Background: The multiple hop test is an active performance test that has been commonly used to assess individuals with functional ankle instability. Previous studies have suggested that insufficiency of dynamic postural stability and passive stability during dynamic activities can have an influence on performance in the multiple hop test. However, no study has investigated the effects of dynamic postural stability training and ankle bracing on multiple hop test performance in individuals with functional ankle instability. Objects: The purpose of this study was to compare the immediate effects of dynamic postural stability training versus ankle bracing in the performance of the multiple hop test for participants with functional ankle instability. Methods: Twenty-nine participants with functional ankle instability who scored below 24 in the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool were selected. The participants were randomly divided into two groups: a dynamic postural stability training group (n1=14) and an ankle bracing control group (n2=15). The multiple hop tests were performed before and after applying each intervention. Dynamic postural stability training was performed using visual-feedback-based balance-training equipment; participants in this group were asked to perform a heel raise in a standing position while watching the centering of their forefoot pressure to prevent excessive ankle inversion. Ankle bracing was applied in the control group. Results: When comparing the pre- and post-intervention period for both groups, both methods significantly improved the results of the multiple hop test (p<.05). However, no significant differences were shown between the dynamic postural stability training and ankle bracing groups (p>.05). Conclusion: Both dynamic postural stability training and ankle bracing showed significant improvement (2.85 seconds and 2.05 seconds, respectively) in test performance. Further study is needed to determine the long-term effects of dynamic postural stability training and to determine whether insufficient dynamic postural stability is a causative factor for functional ankle instability.
Background: Short foot exercise (SFex) is often prescribed and performed in the sport and rehabilitation fields to strengthen intrinsic foot muscles. However, SFex is difficult to perform because of lack of feedback methods. Objects: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of SFex with and without electromyography (EMG) biofeedback on the medial longitudinal arch (MLA) of healthy individuals who maintained a static standing position. Methods: All participants (14 males and 12 females) were randomly divided into two groups (biofeedback and non-biofeedback groups). The EMG activity of the abductor hallucis (AbdH) and tibialis anterior (TA) and the MLA angle on the dominant leg side were measured with the participant in the standing position in the pre- and post-intervention conditions. The intervention session consisted of 15 minutes of SFex with (biofeedback group) or without (non-biofeedback group) EMG biofeedback. The groups were compared using two-way repeated measures analysis of variance. Results: The post-intervention activities of the AbdH muscle (p<.05) and the AbdH/TA ratio (p<.05) were significantly greater in the biofeedback group than in the non-biofeedback group. The activity of the TA (p<.05) and the MLA angle (p<.05) in the biofeedback group were significantly lower in the post-intervention condition than in the pre-intervention condition. Conclusion: The present findings demonstrate that the combination of SFex and EMG biofeedback can effectively facilitate the muscle activity of the AbdH and strengthen the medial longitudinal arch.
Background: Patients after rotator cuff (RC) surgery experienced pain, weakness and limited of motion of the shoulder. Physical therapists have used heat therapy, electrotherapy, range of motion (ROM) exercise and other methods to treat patients after RC surgery. In addition, functional taping is also used to support joint movement and to increase shoulder joint stability. Objects: The purpose of this study was to determine the initial effects of functional taping using non-elastic tape on pain, strength and ROM of the shoulder following RC surgery. Methods: Forty-eight patients with who underwent RC surgery volunteered for this study. The subjects were randomly divided into an experimental group (EG, n1=25) and a control group (CG, n2=23). First, non-allergic tape was applied to the shoulder to prevent skin irritation. The EG applied functional taping using non-elastic tape and the CG applied sham taping using elastic tape. Assessment tools included the shoulder pain and disability index for functional activity score, visual analog scale for level of pain, shoulder muscle strength, hand grip strength and ROM testing.
Results: Pain score in the both group significantly decreased (p<.05), and change in pain score of in the EG increased significantly than in the CG (p<.05). Shoulder strength and ROM in the both group significantly increased (p<.05). Especially external rotation and extension of the shoulder ROM in the EG increased significantly more than in the CG (p<.05), but the rate of change in the two groups showed no significant difference.
Conclusion: These results suggest that functional taping using non-elastic tape was initially effective in decreasing pain score level in patients with RC surgery.
Background: Many studies have reported positive results of the various mirror training and virtual reality games in improving dynamic standing balance and posture adjustment in chronic stroke patients. However, no systematic study has been conducted to compare the effects of virtual reality games and the mirror balance training. Objects: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Wii balance games and Mirror Self- Balancing Exercises in improving proprioception of knee joint and standing balance of people with chronic stroke. Methods: Twenty patients with chronic stroke volunteered for this study. The subjects were randomly divided into a Wii balance games group and a Mirror Self-Balancing Exercises group with 10 patients in each group. Each training was performed for 30 mins a day for 4 days. In addition to the balance training, 30 mins neuro-developmental-treatment based routine physical therapy was given to both groups. Proprioception was measured using two continuous passive motion devices, and static balance was measured using a Wii balance board. Dynamic balance assessment tools included the Berg Balance Scale, Dynamic Gait Index, and Timed Up-and-Go test. Results: All measured variables before and after the experimental results showed a significant improvement in both groups (p<.05). Only the improvement of the affected knee proprioception appeared to be significantly greater in the Wii balance game group (p<.05). However, other variables did not differ between the groups (p>.05). Conclusion: The findings suggest that both Wii balance games and Mirror Self-Balancing Exercises may be helpful for improving the proprioception of knee joint and the balance of patients with chronic stroke.
Background: The Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS) was developed to assess of balance ability in children with balance problem. The PBS was translated into Korean and its reliability had been studied. However, it had need to be verified using psychometric characteristics including item fit and rating scale. Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate the item fit, item difficulty, and rating scale of the Korean version of PBS using Rasch analysis. Methods: In total, 40 children with cerebral palsy (CP) (boy=17, girl=23) who were diagnosed with level 1 or 2 according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System participated in this study. The PBS was performed, and was verified regarding the item fit, item difficulty, rating scale, and separation index and reliability using Rasch analysis. Results: In this study, the ‘transfer’, and ‘turning to look behind left and right shoulders while standing still’ item showed misfit statistics. in total 40 children with CP. Also, ‘transfer’, ‘standing unsupported with feet together’ and ‘standing with one foot in front’ items showed misfit statistics in diplegia CP group. Regardless of the classification of CP, the most difficult item was ‘standing on one foot’, whereas the easiest item was ‘sitting with back unsupported and feet supported on the floor’. The 4 rating scale categories of PBS were acceptable with all criteria. Both item and person separation indices and reliability showed acceptable values. Conclusion: The PBS has been proven reliable, valid and is an appropriate tool, but it needs to modify the items of PBS according to CP classification.
Background: In cerebral palsy (CP), parents’ quality of life and rearing attitude are considered possible factors that influence patients’ quality of life, function level, and performance in daily activities. Despite these facts, little attention has been given to demonstrate a relation between these factors. Objects: This study aimed to demonstrate the relationship between parents’ quality of life, functional level, and performance in daily activities, the quality of life of school-aged children with spastic CP. Methods: This study included 24 parents of school-aged children with spastic CP. The KIDSCREEN-52 and World Health Organization quality of life (WHOQOL)-BREF questionnaires (including physical, psychological, social, and environmental domains) were used as research tools to assess the quality-of-life profiles of the children with spastic CP and those of their parents, respectively. In addition, the function levels and performance in daily activities of the children with CP were assessed by using the gross motor function measure (GMFM) and modified Barthel index (MBI). Correlation and multiple regression analyses were performed to clarify the determinants of the quality of life of the children with CP. Results: The KIDSCREEN-52 score correlated with the total score (r=.735, p<.01) and all domains of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire (physical: r=.542, p<.01; psychological: r=.690, p<.01; social: r=.568, p<.01; and environmental: r=.783, p<.01). In addition, significant correlation was found between the KIDSCREEN-52 and MBI scores (r=.411, p<.05), and between the MBI and GMFM scores (r=.427, p<.05). After controlling for age, gender, paralytic type, GMFM, and MBI, the WHOQOL-BREF score (R2=.621), particularly in the environmental domain (R2=.699), remained independently related to the quality of life of the children. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the quality of life of school-aged children with spastic CP can be influenced by the quality of life of their parents. This study provides useful information for future studies to investigate the quality of life of children with CP
Background: Scapular winging is a prominence of the entire scapular medial border, mainly caused by insufficient activity of the serratus anterior (SA) and imbalance of scapulothoracic muscles. Push-up plus (PUP) exercise has been commonly used to increase SA muscle activity. The facilitation of abdominal muscle may affect scapular muscle activity by myofascial connections. Thus, the sequential activation of the turnk muscles is suggested to facilitate the transition of proper force from upper limb and restore force couple of scapular muscles. The abdominal drawing-in maneuver (ADIM) has been effective in improving activation of the deep trunk muscles during movement. Objects: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of ADIM on the activity of the upper trapezius (UT), lower trapezius (LT), and SA during PUP exercises in subjects with scapular winging. Methods: Fourteen men with scapular winging (determined as a of distance between the scapular medial border and thoracic wall over 3 ㎝) volunteered for our study. The subjects performed the PUP exercise with and without ADIM. Surface electromyography was used to collect the electromyography data of the UT, LT, and SA. A scapulometer was used to measure the amount of scapular winging. Results: SA activity was significantly greater and scapular winging significantly lower during the PUP exercise with ADIM than during those without ADIM. Conclusion: PUP exercise with ADIM can be used as an beneficial method to improve SA activation and to reduce the amount of scapular winging in subjects with scapular winging.
Background: Muscle weakness and impaired trunk muscle control are common in stroke patients. The bridging exercise (BE) is generally used for trunk stabilization and improving the overall function of stroke patients. The effectiveness of the BE with hip adductor contraction (BEHA) in facilitating trunk muscle activation has been well studied in healthy adults. However, the impact of BEHA in sub-acute stroke patients has not yet been investigated. Objects: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of BEHA on the electromyography (EMG) activities and the asymmetry of the rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO) and internal oblique (IO) abdominal muscles. Methods: Twenty participants with sub-acute stroke (11 males and 9 females) were recruited. Each participant was asked to perform bridging exercises for five seconds under three different conditions: BE in a neutral position (BEN), BEHA with a large ball (BEHAL) and BEHA with a small ball (BEHAS). The EMG amplitudes of the bilateral RA, EO and IO and the asymmetry of the EMG activity between the sound and affected sides were compared among the conditions. The significance level was set at α=.05. Results: The EMG activities of RA, EO and IO were significantly greater during BEHAL and BEHAS than during BEN (p<.05); the asymmetry of the RA, EO and IO decreased significantly during BEHAL and BEHAS compared to BEN (p<.05). However, no measured variables showed any significant differences between BEHAL and BEHAS (p>.05). Conclusion: This study compared the EMG activities of the RA, EO and IO on both sides and the asymmetry of the RA, EO and IO during BEN, BEHAL and BEHAS. Our findings suggest that BEHA was more effective for individuals with hemiplegic stroke at facilitating and normalizing abdominal muscle control than BEN.
Background: The wall squat is considered an effective exercise because it can reduce the knee load and prevent excessive lumbar movement. However, the relationship between wall squat performance and strength of knee extensors and hip extensors remained unclear. Objects: The purpose of this study was to compare the strengths of the knee extensors and hip extensors between groups with low and high wall squat performance. Method: Nineteen males (low performance group: 9 subjects, high performance group: 10 subjects) participated in this study and performed wall squats. The subjects who were performing less than 30% of the average wall squat count were classified into the low wall squat performance group (less than or equal to 4 times) and the subjects who performed more than 30% of the average wall squat count were classified into the high wall squat performance group (greater than or equal to 8 times). Knee extensor and hip extensor strength were measured with a strength measurement system. An independent t-test was used to compare the strengths of the knee extensors and hip extensors between the groups with low and high wall squat performance. Results: The ratios of knee extensor and hip extensor strength to bodyweight were greater in the high wall squat performance group than in the low wall squat performance group (knee extensors: p<.001; hip extensors: p=.03). In the high- and low-performance groups, the ratios of knee extensor strength to bodyweight were 42.74±5.72 and 30.76±8.54, respectively, and the ratios of hip extensor strength to bodyweight were 31.95±10.61 and 20.66±11.25, respectively. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that knee extensor and hip extensor strength are needed for high wall squat performance. Thus, exercise to increase the knee and hip extensors strength can be recommended to improve squat performance.
Background: Scapular dyskinesis is characterized by altered scapular position and motion. Specifically, excess activation of the Upper trapezius (UT) combined with decreased Lower trapezius (LT) and Serratus anterior (SA) have been observed. The Standard push-up plus exercise (SPP) is considered as a therapeutic exercise for increasing SA activity and maintaining the scapular kinematics. In addition, Using the Sling surface can lead to higher muscle activity. However, the advantage of an unstable surface has been uncertatin. Objects: To compare the activation of the UT, LT, and lower serratus anterior (LSA) muscles during various push-up plus exercises with and without sling in subjects with scapular dyskinesis. Methods: Total 18 male subjects with scapular dyskinesis were recruited. The UT, LT, and LSA electromyographic activities and the UT/LSA and UT/LT EMG activity ratios were measured during three push-up plus exercises with and without sling. Two-way repeated of analysis of variance was used to determine the statistical significance. Results: The UT activity was significantly lower in all postures without sling than that with sling. In addition, the LSA activity was significantly greater without than with sling, and significantly large in SPP, Low back supported push-up plus (LSPP), and Quadruped push-up plus. Additionally, the UT/LSA and UT/LT activity ratios were lower in SPP and LSPP without sling than with the other four push-up plus exercises. Conclusion: The push-up plus without sling were considered to decrease UT and increase LSA activity compared with exercises with sling. Furthermore, SPP without sling seems to be a more effective exercise for increasing LSA activity and lowering the UT/LSA and UT/LT activity ratios in scapular dyskinesis subjects.
Background: South Korea is one of fastest aging countries in the world. Poor balance and falls of the elderly are main health issues. Objects: The goal of this study was to understand the association between the socioeconomical factors and the standing balance of elderly living in the rural and urban area. Methods: One hundred sixty-six elderly participants who were older than 65 and were able to walk without an assistive device were recruited in the city of Gwangju and in the rural area of Jeonnam, South Korea. All participants performed the static and dynamic standing balance tests. Static standing balance was measured with chronometer in seconds while standing on one leg. Dynamic balance was tested with the timed up and go test (TUG), measured in seconds while getting up from a chair and walking 3 meters and back to sit. The static and dynamic standing balance was analyzed using analysis of variance and the Fisher’s Least Significant Difference post hoc test. Results: Male participants from both areas had no difference in one leg standing and TUG. The female elderly living in rural area took shorter in TUG than females living in urban area. Age decreased the one leg standing time in both areas while did not affect the TUG significantly. As the monthly income increased, both of one leg standing and TUG increased in urban area, while the medium monthly income showed best performance (it was not statistically significant) in both of one leg standing and TUG in rural area. Conclusion: Socioeconomical factors affects differently the standing balance of the elderly living in rural and urban South Korea. Female living alone in urban area with low monthly income demonstrated worst standing balance in this study.