
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 11

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently, the number of a shopping center building is increasing because most people want to go a shopping center building easily for buying many things and eating some foods. That are a normal trend these days. However, the increasing number of shopping center buildings has been increasing the number of shopping center building fires which also have been making social problems. Therefore, this study was conducted for the fire department connection among other fire facilities because it is important for fire suppression. The research subject is on the fire department connections that are on 70 shopping center buildings of more than 5 years old constructed. Survey and analysis were conducted for 70 fire department connections. The result of this study is that all installed fire department connections have a type that includes one or two holes each at 65mm wide, and the average distance between fire department connections and access roads is 4.85m. The total average percentage of insufficiency conditions such as drive ways for fire trucks, visibility, accessibility, pressure range sign, installed height, cover of the hole, etc. is 45.3%. So improvement of law and systems, that are fire facility construction and maintenance implementations, will be needed in my opinion.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently many geriatric hospitals have been built in Korea because younger people don’t want to care their parents and have been decreasing for labor. However, the increasing geriatric hospitals make the increasing fire safety accidents. Therefore, this study is conducted by survey and face-to-face talk for analyzing fire safety problem of twelve among 15 geriatric hospitals in the north of Chung-Buk area. The result of this study is that infection and fall accident are higher than others and fire safety implement rate of safety rule followed by CEO is 71%. Monthly safety training rate is 49% and initial fire safety training not conducted is 33%. Yearly outside fire safety training rate is 97% but workers who know how to use fire evacuation facility are 61%. Furthermore, safety instruction rate of fire safety manager is much higher than supervisor’s safety instruction. The cause of accident is facility (33%). In conclusion, the institution and rule improvement need for decreasing infection and falling, increasing implement level of fire safety rule and fire safety training, participation rate of supervisor for fire safety, quality of fire safety training, and investment of fire safety facility.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently the forest area is 6,370,000 hectare (ha) which occupies 63.7% in Korea. The forest has good functions such as production of forest products, conservation of national land, prevention of disasters, etc. However constructing houses near the forest area make bad situation like illegal waste incineration by resident. So research subject is forest fire caused by waste incineration place including facility. And this study was conducted about statistical analysis and research analysis of the 100 waste incineration places including facilities at the country town. Statistical analysis shows that March is 27% which percentage is the highest number of forest fire in 10 years’ average. The number of forest fire caused by waste incineration is 45 which is the third highest number in the fire statistic. The distance between waste incineration place including facility and forest area is 30m, 40m and 50m. That 40m (36%) is the most common distance from forest area. The types of waste incineration are ground (62%), the temporary facility made with oil drum can (35%) and other made with steel sheet, concrete, etc. The result of this study is that government and local government must conduct the improvement measure to reduce illegal incineration such as waste pickup area made with rain and wind proof type installed near residence, expenses for waste treatment, enlightenment and training, etc. Also considering their age and income are needed for realistic improvement.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The definition of an apartment is a building more than 5 stories high and which is the standard law. Currently, the number of apartments is increasing much faster than detached houses. Owning an apartment is a normal trend these days. However, the increasing number of apartments has been increasing the number of apartment fires which also has been making social problems. Therefore, this study was conducted for the fire extinguisher among other fire facilities because it is important for initial fire suppression. The research subject is on the fire extinguisher that is in the underground parking lot of 40 apartment complexes which are more than 10 stories. Survey and analysis were conducted for 80 fire extinguishers. There are two fire extinguishers for each apartment. The result of this study is that all installed fire extinguishers are ABC dry chemical type, 92% of them is 3.3kg and that meet the legal height(less than 1.5m). However, the condition such as appearance, inspection, manufactured year, appearance of signs, material of signs, size of signs, etc. was insufficiency. So improvement of law and system that are fire facility construction, maintenance implementation and additional designation of type approval about sign will be needed in my opinion.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 소방시설 중 화재진압에 중요한 역할을 하는 연결송수관설비 송수구 를 대상으로 하였다. 그리고 조사는 아파트에 설치된 60개의 송수구를 조사 및 분석을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 조사결과 소방차 전용도로 확보 및 접근성, 설 치높이, 압력범위표시 표지, 이물질방지 마개부착 등이 미흡하게 나타났다. 따라서 소방시설 설계, 시공, 감리를 개선하고 또한 주기적인 유지관리점검이 양호하게 될 수 있도록 제도적 개선이 필요 하다고 판단된다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently many geriatric hospitals have been built in Korea because increasing aging rapidly. However the increasing geriatric hospitals make the increasing safety accidents. Therefore this study is conducted by survey and face-to-face talk with the fire safety managers for analyzing safety problem of geriatric hospitals which number is twelve among 15 geriatric hospitals in the north of Chung-buk area. The result of this study is that geriatric hospitals are very old. Fire safety managers holding the fire safety license are a level 2 issued by the Korea Fire Safety Association(KFSA). And the fire safety inspection ability of them is normal (58%). Furthermore a fire safety budget ratio is 83% (A little) in the company yearly budget. And ratio having the fire inspection equipment in the building is 42% (A little) and 33% (Nothing). Satisfaction ratio of their duty is 66% and they also get stress from heavy duty and heavy responsibility. In conclusion, CEO needs to invest and interest the improvement of job performance, satisfaction ratio and fire safety facility. Also government needs the improvement of system to support and supervise the fire safety of geriatric hospitals consistently.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted by survey and inspection of stair passage leading lights in shopping buildings which are more than 5 stories and have an underground parking lot located at Pyeongtaek-si and Seongnam-si. Number of shopping building for this study is 30 and of stair passage leading light inspected by two lights in each shopping building is 60. The result of this study is that the type of installed leading lights is LED(77%), and 60% of leading lights has problem such as no cleaning, scratch and discoloration, etc. The height of installed leading lights meets the fire law which is less than 1m from the floor. Visible condition of leading lights is good except some leading lights which have a little visible problem due to banner advertisement. 37% of standby power has flickered and went out. 93% of total leading lights meets the fire law which is more than 1lux from 0.5m distance, but cold cathode fluorescent lamps(CCFLs) have the problem which not meets proper brightness level based on fire law. In additional measurement result, zero lux of leading lights is 32%(from 1m distance), 68%(from 1.5m distance) and 98%(from 2m distance). Leading light is very important facility because it is eyes and guide when emergency. Therefore, proper fire facility operating function inspection and total detailed inspection are important to keep the good condition of leading light except simple visual check, and also improvement in law system of type approval, fire construction inspection and illumination level will be needed.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The people who are in the noise factory are difficult to hear and recognize about fire and to evacuate quickly when a fire occurs. This study was conducted to analyze workplace’s background noise of 31 factories in Incheon and to know the workplace noise level comparing to fire alarm sound level. The measured average noise level was 96.8dB(A). Noise level of measured result was exceeded as 6.8dB(A) comparing to NFSC (National Fire Safety Code) noise level of 90dB. NFPA suggests that when background noise exceeds 85dB or more than that, other methods should be considered to know alarm sound. Also fire alarm sound should exceed more than 15dB(A) comparing to background noise level. Therefore it was concluded that the design of the fire alarm systems should not be applied to the workplace without considering background noise and it needs to be improved with regulations and the systems.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 인천광역시의 37개 사업장(공장)을 대상으로 작업현장의 소음을 측정 및 분석하여 소음이 화재경보음 인지에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 측정결과 평균소음이 95.8dB(A)나왔다. 이는 국내 경보장치 음량기준(화재경보음 발생장치에서 1m떨어진 곳에서 90dB이상)보다 5.8dB(A)높게 나왔다. 미국방화협회(NFPA)에 따르면 암소음(기기음)이 85dB(A)이거나 이상일 경우 화재경보음 인지정도가 미흡하기 때문에 다른 방법을 강구하도록 되어 있다. 또한 화재경보음은 암소음보다 15dB(A) 높아야 한다고 하고 있다. 따라서 주변의 환경을 무시한 획일적인 화재경보음 설계에 대해서 제도적 및 법적 개선이 필요하다고 사료된다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to test the combustive properties of the pipe insulation materials which are mainly used in the industries and buildings. Fire characteristic test of pipe insulation film according to the KS F ISO 5660-1 was performed. The experimental materials commonly used in the pipe insulation were used four kinds of films. Two kinds of 4 types of products that have the flame retardant performance and the other two types of them have no flame retardant performance. They were selected for fire characteristic test. The result of finding 25kW/m2 radiation from the ignition was that flame retardant products were 140sec and the other one were 69sec in average of heat release rate(HRR). The result of flame retardant products in the 50kW/m2 was 34sec and the other one were 15sec in average of HRR. However, the HRR of flame retardant products was much higher than the other one. Flame propagation test was conducted according to the KOFEIS 1001. The result of flame retardant products was that flame retardant products had a hold without fire spread after firing them. But the other one were completely fired after firing them. Therefore, I want to recommend that flame retardant products need to be used by the regulation to prevent or decrease a fire spread.
        2012.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        대한민국의 급격한 경제 발전은 도심 빌딩의 고층화, 산업현장의 공장 대규모화로 이어졌다. 하지만 소방안전에 대한 투자와 인식이 미흡하여 고층 빌딩과 공장 등에 대형화재로 인해 대규모 인명피해와 재산피해가 발생되고 있다. 공장(사업장)의 경우는 생산설비를 가동하기 위해 많은 유틸리티 설비들을 보유하고 있다. 이에 대표적인 유틸리티 설비로는 공기압축기, 냉동기, 보일러, 모터펌프 등이 있다. 이러한 설비들은 기기음(암소음)을 많이 발생하기 때문에 화재 발생 시 화재경보음이 재실자에게 전달되기란 매우 힘든 실정이다. 또한 대부분의 공장시설에는 복도에 화재경보설비가 위치하고 있고 기기실에는 출입문이 설치 되어있기 때문에 재실자에게 경보전달이 이루어지기가 더욱 힘든 실정이다. 특히 재실자의 업무 집중도에 따라 경보음 인지정도에 많은 차이가 발생될 것이다. 이러한 경보음의 전달 문제점을 연구하기 위해 실제 상황을 묘사하여 경종의 형식승인 및 검정기술기준·시험세칙(KOFEIS 0305)과 미국방화핸드북(Fire Protection Handbook)의 측정기준 및 예시기준에 따라 조건별로 실험하였다. 실험결과 기기실문을 닫은 상태에서 기기음에 노출될 경우 대부분의 피험자가 화재경보음을 인지하지 못하였다. 미국방화협회(NFPA)에서는 암소음이 85dB이거나 이상일 경우 다른 경보방법을 강구하도록 되어있다. 따라서 기기음과 장소의 특성을 고려하지 않는 일률적으로 화재경보음 설계시공에 대한 제도적 개선이 요구되는 결론을 도출하였다.