The purpose of this study was to analyse the subtalar joint movement characteristics in human stance phase. The data of subtalar joint movement patterns are collected by CTA(calcaneus to tibia angle) measurements. CTA is defined as a angle formed between the bisect of the posterior shank and bisect of the posterior heel, as determined by placement of the retroreflective markers. The angle measured in degrees. The participants are 74 healthy individuals (37 men and 37 women) who have no orthopedic and neurological impairment, aged from 19 to 29 years(mean 22.95). Prior to participation, each subjecct informed the procedures of experiment from researcher and assistant researcher. The equipments of this study are walking grid, marking tapes, goniometer, video camera, monitor and ink for foot print are used in the study. In order to determine the statistical significance of result, the paired t-test and Pearson correlation were applied at the 0.05 level of significance. The results were as follows : 1. The reliability of measured CTA value are showed a high correlation, ranged from .86 - .94. 2. The mean value of step width are 7.67cm in men and 6cm in women. So, significant difference between men and women in 0.05 level of significance. 3. There was significant difference between man and women's TOA(toe out angle)(p<0.05). 4. The CTA of female's is more higher than male's one, however not statistical difference between man and women(p>0.05). 5. The CTA is reduced according to increasing TOA(p<0.05).
High Voltage Pulsed Current Stimulation(HVPCS) and Microcurrent Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation(MENS) have been used to promote the healing of decubitus ulcer and surgical wounds. The benefits of HVPCS and MENS are thought to include an inhibitive effect on bacterial growth. The purpose of this study was to compare the inhibitive effect of two different electrical stimulation techniques growth in vitro. Using agarose-based media, the two bacterial species Staphylococcus aureus, Esherichia coli - which are commonly isolated from open wounds were incubated in an incubator for 24 hours following exposure to HVPCS(400 V, 120 pps, ) and MENS(, 0.3 Hz). We then measured the zone of inhibition around each electrode. Both HVPCS and MENS produced an inhibitive effect on bacterial growth in this vitro study. However MENS was more effective than HVPCS.
The purpose of this study was to determine which of several crutch-fitting techniques best predicts ideal crutch length. Ideal crutch length is defined as the length of the crutch, including accessories, obtained during stance when the crutch tip is 6 inches (15.2 cm) lateral and 6 inches(15.2 cm) anterior to the fifth toe and the axillary pad is 2.5 inches(6.4 cm) below the axillary fold. Forty four volunteers were measured for crutches using each of the following methods:(1) 77% of actual height, (2) actual height minus 40.6 cm, (3) actual height minus 45.7 cm, (4) olecranon to opposite third finger tip, (5) olecranon to opposite fifth finger tip, (6) 77% of arm span, (7) arm span minus 40.6 cm, (8) anterior axillary fold to heel plus 5.1 cm, (9) anterior axillary fold to heel plus 10.2 cm, (10) ideal crutch length. Of the techniques studied, the two involving anterior axillary fold to heel were found to be good predictors: anterior axillary fold to heel plus 5.1 cm and anterior axillary fold to heel plus 10.2 cm. Finally, two additional length estimates were derived using linear regression analyses. These estimates provided the best overall predictors based on anterior axillary fold to heel and actual height.
For effective rehabilitation of the shoulder, physical therapists must have correct knowledge of shoulder movements. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between shoulder movements and the rotation of the humerus in the sagittal, coronal and scapular planes. Fifty normal subjects(25 male, 25 female) were tested using a Dualar-plus digital goniometer and an air-splint. The subjects performed active shoulder elevation in each plane with the humerus rotated in both medial and lateral directions. The range of motion(ROM) of the glenohumeral joint was measured three times. The paired t-test was used to determine the difference in ROM between medial and lateral rotation of the humerus. Results showed that, in the sagittal and the coronal planes, there was a significant difference(p < 0.01) in ROM of the shoulder between medial rotation and lateral rotation which was greater. But in the scapular plane, there was no difference between medial and lateral rotation. Physical therapists should consider these results when the goal of treatment is to increase ROM of the shoulder.
Body position is known to have an effect on vital capacity(VC). The purpose of this study was to examine effect on VC of posture, sex and smoking, and the difference between predicted and measured values of VC. VC was measured in the standing and the head-down position in 40 healthy subjects (20 men and 20 women) in a random order of testing. When subjects changed from standing to head-down position, this VC decreased by 19.9%. In both positions, VC changes in men were significantly larger than in women. No statistically significant difference was found in men who smoked. There was no difference between the predicted and measured values in men. But measured values were larger than predicted values in women. Because VC can decrease by 19.9% in the head-down position due to the effect of gravity, attention should be paid especially to patients who are placed in the head-down position for postural drainage since they already have a decreased VC.
The research of cold therapy is preceding rarely nowadays. This study was researched to measure the skin temperature of the right foot malleolus when the leg change the situation precisely speaking it was cold, elevation, cold plus elevation. Twenty young healthy volunteers(M:10, F:10)with no history of cardiopulmonary disease, peripheral artery disease were tested. This study were analyzed by one-way-repeated ANOVA. In the first we examined the within changes of the skin temperature between before and after examination for each modality. The skin temperature at all of modalities had fallen. Therefore we could know the fact that elevation plus cold modality had fallen skin temperature significantly more than elevation or cold. And there were no significant difference between male and female. We conclude that elevation and cold therapy could be better effective on edema, contusion and sprain than cold or elevation therapy independently.
Spinal cord injury in child often occurs without evidence of fracture or dislocation. The mechanisms of neural damage in this syndrome of spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality(SCIWORA) include flexion, hyperextension, longitudinal distraction, and ischemia. Inherent elasticity of the vertebral column in infants and young children, among other age-related anatomical peculiarities, render the pediatric spine exceedingly vulnerable to deforming forces. The neurological lesions encountered in this syndrome include a high incidence of complete and severe partial cord lesions. Children younger than 8years old sustain more serious neurological damage and suffer a larger number of upper cervical cord lesions than children aged over 8 years. Of the children with SCIWORA. 52% have delayed onset of paralysis up to 4 days after injury, and most of these children recall transient paresthesia, numbness, or subjective paralysis. The long-term prognosis in cases of SCIWORA is grim. Most children with complete and severe lesions do not recover; only those with initially mild neural injuries make satisfactory neurological recovery.
The purpose of this study was to introduce rotation-plasty procedure and prosthetic ambulation training. The recent development of chemotherapy and diagnostic facility have permitted the orthopaedic surgeons to try limb saving procedures rather than amputations for the treatment of the malignant bone tumors. If the tumors around the knee joint were treated by mid-thigh amputation or hip disarticulation, it would impose the client with a great handicap for rehabilitation. Rotation-plasty procedure was first done by Borggreve, in 1930 for the congenital short femur. Recently this procedure was used a malignant bone tumor at the distal femur by Kotz and Salzer in 1982. In spite of its cosmetic problem of the distal stump, this procedure has the great functional advantage of converting the above-knee amputation to the below-knee amputation. The inverted foot was also good to control the prosthesis as a below-knee stump and heel functioned as a patella to support the body weight. This 15 years old girl case was had rotation-plasty due to osteosarcoma of the distal femur with 3rd postoperative chemotherapy, and admitted to Yonsei rehabilitation hospital for prosthetic ambulation training. Then, the case had excellent functional results of prosthetic ambulation training with rotaion-plasty after 3 months.
Photochemotherapy(UVA with 8-methoxypsoralen) was given to 30 patients with systemic psoriasis. The results of clearing and long-term(6-month) interval maintenance were reported. Clearing requirements were in general similar to these reported by Melski and Burger. The skin of the 14 patients (46.6%) recovered good skin condition by a once weekly maintenance dose. This result was better than that reported by other authors. 1. During initial treatment period, average number of treatment was 27.3 and average duration treatment was 24.8 weeks. 2. The factors to quit treatment were motion decrease, moving to the remote area, complications, etc. 3. Number of patient who received maintenance treatment was 14. 4. The complications reported from the patients were hyperpigmentation, nausea, headache, pruritis, vomiting, gastritis.