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        검색결과 4

        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Shape analysis ought to be emphasized in the teaching of Chinese characters. The primary methods to analyze the form of Chinese characters are incarnated in ShuoWenJieZi includeing analysis on component function, analysis on form variation and analysis on isomorphic part, all of which afford us as references that merit academic attention in modern teaching of Chinese characters. The paper introduces the method of structure analysis from ShuoWenJieZi, focusing on how to draw lessons from these approaches in the teaching of Chinese characters and illustrating key points in practical application as well as effects that may achieve.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        一、《說文解字》的析字方法不是“六書” 1、“六書”是古代小學漢字教學的幾個實用知識點,本身不是學術系統或學術理論。 2、“六書”在《說文解字》的多個層面上有所體現,但跟形體結構分析沒有總體對應關係。  二、《說文解字》的析字方法是“構件分析法” 1、《說文解字》作為一部學術著作,以形體結構分析為中心,有自己貫徹始終的一套析字方法,就是“構件分析法”。 2、構件分析法包括“構件功能分析”“構件同形分析”“構件變異分析”三種情況。 3、《說文解字》沒有歸納漢字的結構類型。王寧教授建立漢字構形學,按照構件的功能組合歸納出漢字結構的基本類型,揭示了許慎“構件分析”的思想。  三、許慎析字方法在漢字教學中的應用 1、無論是古代漢字還是現代漢字,無論是繁體漢字還是簡化漢字,都可以運用“構件分析法”進行分析。 2、基礎教育階段,分析漢字重在功能理據的認知和形體異同的辨識,不必糾纏分類和歸類。類型系統屬於學術層面。 3、運用“構件分析法”需要注意的幾個問題:(1)扣緊字形,據形分析;(2)突出功能,據詞分析;(3)符合邏輯,客觀分析;(4)關照系統,聯類分析;(5)注意發展,歷時分析。
        2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Fenbiewenand Leizengziare two kinds of complex phenomenon ofChinese character which were coming from WangYun's research on Chongwen,both ofthem were from the point of view of character creation,they are different fromGujinzi,the term of contacting the usage of characters in ancient bibliography.Fenbiewen, LeizengZiand GujinZiare heterogeneous concepts due to theirdifferent academic backgrounds and research purposes.Beacuse of different pointof view,they have intersection of materials,so WangYun occasionally use Fenbiewenor Leizengzito explain those Jinziof Gujinziis in order to explain the causeof Jinzi,but doesn't mean he changed the historical definitions of Gujinzi. XuHaois the origin of the Gujinzidistortion,the different usage of a word in differentages' documents had been paralleled by XuHao with the terms like FenbiewenandLiezengzi,and then he inclined to tell that Gujinzimeans the phenomenon thatcharacters creation with the radicals increasing,so later misled people becomesto believe Gujinzimeans the phenomenon that characters creation with the radicalsincreasing just like Fenbiewenand Leizengzi,then they usually believe this isWangYun'sGujinziconcept but in fact this is not true.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        “Liushu(六书)” is a general term for the whole knowledge of an course about Chinese character in elementary education,which contains the source of pattern,reasons and rules of structure,relationship between different characters in a Chinese character cluster,and rules of using these characters to record Chinese language,etc. Based on all those knowledge,the teaching system of Chinese character but not a single style system has been found. In the past long time,the have been misunderstanding that “Liushu”(六书) represented six ways of character-maken,or six styles of character structure. The misunderstanding did not conform to initial fact of “Liushu”(六书). In academic history of science of Chinese character,the study of “Liushu”(六书) came into being. But the study cannot be equated with “Liushu”(六书) itself. Because of misunderstanding,the study goes out of the scope of teaching. As a matter of fact,the selected points of knowledge and terms about “Liushu”(六书) are appropriate for elementary education requirement,its main value is in teaching,but not theorizing. If we want to correct mistakes in modern reading education,a possible solution may be to pick up “Liushu”(六书).