
韓國食生活文化學會誌 KCI 등재 한국식생활문화학회지 Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture

이 간행물 논문 검색


제13권 제2호 (1998년 5월) 9

1998.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The aim of this study were to assess high school students' consumption pattern of Korean rice cakes and to analyze the preference of them by students' demographic backgrounds. Self completed questionnaires were collected from 672 high school students in Seoul area. A questionnaire consisted of three parts including demographic backgrounds, student's consumption pattern and preference of Korean rice cakes by type. Statistical data analysis was done using the SPSS/PC program for descriptive analysis, t-test and 2 test. Approximately half of the students were male(52.6%) with the average age of 16.7 The consumption frequency rate showed that 41.6% students had Korean rice cake once a week followed by once or twice a month(39.1%), once per six months(11.0%), and once per two months(8.3%) Ingeolmi received the highest preference score(4.28), whereas Duteopteok had the lowest score(0.18).
1998.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
본 연구에서는 최근 각종 영양적 기능적 특성으로 새롭게 주목받고 있는 호박과 단호박의 식품성분 특성을 분석하여 식품가공용 중간 소재로서 이용하는데 있어서 기본 자료로 이용하고자 비교 검토하였다. 단호박은 수분함량이 87.87%로 호박의 94.19% 보다 월등히 낮았으며 기타 일반성분은 단호박의 함량이 높게 나타났다. 유리당은 glucose fructose sucrose순이었으며 단호박에는 소량의 mannitol 함유되어 있었다. 총 유리아미노산 함량에서 호박은 526n1g%, 단호박은 846mg%로 단호박이 높은 함량을 나타내었다. 유리아미노산은 호박의 경우 aspartic acid threonine, cystine의 함량이 높았고 단호박에서는 cystina arginine, tyrosine의 함량이 높게 나타났으며 특히 필수아미노산의 함량에서 단호박이 월등히 높게 나타났다. 비휘발성 유기산함량은 호박이 124.22mg%,단호박이 2배가량 많았으며 호박에는 malic arid가 단호박에는 citric acid가 가장 많았다. 지방산의 조성은 호박의 경우 palmitic acid, Iinolenic acid, Iinoleic arid 순이었으며 단호박에서는 oleic acid linoleic acid, palmitic acid 순으로 불포화지방산의 비율은 호박은 52.3%, 단호박은 71.5%를 차지하였다. 또한 무기질, vitamin C 및 carotenoid 함량 등에서도 단호박이 월등히 높게 나타나 영양적으로는 호박보다 우수하였다.
1998.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study was to investigate the understanding, the perception, and the preference of Korean traditional food in 487 middle school boys and girls living in urban and rural areas. The students got 6.66/10 points in the knowledge about Korean traditional food. The girl and the student from nuclear families got significantly higher scores than the boy and the student from extended families respectively. Most of the students(95%) responded that Korean traditional food must be in succession and be developed because it suits Korean tradition of our own and our tastes. However, Korean traditional food must be improved in cooking process to more convenient way and in tastes. Especially students in urban area emphasized cooking process, and students in rural area emphasized tastes. Many students(80%) answered that the households may play the most important role in succeeding and developing Korean traditional food. Most of students(82.5%) thought that the Korean traditional food needs to be made fast food because they need to take it more easily. However, hygiene, taste and nutrition have to be considered. Pulgogi, Mandoo, Rice, Ddeokgook, Chabchae are highly preferred foods while Torantang, Mookuen-Namool, Jutgal, Jeonyoouh are poorly preferred. Some students had never tasted Shinseonro, Goocheolpan, Torantang, Chokpyun and Pyunyook.
1998.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A nutrition education program for teachers and caregivers of the preschool children can be most effective when it is based on a comprehensive needs assessment dealing with sociodemographic factors, dietary habits, and nutrition. The purpose of the present study was to investigate current dietary habits and nutrition knowledge of the teachers and caregivers of the day-care centers. Two hundred forty two teachers and caregivers were administered a questionnaire which was designed to ascertain informations on sociodemographic data, dietary habits and nutrition knowledge. Dietary habits of the teachers were found to be significantly different by sociodemographic variables; breakfast skipping/meal irregularities (age, p=0.011); frequency of snacking (education level p=0.031); preference for salty taste(age, p = 0.000, marital status p=0.038); preference for sweet tarte (age p=0.009); preference for vegetables (income level p=0.050); frequency of eating out (age p=0.028, marital status p=0.001); frequency of coffee drinking (age p=0.019). Daycare center teachers' nutrition knowledge level was found to be less than adequate expecially on nutrients that are liable to be deficient in young growing children and their food sources. Proportions of the teachers who answered correctly to the questions on foods rich in vitamin A, iron content of milk, bioavailability of calcium in plant foods were as low as 20.2%-54.5%. The most frequently used sources of nutrition information were mass media such as TV, radio, newspaper and magazines. Only 2.9% of the subjects reported that they obtain nutrition information from health professionals such as nutritionists/dietitians, physicians, and nurses. These findings are applicable at the planning and implementation stages of various nutrition programs for the improvement of dietary habits and nutrition knowledge of the teachers and caregivers of the daycare centers. Further studies are needed to investigate the effects of teachers' dietary of habits and nutrition knowledge on food habits of young growing children.
1998.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was carried out to give some help for housewives recognizing the desirable purchase of processed foods and food additives. This results were abtained as follows; In case of purchase action for processed foods of housewives confirmation of manufacturing date was the highest point(4.62). When housewives bought processed foods they considered the taste of them as first, and frequencies of processed foods intake showed the ratio of 46.6%, also it was shown to be used once a week. The order for use of processed foods were milk, milk products(butter, cheese, yoghurt, lactic bacterium beverage) 40.2% >canned foods 22.6% >meat products(ham, sausage, bacon) 20.9% > jelled fish 16.3%. Most of housewives wanted to have the knowledge and information for food additives at the highest point(4.11). The interest about food additives of housewives was shown to the order of synthetic preservative 3.86 >chemical seasoning 3.74 >synthetic sweetener 3.59 >synthetic coloring agent 3.53. Also, it was shown to be thought that the hazard factors effected on food safety were agricultural chemical residue(30.9%), environmental pollution(25.2, food additives(23.0%), and microorganism contamination(20.9%).
1998.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
A survey was carried out to investigate into high school girls' food intake pattern and their behavior for weight control. The average height and weight of the subjects were 161cm and 52.9kg, while 53.3% of them usually had breakfast which 83.7% of them had steamed rice and dishes,64.7% of residue (46.7%) them often skipped breakfast because they didn't have to eat. Most of them had lunch which prepared from home at lunch time (75.7%), they cheesed foods at first by taste(71.9%), but they almost didn't consider the nutritional aspects, also they had very small amount of fruits and vegetables. They had snack more than once a day(93.4%), As snack, they used mainly cookies(39%), Ramyun and Ddukbocki(31.5%),and breads(17.6%). Meal time was shown to be short such as 10 or 20 minutes(40.7%), dinner was thought to be the most important meal(66.9%) In spite of their weight was standard(56.68%), they thought their style as fatty(48.1%) and they wanted to reduce weight(90.4%). 90.3% of all subjects were interested in weight control and students with standard sizes(52.7%) and/or/(p<0.05) lean weights(27 1%) had concerning about weight control significantly. The motive of attempt to weight control was shown to be effected by mass communication(49.1%) mainly, When they tried to lose their weight, 66.7% of them depended on their own judgement, while only 1.1% asked for the advice of a doctor. The most effective way to control weight was thought to increase the amount of exercise(52.7%) and to control the amount of food (32.2%).
1998.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Ka Sa Hyeob, who wrote 「Chea Mihn Yho Sul」, lived in the times of Book-Wi (A.D. 386-535) and his birthplace was San-Dong Peninsula. If the Back-Jae dynasty governed San-Dong Peninsula during A.D. 285-500, Jeo(Kimchi) of 「Chea Mihn Yho Sul」 should be investigated as Back-Jae's Kimchi, because it accorded with Ka Sa Hyeob's time of existence.
1998.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This survey was conducted to investigate the relation of children's obesity index to their mothers' food habit during the October in 1995. The survey covered a total of 492 mothers whose children were in the fifth grade of elementary schools in Cheju City area. The results are summarized as follows: 1.The surveyed children's average WLI(Weight-Length Index) is 107.08. WLI shows that 16.1% of them are overweight, 16.1% obese and 49.8% ideally weighted. The mothers' average BMI(Body Mass Index) is 22.4. 21.8% of them are underweight and 69.4% normal. The children's obesity index is significantly correlated to their fathers', but not significant to their mothers'. 2.As to the food habit I (balance of nutrients intake), 58.4% of the mothers have 'excellent' or 'good' food habit and the mean score is 14.95 out of maximum possible score 24.0. Concerning to the food habit II (intake of sugar, fat and salt etc.), 87.4% of mothers have 'good' or 'fair' food habit and the mean score of is 13.34 out of maximum (possible score) 20.0. The mothers' food habit I and II, as a whole, have no significant effect on the children's obesity index, but in some items the significant relations are founded. The children's chesty index is significantly related to the intake of eggs (P<0.05) and pan-broiled or fried foods (P<0.05). The amount of mothers' food intake is significantly relevant to their obesity index (P<0.001), but not significantly to their children's. The food habit of mothers who have taken midnight snack almost every day are significantly related to their children's chesty index (P<0.05). The findings of the study emphasize the importance of the nutrition education to ensure health and better physical fitness for children and their mothers.