The purpose of this study was to examine the inter-rater reliability of the Korean translation of the GMFM(Gross Motor Function Measure). Three licensed physical therapists with varying amounts(2 - 6 years) of clinical experience served as raters. Thirty patients with cerebral palsy were subjects for this study. Subjects were 22 boys and 8 girls, aged 1 to 8 years. Reliability of each dimension and each total score of the GMGM were analyzed using ICCs(intraclass correlation coefficients). The reliability of each dimension score ranged from .76 to .98, with the walking, running, and jumping dimension having higher reliability values. The reliability of the total dimension score was .94. We conclude that the GMFM has inter-rater reliability for assessing gross motor function in patients with cerebral palsy.
The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the skin temperature over the exercised muscle and corresponding non-exercised muscle after unilateral isokinetic exercise using digital thermography. Thirty-two young healthy volunteers with no history of knee injury were tested. After isokinetic exercise at 60 degree per second angular velocity using the right leg in a climatic chamber at ambient temperature of , skin temperature of the anterior thigh was tested. After exercise, the skin temperature of both the right and left leg had fallen significantly. The skin temperature of the exercised leg fell less than that of the non-exercised leg. The fall in skin temperature after work was not due to increased evaporative cooling, but was the result of segmental vasoconstriction probably caused reflexly in the spinal cord by non-thermal afferents from exercising muscle or moving tissues. The effect of thermoregulatory vasodilation was reduced by reflex vasoconstriction caused by non-thermal factors such as catecholamine.
This study was done to determine a new qualitative base for educating and evaluating patients by comparing a 60 or over age group with a 20-30 age group when rising from supine to erect stance. Sixty normal adults were devided into 60 or over and 20-30 aged groups. Each persons was asked to standing from the supine position. This process was recorded by two video cameras. The results was classified into the three existing movement categories. And then they were analyzed by percent rate. The results showed that each group had its own different and special characteristics. This means that physical therapists need to select the best motor patterns according to age in teaching functional tasks such as rising from supine to erect stance.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the vastus medialis oblique muscle(VMO) had greater electrical activity than the vastus lateralis muscle(VL) when hip adduction and knee extension exercise were performed. Electrical activity of the VMO and VL was measured on 42 healthy subjects (28 men, 14 women) during maximal voluntary isometric contractions of hip adduction and knee extension by an EMG-BIOFEEDBACK. The results showed that the electromyographic activity of the VMO was significantly greater than that of the VL during the hip adduction exercise. Differences noted with knee extension by performing hip adduction exercises. Isometric hip adduction exercises, therefore, may be advisable in the treatment of patients with patellofemoral pain.
The purpose of this study was to investigate which of 4 positions produced the highest action potential in the rectus femoris muscle of normal adult subjects. Testing was performed in supine with the right leg performing a simple straight leg raise with the knee fully extended. The left leg, however, was placed in 4 different positions: 1. Full support with flexion. 2. Flexed on the plinth with knee flexion and foot flat. 3. Same as N0.2 but with knee flexion. 4. Left leg hanging over the end of the plinth with knee flexion, hip flexion and no foot support. This study was designed to compare the level of electromyographic activity of the rectus femoris under 4 positions. Fourty-three healthy young adults performed three trials of each exercise condition in random order in the supine position. Electromyographic activity was recorded from surface electrodes. Rectus femoris action potentials in all 4 positions were significantly different. The highest action potential at the end of movement of the right leg occurred with the left leg hanging over the end of the plinth with knee flexion. It is therefore recommended the straight leg raising be performed with the contralateral leg flexed at over the end of the supporting surface to obtain a maximum rectus femoris isometric contraction.
In general, research in isokinetic exercise has focussed on studies of peak torque. However, peak torque is not always sufficient to assess the real amount of motion or to determine endurance. In this study, the subjects were 54 healthy students who performed continuous maximal isokinetic knee flexion and extension until their total work per time reached 50% of their maximal total work. Isokinetic curves were then plotted. Total work sums, exercise durations in seconds, and the numbers of repetitions were compared with reference to subject gender, angular velocity and muscle group. The relationship between total work sum, duration and number of repetition and thigh circumference plus leg length was computed. In addition, the characteristics of total work per second and total work per time were calculated. Results showed the total work sums differed greatly from muscle group to muscle group and with different angular velocities. The duration in seconds and the numbers of repetition differed only at higher angular velocity. Males achieved higher levels in every category except for some duration in seconds and some numbers of repetitions. Thigh circumference and leg length were deciding fators in every case, but duration in seconds and number of repetitions were not. These results suggest that measures of endurance should be included along with measures of total work when isokinetic studies are done. Measures of endurance in seconds are more accurate when isokinetic exercise is performed at lower angular velocities and numbers of repetitions at higher angular velocities.
The use of electricity to evoke s skeletal muscle response is FES, which is a form of functional electrical stimulation. In the case of the damaged spinal cord, the technique can supply stimulation to the lower moter neurons and their muscle fiber, which have been disconnected from control of the higher nervous system. Recent advances in electronics, particularly miniaturization, have made possible the design of much improved systems of electrodes and stimulaters for FES. Clinical research has followed two main lines: the use of FES in the upper extremities for producing functional hand rehabilitation in quadriplegics and in the lower extremities for producing standing and gait in paraplegics.
The purpose of this paper is to review the literature of AIDS/HIV (acquired immune deficiency syndrome/human immunodeficiency virus) and to introduce physical therapy of the AIDS client. It was first reported that five young homosexual men, in 1981 in Los Angeles, died of pneumonia caused by pneumocystis carinii - called "pest of twentieth century". AIDS was implied a fatal breakdown of the functioning of the normal human immune system. The major routes of transmission has occurred via l)sexual contact between men, 2)heterosexual intercourse, 3)contaminated blood and blood products, and 4)intrauterine or pre-natal infection from mothers. AIDS clients who may require physical therapy for a wide range of problems due to respiratory, neurological, musculoskeletal and painful syndromes as well as general decline in fitness and function. AIDS is growing rapidly in our contury as well as all over the world. Therefore, physical therapist has to correct his understandings of AIDS in order to protect himself and to give proper physical therapy to the AIDS clients.
The purpose of this case study was to introduce a myoelectric hand prosthesis for upper extremity amputee and prosthetic training program. Limb loss can result from disease, injury, or congenital causes. Trauma has been increasingly important role as the cause of amputaion in young, vigorous, and otherwise healthy individuals. The higher the level of amputation the greater the functional loss of the part, and the more the amputee must depend on the prostheis for fuction and cosmesis. Myoelectrical control of prostheses is a recent development and has been steadily gaining in clinical use over the past 20 years. Such a prosthesis uses signals from muscle contraction within the stump to activate a battery driven moter that operates specific component fuctions of the prosthesis. This twenty years old male case was operated a right above-elbow amputation due to tracffic accident and admitted to Yonsei Rehabilitaion hospital for the preprosthetic and prosthetic training. The case was able to successfully complete his myoelectric hand prosthesis training in the February of 1995.