Multi-sensory systems, including the visual, somatosensory, and vestibular ones, are involved in maintaining standing balance. The organization of these sensory systems is as important as the efficiency of each individual system in maintaining optimal balance. The purpose of the present experiment was to investigate the developmental changes in static standing balance and sensory organization under altered sensory conditions. This study involved 64 children (from 4 to 15 years of age) and 17 young adults. The children were divided into four age groups: 4~6, 7~9, 10~12, and 13~15 years. Static standing balance was assessed with the one-leg standing test under four different sensory conditions: the children stood on a firm surface with (1) eyes open or (2) closed, and they stood on a foam surface with eyes (3) open or (4) closed. In balancing ability, the age groups exhibited significant differences. The function of sensory organization for balance control was poorer for the children than for the young adults. The functional efficiency of the somatosensory system of the children aged 7~9 years was at the young adults' level, and the visual function of the children aged 10~12 years had also reached the young adults' level. However, the functional efficiency of the vestibular system of children was significantly lower than that of the young adults, even at the age of 15 years. This may indicate that sensory organization and standing balance are still developing after the age of 15 years.
The range of motion (ROM) of ankle dorsiflexion in older women was associated with gait abnormalities and the risk of falls. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of self-stretching exercise on the flexibility of the plantar flexors of the ankle and the characteristics of gait in healthy elderly women. Fifteen participants were assigned randomly into an exercise (n=8) or control (n=7) group. The exercise group attended a self-stretching program approximately 30 minutes for 3 days per week for 4 weeks. The active ankle dorsiflexion ROM and gait measurements were taken prior to beginning the stretching program and 1 day after the last stretching day. Results showed that the active ankle dorsiflexion ROM was significantly increased in the exercise group than in the control group after the stretching program (p<.05). However, gait parameters, including gait speed, cadence, and stride length were not significantly different between the two groups (p>.05). The results suggest that a 4-week self-stretching program is capable of provoking a significant increase in ankle dorsiflexion ROM in elderly, community-dwelling women. Additional research is needed to investigate the effect of gait-specific exercise combined with stretching exercise on gait ability.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a weekly circuit-group exercise program on functional performance, flexibility of the trunk and lower extremities, and balance in individuals with chronic stroke who are living in a community. Thirteen community-living individuals (eleven males and two females) with chronic stroke participated in this study. The group exercise program was set up as a weekly circuit application with four stations aiming to strengthen the muscles, increase endurance, improve flexibility, and enhance functional capacity. The average duration of a session was an hour, and the sessions were conducted once a week for six months for a total of 24 sessions. Assessments for functional performance, flexibility of the trunk and lower extremities and balance were conducted four times: before treatment, after one month of treatment, after four months of treatment, and after six months of treatment. There were significant improvements in functional performance and flexibility of the trunk and lower extremities in the given time frame. No significant improvement was observed in balance ability. The findings suggest that a weekly circuit-group exercise program has some benefits in terms of managing the physical symptoms of individuals with mobility problems after stroke. Therefore, this program can be adapted and employed as a community-based rehabilitation program for such patients. Further studies with various community-based treatments will be conducted to validate these findings.
The purposes of this study were to assess and modify the original classification categories of the modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (ODQ) and to determine the unidimensionality of the modified ODQ applying Rasch Analysis. The data were obtained from 108 work-related low back pain patients by physical therapists. Construct validity of the scale using the Rasch model required the structure of the rating scale to be modified from 6 response levels to 4 response levels. Eight items from the modified ODQ fit the Rasch model. The items, "pain intensity" and "social life" showed misfit statistics. In general, the order of item difficulty of the remaining 8 items showed a logical item difficulty hierarchy with the "changing degree of pain" item being the most difficult and the "walk" item being the easiest. The results showed that further study is needed to expand the construct of ODQ including additional higher-level items related to work activities. This study may be useful for establishing a standard method to assess the functionality of low back pain patients.
The purpose of this study was to compare spatio-temporal parameters during walking between patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease and a control group matched for age, height, and weight. Thirty-three subjects were included in this study. Fifteen normal subjects (age, 63.3±5.8 yrs; height, 164.1±8.7 cm; weight, 60.7±17.5 kg) and eighteen patients (age, 64.0±7.7 yrs; height, 164.7±7.3 cm; weight, 63.6±7.7 kg) participated in the study. The Vicon 512 Motion analysis system was used for gait analysis in each group during walking, with and without an obstacle. The measured spatio-temporal parameters were cadence, walking speed, stride time, step time, single limb support time, double limb support time, stride length, and step length. Results in stride length and step length, when walking without an obstacle, showed a significantly greater decrease in the patient group compared to the control group. During walking with an obstacle, the patient group showed a significantly greater decrease in the step length as compared to the control group. For the control group, there were significant decreases in parameters of cadence and walking speed and increases in parameters of stride time, step time, and single limb support time when walking with an obstacle. The patient group had lower cadence and walking speed and higher stride time, step time, and single limb support time during walking with an obstacle than in walking without an obstacle. These results suggest that patients with Parkinson's disease who walk over an obstacle can decrease cadence, stride length, and step length. Further study is needed, performed with more obstacles and combined with other external cues, such as visual or acoustic guides.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different objects and target location of dominant hand on the non-dominant hand movement kinematics in a bimanual reaching task. Fifteen right-handed volunteers were asked to reach from same starting point to the different target point of right and left hand with grasping the objects of different size. Independent variables were 1) three different object types (small mug cup, name pen, and PET bottle), and 2) three different target locations (shorter distance, same distance, and longer distance than the non-dominant hand) of the dominant hand. Dependent variables were movement time (MT), movement distance (MD), movement mean velocity (MVmean), and movement peak velocity (MVmean) of the non-dominant hand. Repeated measures two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for differences in the non-dominant hand movement kinematics during bimanual reaching. The results of this study were as follows: 1) MT of the non-dominant hand was increased significantly when traveling with grasping the mug cup and reaching the far target location, and was decreased significantly when traveling with grasping the PET bottle and reaching the near target location of the dominant hand. 2) MD of the non-dominant hand was significantly increased during reaching the far target location, and significantly decreased during reaching the near target location with dominant hand. 3) MVmean of the non-dominant hand was increased significantly when traveling with grasping the PET bottle, and was decreased significantly when traveling with grasping the mug cup of the dominant hand. Therefore, it can be concluded that the changes of the ipsilateral hand movement have influence on coupling of the contralateral hand movement in bimanual reaching.
The purpose of this study was to examine the path analysis of factors related to musculoskeletal diseases of shipbuilding workers by considering related factors synthetically. The survey was completed by 1,536 shipbuilding workers and except for poor responses, 1,532 were analyzed. The survey consisted of questions about lifestyle, duration of service, physical and mental stress, and musculoskeletal diseases. The collected data was analyzed with SPSS/PC+ (a descriptive statistics program) and with AMOS 4.0 (a statistical program for path modeling) to test whether the hypothesized path model fitted the collected data. The results of the correlation analysis showed that musculoskeletal disease was associated with duration of service (r=-.095), physical stress (r=.077), and mental stress (r=.602). The results of the hypothesized path model satisfied the criteria required in relation to fitting the collected data. Musculoskeletal disease was directly affected by mental stress but not by physical stress, duration of service and life style. Thus, it is suggested that reducing mental stress is a strategy for the prevention for musculoskeletal disease.
The purpose of this study was to measure intrarater and interrater reliability of a portable digital pressure algometer. Fifty healthy subjects were recruited for this study. Pressure pain thresholds of splenius capitis, levator scapular, and upper trapezius muscles were measured using by FPK algometer and portable digital pressure algometer. Three trials were done on each subject by two examiners. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to determine the reliability of each measure. The intrarater reliability of the FPK algometer was good and excellent (ICC .63~.79) and the interrater reliability was poor and good (ICC .15~.57). The intrarater reliability of a portable digital pressure algometer was excellent (ICC .75~.86) and the interrater reliability was poor and good (ICC .35~.61). This result suggests that the intrarater reliability and interrater reliability of a portable digital pressure algometer were better than an FPK algometer.
The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between empowerment, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment among physical therapists. Currently, healthcare is changing very rapidly with developments in science and technology. In response to these rapid and uncontrollable changes, organizational members are often empowered. Through the empowerment process, feelings of powerlessness and frustration can be reduced and factors promoting work performance, such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment could be enhanced. One said this term popularly, there was a lack of study. There have been few studies on physical therapy administration. Data was collected from 352 therapists from many hospitals from February 1 to February 28, 2008, and analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation, etc., were performed. The results were as follows: Of all the characteristics of empowered subjects, gender (p<.05) and age were observed to be significantly different (p<.01). Educational background, working pattern, marriage status, and the period of duty were observed to be different among empowered therapists (p<.001). The degree of empowerment as perceived by therapists was 58.72. Empowerment was correlated with job satisfaction and organizational commitment (p<.01). The study on empowerment was significant from the aspect of strategies to increase work performance. To elucidate the optimal strategy to effectuate empowerment in clinical practice, we studied various aspects of empowerment. Further studies on the relationship between empowerment and organizational commitment are warranted.