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        검색결과 5

        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dang, jonghae had written five books on chinese medicine, 『Hyeoljeungron』 is his most important work. He wanted to correct the fallacies of the theory of Jang(臟) and Bu(腑) by comparing with chinese and western medicine. He distinguished Bi(脾) from Cheomyuk(甛肉) by comparing the spleen with the pancreas. He recognized Stomach as the warehouse of foods, and explained that Bi took charge of digestion actually. Bi charged the function of Transportation(運化) and Blood-govering(統血) in addition to plain digestion, he wrote. Dang, jonghae regarded the metabolism of the human body as the interaction of Gi(氣), Blood (血), Water(水) and Fire(火). And he explained that Bi adjusted them. He classified Syndrome of Blood(血證) into five sorts of syndrome and presented four kinds of treatment. Especially he took a serious view of the treatment connected with Bi and Stomach. He set up the theory of Bi and Stomach(脾胃論) practically on basis of anatomy, but he didn't assorted the physiology and pathology of each organ clearly. However he proved the importance of Bi and Stomach by treating Syndrome of Blood and provided with the foundation of merging chinese and western medicine.
        2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        chemosensitivity test of Geungsonojukwhan-Bijukbang was performed on the three different human cancer cell lines originated from liver, cervix and colon tissue, namely Hep 3B, Hela and HCT-15, which have similar doubling times. Semiautomated sulforhodamine B(SRB) assay appears to offer an valuable tool for chemosensitivity of unknown compounds, since it is a simple, valid and inexpensive method of assessing drug monitoring for large samples in a short time. The results obtained in this study were as follows 1. Good correlations were shown from the results of SRB assay and those of clogenetic assay. 2. As a result of exposure to Geungsonojukwhan, the proliferation of Hela cell and Hep 3B cell was slightly decreased in Geungsonojukwhan-Bijukbang(GIP), Geungsonojukwhan-Pejukbang(LUP) and Geungsonojukwhan-Sinjukbang(RTP). 3. As a result of exposure to Geungsonojukwhan, GIP showed better anticancer effect to HCT-15 cell lines than those of LUP and RTP. 4. The extract of Geungsonojukwhan-Bijukbang in 40℃ were more effective in cytotoxic response than those in 100℃. 5. The research showed that the higher concentration the more effective in the inhibition of proliferation of the cancer cell lines, however, the cytotoxic effect of Geungsonojukwhan-Bijukbang in the concentration of 1.60㎎/㎖ and 3.20㎎/㎖ showed the most effective inhibition rate according to the increase of concentration.
        2000.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We studied the phrases and the sentences of Dong-Eui Bo Kahm (東醫寶鑑) that were quoted from the So Moon (素問) and the Young Chu (靈樞). Mainly most of quoted sentences were same with original texts. The principal contents of this study can be summarized as follows. First, there are a few cases that the phrases of Dong-Eui Bo Kahm become more distinct and minute than that of the So Moon and the Young Chu. Second, there are many cases that the phrases of Dong-Eui Bo Kahm become briefer than that of the So Moon and the Young Chu. Third. many synonyms and equivalents of the phrases of the So Moon and the Young Chu were used in Dong-Eui Bo Kahm. Forth, there are a few wrong words and incorrect phrases in Dong-Eui Bo Kahm. Fifth, there are many omissed words and added words in Dong-Eui Bo Kahm. But that quoted sentences have same meaning with original sentenses. Sixth, original text book names were recorded in the end of all sentenses of Dong-Eui Bo Kahm, but there were a few wrong text book names.
        1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nitric oxide(NO) is synthesized via the oxidation of L-arginine by a family of nitric oxide synthases(NOS), which are either constitutive(cNOS) or inducible(iNOS). The induction of iNOS in tissues can lead to the sustained production of high concentrations of NO which may exert pro-inflammatory effects including vasodilation, edema, cyototoxicity, and its activity can be mediated by various pro-inflammatory cytokine, including interferonγ(INF- γ), tumor necrosis factor, IL-1 and IL-6. The enzyme, iNOS, became a new target for pharmacologcal research with the aim to find new substances for the treatment of chronic inflammatory disorders. Murine macrophages produce large amounts of NO when activated with TFN-γ plus LPS. Murine macrophage-like cell line, RAW 264.7, is a suitable cell model to perform in vitro studies regarding the iNOS system. Artemisin feddei Lev. et Vnt.(Compositae) is a perennial herb growing in Korea. The aerial parts have been used in foik medicine as antiinflammatory, antipyretic, choleretic and diuretic agent. Sesquiterpenelactones were isolated from this plant. In the course of screening for NO inhibitory activity from medicnial plants, the aqueous extract of this plant was found to have a significant activity.
        1998.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Anal Therapy is another way of taking medicine. It is a traditional pathway but not available in common situation. Nevertheless, It has many benifect and usefulness, it has not treated so much. As there are many kinds of Anal therapy, this study use retention type. Sochungyongtang (SCYT) has been known to be the most effective prescription largely applied to bronchial asthma, whooping cough, pneumonia, pleurisy, nephritis and arthritis and so forth. In this study, the author investigated the effect of an aqueous extract of SCYT by Anal therapy (Retention Enema) in immediate type allergic reaction. The following results were obtained 1. Retention Enema of SCYT showed a marked inhibition rate in systemic immediate-type allergic reaction with a dose of 1000 mg/kg 1 hr before intraperitoneal injection of compound 48/80. 2. SCYT significantly reduced serum histamine contents induced by compound 48/80. SCYT (1000 mg/kg) also inhibited to 64.11±19.86% (P<0.01) local immediate-type allergic reaction activated by anti-dinitrophenyl (DNP) IgE. 3. In addition, SCYT dose-dependently inhibited the histamine release from the peritoneal mast cells by compound 48/80 or anti-DNP IgE. These results provide evidence that anal therapy (Retention enema) of SCYT may be beneficial in the treatment of systemic and local immediate-type allergic reaction.