This study analysed national data of manpower supply for physical therapists in Korea. Based on the comparative analysis results of the future demand and supply, as of May 1998, it is estimated that there was already an oversupply of physical therapists in Korea. This oversupply is expected to continue even though there would be an increase in hospital beds, rehabilitation facilities for the elderly, and nursing homes. Thus it would be desirable to cut down the number of students admitted to physical therapy schools each year. Our estimation shows that the Ministry of Health and Welfare must take measures to reduce the supply of physical therapist as soon as possible.
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between sitting and standing balance in acute stroke patients and gait outcome, and to determine appropriate test times. The subjects of this study were 20 hemiplegic patients who had been hospitalized in Sangji University Oriental Medical Hospital from August 26, 1997 through November 3, 1997. Twenty patients with cerebral infarcts had sitting and standing balance assessed on the 5th day and 10th day of stroke onset. Gait outcome was assessed 5 weeks later using the MMAS (Modified Motor Assessment Scale) score. The data were analyzed by the Spearman's Rho test and Wilcoxon signed rank test. The results were as follows: 1) Correlation coefficients between sitting balance on the 5th day and 10th day after their stroke and gait outcome 5 weeks after their stroke were =0.89 and =0.83, respectively. All of the sitting balance data significantly correlated with gait outcome (p<0.05). 2) Correlation coefficients between standing balance on the 5th day and 10th day after their stroke and gait outcome 5 weeks after their stroke were =0.82 and =0.87, respectively. All of the standing balance data significant1y correlated with gait outcome (p<0.05). 3) The difference between sitting balance scores on the 5th day and 10th day after stroke onset were statistically significant (p<0.05). But the difference between standing balance scores on the 5th day and 10th day after stroke onset were not statistically significant (p>0.05). In conclusion, sitting and standing balance tests on the 5th day and 10th day after their stroke appear to be predictive of gait outcome. Also, the result of this study can provide reference for appropriate test times as an assessment of sitting and standing balance in stroke patients.
The purposes of this study were to examine the effect of two different pelvic alignments and the Valsalva maneuver on electromyographic (EMG) activity of the erector spinae during squat lifting and lowering, and to find an efficient method for squat lifting and lowering. Twenty hea1thy men in their twenties lifted and lowered loads using four different methods: 1) anterior pelvic tilt position with the Valsalva maneuver, 2) anterior pelvic tilt position without the Valsalva maneuver, 3) posterior pelvic tilt with the Valsalva maneuver, 4) posterior pelvic tilt without the Valsalva maneuver. The EMG activity of erector spinae was recorded during both lifting and lowering with each method. The EMG activity of each individual was normalized to EMG activity produced by muscle during maximal voluntary contraction. Two-way analysis of variance for repeated measures () was used to analyze the effect of the two factors: 1) pelvic tilt position (anterior pelvic tilt, posterior pelvic tilt), 2) the Valsalva maneuver (with and without). Analysis was performed separately for the lifting and lowering. The results were as follows: 1) EMG activity of erector spinae was greater when the pelvis was tilted anteriorly than when the pelvis was tilted posteriorly during squat lifting and squat lowering. 2) There was no difference between EMG activity of erector spinae with the Valsalva maneuver and EMG activity of erector spinae without the Valsalva maneuver during squat lifting and squat lowering. These results suggest that the greater EMG activity of erector spinae with an anterior pelvic tilt position during squat lifting and squat lowering may ensure optimal muscular support for the spine while handling loads, but the Valsalva maneuver may have less effect on erector spinae.
The purpose of this case study was to introduce botulinum toxin A injection in cerebral palsy. Spasticity can be managed using a variety of methods. Eliminating aggravating sources, promoting stretching and bracing, and positioning are the least invasive methods of treatment. Botulinum toxin A injection is a relatively recent method of spasticity management in children with cerebral palsy. A 3-year old boy was evaluated for possible botulinum toxin injection to promote left side function. The patient had left hemiparetic cerebral palsy. He walked with bilateral intoning, much worse on the left than on the right and with excessive plantar flexion on the left. Botulinum toxin A was injected into the left medial gastrocnemius, with the goals of improving quality of gait. Finally, botulinum toxin treatment of would improve the motor function and ambulatory status in cerebral palsy by hypertonicity, spasticity, dynamic contracture and athetoid movement.
Conversion disorder is defined as a specific and enduring sensorimotor dysfunction that contradicts known neurological or musculoskeletal pathology or physical findings. The patient with conversion symptoms unconsciously adopts these symptoms to convert their psychological stress to a physical phenomenon. Conversion disorder often involves the mimicry of organic symptoms similar to those experienced by a relative or an acquaintance. Because conversion symptoms are produced by psychological stress, specific treatment strategy and reinforcement program are needed for treatment. Treatment comprises avoiding unnecessary medical tests and removing symptoms by using graded exercises given by physical therapists. Clinical therapists must maintain a continuous and detailed follow-up to completely recover from conversion symptoms. The goal of treatment is to emphasize health rather than disease, to resolve physical symptoms, and to prevent recurrence. This study looks into the case reports of 4 patients diagnosed with conversion disorder.
The decrease of muscle power and muscle size between twenties and seventies was about 30% and 40% respectively. The loss of muscle mass by aging resulted in the decrease of muscle power. The loss of muscle mass was due to the decrease of number of Type I fiber and Type II fiber and size of each muscle fiber. The aging skeletal muscle didn't show the loss of glycolysis capacity but showed 20% decrease of the oxidative enzymes and muscle vascularization. The vigorous endurance exercise training with graded intensity played a role in the vascular proliferation, increase of activity of oxidative enzymes and improvement of max. The graded resistance exercise also played a role in the muscle hypertrophy and increase of muscle power, if it performed with adequate intensity and period. The exercise adaptation of aging skeletal muscle prevented it from sarcopenia, provided the activity of daily living with great effect and provided the aging related disease, that is Type II diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, osteoporosis and obesity, with great effect.
Neurodevelopmental treatment(NDT) is a widely used technique by physical and occupational therapists in the treatment of neuromuscular disorders. Childeren with cerebral palsy are frequently referred for physical and occupational therapy, yet the effectiveness of treatment has not been well-documented. More than 40 years ago, the Bobath introduced a treatment concept for individuals with central nervous system impairment. A theoretical framework for the approach was based on the common belief in the 1940s that the nervous system functions in a hierarchy. Clinical aspects of the NDT approach have grown and changed during the past 40 years. This article details the original NDT concepts and looks at the concept with regard to newer theoretical frameworks of nervous system.