Background: As technology has progressed, various robot-assisted devices have been developed to reduce therapists’ labor and assist in therapy. However, due to their many limitations, it is more practical to use traditional mechanical devices. The grahamizer is one such traditional mechanical device used clinically to rehabilitate the upper extremities. No study has yet established the efficacy of the grahamizer in individuals with stroke.
Objects: This study investigated the immediate change in arm reaching after the use of a grahamizer.
Methods: Twenty-two stroke survivors participated in this study (11 males and 11 females). The reaching of the more-affected arm was measured three times using the three-dimentional electromagnetic motion tracking system “trakSTAR”. After the first measurement, the subjects performed 500 rotatory arm exercises using the grahamizer. To assess the grahamizer’s effect, the subjects were remeasured in the same way.
Results: There were significant increases in the reaching distance (p < 0.05) and movement smoothness (p < 0.05) of the more-affected arm after using the grahamizer.
Conclusion: Our study confirms that using the grahamizer is beneficial in the rehabilitation for improving movement of the more-affected arm in stroke survivors.
Background: Numerous studies have used smartphone applications to measure the range of motion in different joints. In addition, studies measuring the active range of motion (AROM) of the craniocervical joint have revealed high reliability. However, the subjects in these studies were all healthy subjects. No study has yet been conducted to measure the inter-rater reliability for the AROM of the craniocervical joint in stroke patients.
Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate the inter-rater reliability of the AROM of the craniocervical joint using a smartphone.
Methods: The participants included 21 subjects who had strokes (17 males and 4 females). Two raters evaluated six types of craniocervical AROM, including flexion, extension, lateral flexion to the hemiplegic side, lateral flexion to the non-hemiplegic side, rotation to the hemiplegic side, and rotation to the non-hemiplegic side, using a goniometer and a smartphone to investigate inter-rater reliability. The inter-rater reliability was analyzed by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC).
Results: The inter-rater reliability of the smartphone was good for extension, lateral flexion to the hemiplegic side, lateral flexion to the non-hemiplegic side, and rotation to the hemiplegic side [ICC(2,k)=.86∼.88] and excellent for flexion [ICC(2,k)=.95]. The inter-rater reliability for rotation to the non-hemiplegic side was moderate [ICC(2,k)=.72].
Conclusion: These results suggest that the smartphone offers high inter-rater reliability for measurements of the craniocervical AROM in patients with stroke.
The purpose of this study were to determine the intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of shoulder
passive range of motion measurement using the “Clinometer + bubble level”, a smartphone application and to compare with the intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of measurement using a goniometer. Twenty six patients with stroke were recruited for this study. Two raters measured the passive range of motion of four types of shoulder movements (forward flexion; FF, abduction; ABD, external rotation at 90° abduction; ER90 and internal rotation at 90° abduction; IR90) using a goniometer and a smartphone to determine within-day inter-rater reliability. A retest session was performed thirty minutes later to determine within-day intra-rater reliability. The reliability was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and the standard error of measurement (SEM). The ICC (2,1) for the inter-rater reliabilities of the goniometer and smartphone were good in FF and ABD [ICC (2,1)=.75∼.87] and excellent in ER90 [ICC (2,1)=.90∼.95]. The intra-rater reliabilities for the goniometer and smartphone were good or more than good, with an ICC (3,1) value >.75, the exception was IR90 measured by rater 2 on the smartphone. These results suggest that smartphone could be used as an alternative method tool for measurement of passive shoulder range of motion in patients with stroke.
본 연구는 파노라마 표준 촬영에서 환자의 피폭 선량을 측정하여 방사선 생물학적 위험인자를 평가하고 환자의 피폭 선량 저감화 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 피폭 선량의 측정 오차를 최소화하기 위하여 각 OSL 선량계의 교정상수를구하였으며 파노라마 표준 촬영에서 간접적으로 포함되는 좌‧우측 수정체와 갑상선, 직접적으로 포함되는 상‧하 입술,하악골 첨부, 촬영 중심점을 대상으로 ICRP에서 권고하는 인체 모형 표준 팬텀을 이용하여 측정하였다. 측정 결과, 촬영 중심점의 선량이 413.67±6.53 μGy로 최대였으며 상‧하 입술의 경우 각각 217.80±2.98 μGy, 215.33±2.61 μGy이었다. 또한 파노라마 표준 촬영에서 간접적으로 포함되는 좌‧우측 수정체의 등가선량은 각각 30.73±2.34 μGy,31.87±2.50 μGy이었으며 하악골 첨부 및 갑상선의 등가선량은 276.73±14.43 μGy, 162.07±4.13 μGy이었다. 결론적으로 측정된 피폭 선량은 방사선 생물학적 효과를 유발할 수 있었으며 치과 의료기관의 파노라마 표준 촬영에서 환자의 피폭 선량에 대한 저감화 방안으로 국제기구에서 권고하고 있는 방사선 방어 원칙에 대한 정당한 해석과 제도적 뒷받침(regulation)이 필요하다. 이에 파노라마 검사에 의한 피폭 선량은 기술적‧경제적 측면뿐 만 아니라 사회적 인자를고려하여 합리적으로 용인 가능한 수준까지 최소화하기 위한 체계화된 프로토콜의 제정과 주변 결정 장기를 방어하기위한 방사선 보호 기구에 대한 추가적 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단되었다.