
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
         ,  , An unknown planthopper was discovered in 2010 in an apple orchard in Sinpoong-myun, Gongju-si and in a blueberry orchard in Deogsan-myun, Yesan-gun. This pest have arrived 4 or 5 years ago and the population density then rapidly increased. It was identified as Ricania sp. by Dr. Murray J. Fletcher. Adult Ricania sp. was found on 26 plants including blueberry, grape, peach, sumac, japanese angelica, jujube, kiwi, Rubus coreanus, apple, apricot, plum and chestnut. Females lay eggs on 1-year-old branches. The mean number of eggs laid on apple and plum were 18.7 and 15.3, respectively. The mean length of egg masses on apple and plum were 12.35 and 11.45 mm, respectively. The distance between eggs laid on apple and plum branchs were 1.3 and 1.5 mm, respectively. The mean number of eggs in the same length of egg mass on apple and plum branchs were 17.1 and 13.3 , respectively.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        오이 봄재배시기인 2월부터 6월까지 발생하는 주요해충에 대하여 천적을 이용한 생물학적 방제효과를 검토하기 위해 본 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구의 수행을 위하여 해충발생량 조사는 충청남도 공주시와 천안시의 오이재배단지에서 수행하였으며 생물학적 방제효과를 검토하기 위하여는 충남농업기술원 내의 무가온 하우스에서 수행하였다. 천적보호식물 및 유인식물을 투입하고 병해충에 기계적 및 화학적 방어기작 유도를 위한 액상규산 2,000배를 15일 간격으로 관주하면서 천적을 투입한 시험구와 천적만을 방사한 시험구에서 천적에 의한 해충방제효과를 비교하였다. 봄오이 재배기간에 발생하는 주요해충은 목화진딧물, 담배가루이, 총채벌레, 굴파리 였으며, 목화바둑명나방은 7월 이후 발생하는 양상을 보였고, 싸리수염진딧물, 긴털가루응애, 차먼지응애는 일부지역에서 피해를 주었다. 천적유인식물에서 조사한 천적의 발생양상을 관찰한 결과, 기장태두리진딧물과 보리두갈래진딧물이 혼서하는 보리에서 콜레마니진디벌, 진딧물 기생성 좀벌류, 미끌애꽃노린재, 굴파리좀벌, 잎굴파리고치벌의 쉽게 관찰되었으며 자운영과 별꽃에서도 천적들이 관찰되었다. 액상규산의 처리가 해충의 발생에 미치는 영향평가를 위하여 목화진딧물, 총채벌레, 담배가루이의 밀도를 조사한 결과 모든 해충에 대하여 액상규산이 처리된 곳 보다 처리되지 않은 곳에서 유의성 있게 더 많이 유인되었다. 천적보호 및 유인식물(BIPP, Benificial Insect Protective Plant), 천적(NE, Natural Enemy), 액상 규산(Si, Silicate)을 동시 활용한 해충방제효과를 조사한 결과 목화진딧물의 경우 엽당 1마리 이하의 밀도를 유지하였고, 총채벌레의 경우 꽃당 1마리 이하의 밀도를 유지할 수 있었으며, 담배가루이의 경우 신초당 성충 1마리, 굴파리의 경우 주당 20개 굴수 이하로 유지 할 수 있었다. 천적만을 활용한 2010년의 경우는 이보다 높은 밀도를 유지하였다.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국화 시설재배 기간에 발생하는 총채벌레는 꽃봉우리와 어린잎을 가해 흡즙하여 상품성을 떨어뜨리며 세대가 짧아 약제 저항성을 가지기 쉬우며 2차적으로 바이러스까지 매개한다. 본 시험은 충청남도 예산군 응봉면의 황소성, 임홍택 농가에서 수행하였으며 사용된 국화는 봄 재배시기인 4월에 삽목하여 9월까지 생산되는 백선 품종을 대상으로 하였으며, 총채벌레의 트랩식물로 가지를 이용하였다. 시설국화에서 총채벌레의 생물학적 방제 가능성 검토를 위하여 미끌애꽃노린재를 천적으로 활용하였다. 봄재배 시설국화에서 총채벌레는 5월 중순 이후 밀도가 급격히 증가하였고, 잦은 약제의 살포에도 밀도가 증가하는 양상을 보였다. 트랩식물로 활용한 가지식물은 총채벌레를 효과적으로 유인하였으며 유인효과는 가지로부터 3m 이전까지 있었다. 가지식물과 미끌애꽃노린재를 동시에 투입하였을 때 가지식물에서 미끌애꽃노린재가 가장 많이 채집되었고, 3m 지점에서도 미끌애꽃노린재가 채집되었으나 30일 이후까지 미끌애꽃노린재가 유지되지 못하였다.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        친환경농산물의 생산량이 늘고 green korea의 국가 정책과 화학비료 사용량의 감소와 더불어 녹비재배 면적이 증가하고 있으나 이에 대한 환경평가는 이루어지지 않고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구는 사과와 배 재배지에서 피복작물로써 재배되는 헤어리벳치구와 일반잡초 제초구, 화학제초구에서 5월부터 7월까지 채집된 곤충상 을 조사하였다. 곤충상 조사는 주로 천적종류를 대상으로 하였으며 청색과 황색 끈끈이트랩을 월 1회 3일간 설치하여 조사하였고, 황색수반에 포르말린 3%액을 월 1회 3일간 설치하여 유살된 천적종류를 조사하였다. 배의 헤어리벳치구에서는 총 132마리의 천적이 끈끈이트랩에 유살되었으며, 가장 많이 유살된 종은 광붙이꽃등에로 62마리, 꼬마꽃등에 43마리였다. 사과의 경우 초생 및 친환경방제구에서 56마리의 천적이 유살되었으며 가장 많이 유살된 종은 고치벌과에 24마리, 좀벌과에 10마리 였다. 가장 낮은 천적이 유살된 구는 배 초생 및 화학방제구와 사과 초생 및 화학방제구로 30마리 이하였다. 트랩종류별 유살된 천적의 종류를 비교한 결과, 고치벌과, 좀벌과, 검정알벌과, 맵시벌과, 진디벌과의 벌 종류는 황색에 잘 유인되었으며, 꼬마꽃등에, 광붙이꽃등에, 별넓적꽃 등에는 청색에 잘 유인되었다. 황색수반에 채집된 종수는 전체 조사포장에서 채집된 종수는 53종으로 끈끈이트랩에 유살된 312종보다 훨씬 적어 조사방법으로는 적당치 못하였다.
        2008.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Porous Ti implant samples were fabricated by the sintering of spherical Ti powders in a high vacuum furnace. To increase their surface area and biocompatibility, anodic oxidation and a hydrothermal treatment were then applied. Electrolytes in a mixture of glycerophosphate and calcium acetate were used for the anodizing treatment. The resulting oxide layer was found to have precipitated in the phase form of anatase TiO2 and nano-scaled hydroxyapatite on the porous Ti implant surface. The porous Ti implant can be modified via an anodic oxidation method and a hydrothermal treatment for the enhancement of the bioactivity, and current multi-surface treatments can be applied for use in a dental implant system.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to identify the effect of fertilizer application and planting method on growth and yield of 'Seolhyang' strawberry during seedling raising. According to the concentration of fertilizer applied, the height of daughter plants was the highest at an EC of 0.8 dS·m-1. Leaf number and crown diameter were greatest at an EC of 0.6-0.8 dS·m-1. In the first measurement, root number was highest in non-fertilizer application, while root weight was heaviest in non-fertilizer application and EC 0.4 dS·m-1. The higher the concentration of fertilizer applied as culture media, the lower the growth rate. Thirty days after planting on the main field, plant height and number of new leaf were highest at an EC of 0.8 dS·m-1. However, no significant difference was found in leaf length and width and chlorophyll content according to fertilizer application. Marketable yield of 25 g or higher was greatest in EC 0.6 dS·m-1. In contrast, no significance was found in total marketable yield at an EC of 0.4-0.8 dS·m-1. Aconsistent pattern was exhibited in the growth of 1-5 harvesting flower clusters according to planting method. The length of leaf and flower cluster was short and chlorophyll content was low, when bed soil was removed 100% in harvesting of the first flower cluster. In all treatment, leaf length was shortened until harvesting of the second and third flower cluster, but rapidly lengthened in harvesting of the third and fourth flower clusters. Moreover, the length of flower cluster had a increasing tendency from harvesting of the third flower cluster. However, chlorophyll content was reduced continuously until harvesting of the fifth flower cluster, and was lowest in harvesting of the fourth flower cluster without removal of bed soil. Total yield was greatest in treatment of crown removal in bed soil between November and May. Late marketable yield between March and May was highest in treatment of 100% bed soil removal, followed by treatment of crown removal. Marketable yield of 25 g or higher was greatest in treatment of crown removal between December and February, while greatest in treatment of 100% bed soil removal between March and May.
        2015.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The dry weight of mother plants' leaves had the highest increase rate in both NS (single-use) and NS+EM (mixed-use) mixed with NS 0.8 (customary use). In seafood amino acid fertilizer (SAF) application, the increase rate was highest in SAF solution at a 300-fold dilution. Mother plants' crown diameter, plant height, leaf length, leaf width, petiole length and leaf number showed the greatest growth amount when NS 0.8 (customary use) was mixed to NS (single-use) or NS+EM (mixed-use) solution. The growth was highest in SAF solution diluted 300 folds, but lowest in SAF solution diluted 100 folds. Of all inorganic nutrients, excluding sulfur, total amount of nitrogen, available phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium had the highest increase rate in both NS (single-use) and NS+EM (mixed-use) with the treatment of NS 0.8 (customary use). Total nitrogen, in particular, was increased by 3.1% in NS 0.4, 6.0% in NS 0.8, and 4.5% in NS 0.8 with the application of NS+EM at a 500-fold dilution compared to NS alone. Total nitrogen amount showed the highest increase rate in SAF solution diluted 300 folds. Total nitrogen, available phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and EC in soils applied with culture solutions (NS, NS+EM) had increasing tendencies after fertilizer application. The results were comparable to those of SAF treatment. The increase rate of each inorganic nutrient composition declined in soils applied with NS+EM solution diluted 500 folds compared to NS alone.
        2015.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was aimed to determine the effect of basal application of Effective Microorganisms (EM) on the grow and yield of cucumber. For treatments, the EM was applied to soil with fertilizer composed with N-P2O5-K2O-manure (24.0-16.4-23.8-2,000kg) in the 1.0 strength (defined as EM+1S), 2/3 strength (defined as EM+2/3S), 1/2 strength (defined as EM+1/2S), without fertilizer (defined as EM), or only fertilizer in the 1.0 strength (defined as 1S). In result, there was no significant differences of organic substance content and pH with the EM treatment. While the EC (Electric conductivity) concentration was decreased, plant-available P (phosphorus) was markedly increased. Chlorophyll content was highest in the treatment of EM+standard application rate for both semi-forcing and retarding culture. In contrast, no significant difference was found in plant height and internode length under the fertilizer treatment. Weekly harvested number of cucumber was highest at the treatment of EM+standard application for the semi-forcing culture, while it was 3.6 at the EM+1/2 application for the retarding culture. Weekly yield was greatest at the EM+standard application treatment and decreased with the decrease of fertilizer application rate. In addition, weekly yield was significantly reduced in the treatment of EM . There was no significant difference in yields by production time with the fertilizer applications?. Yield was increased with temperature for the semi-forcing culture, while consistent pattern was maintained for the retarding culture.