type and callus age on transformation frequency and the expression of the GUS gene were investigated. The highest transformation frequency (6.7%) was obtained with the Hwasan 101 cultivar when 9-week-old calli (type-I) were inoculated with Agrobacterium. The overall transformation rates of the examined cultivars ranged from 0.4% to 6.7%. GUS histochemical assays, PCR, and southern analysis of transgenic plants demonstrated that transgenes were successfully integrated into the genome of Italian ryegrass. Thus, optimization of transformation frequency and selection of a suitable cultivar of Italian ryegrass may improve molecular breeding of this species.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Techniques measuring Maxwell displacement current (MDC) and LB films surface measuring technique have been applied to the study of monolayers of polyamic acid containing azobenzene. MDCs was generated from monolayers on the water surface by monolayer compression and expansion. It was generated when the area per molecule was about 103a2 and 78a2 just before the initial rise of the surface pressure during the 1st and 2nd mixed monolayer compressions cycle, respectively. It was the maximum of MDCs appeared at the molecular area just before the initial rise of surface pressure in compression cycles, and we have found that the increase of aggregations causes the noticeable increase of the surface roughness.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The current status of insect pollinator use was surveyed. Honeybee was larger than mason bee and bumblebee in average use area per farm household at kinds of insect pollinator. Insect pollinator was used at 19 crops. Among them, tomato was the most used crop, which was 44.9%, and in order to apple 26.7%, strawberry 13.1%, red-pepper 7.7% and watermelon 3.7%. In the use of insect pollinators, bumblebee, which was 56.9%, was higher than honeybee (31.3%) and mason bee (11.8%). The most farmers were a positive intention except for 1.5% of farmer in the use of insect pollinator for crop pollination. The best advantage in insect pollinator use was improvement of seed setting percentage, which was 28.3% and the worst problem was low activity at bad weather, which was 25.8%. And also, 97% of farmers have an intention to use continuously insect pollinator.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effect of kilning condfition on the diastatic power and activities of protease, α-amylase, and β-amylase in rice malt. Common rice (Oryza sativa) was steeped at 30℃ for 50 h, germinated at 30℃ for 7 days, and kilned at 50℃ for 24 h. The moisture content and enzymatic activities were determined under various kilning times. As a result, the moisture content was reduced from 42.1 % to 3.9% after 24 h of kilning at 50℃. The protease activity of rice malt showed lower value than that of barley malt. All enzymatic activities were decreased during the kilning stage. Results indicated that after prolonged kilning at 50℃, the inactivation of hydrolytic enzymes might be occurred. Even though the amylolytic activity of malted rice showed low value, the rice malt shows the potential characteristics as ingredient for the brewing and cereal industries.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nowadays, Tra catfish fat is given attention as an appropriate material for biodiesel production in Vietnam. The aim of this work is to investigate the optimal conditions of refining biodiesel and recovering glycerin by the transesterification from Tra catfish fat using KOH catalyst. As our results, the yield of transesterification was achieved to 94.17% at 50℃ for 45 min with 6:1 molar ratio of methanol to fat in the presence of 0.8% KOH catalyst, and wherein the biodiesel was refined by washing with distilled water at 70℃ and dried in a microwave oven. The yield of raw glycerin recoveries from the transesterification process was 78.58%. The purity of raw glycerin was 84.14% by the conditions of neutralization state with H3PO4 solution (pH = 5), 70℃, and 60 min. Activated carbon (3.0 wt.%) was used for the bleaching process at 80℃ for 20 min. The biodiesel was obtained in accordance with for ASTM D 6751 (biodiesel standard). The ash and water of raw glycerins were 7.32 and 8.01%, respectively, and implied that the raw glycerin is very promising candidate to be used as a raw material for textile and cosmetic industries.