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        검색결과 599

        2021.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인류는 석유 및 가스 자원의 확보를 위하여 전 세계 해역에 해양플랜트 구조물을 설치해 왔다. 하지만 이들의 수명은 약 30년으로 약 30%의 해양플랜트 구조물들이 수명을 다한 채 전 세계해역에 폐기물로 방치되어 있다. 이미 오랫동안 선진국을 중심으로 노후화된 해양플랜트 구조물의 철거 또는 재활용방안에 대해 논의해 왔으며, 미국 및 유럽에서는 인공어초 재활용 방법을 이용하여 해양플랜트 구조물을 해체하고 있다. 현재 해양플랜트 해체시장은 2020년에서 2025년까지 약 5% 이상의 연평균 복합 성장률로 증가할 것으로 예상하며, 그중 가장 빠르게 성장하고 있는 중국의 해양플랜트 해체시장은 2027년까지 약 16억 달러까지 성장할 것으로 예측하고 있다. 이러한 배경을 바탕으로 본 논문은 해양플랜트 구조물 해체에 관한 국제법제 현황 및 문제점에 대해 알아보고, 나아가 현재 해양플랜트 해체산업을 중점적으로 육성하고자 하는 중국의 국내 법제를 검토하고자 한다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 싸이크론 헥산에서 PVC와 트리에틸디아민 (TEDA), 1,4-디메틸피페라진 (DMP) 및 1,4-비스(이미다졸-1-일메틸)벤젠을 각각 치환반응시켜서3가지 형태의 PVC 멤브레인, AEM-1, AEM-2, and AEM-3를 제조하였다. AEM-1, AEM-2, and AEM-3멤브레인의 성공적인 제조 여부를 이온전도도(S/cm), 물함수율 (%), 접촉각, 이온교환능력 (meq/g), 열분석, SEM 및 XPS 분석 통하여 확인하였다. 또한, 제조된 가교 음이온 PVC멤브레인을 사용하여 유기전해질에서 전기화학 캐퍼 시터 실험을 수행한 결과, 제조된 AEM-1, AEM-2 AEM-3 멤브레인의 경우 유기전해질에서 충/방전 실험결과 매우 안정적임을 확인 할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과로 치환반응 후에 용매 캐시팅법으로 제조 된 PVC기반 멤브레인 (AEM-1, AEM-2, 및 AEM-3)의 경우 유기전기화학캐퍼시터 (슈퍼캐퍼시터)용 분리막으로 사용될 수 있다.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out determination of characteristics of leaf and fruit of 13 astringent persimmon (Diospyros kaki) cultivars cultivated in Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea. In leaf size, Deabonggam was smaller than that of other astringent persimmon cultivars, however, Dansungsi and Bansi were largest compared to other persimmon cultivars. Fruit width size of Sancheong Deabonggam and Bansi were the biggest. And fruit width size was the biggest in Sancheong Deabonggam. When same cultivars as Dansungsi and Godongsi were cultivated at other regions, it was not somewhat different in fruit weight. The size of fruits of the cultivar varied depending on the maturation of the fruits. In immature fruit, Curigam and Susi cultivars were the biggest and these cultivars were also were the biggest in mature-green fruit. In full ripe fruit, Hamyang Daebonggam and Hadong Daebonggam and Daeheakmu were bigger than that of other cultivars. When the astringent persimmon varieties collected in July were divided into three clusters, group A had a higher leaf area and the lightest fruit weight than the other clusters. In cluster C, the leaf area was small, but the fruit weight was classified as heavier than the other clusters. This study is expected to be widely used for breeding, conservation and processing of sweet persimmons.
        2021.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to investigate whether neurotransmitter receptors in the nervous system were also expressed in oral keratinocytes. Expressions of various neurotransmitter receptor genes in immortalized mouse oral keratinocyte (IMOK) cells were examined by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. IMOK cells expressed calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor subunit genes Ramp1 and Ramp3 and glutamate receptor subunit genes Grina , Gria3 , Grin1 , Grin2a , and Grin2d . Moreover, IMOK cells expressed Adrb2 and Chrna5 that encode beta 2 adrenergic receptor and cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 5 for sympathetic and parasympathetic neurotransmitters, respectively. The expression of Bdkrb1 and Ptger4 , which encode receptors for bradykinin and prostaglandin E2 involved in inflammatory responses, was also observed at low levels. Expressions of Ramp1 and Grina in the mouse gingival epithelium were also confirmed by immunohistochemistry. When the function of neurotransmitter receptors expressed on IMOK cells was tested by intracellular calcium response, CGRP, glutamate, and cholinergic receptors did not respond to their agonists, but the bradykinin receptor responded to bradykinin. Collectively, oral keratinocytes express several neurotransmitter receptors, suggesting the potential regulation of oral epithelial homeostasis by the nervous system.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Attempts to increase the usability of lilies led us to prepare pulverized lily bulbs, which we then added to bread flour to bake white pan bread. The properties of the frozen dough and the quality characteristics of the bread were analyzed. Our experiments showed that the addition of lily powder decreases the viscoelasticity and stability of frozen dough. The absorption rate of the frozen dough was 63.1±0.2% for the control sample, and 66.1±0.1% and 70.9±0.2% for the normally pulverized samples containing 3% and 5% of lily powder, respectively, whereas the absorption rate of the finely pulverized samples tended to increase slightly. The gelatinization results of the frozen dough decreased with the addition of lily powder in terms of the final viscosity, break down, and setback values. Compared to the control sample, the specific volume of the bread products that underwent normal pulverization (5% additive) increased slightly and decreased for the lily bulbs that were finely pulverized (3% additive). The addition of lily powder did not significantly affect the water activity during the storage period of up to 5 days. The hardness of white pan bread increased from 1,948±114.3 to 2,518±154.7 g/㎠ on the first day of storage to 2,571±160.9 to 3,265±147.4 g/㎠ on the 5th day of storage. The hardness was the highest for the 5% sample that underwent normal pulverization, and the samples differed significantly. The longer the storage period, the lower the springness value of the white pan bread became, and this result was most notable for the finely pulverized powder sample. The springness of white pan bread decreased as the amount of lily powder additive and the storage period increased. The sensory test results were excellent in that the appearance, texture, flavor, taste, and overall preference for white pan bread to which 3% of normally crushed lily powder had been added had improved relative to the control sample.
        2021.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정전용량 수분측정 센서는 수경용 배지 양쪽에 구리 및 테플론으로 절연된 전극판(30cm×10cm)을 부착하 여 배지의 넓은 부분에 걸쳐 측정하도록 개발되었다. 본 연구는 콘덴서형 정전용량 센서로부터 출력되는 정전용량 값을 배지 함수량으로 변환하는 것이다. 정량화 실험은 양액을 공급하면서 배지 물무게와 정전용량 변화를 측정하고 그 값을 비교하는 방식으로 수행되었다. 배지 함수량과 정전용량은 본 연구를 위해 특별히 개발된 소프트웨어와 함께 센서와 로드셀을 사용하여 20~30초마다 측정되었다. 상용 curve-fitting 프로그램을 이용하여 배지 함수량과 정전용량을 변수로 정전용량 값으로 배지 함수량을 추정하였다. 공급하는 물의 양이 증가하면 정전용량도 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 배지 내 물무게에 따른 정전용량에 대한 변동계수(coefficient of variation, cv)는 배지 내 물무게가 1.0kg 수준에서 다른 무게에 비해 높아 함수량 보정은 물무게를 1.7~6.0kg 수준에서 수행하였다. 정전용량과 물무게 사이의 상관 계수는 0.996이었고 보정식에 의해 정전용량으로 추정된 함수량은 로드셀로 측정한 배지 함수량과 비교하였다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, importance of blockchain systems has been grown after success of bitcoin. Distributed consensus algorithm is used to achieve an agreement, which means the same information is recorded in all nodes participating in blockchain network. Various algorithms were suggested to resolve blockchain trilemma, which refers conflict between decentralization, scalability, security. An algorithm based on Byzantine Agreement among Decentralized Agents (BADA) were designed for the same manner, and it used limited committee that enables an efficient consensus among considerable number of nodes. In addition, election of committee based on Proof-of-Nonce guarantees decentralization and security. In spite of such prominence, application of BADA in actual blockchain system requires further researches about performance and essential features affecting on the performance. However, performance assessment committed in real systems takes a long time and costs a great deal of budget. Based on this motivation, we designed and implemented a simulator for measuring performance of BADA. Specifically, we defined a simulation framework including three components named simulator Command Line Interface, transaction generator, BADA nodes. Furthermore, we carried out response surface analysis for revealing latent relationship between performance measure and design parameters. By using obtained response surface models, we could find an optimal configuration of design parameters for achieving a given desirable performance level.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Support vector regression (SVR) is devised to solve the regression problem by utilizing the excellent predictive power of Support Vector Machine. In particular, the є-insensitive loss function, which is a loss function often used in SVR, is a function thatdoes not generate penalties if the difference between the actual value and the estimated regression curve is within є. In most studies, the є-insensitive loss function is used symmetrically, and it is of interest to determine the value of є. In SVQR (Support Vector Quantile Regression), the asymmetry of the width of є and the slope of the penalty was controlled using the parameter p. However, the slope of the penalty is fixed according to the p value that determines the asymmetry of є. In this study, a new ε-insensitive loss function with p1 and p2 parameters was proposed. A new asymmetric SVR called GSVQR (Generalized Support Vector Quantile Regression) based on the new ε-insensitive loss function can control the asymmetry of the width of є and the slope of the penalty using the parameters p1 and p2 , respectively. Moreover, the figures show that the asymmetry of the width of є and the slope of the penalty is controlled. Finally, through an experiment on a function, the accuracy of the existing symmetric Soft Margin, asymmetric SVQR, and asymmetric GSVQR was examined, and the characteristics of each were shown through figures.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, a lots of studies have been conducted to imitate real meat with the factors including texture, aroma, taste, and color of meat analogues. Since the color component of meat is diverse and complex, as well as large of degree of change according to cooking, the color imitating has been still challenging. In this study, we selected up a representative meat analogue (tteok-galbi), tracked the color change at three making points as steps of batter, steaming, and cooking. In order to realize the color at these points, three plant-based natural pigments including prickly pear cactus, sweet pumpkin, and mugwort were selected, and the color with optimized ratio was applied to the tteok-galbi. As a result, it was found that 1:3:1 in the batter, 2:1:2 in steaming, and 2:1:2 in cooking were optimal ratios. The results in this study were significant in that it could apply the colors to meat analogues according to the combination of natural pigments derived from plants.