
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study researches the relationship between the Folk houses in Heung Yang-islands and the Ulleung-island Folk Houses in Modern Age. Fork houses reflect cultural and geographical features synthetically and concretely. Fork houses contain the thoughts of residents and have been built rationally and economically, therefore studying fork houses is a very meaningful task. This study has a focus on the elements which influenced fork houses of Ulleungdo at the time when fork houses were constructed officially. There have been studies on fork houses of Ulleungdo limited in embrasive characteristics, space construction and arrangement. So, the purpose of this study is to investigate about the element and background of Ulleung-island Folk Houses in Modern Age.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the overall condition of the foundation for the three storied stone pagoda of Bulguksa temple in GyeongJu. As a research method, exploration of the electrical resistivity, refraction seismic, surface wave exploration, GPR exploration, Reputation loading test. The results of the investigation, the range of the foundation was formed in foundation stone outskirts of 1.5 ∼ 2.0m. It was confirmed to be about 2.0m depth. The depth of the foundation becomes shallower from the base portion to the outside. And the bearing capacity of foundation was sufficient conditions to weight. It can sufficiently support the weight of pagoda. And, the result of this investigation becomes basis data for repair work.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kimchi is the most well-known Korean traditional food, but it is also the main leftover of school lunch and dinner menus. This study aimed to familiarize teenagers with kimchi through school meals and to increase their daily kimchi intake, ultimately by appealing to the young generation's taste. A questionnaire survey was conducted in the Ansan area to examine student's acceptability of kimchi and their attitudes toward kimchi. Approximately 65% of males and 67% of female students liked the moderately fermented and pungent taste of kimchi. Kimchi served in school meals was regarded as nutritional but cheap. Approximately 72% of male and 82% of female students responded that they liked menu items using kimchi. Approximately 48% of students responded that menu items using kimchi in schools are not diverse. Students preferred meat as an ingredient in kimchi. The preferred cooking methods were stir-frying and frying, whereas boiling was the least favorite. Based on the survey results, ten kimchi menu items had been developed. The suitability of the menu was evaluated by students and cooks. Six kimchi items, including Kimchi mixed with rice, chicken, soybean sprouts, Kimchi cheese rice, stewed beef ribs with kimchi, rice topped with kimchi curry, kimchi cheese meat roast, and kimchi udong were considered appropriate for school meals, whereas kimchi kangchong, kimchi topokki, kimchi stew with surimi, and frozen Pollack kimchi soup were not suitable as menu items. Kimchi topokki was not accepted by students, while kimchi kangchong was not accepted by cooks. Cooks judged the suitability of a menu item by the cooking process and cooking times, whereas students judged an item by its sensory preference. Approximately 63% of students responded that kimchi intake has increased by participating in the development of kimchi dishes.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수강명령은 구금형의 폐해를 극복하고 범죄자의 건전한 사회복귀를 위한 새로운 사회내처우의 필요성에서 등장한 형사제재 수단의 하나이다. 오늘날 영국을 비롯한 여러 국가에서 자유형 개혁의 일환으로 또 특별예방의 견지와 범죄인의 개선교화를 전제로 이 제도를 도입하여 확대실시하고 있다. 그러나 우리나라의 경우 영미와 같은 다양한 형태의 프로그램이 아직 개발되지 못하고 있고, 그 운용 및 제도상의 문제점도 적지 않다. 이로 인하여 재범방지와 범죄자의 처우개선에 문제점이 제기되고 있고, 이에 대한 체계적이고 종합적인 검토가 더욱 절실히 요청된다고 하겠다. 이에 따라 우리나라 수강명령의 현황 및 제도상 여러 문제점의 분석검토를 통하여 이 제도의 확대시행을 위한 개선책을 제시하고자 한다. 먼저 수강명령 담당직원의 증원과 전문인력을 확보하여 내실있는 교육을 실시하고, 수강명령의 부과와 대상자의 범위를 확대하여 교육의 효과를 증대시키며, 수강 프로그램의 내용과 진행방법의 다양화 및 대상자의 특성에 맞는 프로그램이 개발되어야 할 것이다.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Introduction of the Criminal Treatment System such as the Community Service Order, can minimize the possibility of a second conviction by Criminals. The Community Service Order gives Criminals a chance to receive various treatment services, while living in the open society. The Community Service Order System is a meaningful method in the Criminal Policy because of its several social advantages; 1) It enables the government to save the budget by isolating Criminals from the society. 2) It protects less serious offenders from learning new skills for the new crimes from old offenders in the correctional institution by being held together at one place. Many nations have adopted this Community Service Order system and it became effective in their society. It is one of the most effective systems for correcting criminals. In Korea, this system has been evaluated as a revolutional system demonstrating the good results after being introduced in the amended Criminal Law on January 1st, 1997. However, this Community Service Order system needs to be supplemented byh the following points in order to serve society as a better correctional method for the Criminals. First, we should establish the purpose and the philosophy for enforcing the Community Service Order to Criminals. Second, we should educate and train the professional manpowers, such as probation officers, to polish and enforce this system. Third, we should not only make very clear and restricted punishments for the Criminals violating the Community Service Order, but also give a consideration to them for performing it positively. Finally, we should make it into a law to perform the Community Service Order within a certain period of time after receiving the order from the court, and the probation office should develop various Community Service Order programs to give criminals more chances to participate in these programs positively. Through these opportunities, we are able to make Criminals feel like a member of Society who should obey the law and public morals, and to assist them returning back to society as normal, not Criminal, with this Community Service Order system.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Punishment for crimes committed in Korea Today is meted out based on rehabilitation of the offender. Consequently, during their incarceration, prisoners are given technical training. It is important that the constitutional rights of prisoners be limited. Prisoners rights and determining their restrictions are major problems with present criminal policy. Therefore, prisoners' rights must be protected to the utmost. Since the end of the Second World War, criminal policy of the international community, centering around the United Nations, has had an influence on Korea, leading to the latest revision of the country's Prison Act and efforts for the maximum protection of rights. The Prison Act must stipulate to what degree a prisoner's rights may be restricted as well as how assistance can be received when those rights are violated, but the Prison Act stipulate no such provisions. To solve these problems, the following are proposed. First, the penal system must be able to address the complaints of prisoners according to law, and there must be more flexibility in the operation of prison affairs. Second, there are many cases in which a prisoner cannot begin legal proceedings for an appeal or present a constitutional lawsuit to a court. Therefore, as is the case in Germany, in Korea also a law must be made which provides that prisoners who have their rights violated while incarcerated under the death penalty may initiate legal proceedings under the Prison Act. Third, The penal system must be independent of the Ministry of Justice, whose supervision it is now under. Specialization must be attained in prison management, but first, there must be an attitudinal change in prison management and security personnel.