노화가 진행될수록 활성산소종으로 인하여 피부 보습은 떨어지고 피부 장벽은 붕괴되어 피부 가 손상된다. 본 연구에서는 인천 동막 해변에 서식하는 염생식물인 갯끈풀(Spartina anglica; SAE)과 갯메꽃(Calystegia soldanella; CSE)을 70% 에탄올(EtOH)로 추출하여 피부 보습 및 피부 장벽 기능 강화에 대한 효능을 평가하였다. 이 추출물들에 대한 피부 각질형성세포(HaCaT cell) 에서 세포독성을 WST-8 assay를 이용하여, 세포 생존율이 90% 이상을 보이는 농도를 선별하 여 추가 실험을 진행하였다. ABTS 라디칼 소거능을 통해 항산화 효과를 확인한 결과, SAE와 CSE는 높은 라디칼 소거능을 보였다. 피부 보습과 관련된 인자들인 filaggrin (FGL), aquaporin 3 (AQP3), hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2)과 피부 장벽 기능과 연관 있는 transglutaminase 1 (TGM1) 과 involucrin (INV)의 유전자 수준에서의 발현 변화를 측정한 결과, SAE에 의해 AQP3, HAS2, TGM1의 발현이 증가하였으나, CSE는 변화가 없는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. SAE에 의한 세포 내 신호전달 경로를 확인하기 위해 western blot 분석을 수행하였다. Extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 mitogen activated protein kinase의 활성이 SAE에 의하여 상향 조절되었음을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 갯끈풀 추출물이 피부 보습 및 피 부 장벽 기능 강화를 위한 화장품의 기능성 소재로 사용될 수 있음을 시사한다.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of contralateral hip adduction (CHA) on thickness of lumbar stabilizers during hip abduction in side-lying. Twenty healthy subjects without back pain were recruited for this study. The thickness of transverse abdominis (TrA), internal oblique (IO) and quadratus lumborum (QL) were measured by ultrasonography. Pelvic lateral tilting motion was measured using a three-dimensional motion analysis system. Measurements were performed at rest position (RP), preferred hip abduction (PHA) and abduction with contralateral hip adduction (CHA) in side-lying at the end of expiration. During the measurements, subjects were asked to maintain steady trunk alignment without hand support. Thickness of TrA and IO was significantly greater in CHA than in PHA and RP conditions. There was no significant difference in thickness of TrA and IO between PHA and RP conditions. Medio-lateral (M-L) thickness of QL was not significant between PHA and CHA conditions. Anterio-posterior (A-P) thickness of QL in PHA and CHA significantly decreased compared to RP condition. Angle of pelvic lateral tilting was significantly decreased in CHA compared to PHA condition. In conclusion, CHA can be recommended for increasing trunk stability without compensatory pelvic motion during hip abduction exercise in side-lying.
The purpose of this study was to assess the agreement of manual muscle testing (MMT) and test-retest reliability of a hand held dynamometer for the posterior gluteus medius muscle, with and without lumbar stabilization, using a pressure biofeedback unit for patients with low back pain. The pressure biofeedback unit was used to minimize the substitute motion of the lumbopelvic region during hip abduction in patients lying on their side. Fifteen patients with low back pain participated in this study. A tester determined the MMT grades of the posterior gluteus medius with and without the pressure biofeedback unit. Active hip abduction range of motion with an inclinometer and the strength of their posterior gluteus medius using a hand held dynamometer were measured with and without the pressure biofeedback unit in the MMT position. The agreement of the grade of muscle strength in the MMT, and intra-rater reliability of both the active hip abduction range of motion and the strength of posterior gluteus medius were analyzed using the weighted kappa and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), respectively. The agreement of MMT with the pressure biofeedback unit (weighted kappa=.92) was higher than the MMT (weighted kappa=.34)(p<.05). The inclinometer with pressure biofeedback unit measurement of the active hip abduction range of motion had an excellent intra-rater reliability (ICC=.90). Also, the hand held dynamometer with pressure biofeedback unit measure of strength of the posterior gluteus medius had a good intra-rater reliability (ICC=.85). Therefore, the test for muscle strength with pressure biofeedback unit will be a reliable method for the determination of the MMT grades or amount of posterior gluteus medius muscle strength and the measurement of the range of motion for hip abduction in patients with low back pain.
The purpose of this study was to compare electromyography (EMG) activity for the middle and lower trapezius muscle according to various shoulder abduction angles. Thirty healthy male subjects were recruited for this study. Each subject performed three repetitions of horizontal abduction at 75˚, 90˚, 125˚, 160˚, and 180˚ of shoulder abduction angle in a prone position. Surface EMG activity was recorded from the middle and lower trapezius while the subjects held for five seconds at a predetermined position. The EMG activity was normalized using the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) elicited using a manual muscle testing technique. A repeatedly measured ANOVA was performed by Bonferroni's post hoc test. The EMG activity of the middle and lower trapezius was significantly different among shoulder abduction angles (p<.05). The greatest level of muscle activity for the middle and lower trapezius were demonstrated at and of shoulder abduction angle, respectively. These results suggest that middle and lower trapezius strengthening exercise and manual muscle testing should be performed at different shoulder abduction angles.
The aim of this study was to compare electromyography activity for long and lateral heads of triceps brachii muscle according to forearm positions during different triceps strengthening exercises. The muscle activities for long and lateral head of triceps brachii were measured by surface electromyography. Fifteen healthy volunteers participated for this study and performed elbow extension in three different elbow extension exercises (elbow extension in a supine position; EES, elbow extension with shoulder abduction at 90 degrees in a prone position; EESA, and elbow extension with one arm at the side of the trunk in a prone position; EESP) and forearm positions (supination, neutral, and pronation). A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the effects of the exercise positions and forearm positions. The EMG activities of the long head of the triceps brachii increased significantly during EESP with forearm supination, whereas the activity of the lateral head of the triceps brachii increased significantly during EESA with the forearm in a neutral position (p<.05). The results of this study suggest that exercise positions and forearm positions should be considered for selectively strengthening the long and lateral heads of triceps brachii muscles.
The purpose of this study was to measure intra-rater and inter-rater reliability and range of motion for measurement of passive shoulder internal rotation range of motion and to compare anterior glide distance of humeral head in three methods. Fifty healthy subjects and fifty patients with shoulder musculoskeletal pain were recruited for this study. The subjects' passive shoulder internal rotation range of motion was measured by visual estimation, manual stabilization, and pressure biofeedback unit methods. In two trials, measurements were performed on each subject by two examiners. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC(3,1)) was used to determine the reliability of each measurement. The intra-rater reliability of the three methods was excellent (ICC=.77~.93) in both groups. The inter-rater reliability of the visual estimation method was poor (ICC=.20, .29), the manual scapular stabilization method was poor and fair (ICC=.09, .50), and the pressure biofeedback unit method was excellent (ICC .86, .75) in the experimental and control groups. In the experimental group, the difference of examined range of motion by each examiner was significant in the visual estimation method and manual scapular stabilization method, but there was an insignificant difference between the groups is the pressure biofeedback unit method. This result suggests that the intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of a pressure biofeedback unit was better than the other methods. The difference in distance of the anterior glide of humeral head was insignificant among all the methods. The pressure biofeedback unit method was the most reliable method, so it is proposed to be a new and reliable method to measure internal rotation range of motion.
The purpose of this study was to compare EMG activity for pectoralis major muscle during shoulder movement with various abduction angle and rotation position in supine position. Fifteen healthy subjects were recruited for this study. All subjects performed shoulder horizontal adduction holding a 2 kg dumbbell in shoulder abduction 40˚, 70˚, 90˚, 130˚, 160˚ with shoulder neutral, internal rotation (IR), and external rotation (ER). Surface EMG activity was recorded from pectoralis major clavicle part and pectoralis major sternum part for 5 seconds and EMG activity was normalized to the value of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC). Dependent variables were examined with 3 (Neutral, IR, ER) 5 (40˚, 70˚, 90˚, 130˚, 160˚) analysis of variance with repeated measures. The EMG activity of pectoralis major muscle was significantly different between shoulder abduction angles and between shoulder rotation positions (p<.05). The highest value of EMG activity of pectoralis major clavicle part among shoulder abduction angles was in 70˚ and, 90˚ in that order. The highest value of EMG activity of pectoralis major sternum part among shoulder abduction angles was in and 130˚, 90˚ in that order. According to the rotation degree, shoulder ER showed the highest value and IR showed the lowest value in both muscle parts. These results suggest that shoulder abduction 70˚, 90˚, 130˚ will be effective during manual muscle testing (MMT) and strengthening exercise for pectoralis major muscle. It is also supposed that shoulder ER is the efficient posture for strengthening of pectoralis major muscle.
The purpose of this study was to examine contraction of abdominal muscles on surface electromyographic (EMG) activity of superficial cervical flexors, rib cage elevation and angle of craniocervical flexion during deep cervical flexion exercise in supine position. Fifteen healthy subjects were participated for this study. All subjects performed deer cervical flexion exercise with two methods. The positions of two methods were no volitional contraction of abdominal muscles in hook-lying position with 45 degree hip flexion (method 1) and 90 degrees hip and knee flexion with feet off floor for inducing abdominal muscle contraction (method 2). Surface EMG activities were recorded from five muscles (sternocleidmastoid, anterior scaleneus, recuts abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique). And distance of rib cage elevation and angle of craniocervical flexion were measured using a three dimensional motion analysis system. The EMG activity of each muscle was normalized to the value of reference voluntary contraction (%RVC). The EMG activities, distance of rib cage elevation. and angle of craniocervical were compared using a paired t-test between two methods. The results showed that the EMG activities of sternocleidmastoid and anterior scaleneus during deep cervical flexion exercise in method 2 were significantly decreased compared to method 1 (p<.05). Distance of rib cage elevation and angle of craniocervical flexion were significantly decreased in method 2 (p<.05). The findings of this study indicated that deep cervical flexion exercise with contraction of abdominal muscles could be an effective method to prevent substitute motion for rib cage elevation and contraction of superficial neck flexor muscles.
The purpose of this study was to measure intrarater and interrater reliability of a portable digital pressure algometer. Fifty healthy subjects were recruited for this study. Pressure pain thresholds of splenius capitis, levator scapular, and upper trapezius muscles were measured using by FPK algometer and portable digital pressure algometer. Three trials were done on each subject by two examiners. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to determine the reliability of each measure. The intrarater reliability of the FPK algometer was good and excellent (ICC .63~.79) and the interrater reliability was poor and good (ICC .15~.57). The intrarater reliability of a portable digital pressure algometer was excellent (ICC .75~.86) and the interrater reliability was poor and good (ICC .35~.61). This result suggests that the intrarater reliability and interrater reliability of a portable digital pressure algometer were better than an FPK algometer.
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of muscle fatigue in elbow flexors on the sense of force reproduction. Fifteen healthy subjects were recruited for this study. Maximum voluntary force (MVF) of elbow flexor muscles was measured by a digital tensiometer. Force errors were measured to test accuracy of the sense of force reproduction in elbow flexors. The subject was required to flex the elbow joint, to maintain and concentrate on about 20% of the MVF target force under visual feedback for 3 seconds. After a 5 second period rest, the subject was asked to duplicate the target force actively. Muscle fatigue was evoked with isometric contraction of the elbow flexors. Isometric contraction was continued until a 50% drop in MVF. The difference, in kilogram between the target force and the reproduced force was calculated for measuring force error. Force errors were compared between the non-fatigued condition and the fatigued condition by the paired t-test. Force errors were significantly increased in the fatigued condition compare to non-fatigued condition. This result suggests that the sense of force reproduction can be disturbed by localized muscle fatigue.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the hip internal rotation on gluteal and erector spinae muscle electromyographic (EMG) activity during treadmill walking. Eleven healthy subjects were recruited. All subjects performed treadmill walking while maintaining the hip in neutral position (condition 1) and in internal rotation (condition 2). Surface EMG activity was recorded from four muscles (gluteus maximus (GM), gluteus medius (GMED), tensor fascia latae (TFL), and erector spinae (ES)) and the hip internal rotation angle was measured using a three dimensional motion analysis system. The gait cycle was determined with two foot switches, and stance phase was normalized as 100% stance phase (SP) for each condition using the MatLab 7.0 program. The normalized EMG activities according to the hip rotation (neutral or internal rotation) were compared using a paired t-test. During the entire SP of treadmill walking, the EMG activities of GM in condition 1 were significantly greater than in condition 2 (p<.05). The EMG activities of TFL and ES in condition 2 were significantly greater than in condition 1 (p<.05). The EMG activities of the GMED in condition 1 were significantly greater than in condition 1 (p>.05) except for 80~100% SP. Further studies need randomized control trials regarding the effect of hip internal rotation on the hip and lumbar spine muscle activity. Kinetic variables during gait or going up and down stairs are also needed.