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        검색결과 749

        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Well-developed listening skills are crucial to success in the marketing profession. Poor listening skills have been rated as the most important contributing factor to salesperson failure (Ingram et al., 1992). Listening errors can result in conflicts, missed business opportunities, alienated relationships, and a waste of time and money (Bergeron & Laroche, 2009). Recognizing the importance of effective listening, organizations such as Pfizer, Ford, IBM have introduced listening training programs for all their personnel (Shepherd et al., 1997). A number of definitions exist for “listening” (e.g., Bergeron & Laroche, 2009). From the marketing perspective, this paper adopts a well-accepted listening definition as “the cognitive process of actively sensing, interpreting, evaluating and responding to the verbal and nonverbal messages of present or potential customers” (Castleberry & Shepherd, 1993, p.36). Prior research has underscored the importance of “active listening” strategies such as active empathetic listening (Drollinger et al., 2006; Bodie, 2011); adaptive selling (Spiro & Weitz, 1990); and listening across cultures (Imhof & Janusik, 2006). However, despite its importance, neither marketing students nor professionals receive coaching or instruction for situations when listening is particularly difficult – i.e., when we are required to listen carefully to another person in the presence of hindrances to communication (distractions, inattention, poor delivery). Salespeople, students, journalists, counselors … are often faced with the task of “tough listening” - when they must listen carefully to a person that is not communicating in an interesting or engaging manner, when the environment is full of distractions, or when they as listeners are fatigued. The major hindrances to effective listening have been well documented, but extant research that addresses how people might overcome those hindrances is scant. The purpose of this paper is to explore the range of strategies that people use to improve their comprehension and empathy of others when they wish to listen carefully but find it difficult to do so. The practice of effective listening is perhaps one of the most human and fundamental components of community, commerce, and culture. Several academic disciplines such as marketing, education, communication, and psychology have closely examined the listening process in an effort to understand and improve it.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Viral video advertising as a branded entertainment has shown its potential to overcome consumer skepticism by spreading the brand message through individuals’ social connection. Although brand placement prominence and brand disclosure may be critical factors that influence forwarding intention in the viral video ad context, less research has examined these relationship. To fill these gaps, this study aims 1) to examine the psychological mechanisms through which the brand placement prominence influences consumers’ forwarding intention of viral video advertising, and 2) to investigate the potential moderating role of brand disclosure timing. This study shows that the level of brand prominence in a viral video ad is an important factor influencing viewers’ forwarding intention sequentially mediated by persuasion knowledge, critical processing and enjoyment. The moderating role of brand disclosure timing investigated in the current study suggests that when the branded viral video has a high level of brand prominence, post brand disclosure leads to a higher forwarding intention compared to the prior brand disclosure.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We report the characterization of a massive (mp = 3:91:4Mjup) microlensing planet (OGLE- 2015-BLG-0954Lb) orbiting an M dwarf host (M = 0:33  0:12M ) at a distance toward the Galactic bulge of 0:6+0:4 􀀀0:2 kpc, which is extremely nearby by microlensing standards. The planet-host projected separation is a?  1:2AU. The characterization was made possible by the wide- eld (4 deg2) high cadence (􀀀 = 6 hr􀀀1) monitoring of the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet), which had two of its three telescopes in commissioning operations at the time of the planetary anomaly. The source crossing time t = 16 min is among the shortest ever published. The high-cadence, wide- eld observations that are the hallmark of KMTNet are the only way to routinely capture such short crossings. High-cadence resolution of short caustic crossings will preferentially lead to mass and distance measurements for the lens. This is because the short crossing time typically implies a nearby lens, which enables the measurement of additional e ects (bright lens and/or microlens parallax). When combined with the measured crossing time, these e ects can yield planet/host masses and distance.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Information on spatial distribution and peak occurrence is important for site and time specific pest management. So, we investigated seasonal occurrence and edge distribution of major soybean pests by visual count in six commercial fields located in Andong from July 16 to October 23 in 2015. We found a total of 19 species in 10 families. The major pest during vegetative stage was Medythia nigrobilineata (Motschulsky) while Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) and Halyomorpha halys (Stal) showed peak occurrence during reproductive stage of soybean. Aphis glycines Matsumura was found throughout the season. Seasonal density of M. nigrobilineata was 0.20 and 0.38/plant in edge and interior without significance, respectively. The infestation of A. glycine was also found similar between edge and interior. Immatures of R. pedestris and H. halys distributed more in edge (0.21 and 0.36/plant) than interior (0.12 and 0.12/plant), respectively. The application of these informations on spatial distribution pattern of soybean pest was discussed.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A mycoinsecticide, Beauveria bassiana (strain GHA) marketed as BotaniGard® ES, was evaluated as a biological control agent against Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) a major soybean pest. It was tested on commercial soybean fields with one time spray of both high (1×109) and medium (1×108spore/ml) concentration and double spray of the medium concentration. Nymph population decreased in all treated fields regardless of dose and frequency of spray. But, adult and egg populations were not affected. Alive nymphs collected from the fields and kept in laboratory showed infection rate ranging 35-68% in treated plots while 0% in control plots. It also reduced damage on soybean pods and seeds by 17.7-21.2 and 18.0-22.5% compare to control, respectively. Additionally, B. bassiana reduced other pests found in soybean fields including brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål) and two striped leaf beetle Medythia nigrobilineata Motschulsky. Also there was no negative effect on the parasitism of released non-viable eggs of R. pedestris. These results suggest that, in field condition, one time spraying of B. bassiana in the concentration of 1×108spore/ml can help reducing crop damage as well as R. pedestris nymph population.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A full-scale process has been developed to immobilize fission products that accumulate within the Mark IV electrorefiner (ER) electrolyte at Idaho National Laboratory. ER salt was blended with treatment additives, followed by pressureless consolidation (PC) in a furnace to produce a durable ceramic waste form (CWF). The goal is the development of a process to consolidate actual radioactive ER salt into a form suitable for transportation and disposal.Four batches (300 to 400 kg per batch) of full-scale pre-qualification material preparation runs have been prepared. From these four batches of nonradioactive salt-loaded surrogate material, three full-scale PC trials have been conducted. The first PC test run, established equipment parameters with a basic CWF container design. The second trial included a modified CWF container design, real-time measurement of CWF consolidation, and an audio recording to identify cracking during the CWF cool-down. During the third trial, salt was doped (from the fourth material preparation batch) to create a nonradioactive salt material and to more closely represent actual ER salt. The second and third trials were also used to validate a model developed for the CWF. The CWF model is beneficial for understanding and predicting the physical processes that occur during the heat cycle. This would be particularly useful when the CWF is located in a hot cell, which makes accessing and examining a CWF difficult.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to know effects of forage cutting height and inoculants application on chemical composition, fermentation characteristics and fatty acid profile of barley silage. Barley forage(Yuyeon hybrid) was harvested at two different cutting heights(5 vs. 15cm) and applied with or without Lactobacillus plantarum, and ensiled for 0, 2, 7, 28, 49 and 100days. On 0 to 49-d of ensiling, higher cutting height resulted rapid drop (p<0.05) in pH caused by higher lactate content. Crude protein (p<0.01) content of 100-d silage was decreased by inoculation, but increased by higher cutting height. However, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber contents were decreased (p<0.05) by both inoculation and cutting height. In vitro dry matter digestibility was improved by higher cutting height (p=0.01), while yeast and mold counts were reduced (p<0.0001). The C18:3n-3 content in barley silage was decreased (p=0.001) by inoculation, but increased (p=0.034) by higher cutting height. The DNA analysis indicated L. plantarum dominating fermentation in inoculated silages. The results showed that higher cutting height can improve silage quality in terms of increasing crude protein content and digestibility as well as reducing yeast and mold counts in barley silage.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A group of universities have come together with the aim of designing and developing Small Aperture Robotic Telescopes (SmART) for use by students to observe variable stars and transient follow-ups. The group is deliberating on the components of the robotic system; e.g. the telescope, the mount, the back-end camera, control software, and their integration keeping in mind the scientific objectives. The prototype might then be replicated by all the participating universities to provide round the clock observations from sites spread evenly in longitude across the globe. Progress made so far is reported in this paper.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We have been performing daily VLBI monitoring of the ux density of Sagittarius (Sgr) A* at 22 GHz from February 2013 to August 2014 using a sub-array of the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN). The purpose of this monitoring is to explore the ux density variability at daily time resolution for a period longer than one year with the G2 cloud approaching. The ux density of Sgr A* is basically stable during the observational period, though there are some small variations. The average and scattering range are consistent with the previously observed values. We have observed no strong are of Sgr A* although it is near the expected peri-center passing.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Polarbear is a ground-based experiment located in the Atacama desert of northern Chile. The experiment is designed to measure the Cosmic Microwave Background B-mode polarization at several arcminute resolution. The CMB B-mode polarization on degree angular scales is a unique signature of primordial gravitational waves from cosmic in ation and B-mode signal on sub-degree scales is induced by the gravitational lensing from large-scale structure. Science observations began in early 2012 with an array of 1,274 polarization sensitive antenna-couple Transition Edge Sensor (TES) bolometers at 150 GHz. We published the first CMB-only measurement of the B-mode polarization on sub-degree scales induced by gravitational lensing in December 2013 followed by the first measurement of the B-mode power spectrum on those scales in March 2014. In this proceedings, we review the physics of CMB B-modes and then describe the Polarbear experiment, observations, and recent results.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We identify a strong lensing galaxy in the cluster IRC 0218 that is spectroscopically confirmed to be at z = 1:62, making it the highest-redshift strong lens galaxy known. The lens is one of the two brightest cluster galaxies and lenses a background source galaxy into an arc and a counterimage. With Hubble Space Telescope (HST) grism and Keck/LRIS spectroscopy, we measure the source redshift to be zS = 2:26. Using HST imaging, we model the lens mass distribution with an elliptical power-law pro le and account for the effects of the cluster halo and nearby galaxies. The Einstein radius is θE = 0.38+0.02-0.01" (3.2+0.2 -0.1 kpc) and the total enclosed mass is Mtot(< θE) = 1.8+0.2 -0.1 X 1011 M⊙. We estimate that the cluster environment contributes ~ 10% of this total mass. Assuming a Chabrier IMF, the dark matter fraction within θE is fChab DM = 0.3+0.1 -0.3, while a Salpeter IMF is marginally inconsistent with the enclosed mass (fSalp DM = -0.3+0.2 -0.5).
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We introduce a code called tlc s05, to fit sparsely sampled JHK band Cepheid light curve data with template light curves to derive the mean magnitude. A brief description of the code is provided here. We tested the performance of the code in deriving the mean JHK band magnitudes using simulations, and we found that it is better to observe more than four evenly spaced data points per light curve, which permits tlc s05 to derive accurate mean magnitudes for Cepheid JHK band light curves.