The purpose of this study was to compare nutritional intakes of college students in Seoul and Yanbian by ethnic : Korean, Korean-Chinese, Chinese. The questionnaire were applied to individual interviewing method. Statisticai data analysis was completed by SAS 8.0 package program for t-test, ANOVA and multiple comparison. The results of this study were as follows. Average energy intake per day was high in Korean-Chinese. Nutrient Adequacy Ratio(NAR) was highest in iron and lowest in zinc. Mean Adequacy Ratio(MAR) score was 0.68~0.85 for each group. The indexes of nutritional quality(INQ) were over 1.0 for most nutrients except 0.41 of zinc and 0.76 of calcium. Average energy intake ranked high in Korean-Chinese, Korean and Chinese.
The residents of institutional settings for the disabled people are likely to be a potentially nutritional at-risk groups. The objective of the present study was to investigate the current nutrition and foodservice management in institutions for the disabled using a survey questionnaire. The majority (85%) of the institutions was using a simple pre-set menu that consists of rice, soup or stew, kimchi, and two other side dishes. Some twelve percent of the institutions served only one side dish. The residents were consuming a diet of a low diversity with insufficient amounts of micronutrient rich foods. As a protein source, legumes and soybean curds, and eggs were served 90% and 94% of the time, while beef, pork or poultry, a better iron source, was served less than 2-3 times per month. Fruits were most infrequently served food items in these facilities with 38% of the facilities serving fruits only 2-3 times per month. With regard to the nutrition and health care management, the physical examination on the residents was conducted annually in 88.8%, routine hemoglobin measurement peformed in 66%, and nutrition education was conducted in 10.9% of the surveyed facilities. The foodservice and nutrition management manual will help ensure a safe and better quality foodservice for the disabled people, which is necessary for the improvement of health and nutrition of these people.
The issue of health and nutritional wellbeing becomes one of the utmost concerns for the welfare of the elderly in a society of increased aging populations. This study was conducted to assess nutritional state and to identify possible dietary factors that might influence health and nutritional state of the free living elderly women. Two hundred sixty two elderly women, aged 60-90 who are actively participating in a continuing education program for the elderly in Seoul area, were interviewed using a dietary habit questionnaire and a 24-hour recall. Anthropometric measurements such as heights, weights, body mass index, and tricep skinfolds and dental status were significantly different between the two age groups, 〈75 and ≥ 75 years of age. Sixty eight percent of the subjects were using nutritional supplements regularly, in the descending order of vitamin-mineral supplements(40%), botanicals(27.6%), tonic drinks(16%), and health foods(13.2%). For hot beverages, our study subjects drank coffee (33.6%) and green tea (17.9%) frequently, followed by doongulae, job's tears, citron and kyulmyung tea. With regard to micronutrients, vitamin C intake was found to be lower in the group aged over 75 compared to that below 75 (p〈0.05). Calcium intake was significantly higher among the elderly with good dental status followed by the groups with gingivitis, denture, and missed teeth with poor chewing abilities (p〈0.05). The amount of personal spending money was found to be a significant contributing factor (p〈0.05) to the energy and nutrient intake in an individual. The results of the present study can be applied to the identification of the possible factors that might intervene the aging process, to the planning of the nutrition education program, and to the development of health food products for the promotion of health and nutrition of the elderly women.
A nutrition education program for teachers and caregivers of the preschool children can be most effective when it is based on a comprehensive needs assessment dealing with sociodemographic factors, dietary habits, and nutrition. The purpose of the present study was to investigate current dietary habits and nutrition knowledge of the teachers and caregivers of the day-care centers. Two hundred forty two teachers and caregivers were administered a questionnaire which was designed to ascertain informations on sociodemographic data, dietary habits and nutrition knowledge. Dietary habits of the teachers were found to be significantly different by sociodemographic variables; breakfast skipping/meal irregularities (age, p=0.011); frequency of snacking (education level p=0.031); preference for salty taste(age, p = 0.000, marital status p=0.038); preference for sweet tarte (age p=0.009); preference for vegetables (income level p=0.050); frequency of eating out (age p=0.028, marital status p=0.001); frequency of coffee drinking (age p=0.019). Daycare center teachers' nutrition knowledge level was found to be less than adequate expecially on nutrients that are liable to be deficient in young growing children and their food sources. Proportions of the teachers who answered correctly to the questions on foods rich in vitamin A, iron content of milk, bioavailability of calcium in plant foods were as low as 20.2%-54.5%. The most frequently used sources of nutrition information were mass media such as TV, radio, newspaper and magazines. Only 2.9% of the subjects reported that they obtain nutrition information from health professionals such as nutritionists/dietitians, physicians, and nurses. These findings are applicable at the planning and implementation stages of various nutrition programs for the improvement of dietary habits and nutrition knowledge of the teachers and caregivers of the daycare centers. Further studies are needed to investigate the effects of teachers' dietary of habits and nutrition knowledge on food habits of young growing children.