
한국전통의학지 The Journal of Traditional Korean Medicine

이 간행물 논문 검색


제9권 1호 (1999년 2월) 10

1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This part comments the part related to filiform needle(小鍼) among the contents of Ku Chim Sip I Won(九鍼十二原) in Young Chu(靈樞) Ku Chim Sip I Won explains ① the name, the form and the use of nine kinds of neddles, ② and reinforcement and reduction through inserting the neddle in the same direction as the channels runs or in the opposite direction, and closing or enlarging the acupuncture hole etc., ③ and notice and contraindication in applying acupuncture, ④ and the close relationship of between diagnosis and acupuncture, ⑤ and the adverse reaction through a wrong treatment. Thus, it is very important to studying this part which comments Ku Chim Sip I Won. Summerizing the contents of the "So Chim Hae(小鍼解)" in reference to the contents of Ku Chim Sip I Won. the contents were as follows; What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅰ is the basic principles of applying acupuncture. What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅱ is reinforcement and reduction based on shortage and surplus, and their related reactions of human body. What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅲ is dividing the invasion of pathologic factors into three category(upper, medium, lower part) and then its mechanism and therapy, and the adverse effects through wrong treatmant. What attracts our attention in chapter Ⅳ is explaining the importance of observation of complexion and paltation of abdomen. Chim Hae(鍼解) in So Moon(素問) also comments Ku Chim Sip I Won in the same way that this part does, and yet there are not a few differences from this part in noting. Thus we need the comparative study of between this part and Chim Hae to understand Ku Chim Sip I Won. Besides we have to add the comparative study of views of distinguished physicians to correctly understand. I therefore made a comparative study both on the contents of those parts related to this part,and on the commentations of distinguished physicians to correctly understand Ku Chim Sip I Won, the important part about acupuncture.
1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This fasciale, a remainder of So Moon(素問) with Bon Byung Ron(本病論), is a part of the theory of the Five Circuit Phases and the Six Atmospheric Influences(五運六氣學) that studied and discussed the rules of the weather change in ancient oriental medicine. The change in weather is one of the most important factors which influence man's health therefore the theory is worth while to study further. This fascicle explains the cause of diseases occured by irregular and exceptional change of weather and acupunctural treatment methods to prevent and cure those kinds of disease as its title -Ja Bup Ron(刺法論)-suggests. During Tang Dynasty(唐) when Wang Ping(王氷) commentated the So Moon(素問) only the title of this fascicle was kept but the contents of it was lost differing from Seven volumes of the Five Circuit Phases and the Six Atmospheric Influences(運氣七篇). However in the times of the North Song Dynasty(北宋) when Kao Pao-Heng(高保衡), Lin I(林億) and the other scholars studied and compared medical books this fasciale and another lost fasciale-Bon Byung Ron(本病論) appeared with theirs notes. So these two fascicles called Lost Volumes of So Moon(素問遺篇). But we can infer these two fascicles were written by a certain Taoist during the ninth and tenth century A.D. - the former times of Kao Pao-Heng(高保衡), Lin I(林億) and the other scholars studied and compared medical books during the North Song Dynasty(北宋) since Wang Ping(王氷) because this fascicle connots the Taoism training methods such as Pe Gi(閉氣), Jon Sang Bup(存想法) and Oi Dan Bup(外丹法) and so on. This thesis runs as follows; Chapter 1 deals with acupuncture treatment to prevent and cure Ul(鬱) disease occuerd by Sung Gi Bu Jun(升之不前) of the Six Atmospheric Influence(六氣). Chapter 2 deals with acupuncture treatment to prevent and cure diseases due to Bul Chun Jung(不遷正) and Bul Toi Wui(不退位) of the Six Atmospheric Influence(六氣). Chapter 3 deals with acupuncture treatment of an epidermic(疫癘) due to the deviation of the Five Ciecuit Phases from the regularity(五運失守). Chapter 4 deals with the symptomes of an epidemi and the preventive treatments such as Jon Sang Bup(存想法), Vomitory treatment(吐法), respiratory treatment(汗法) and So Kum Dan Bang(小金丹方). Chapter 5 deals with the interaction among the five viscera and the six bowels as well as the principle of the acupuncture.
1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
For the purpose of developing Korean Herbalogy with the plants of Oleceae which grow wild and is planted in Korea, the these and writings on herbalogy, from literature of successive generations, have been thoroughly investigative and the results obtained were as follows: 1. According to sum of 101 species in Oleaceae family they were classified into Syringa genera 29, Ligustrum genera 24, Fraxinum genera 20, Osmanthus genera 20, Forsythia genera 8, Albeliophyllum genera 8. Thus it was noticed that Syringa genera was the main kind, some 29% in total. 2. There were totaled 19 genera and 101 species in Korea and among them modecinal plants are 6 genera, 28 species, in total but the number of species may be added because of similar plants. 3. According to the oriental name which can be used for medical purpose, the medicinal plants beloning to the Oleaceae fimily were classified as Fructus 3, Folium 5, Radix 4, Flos 3, Cortex 4, Lignum. Thus it was noticed that Folium was the Main kind. 4. According to the number of species of the origin plants about each chinese materia medicals, they were classified into FRUCTUS FORSYTHIAE 6, FRUCTUS LIGUSTRI 3, CORTEX FRXINI 2, FRUCTUS SYRINGA 3, FRUCTUS LIGUSTRUM OBTUSI FOLIO 2, FLOS JASMI NUDIFIORUM 1, FLOS JASMINI SANBAC 1. 5. According to nature and foavour of medicinal plants, they were classified into cold, cool ; 9, balance ; 6, wormth ; 3. Thus it was noticed that cold, cool is the main in nature and flavour of medicinal plants unidentified 3. 6. According to the Properties and Principal Curative action, they were classified into, clearing up heat and toxin 7, medicines for rehulating the flow of gi and allevating pain 3, resolving phlegm and cough, invigorating kidney and liver 2, clearing up heat and moisture, healthiness eleminating bloodstasis and aleviating pain, grgulating the flow of gi and invigorating blood circulation 1 each. 7. Comparing o whole medicinal plants 20 kinds, toxic durgs include minor toxin were 3 kinds, 7% of the whole. Thus toxic durgs were rare. From this result, it was revealed that the plants for medical purpose in Oleaceae was 28 kinds of the whole, in which Folium was mostly abundunt, were distributed (over) the whole country (widly) that it will be used for clinical treatments more easily. For (about) unidentifical drugs, it is considered that many experiments and clinical approaches must be continued.
1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
For the purpose of developing Korean Herbalogy with the plants of Cruciferae which grow wild and is planted in Korea, the these and writings on herbalogy, from literature of successive generations, have been thoroughly investigative and the results obtained were as follows: 1. There were totaled to 23 genera and 74 species in Korea and among them medicinal plants are 13 genera, 29 species, some 39% in total but, the number of species may be added because of the similiar plants. 2. According to the oriental names which can be used for medical purpose, the medicinal plants belonging to the Cruciferae family were classified as Herba 8,Semen 7, Radix 4,Foilum,Flos 3,Rhizoma 3,Fructus 1. Thus it was noticed that Herba was the main kind. 3. According to sum of 74 species in Cruciferae family, they were classified into Arabis genera 16, Brassica, Lepidium genera 5 each. Thus it was noticed that Arabis genera was the main kind, some 23% in total. 4. According to the number of species of the origin plants about each chinese materia medicals, they were classified into SEMEN LEPIDII 10,SEMEN SINAPIS 2. Thus the origin plants was not complexed reletively. 5. According to nature and flavour of medicinal plants, they were classified into warmth, heat; 4 each, cold, cool; 7 each, balance 14. Thus it was noticed that balance is the main in nature and flavour of medicinal plants. 6. According to the Properties and Principal curative action, they were classified into Drugs for remove toxic heat with febrifugal and detoxicant drugs, to removing evil heat and resolve dampness ,Drugs for reducing intense internal Heat Digestives and Evacuants 6 each, with promote or activate blood circulation by removing blood stasis ,to clear up heat and resolve phlegm, to remove toxic heat with febrifugal and detoxicant drugs such as 6 each, to regulate the flow of vital energy, to replenish vital essence with drugs 5 each, to dispel pathogenic factors from the exterior of the body with sudorifics pungent in flavor and warming in property, to stop diseases with drugs 3 each. Thus it wasnoticed that to promote or activite blood circuration by removing blood stasis drugs was the main kind. 7. Comparing to whole medicinal plants 89 kinds, toxic durgs include minor toxin were 8 kinds, 9% of the whole.Thus toxic durgs were rare. From this result, it was revealed that the plants for medical purpose in Liliaceae was 76% of the whole, in which Bulbus was mostly abundunt and toxic plants was so rare that it will be used for clinical treatments more easily. It is considered that many experiements and clinical approaches must be continued to use Liliaceae plants widely.
1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A Herbalogical Study in the Plants of Labiatae in Korea. For the purpose of developing Korean Herbgalogy with the plants of Labiatae which grow wild and is planted in korea, the these and writings on herbalogy, from literature of successive generations, have been throughly investigative and the results obtained were as follows: 1. There were totaled to 27 genera and 86 species in Korea and among them medical plants are 24 genera, 59 species, some 68% in total but, the number of species may be added because of the similar plants. 2. According to the oriental names which can be used for medical purpose, the medical plants belonging to the Labiatae family were classified as Herba 29, Radix 4, Fructus 3, Folium 2, Lignum 2, Semen 1 and Flos 1. 3. According to sum of 86 species in Labiatae family, they were classified into Scutellaria genera 10, Salvia genera 6, Ajuga genera 5, Clinopodium genera 5, Elsholtzia genera 5 and Mosla 5. Thus it was noticed that Scutellaria genera was the main kind, some 12% in total. 4. According to the number of species of the original plants about each chinese materia medicals, they were classified into HERBA AGASTACHIS 5 and HERBA AJUGAE, HERBA SCUTELLARIAE, HERBA LYCOPI 3 each. 5. According to nature and flavour of medical plants, they were classified into warmth, heat: 20 each, cold, cool: 16 each, balance 4 and unidentified 2. Thus it was noticed that warmth and heat is the main in nature and flavour medicinal plants. 6. According to the Properties and Principal curative action, they were classified into drugs for clearing up heat and toxin 8, drugs for clearing up heat and dispelling pathogenic heat from blood, drugs for clearing up heat and heatstroke 3 each, drugs for activating the blood and removing blood stasis, drugs which is sudorific and pungent in nature and flavour for dispelling wind and cold in the treatment of exterior symptom complex 4 each. Thus it was noticed that drugs for clearing up heat was the main kind. 7. Comparing to whole medical plants 42 kinds, toxic drugs include minor toxin were 3 kinds, 7% of the whole. Thus toxic drugs were rare. From this result, it was revealed that the plants for medical purpose in Labiatae was 68% of the whole, in which HERBA was mostly abundunt and toxic plants was so rare that it will be used for clinical treatment more easily. It is considered that many experiements and clinical approches must be continued to use Labiatae plants widely.
1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
For the purpose of developing Korean Herbalogy with the plants of Araceae which grow wild and is planted in Korea, the these and writings on herbalogy, from literature of successive generations, have been thoroughly investigated and the results obtained were as follows: 1. There were totaled to 14 genera and 42 species in Korea and among them medicinal plants are 7 genera, 23 species, some 55% in total but, the number of species may be added because of the similiar plants. 2. According to the oriental names which can be used for medical purpose, the medicinal plants belonging to the Araceae family were classified as Rhizoma 20, Radix 10, Folium 4, Flos 3, Herba 1. Thus it was noticed that Rhizoma and Radix was the main kind. 3. According to sum of 42 species in Araceae family, they were classified into Arisaema genera 17, Acorus and Zantedeschia genera 4 each, Philodendron and Symplocarpus genera 3 each, Anthurium and Colocasia genera 2 each. Thus it was noticed that Arisaema genera was the main kind, some 40.5% in total. 4. According to nature and flavour of medicinal plants, they were classified into warmth and heat ; 25, cold and cool ; 3, balance 2 and unidentified 6. Thus it was noticed that warmth and heat is the main in nature and flavour of medicinal plants. 5. Comparing to whole medicinal plants 23 kinds, toxic drugs include minor toxin were 18 kinds, 78.3% of the whole. From this result, It was revealed that the plants for medical purpose in Araceae was 55% of the whole, in which RHIZOMA and RADIX was mostly abundunt. It is considered that many experiements and clinical approaches must be continued to use Araceae plants widely.
1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The aim of the experiments was to investigate the effect of Fructus Tribuli on the blood pressure, plasma renin activity, plasma levels of aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The results of this study were as follows: 1. Systolic blood pressure decreased significantly after the administration of Fructus Tribuli water extract 0.03 ㎖/200 g. 2. Plasma renin activity and plasma levels of aldosterone were not changed after the administration of Fructus Tribuli water extracts. 3. Plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) decreased significantly after the administration of Fructus Tribuli water extracts.
1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Nitric oxide(NO) is synthesized via the oxidation of L-arginine by a family of nitric oxide synthases(NOS), which are either constitutive(cNOS) or inducible(iNOS). The induction of iNOS in tissues can lead to the sustained production of high concentrations of NO which may exert pro-inflammatory effects including vasodilation, edema, cyototoxicity, and its activity can be mediated by various pro-inflammatory cytokine, including interferonγ(INF- γ), tumor necrosis factor, IL-1 and IL-6. The enzyme, iNOS, became a new target for pharmacologcal research with the aim to find new substances for the treatment of chronic inflammatory disorders. Murine macrophages produce large amounts of NO when activated with TFN-γ plus LPS. Murine macrophage-like cell line, RAW 264.7, is a suitable cell model to perform in vitro studies regarding the iNOS system. Artemisin feddei Lev. et Vnt.(Compositae) is a perennial herb growing in Korea. The aerial parts have been used in foik medicine as antiinflammatory, antipyretic, choleretic and diuretic agent. Sesquiterpenelactones were isolated from this plant. In the course of screening for NO inhibitory activity from medicnial plants, the aqueous extract of this plant was found to have a significant activity.
1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Anal Therapy is taken valid compound of herb med and has many kinds of treatments. As one of the anal therapy, retention enema is most common and useful way. This study was performed in order to literatural basements of clinical treatments. we had cleared manifest about the origin and literatural basement of anal therapy, methods of management, classification of indication, clinical application and so forth. The results were summerised as follows. 1. It explained relationships between anus and Ojang-yukbu(五臟六腑), Sibie-geongmaek(十二經脈). But in fact the origin of anal therapy is Milgeon-dobub(蜜煎導法) and Jedamjib-dobub(猪膽汁導法) in Sanghan-jabbyungron(傷寒雜病論) of Han Dynasty. 2. The effect of anal therapy can be reached to the destination through theory of the organism which is called Jung-chei theory(整體論) and local medical action. We can find a little in Naegeong(內經), which is basement of Hang-jang therapy. 3. Anal Therapy have Kwanjangbub(灌腸法), Guhangbub(灸肛法), Dohangbub(塗肛法), Hoonhangbub(熏肛法), Saekhangbub(塞肛法), Youkhangbub(浴肛法), Jwajeombub(坐墊法) e.t.c. 4. Anal Therapy is available when person can't taken by mouth. Its benefits are fast effect and low side effect about liver because it is not taken trough liver mostly. 5. Anal Therapy has been used for the treatment of diseases such as stroke, high fever, pneumonia, ulcerative colitis, prostatitis, renal failure, pelvic inflammation, cancer and so on.
1999.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Stroke induces neuro-psychiatric symptoms as well as neural disorders. In oriental medical treatment of stroke, these neuro-psychiatric symptoms and motor․sensory nerve disorders are major and important points of differentiation of syndromes and major therapeutic aim for stroke patients. For looking at changes of neuro-psychiatric symptoms in stroke patients, we devided stroke patients into two groups by time after attack; group in 4 weeks (Group A) after attack, group more than 5 weeks (Group B). We examined them with SCL-90-R(Symptoms Check List-90-R), one of neuro-psy -chiatric examination tools, then the results as follows; In group A, phobic Anxiety was most high, and phobia anxiety, anxiety, psychoticism, hostility, depression, obsessive-compulsive, paranoid ideation and interpersonal sensitivity were located by score. In group B, phobic anxiety was most high, and depression, somatization, anxiety, psychoticism, interpersonal sensitivity, obsessive-compulsive, hostility, paranoid ideation were located by score. We recognized that all indexes of Group B including global severity index(GSI), positive symptom total(PST) and positive symptom distress index(PSDI) were higher than those of Group A. We suggest that the aim of treatment about stroke patients be made by considering changes of neuro-psychological symptoms.