
한국전통의학지 The Journal of Traditional Korean Medicine

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제9권 2호 (1999년 8월) 18

1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Ki is the important conception of Chinese philosophy, many of philosophers have discussed it. So the meaning of it is various in accordance with the times and the scholars. And it has been discussed not only in the sphere of philosophy but medicine, astronomy, g eography, society and culture ; therefore we can't understand the Oriental studies without the comprehension of it. Above all, the Oriental-medicine is based on the principles of it, that is to say 'Ki-medicine'. There are Ki of a letter, Ki of a philosophy, Ki of a nature and Ki of the human body according to the recognition process from that time on the ancient. This paper is written with the view of the right understanding about it by the comparison of various theories dealed with it.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
'Cheon' is one of four categories with 'Ki'(氣), 'Do'(道), ‘Ri'(理). Specially 'Cheon' meaned sky is so important that most of philosophers have referred to it. 'Cheon' is widespread, so it has been the object of the astronomers and subject of the philosophers. All recognize the conception definitely and consistently, in the other hand some vaguely, someone give different conceptions. Therefore this paper is written with a view to right recognition of the conception and relationships with the human by the study of significance changes by the times.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Yin and Yang are a general idea to understand phenomenon and human body. Specially in medicine, the principle of Yin and Yang is clinical and positive. As the principle of Yin and Yang, the human body can be seperated two parts; male-female, upward-downward, front-rear, left-right, interior-exterior, inside-outside and heat-cold, input-output, contraction-relaxation, hard-soft, active-pasive, weekness-strong and old-young, white-black, fat-lean, high-low, long-short, spirit-body. But, Yin and Yang are facing and interchanging each other. Summaries of a study on the means of yin and yang in Naekyoung and Waekyung chapter of DongEuiBoKahm are as follows. 1. Yin and Yang represent Objects . They represent natural phenomena; for example the situation of weather and time is expressed by them. . They represent urinary organ, anus, genital organ. . They represent the five viscera and the six entrails and their functions. . They represent male and female. . They represent fat and lean. 2. Activity and Inactivity are represented by Yin and Yang. ;They mean increasing of temperature by activity and decreasing of temperature by inactivity. . They mean the movement and activity of Ki 3. Yin expresses formation and Yang expresses functions. . Ki and it's functions are expressed by Yin and Yang. . Body fluid, blood and fundamental nutrition are expressed by Yin and Yang ;Organic system of human body and functions of organs are expressed by Yin and Yang. 4. The directions in human body and direction of Ki are expressed by Yin and Yang ;Inside and Outside of human body are expressed by Yin and Yang. . Emission and contraction is expressed by Yin and Yang. ․Upper and lower side of human body are separated by Yin and Yang. ․Upward and downward flow of Qi is expressed by Yin and Yang. . They represent KyungNak, YoungKi, WeKyung.a
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The contents of Yuk Won Jung Gi Dea Ron(六元正紀大論) are explained on the basis of the so-called theory “he Five Circuit Phases and the Six Atmospheric Influences theory (五運六氣論).” Yuk Won(六元) means six atomspheric influences that are wind, cold, heat, damp, dryness, fire. Jung Gi(正紀) means normalcy of movement. Therefore this volume is so called This volume contents seven chapters. ChaterⅠ takes charge of the year's GiGi(地支) for understanding the five circuit phases and the six atmospheric influences. ChaterⅡ deals with the year of TaiYangHanSue(太陽寒水) that is third atmospheric influences and operating state of Six Atmospheric Influences. ChaterⅢ deals with the year of YangMingZaoJin(陽明燥金) that is third atmospheric influences and operating state of Six Atmospheric Influences. ChaterⅣ deals with the year of ShaoYangXiangHuo(少陽相火) that is third atmospheric influences and operating state of Six Atmospheric Influences. ChaterⅤ deals with the year of TaiYinShiTu(太陰濕土) that is third atmospheric influences and operating state of Six Atmospheric Influences. ChaterⅥ deals with the year of ShaoYinJunHuo(少陰君火) that is third atmospheric influences and operating state of Six Atmospheric Influences. ChaterⅦ deals with the year of JueYinFengMu(厥陰風木) that is third atmospheric influences and operating state of Six Atmospheric Influences.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Yun gi doctrine is on five elements motion and six kinds of natural factors. Nature moves in a cycle. This phenomen on occurs periodically. Therefore everthing rotates including climate and temper. This circulation maintains the balance of nature. Yin and Yang is the two fundamental principles or forces in the universe, ever opposing and complementing each other-an ancient philosophical concept used in traditional Oriental medicine to refer to various antitheses in anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnosis and tertment, e,g., feminine, interior, cold and hypofunction being Yin while masculine, exterior, heat and hyperfunction are Yang. Wuxing is the five evolutive phases of the five elements. That yin-yang, wuxing express the balance of nature well. This volume contents five chapters. ChapterⅠ deals with the five circuit phases and six atmospheric influences not match yin-yang. ChapterⅡ deals that Wuyun gets possession through the sky. ChapterⅢ deals with the movement's change of sitian, zaitian. ChapterⅣ deals with Liupi's movement and its effect upon human body. ChapterⅤ deals with the rule of yungi's influence.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Weigi(衛氣) is defensive energy which moves outside the conduits, permeating the surface of the body and warding off exogenous pathogens ; superficial resistance of the body. Yinggi(營氣) is constructive energy which moves though the conduits and nourishes all the organs This volume commets on creation and gathering of Yinggi(營氣)-Weigi(衛氣). Therefore subjicts can be chosen Yong Wi Sang Whei(營衛生會). This volume contents three chapters ChapterⅠdeals that yingi(營氣) is created from zhuogi(終期) ; dense part of food essence or waste gas, e.g., the air expirde or flactus discharged; and wei is created from qinggi(淸氣); ⑴ fresh air usually referred to the air inspired in the lung ⑵ food energy or nutrient esp. the clarified thin part of food essence ⑶ clear up the evil heat from the Qi system: a method in treating febrile diseases. Chapter Ⅱ deals with the difference between a youth and adult. Chapter Ⅲ deals with the relation between yinwei(영위) and Triple Burners.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Being based on oriental medicine, the body intimates with the mind. Therefore vitality attachs to heart, will attachs to spleen, purpose attachs to kidney and spirit attachs to lung. The mind is very important cause of a disease. Bonsin means the five viscera vitality. The acupuncture of the beginning always depend of vitality, therefore the name of this volume is BonSin. This volume explains the mind activity of human body that is vitality, essence of life, soul, spirit, feeling, will, purpose, wisdom and thought. In addition explains that's origin and the connection of the mind and care. A disease appears on the occasion of nerve strain, so we observe a mental state in case of treatment. This volume divide in three chapters. ChapterⅠ deals with the meaning of consciousness and connection with the cause of a disease. ChapterⅡ deals with an illness of five hollow organs's consiousness and the time of death for it's results. ChapterⅢ deals with the deficiency and exceess of a mental disease and mind-culture.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A study on the Pyo Bon Byung Jeon Ron(標本病傳論) of the So Moon(素問), one of the classic book of oriental medicine, was carried out analytically for the right comments. The principal ideas obtained summarized as follows; There are two important contents in this volume. First, disease shows primary and secondary symptoms, and there is an obey way or disobey way to heal it. Second, disease can transfer to the other part. When people are attacked with a disease, it spreads in principal way in our physical. The main substance that we mentioned are in first and second. Since this volume deals with a primary and secondary symptoms and a transfer disease. We called it Pyo Bon Byung Jeon Ron(標本病傳論).
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We studied biblographically on the origin of Zitanxiang which is commonly used at Oriental Traditional and Herbal Drugs Clinic. Results are as follows. We can find out that ; 1. In China, Pterocarpus indicus Wild. and Pterocapus santalinus L. which are duramen of woody parts of the plants of Leguminosae are used as Zitanxiang medicinal stuff. 2. In Korea, Sabina chinensis(L) Antoin (= Juniperus chinensis L.) which is the woody parts of Chinese cypress which is evergreen arbor and one of the plants of Cupressaceae is used as Zitanxiang medicinal stuff. Therefor, it is thought that comparison research have to be studied on these different Zitanxiang medicinal stuffs on the basis of efficacy.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Studied the size of soil by land category to select places suitable for cultivating oriental medicines, the speciaity of Chollabuk-do Provincial Government and property and size of the centering aroung topsoil. And the results are summarized as follows. 1. The total size of the soil of Kochang-gun, Muju-gun, Puan-gun, Sunchang-gun, Wanju-gun, Imshil-gun, Changsu-gun including Chinan-gun totaled adout 4,966,999.4㎢. 2. As for land category, forestry was 69% of a total size as about 3,402,272.8㎢. Rice field was 14% of a total size as about 677,428.2㎢. Dry field was 8% of a total size as about 405,966.5㎢. Though grassland and orchard did not amount to 1% as about 9,716.5 ㎢ and 228.6㎢, respectively other kinds of soil were 9% as about 464,963.9㎢. 3.As for the property of soil, loam was 59% as about 2,928,683.7㎢. Sandy loam was 30% as about 1,490,150.4㎢. Silty loam was 7% as about 359,656.7㎢. Sandy clay loam was 1% as about 57,858.5㎢. Sandy soil of good quality Anlehmiger sand did not amount to 1% as about 6,002.3㎢. While other kinds of soil were about 3% as about 124,647.8㎢.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Purpose: Yin-Yan(陰陽) is often seen with the mean of ascending and descending force in the Sasang Constitutional Medicine. In the PI(脾) and Shen(腎), oppositive interacting forces existe and causes the change that ascending and descending of Yin-Yan(陰陽). The purpose of this study is understand the mean of Pi-Yan(脾陽), Pi-Yin(脾陰), Shen-Yan(腎陽), Shen-Yin(腎陰) and their inter action in the pathology of Soyangin(少陽人) and Soumin(少陰人). Method: It was depended on the sentence that recorded in the Dongyi-Soose-Bowon(東醫壽世保元) Result: The following results have been obtained 1. The origen of Soumin's outer disease is ascending obstruction of Shen-Yan(腎陽), caused by deficiency of Pi-Yan(脾陽) 2. The origen of Soumin's interior disease is being cold of Shen-Yin(腎陰), caused by deficiency of Pi-Yin(脾陰) 3. The origen of Soyangin's outer disease is descending obstruction of Pi-Yin(脾陰), caused by deficiency of Shen-Yin(腎陰) 4. The origen of Soyangin's interior disease is being heat of Pi-Yan(脾陽), caused by deficiency of Shen-Yan(腎陽)
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
1. Background and Purpose For many years, Sibimikwanjungtang, Yangkyeoksanhwatang and Hyeongbangsabaeksan have been used as a therapeutic agent in constitutional disease. The effects of three prescriptions on the vascular system is not well-known. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of these prescriptions on blood pressure(BP) and regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF). 2. Methods I injected a vein of rat with extracts of Sibimikwanjungtang, Yangkyeoksanhwatang and Hyeongbangsabaeksan with five kinds of dose and measured BP and rCBF. 3. Results After injected Sibimikwanjungtang, BP was not changed but rCBF was increased in a dose-dependent manner. After injected Yangkyeoksanhwatang, BP was elevated and rCBF was increased in a dose-dependent manner. After injected Hyeongbangsabaeksan, BP was not changed but rCBF was increased in a dose-dependent manner.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
CVA(Cerebro-Vascular Accidant) and HLD(Herniated Lumbar Disc) induces psychiatric disorders as well as neural disorders. In oriental medical treatment and management of CVA patients(group A) and HLD patients(group B), these psychiatric disorders are as major and important as neural disorders. For investigating the rate and difference of psychiatric disorders between two groups, We examined them with SCL-90-R(Symptoms Check List-90-R), Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), State-trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI) among psychological test. then the results are as follows; 1. In group A, phobic Anxiety was most high, and somatization, psychoticism, depression, anxiety, hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, obsessive-compulsive and paranoid ideation were located by score. 2. In group B, somatization was most high, and phobic anxiety, hostility, depression, psychoticism, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity and paranoid ideation were located by score 3. According to SCR-90-R test, group A were significantly increased compared to group B in phobic anxiety 4. According to STAI test, group A were significantly increased compared to group B in state anxiety and trait anxiety 5. According to BDI test, group A were significantly increased compared to group B in depression we might be suggested that CVA patients had more serious psychiatric disorders than HLD patients. therefore, CVA patients must be treated and managed more actively than HLD patients
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Nowadays because of social and structural complexities, patients in the field of Psychoneurosis tend to increase gradually. So it needs to be diagnosed and treated for neuroses regardless of Oriental-Western Medicine. The category about Psychosomatic disease of Psychosomatic Medicine which is studied at present, nevertheless, is seen to focused on the limited range that called neurotic state and studies of Psychosomatic Medicine is divided into the field of psychology, philosophy and medicine. To set up the foundation for the course of Psychosomatic Medicine and medical solution of Psychosomatic relation, I have considered, compared and contrasted between Stress theory and Seven modes of emotion theory which is well thought to reflect the Psychosomatic Medicine and I came to the conclusion as follows; 1. Stress theory has commons with Seven modes of emotion theory in mechanism and notion. First, Both-Stress and Seven modes of emotion theory- explain the changes of function in body. second, they both are the internal reactions. third, they bring about the morphologic disease directly through the functional path change. Finally, the reaction is not partial but general and synthetic. Four similarities above show that two theories are identical with respect to the important characteristics and mechanism. 2. Compared with Seven modes of emotion theory, Stress theory concentrates on only anger, anxiety, surprise out of Seven emotion modes and that was the part to be studied from now on. 3. Studies on Stress and Seven modes of emotion theory is the ones which makes clear the prospect and course of Psychosomatic Medicine. They provide the clue that can explain the relationship of mind and disease, emotion and body, and already established theory. So they developed the medical science from treatment-centered to prevention- centered.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We investigated skin thermal changes after acupuncture stimulation for Meridian mechanism. So non-acupuncture group, acupuncture at left LI4 and acupuncture at left, right acupuncture group were observated in 0 min, 5 min and 10 min. And results was acupuncture group of left LI4 was increased in 0 min, 5 min and 10 min significantly. We proposed that increasing thermal changes was caused by Meridan and Gi reaction.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Junkan, same as epilepsy of western medicine, has been reported on many oriental medical texts since Naegeong(內經). But It is very difficult for doctors to treat and manage Junkan(癲癎) patients because of the lack of literatural study and arrangement about the Junkan(癲癎). Therefor this study was performed in order to arrange the causes, classification, treatment methods and prognosis of Junkan(癲癎) and adapt to clinical therapy clearly. The results were summerised as follows. 1. The causes of Junkan(癲癎) were the heredity factor(胎病), Tamyeun(痰涎), heat(熱, 火), wind(風邪), seven emotion(七情), food poison(飮食傷) and so on. 2. Junkan(癲癎) was classified with five Jun(五癲) and five Kan(五癎) or Yun Kan(陰癎) and Yang Kan(陽癎) . 3. The methods of treatment, first of all, was vommitory treatment(吐法) in the case of Tam(痰) cause and next methods were relaxation(安神,寧神), sedation(平肝鎭驚), heat relief(淸熱降火), Tam remova(化痰) and so on according to the sympton. 4. The prognosis of Junkan(癲癎) was good in the case of intact shin(神不脫), Yang symptom(陽證), Bu disease(腑病) and Pyo disease(表病) and bad in the case of shin injury(神脫), Yum symptom(陰證), Jang disease(臟病) and Liu disease(裏病)
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In order to examine toxic effect of Jangwonhwan on cultured mouse cerebral cortical neurons inhibited by neurotoxicity induced by Xanthine Oxidase/Hypoxanthine(XO/HX), MTT and lipid peroxidation assay were performed after cerebral cortical neurons were preincubated with various concentrations of Jangwonhwan water extract before treatment of cells with XO/HX. The result were as follows ; 1. XO/HX induced cell degeneration such as the decrease of cell viability was measured by MTT in the cultured mouse cerebral cortical neurons 2. Jangwonhwan water extract was effective in the decrease of lipid peroxidation of neurons produced by XO/HX. From the above results, it is suggested that Xanthine Oxidase/Hypoxanthine(XO/HX) induces the inhibition of cell viability in cultuerd mouse cerebral cortical neurons and Jangwonhwan was effective in cultured neurons damaged by XO/HX.
1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In other to elucidate the neuroprotective effects of Haeahwan on oxidant-induced neurotoxicity in cultured rat spinal motor neurons, the colorimetric assay such as MTT, NR, LDH, Lipid peroxidation was also carried out after cultured spinal motor neurons from neonatal rat were treated with the medium containing various concentrations of Methylmercuric chloride(MMC) for 8 hours. In addition, the protective effect of Haeahwan water extract extracts on the neurotoxicity induced by oxygen radicals was examined in these cultures. The results were as follows : 1.Survival rate of cultured spinal motor neurons were remarkably decreased by MMC depending on different kinds of concentrations. 2.NR50 of MMC as 50μM. 3.Haeahwan water extract inhibited significantly the increase in LDH activities induced by MMC.